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These pages have been written in the sole aim of sharing the splendours and beauty of the Great Malaysian Outdoors and Tropical Rain Forests.
Mount Ophir (Gunung Ledang)

The mountain is said to be the home of the legendary Princess “Puteri Gunung Ledang” once wooed by the Sultan of Malacca.

Gunung Ledang (Mount Ophir) 1,276m high is one of Malaysia’s most legendary mountain. You can sit on the slope of Ledang,watching Nature put on a fantastic tropical display at sunset, it is an experience out of this world.

The Legend

The local believes the mountain is about the mythical princess, Puteri Gunung Ledang. Little wonder that the legendary Javanese Princess Nyai Anjas Moro, has made Ledang her borne. The Legend tells about a beautiful princess escape from marrying a man she doesn’t love to Pulau Besar. With sadness in her heart and tears in her eyes, she left the land of her birth and come to this remote island in the straits of Malacca. Later, she made her way to Gunung Ledang. Ever since, folks have come to know her as Puteri Gunung Ledang (the Princess of Mount Ophir/ Gunung Ledang).

The legend is famous for the princess bizarre terms of marriage to Sultan Mansor Shah: that is a gold and silver bridge across jungle from Malacca to Ledang, seven trays of mosquitoes hearts, seven of mites jugs of areca nut water and juices of tears, one cup of the sultan’s blood and one from his son's. the wooer Sultan Mansor Shah however could not fulfil the condition laid down by the princess.

Legend has it that the princess still resides on the mountain and visitors to this place sometimes see her in their dreams. Perhaps, you may not meet the Princess in your dreams but then there is always the reality of the mountain itself.

Gunung Ledang stands 1,276 metres above sea level and is believed to be one of the forest with the richest flora species in the world. It has a 500 metres high waterfall with a wide drop of 50 metres, its icy cool water charge down upon large boulders, then break into rushing rapids before plugging into the large sandy pool below.

This waterfall, discovered some 50 years ago, is name the "Puteri Waterfalls" Over the period it has witnessed thousands of tourists almost every week, picnicking, backpacking or just bathing in the refreshing water of the pool.

Mount Ophir is a mountain favourite among local mountaineers in search of excitement and adventure. The Sagil waterfall at its base is a favourite spot for picnicking.Crystal clear river water and breathtaking waterfalls in tranquil,unspoiled environment beckon visitors to this area for a cooling bath or simply a quiet rest. Various amenities, including rest sheds, dressing rooms, camping sites, foodstalls and car parks are provided here. There are also tracks leading to the summit of Gunung Ledang.



Our journey began on October 23rd 1998 from IRIS Technologies M. Sdn. Bhd.,Kuala Lumpur. Two cars were used to transport a total of eight participants for this expedition using the North-South Highway. During this journey we had passed two small towns namely Tangkak and Sagil, which are located about 15Km from Mount Ophir.

Since a resort was build by the Johore state government, all visitors had to pay for access to Mount Ophir. This was RM2.00 for car parking, RM1.00 for each participant entering the resort compound and an additional RM3.00 for each individual camping in the mountain (Johore Forestry). It's sad that a price tag has be put for nature lovers, when in actual there was no maintenance done on the mountain.

The journey started once our camping bags were unloaded from the cards at approximately 1.00pm and lasted for 3 hours. We passed some resort chalets at the base of the mountain as we made our way towards some man-made stairs. These staircases were approximately 60 - 70 Deg in angle and approximately 10-15 meters high. During the climb we passed some beautiful scenery and water falls. Once the stair cases ended, that is when the next 2 hours of jungle trekking started with our heavy loads resting quietly on our shoulders. The weather was not too hot nor was it windy, but just nice to accommodate us as we trekked to reach the last water source close to the jungle tracks.

When we reached the campsite, we build our camps, cooked out food and had a very good dip. On the 1st day, the female would prefer to not join the males, as they were shy. But as the days passed and the tiredness caught-up with us, they couldn't care less.

The weather and Mother Nature were kind to us, we had a very good view of the stars and a good campfire during the nights. No leaches, but allot of dry wood were waiting for us to build campfires. We also had activities that consumed most of our time were, snorkeling, diving, and tarik tali while feeling the soft gentle breeze in your face; yes, this is life.

Next day by 7.00am we began out final assault to the peak. Out legs was weary smelling of massage oil, but none wanted to give in until conquering this mountain. It took us two hours before we reach a dead end called "Gua Kambing", where in order to access the peak - one had to climb into dark tunnel 3 meters long. After this there was a 90 Deg, hill that only could be accessed using ropes and which was 3 meters high. It was 9.40am when we arrived at a rocky section of the mountain, which was 60-75 Deg. and 8 meters high. Again ropes had to be used inorder to over come this hurdle, but what we did not expect was to find "bonsai" trees growing at the edges of this beautiful cliff. By 9.50am we had arrived at a section of the mountain which did not have any trees and named "botak". From here it took us approximately 40 minutes to reach the peak, travelling down wet grounds due to the condensation from the cold misty surroundings.

We felt like champions, forgot the pain in our body and legs.- there is a saying among mountaineer, that if you can conquer a mountain - then conquering life is nothing,


Mount Ophir Peak (Gunung Ledang)

Mohd Ridzuan Ranjit, Vikna Rajah, Toh Chin Tek, Sulaiman, Zaki, Anita, Yantee, Farah

Our Expedition Mascot, An 85Kg Dirty Polar Bear

Here's a 70Deg 10meter rope climb

The end of man-made stairs. From here its only Jungle Trekking

Our GURU meditating to ensure our safe passage into the unknown.

After 3hrs of Jungle Trekking, here's where we had a cool dip (last water hole).

See whose BUTT's the biggest.

I've made it, 1,276meter. Now see how much weight have i lost.

See I'm actually Puteri Gunung Ledang, so beautiful !

Terkena, alamak licin-lah.

Our own Ms. Lembik

No.1 on Mount Ophir