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undefined Red Earth Gifts title page

I am in the process of revising this site. Not all of the links are working yet. If you see a thumbnail that you wish to view the full image and the link is broken, please email me and I'll send a scan.

I have been doing something else besides beading for a while now and until I take some time from dollmaking to make a new web page you can see my latest work HERE

Welcome to my beading site.
I have been working on crafts of one sort or another since my mother taught me to knit at the age of 5 (I won't say how long ago that was). I started beading in my teens but just did things for myself and friends. A few years ago, I rediscovered beads and I've been addicted ever since. With the encouragement of a friend to "find my own style", I have been doing just that. Two years ago, co-workers asked me to make some of my special pieces for them. Since then, I have been selling on a regular basis. Please enjoy looking around and if you see anything you would like for your own, please email me, unless noted, everything on this site is for sale.

I plan to add a free pattern each month and if you make anything from these, please let me know, I would want to include them in my guest gallery.
I will be adding items each month, so please bookmark this page and drop back often.

I am currently revising my site, so please bear with me while the work is being done.

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free 

and secure!
Let me know what you think of my site.

Last update 7/02/99
web site designed by Rita Black

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Red Earth Gifts.
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This ICQ Beaders Web Ring site is owned byRita Black

Red Earth Gifts

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