Our first stop was a job ( great excitement ) in the wheatbelt of W.A. A major hiccup saw us leave that farm after only a couple of weeks, but some concerned folk found us another job within hours and, all in all. we were to return to that farm for seeding twice more.
We were very lucky and found other work too, but at the end of three years decided the hard physical work, often in high temperatures, was taking too much of a toll of Mick's health and we headed home again.
We ( I ) went into snail farming more on a whim than for any good economic reason. Life had been fairly easy ( dull ) for several years. I felt we needed a challenge to liven things up abit, and a challenge is what we got!
The nest step was to get some stock. Here was the first PLUS! How many businesses can get can get all the stock they need, free of charge?
An ad. on the local notice board brought us our first problem. We soon had snails coming in thick and fast, and we had no places prepared for quarantine purposes, so our yard quickly became a real Ma and Pa Kettle type of operation! Anything that remotely resembled and enclosure was pressed into service, under shady trees, here, there and everywhere!. AND they all had to be hand watered several times each evening.