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The Southern Episcopal Church
Missionary District
Ohio and Indiana
The Right Reverend C. George Fry
Missionary Bishop

The Southern Episcopal Church,
Diocese of Ohio and Indiana

We are building mission in this area and are prepared to offer the traditional services for the glory of God and the edification of His people.

Bishop Fry formerly served as Presiding Bishop of the International Lutheran Fellowship. He is professor of Religion and History at Weinbriner University in Ohio. He is truly a dedicated man of God who seeks only to serve.

If you are dedicated to holding firm the Faith, you might contact him at:

We are Anglicans by our Church heritage
We Are Episcopalians by our faith and practice
We are Traditionalists because:
We are striving to keep the faith

We use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
A traditional Episcopal Church, truly Episcopal, truly Anglican
but mostly we strive to be truly Christians.
We uphold the importance of true Apostolic Succession,
and of a valid scripturally ordained clergy,
which will let us honor God with truly valid Sacraments.
An Anglican traditionalist Episcopal Church,

The Southern Episcopal Church

Clinging Always To

"An unchanging faith, in an ever-changing world."

Striving for the faith since 1962

Email: Bishop Fry

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