The Southern Episcopal Church
<TITLE> The Southern Episcopal Church
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Dedicated to Preserving the Orthodox Faith and Practice

of the
Traditional Anglican Church
and the
Historic Episcopal Church
in the United States

The Missionary District of Florida
The Southern Episcopal Church

Anglican Orthodox

of the United States of America

Some facts about us.

We are traditional Episcopalians, seeking only to be what the Church was called to be. We continue the faith and practice of the Episcopal Church that was established in this country when the country was first founded. We are not seeking to change the apostles' doctrine and we don't want to be a part of the new-age movement which puts men and self before our commitment to love God and our fellow man. We believe the Holy Bible to be the full inspired truth of God for all men for all times.

If you would like to know more about us, contact:

The Venerable Reverend Robert S Biermann ,
Arch Deacon,
Florida, Georgia, South Carolina Districts,
Diocese of the South
Anglican Orthodox
Southern Episcopal Church


Standing firm in:

"An unchanging faith, in an ever-changing world"

More Information can be found at:

Relevant Scriptures for Today
Our Mission Statement
Who Are We and What is Our Faith?
Articles of Religion
The Newsletter
The Presiding Bishop
Holy Trinity College and Seminary
Holy Trinity Church, Florida
Missionary District of the Mid-West
Holy Trinity Catalog
Source for Church Calenders and Prayerbooks

Email: Father Biermann