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Football Stamps Related Sites

Links to Other Soccer Collectibles Sites
Simon's Stamps Exchanging Page
Ukrainian Football 
 Want List (I) 
Want-list  (II)
Local Issues

  • "Russian Football Stamps List "
  • Soccer (Football) on Postage Stamps
  • Football. World Cup, Coupe du Monde
  • Annonces Classees (F)
  • Football (Soccer) on stamps - price list
  • Stamps with Sports_Soccer- price list
  • Topical Collections - related sites
  • German Football Stamps Issues
  • Football commemorative covers for sale
  • Heiko Volk Football stamps dealer
  • The Home Of Australian Football Stamps
  • Nederland Local Football Issues
  • Harald's Homepage
  • Topical postmarks, topical cachets, topical covers!! from France
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