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Long years ago
I was walkin along this path
It was in a jungle
Really it was a huge rice field
surrounded by jungle
I remember it was dawn and it was beautiful
It had a glow that i haven't seen since my youth
Maybe that was the last time I've seen it
Can't remember seein' it again, that glow at dawn
It was Harvest time and the rice was about as high as an American soldier
I was pushing point and we were almost home an' we were all tired
Tired from a four man recon patrol we was on the night before
But we were pretty light cause most of our ammo and water was gone
Anyhow ... before I knew it I was face to face with this papason
right outside the village
He was ancient man, he could of been my great granddaddy
We stared at each other for a long time
when the rest of the platoon caught up
Some wanted to kill 'im, but shit, he was naked
except for the clohes on his back
Then he did something, he bowed way down
with his hands together like prayin'
And i told him to, "Di di Maow", then he was gone
He woke me up tonight again, ....damn
i wonder did i do the right thing

Mike Hazard
