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The Birth Experience


~ What to eat and drink
Drink when your thirsty, or even before you're thirsty if you live in a hot climate. Make sure that your partner reminds you to drink to avoid dehydration, which can result in fatigue and a poorly functioning uterus. Eating and drinking during labour has been shown to reduce the total length of labour by as much as 90 minutes! Eat light,easily digestible things. Honey sandwiches and bananas are a good source of energy.

~ Birth positions
Experiment with different positions. Be sure to try kneeling, squatting,sitting, or lying outstretched (in water) Try various positions in the shallow area of a swimming pool. Some women prefer to have their birth
partner in the pool with them to hold them and to act as an anchor, others feel very protective of 'their' space. You need good support for a good squat. Get your partner to keep his/her back in the correct position too.

~ For a Waterbirth
Examine your motivations, incentives, and expectations for wanting a water birth. Ask yourself what made you decide to have a water birth. Ask yourself why you want to have a baby this way - is this something that you are doing for yourself, or are you doing it because someone expects you to have your baby this way? Remain flexible and let go of your expectations that you must birth your baby in a certain way; how will you feel if your baby is not born underwater? Do you feel comfortable with the idea of being naked in front of midwives, birth partners, children. Would you prefer to wear a special T-shirt bought for the occasion? Get in touch with your own feelings. Develop and trust your intuition. Spend time relaxing in a deep bath, light some candles, listen to gentle evocative music. Join an Aqua-natal class, spending time at a pool with other women is fun and relaxing.

~ Birthing room
The room should be large enough to allow you to try different positions,and for the midwife to set up her equipment. You may like to make up a bed or put down a mattress on the floor. Bean bags and cushions can offer support if you decide to deliver 'on land'. Candles can provide a gentle relaxing light or have a low watt lamp. Essential oils can be beneficial for massage or burning. Try a foot massage in the early to mid. stages of labour. Think about flowers, a picture or a crystal, something that you feel you can focus on during labour. Music can help to relax or invigorate, listen to the music for labour during your pregnancy. Learning to relax now will help at the time. Remember, when you hear the music after the birth, you can evoke your own special memories or the labour and the birth of your baby.


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