This page is created to give a basic understanding of HTML and is no way to be used as a learning manual or complete education tool.
Basic Webpages
Hypertext Markup Language [HTML] is the language that is used to control an document displayed by a browser, such as Netscape, Explorer, and Mosiac. The document containing these codes is called an HTML document. The end result of these HTML documents are usually referred to as Webpages or Homepages.
An HTML document must have the proper form, so it will be recognized, interpreted, and loaded properly by the browser software.
Below is an example of the basic form:
(place title of page here [such as] "Basic Homepages")
<HEAD1>(place heading name here)</HEAD1>*note* you can add additional HEADINGS by placing a number behind the command [such as] "HEAD2" and so forth
(This is the area where we create you Webhome.......and that everyone will view once it's through...)
*note* refer to links at bottom to jump to other areas of interest concerning this portion.
You should notice two things....
1.>Opening codes are enclosed in brackets (< >)
2.>Closing codes include a slash (</ >).
*note: most HTML documents are opened by <HTML>
and closed by </HTML>.
This is true of most (but not all) codes.
*note: this page does not offer links to all areas available to this site....
to view links available please return to the main page.....
Thank You
{Main Page}
{Adding color and Graphics}
{Adding Sounds}