Music Theory and Composer Classes: Students learn how to read, analyze, and compose their own music. Students also learn eurhythmics (learning music through movement) and ear training (recognizing modes and intervals). Stories about the great classical composers, their lives, and their music are be shared.
Drawing of Saint -Saen's "Carnival of the Animals" Drawing
of J.S. Bach by David C. age 8
by Caitlin C. age 4
Performance Workshops: Students will prepare one piece each month to share with other students and their families in a performance setting. Performances are geared towards enhancing the student’s self-confidence, poise, memorization and public presentation skills, and musical growth.
Students relax after an performing for their families
and other students at a workshop!
Recitals and Outside Performances: All students perform in one recital per year. Intermediate and advanced students may also perform in one concerto recital per year. Each student participates in the National Guild of Piano Teachers’ annual auditions. Students have opportunities to perform and compete in various competitions and events sponsored by the Music Teacher's Association of California.