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FSBO Property Information Web Page ©
Form and Information Tips

      Here are some ideas to help you fill out our property information form as well as provide us with the best information possible so that we can make you a top-notch personalized FSBO Property Information Web Page©.  

FSBO Property Information Web Page©
is a service of

Acorn WebWorks
427 Michigan Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Tel: (785) 841-6902
Fax: (209) 844-3705

      Acorn WebWorks is not directly involved in the listing or selling of real estate.   We do not repesent the buyer or seller and do not receive a commission on the sale of any property.  We do not provide legal advice.  Legal counsel should be obtained in processing real estate transactions.   Acorn WebWorks is a provider of web pages and web placement.  All information listed from owners/sellers and individuals with wants or needs is provided by those persons.  Acorn WebWorks makes no guarantee for the accuracy of the information listed and cannot be held liable for information that is not true or correct.   In keeping with the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1988 as amended, we will not knowingly promote anything that makes "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, ancestry, sexual orientation, familial status, or disability, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination."

  Equal Housing Opportunity Equal Housing Opportunity