"The Hutchinson Encyclopedia of the Renaissance"
by David Rundle
The 15th and 16th centuries marked a turning point for
Western culture--when "civilization progressed from
monochrome to technicolour," as Oxford historian David
Rundle puts it. His new book, "The Hutchinson Encyclopedia
of the Renaissance," gives the reader a new perspective on
the pioneers of our now thoroughly explored cultural
territory, and might just provide a map of what lies ahead.
"A Dictionary of Modern American Usage"
by Bryan Garner
If you've ever wished for a book that explained grammar and
usage in precise and easy-to-understand language, Bryan
Garner's "Dictionary of Modern American Usage" is the book
for you. Erudite and dryly witty, organized and up to date,
and attentive to both basic usage as well as advanced
nuances, it is destined to become the reference book of
We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but it's time to
start thinking about going back to school. Helpful souls
that we are, we've put together a list of great reference
sources to get you started on the right foot--whether you
are beginning high school or getting ready to write that
dissertation. Hey, you might even enjoy school this year!
Feeling a little "blur" about English these days? If so,
it's perhaps because the language is morphing around the
globe into many different dialects with their own usage
forms and vocabularies. In this exclusive essay for
Amazon.com, Anne Soukhanov, editor of the "Encarta World
English Dictionary," discusses English as it is spoken from
Minneapolis to Malaysia.
Many reference books come and go, leaving barely a
trace. Others, such as "The Chicago Manual of Style," have
become classics. We've compiled a list of reference works
that have stood the test of time and just keep getting
"Escaping into the Open"
by Elizabeth Berg
Elizabeth Berg's new book offers engaging and straightforward
advice on the art and craft of writing. With plenty of simple
exercises and clever tools to get you started, it's a great
reference source for the aspiring writer and the grizzled
veteran alike.
"The Quotable Book Lover"
edited by Ben Jacobs
Amazon.com customers can't get enough of this collection of
some of the most penetrating and insightful quotes about
books and their impact on our lives. Throw in chapters on
such things as reading, writing, and the art of bookbinding,
and no bibliophile can pass this one up!
"Do Fish Drink Water?"
by Bill McLain
Ever wonder what the military means by "Zulu time"? Or what
the last song was that the musicians played on the Titanic?
You'll find the answers to these and many other extremely
obscure questions in this engaging trivia book by Bill
"The King's English" in Paperback
by Kingsley Amis
"50 Urgent Things You Need to Do Before the Millennium"
by William D. McGuire in Paperback
"Kaplan Newsweek College Catalog 2000" In Paperback
"Resumes That Mean Business"
by David R. Eyler
In today's job market, nothing should be left to chance.
Before you start that job search, pick up a copy of
"Resumes That Mean Business." It's sure to give you an edge
on the competition.
"Letters to a Fiction Writer"
edited by Frederick Busch
Bedeviled by writer's block? Need a bit of inspiration?
Pick up a copy of Frederick Busch's "Letters to a Fiction
Writer." It's an enlightening and entertaining collection of
essays on the art and craft of writing from some of the best
fiction writers around.
"Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus"
Need a word in a hurry? Look no further than "Webster's New
World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus." Combining the traditional
Roget's-style thematic index with the convenient alphabetic
organization of the modern lexicon, it's a veritable orgy of
"The Y2K Personal Survival Guide: Everything You Need to
Know to Get from This Side of the Crisis to the Other"
by Michael S. Hyatt
Scrupulously researched, "The Y2K Personal Survival Guide"
offers everything you need to cope with the difficulties the
millennium bug will bring. Will Y2K be the end of the world
as we know it? It's doubtful, but this book will help you
anticipate and prepare for all contingencies.
"Emily Post's Etiquette"
by Peggy Post
Good manners are as important today as they were in 1922,
when Emily Post first came out with the definitive book on
etiquette. In the 16th edition of this fine book, great-
granddaughter Peggy Post takes manners into the information
age, covering e-mail, cell phones, and all the other
impedimenta of our high-tech times.
"The Elements of Style"
by William Strunk and E.B. White
Composition teachers throughout the English-speaking world
have been pushing "The Elements of Style" on their students
since it was first published in 1957. Coauthor White later
revised it, and it remains the most compact and lucid
handbook we have for the basic principles of composition,
grammar, word usage and misusage, and writing style.
"Kaplan GMAT CAT 1999-2000"
The GMAT Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) doesn't have to be
scary. If you know what to expect, you'll have the edge, and
"Kaplan GMAT CAT 1999-2000" will fill you in on everything
you need to know to do your best. Introducing the test and
all of its sections, Kaplan staffers break it down into
manageable bits, explaining how the questions are written
and the best strategies for selecting the right answers.
"Who's Afraid of Schrodinger's Cat?"
by Ian Marshall and Danah Zohar
Does quantum theory make you queasy? Confused about chaos
theory? Wondering why Schrodinger keeps his cat in a box in
the first place? Ian Marshall and Danah Zohar present a
highly readable excursion through the dizzying, topsy-turvy
world of modern physics, in "Who's Afraid of Schrodinger's
Cat?" Better break out the Dramamine.
"Never Enough Words"
by Jeffrey McQuain
Much to the chagrin of the British, American English has
contributed hundreds of colorful words and phrases to our
shared language. Linguistics maven and Shakespeare scholar
Jeffrey McQuain explores why we Americans say what we say in
"Never Enough Words." Just what the heck is a sogdollager,
"Speaker's Lifetime Library"
by Leonard and Thelma Spinrad
Most people rank public speaking right up there with trips to
the dentist and IRS audits. Packed with great ideas for
speeches, Leonard and Thelma Spinrad's "Speaker's Lifetime
Library" takes some of the jitters out of the process. Now all
you have to worry about is stumbling over the microphone cord.
"Random House Webster's Crossword Puzzle Dictionary"
What's a 10-letter word meaning garland? We suggest picking up
a copy of the "Random House Webster's Crossword Puzzle
Dictionary" before filling in the boxes. From the capital of
Greenland to Hephaestus's wife, you'll find a myriad of
fascinating and obscure facts--and you just might finish that
darned puzzle this time.
"Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus"
Effective communication depends on a rich
vocabulary. "Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus" is one
of the best on the market, with thousands of definitions,
synonyms, and cross-references. Especially nice are the
synonym studies, where you can find just the right shades of
"Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary"
The 1998 10th edition of "Merriam-Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary" marks the 100th anniversary of this distinguished
and popular reference standard, and this is more than just an
interesting statistic--it means that Merriam-Webster brings
years of experience and reams of citation files to the
creation of this latest edition.
"The Official Guide for GMAT Review"
"The Official Guide for GMAT Review" is the only study guide
on the market with real--though retired--questions from
previous GMATs. Published by the Educational Testing Service
and the Graduate Management Admission Council (the
organizations that administer the GMAT), this book is an
excellent guide to the kinds of questions likely to appear on
your exam--because they've appeared on exams already!
"Kovels' Antiques & Collectibles Price List 1999"
This exhaustive price guide, put together by antiques experts
Ralph and Terry Kovel, has something for everybody, from
Regency sideboards to Aladdin lunchboxes. With Kovels' in
hand, you will be more than well-equipped to find the bargain
that is hiding under everyone else's nose.
"America Online for Dummies"
America Online connects millions of people worldwide and to
the World Wide Web. AOL is easy to set up, fun to use, and
affordable, making it an excellent connectivity choice.
"America Online for Dummies" shows you how to get online with
AOL and how to get the most enjoyment and productivity from
"Forgotten English"
by Jeffrey Kacirk
Some think that the obsolescing of words from the English
language is a sorry indication of its constant decline. But
Jeffrey Kacirk, the author of "Forgotten English," suggests
that "the richness and maturity of a language may be gauged by
the volume and quality of words it can afford to lose." But
honestly, do we really want to lose a word as great as
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