Experience the Seven Levels of Heaven
Lightarian Reiki & Clearing
Establish a constant flow of energy from your heart to the source. This energy spirals from the source laying the foundation for the Ascension process.
The Empowerment Ray
Alignment of Spiritual centers with the Empowerment Ray Activation.This attunement can be done independent of the Lightarian attunement. The Empowerment Ray open each of the chakras to a new level of power and clarity. This attunement will affect all levels of the being, not just focused in a particular area, truly an empowerment for all levels. It is not a clearing process, but simply a turning on or activation of dormant etheric areas existent in all humans. It is like turning on switches {many of them}. one in each of the lower seven chakras.
Lightarian Reiki
Lightarian Reiki is a unique, expanded form of Reiki, involving six higher vibrational bands of Reiki energy beyond the basic Reiki level and the Karuna Reiki level. There are eight bands of Reiki ray energies that form a natural progression based of universal laws. Usui Reiki levels 1, 2, and 3 are energy elements within the first band, which initially "plug" you into the broader spectrum of Reiki energies. Karuna Reiki is the second band of the Reiki spectrum with a focus on compassionate action. The next six higher bands of "Reiki energy beyond Usui and Karuna are what are being called "Lightarian Reiki. These higher bands of "Reiki" energy are being re-awakened for all of us now, during these unique transformational times, to assist humans in preparing for their shift {personal ascension process} to higher vibrational levels. Attunements in each Lightarian Reiki band progressively takes you to increasingly higher personal vibrational levels.
Does Lightarian Reiki replace Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki?
No, one must always start with Usui Reiki and progress through those levels {1, 2, and 3} before being attuned to Karuna Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. Usui Reiki initially "plugs" you into the broader spectrum of Reiki energies and is the vibrational frequency base that one must start from. From there, one can progress to the next vibrational bands of Lightarian Reiki. Evolution on Earth is accelerating at an ever-increasing rate, and Lightarian Reiki is one way to raise one's vibration to the higher levels.
The Origin of Lightarian Reiki
The Lightarian system of Reiki was channeled and developed by Jeannine Maire in mid 1997 in conjunction with the energies of Ascended Master Buddha*. In collaboratio with Christopher Jelm,, the information being brought forth about Lightarian Reiki was refined and clarified. In addition to Jeanning channeling her own Higher Self energies, the twelve Ascended Masters** and other celestials, the Ascended Master Buddha "stepped forward" in a more direct way and Jeannine became directly initiated into the higher levels of Reiki energy, which we are calling Lightarian Reiki. Ascended Master Buddha communicated to Jeannine that he wanted to bring forth new information about Reiki- to clarify, de-mystify and expand the concepts of Reiki. In mid 1997, over a period of several channeling sessions, the Ascended Master Buddha described the broader, long-forgotten aspects of the Reiki Ray energies. He indicated that Reiki, in general, is a Buddha energetic healing ray and has been available to humans of this planet since ancient times to stimulate spiritual growth and healing on all levels. His purpose in awakening us now to the existence of these six higher vibrations "Reiki" bands beyond Usui and Karuna is to assist humanity in transitioning to the higher vibratory rate that our Earth is entering into. He advised Jeannine to begin to consciously use all eight bands and to share them via the ancient practice of teaching and offering attunements to advance the spiritual development of others
How are Attunements given in Lightarian Reiki?
Attunements can be given in person or remotely and are passed on from teacher to student via a simple initiation process. There are four attunements in Lightarian Reiki {1&2, 3, 4, 5 &6}, with Master certifications given at each level. The majority of the principles and philosophy of Lightarian Reiki are given in Level 1 & 2, which then prepare one to receive the simple attunements in the higher density bands of Lightarian Reiki 3, 4, and 5 & 6.
How can Attunements be given remotely and how effective are they?
As you know, traditional Reiki incorporates distance healing. When given remotely, Lightarian Reiki attunements are simply an extension of the principle of working energetically at a distance. There are no limitations in transcending time and space except the ones that we humans create in our own minds. When following a few simple procedures and techniques taught in Lightarian Reiki attunements given remotely can be just as powerful and effective as in-person ones. There are many practitioners starting to work remotely with people around the world, not being limited by time and space. They know they can positively affect a person's etheric and physical bodies and mind through the power of focused intention and thought.
Are there any new symbols introduced in Lightaran Reiki?
No, the emphasis in Lightarian Reiki is on utilizing the power of intention and one's own inner power. The Ascended Master Buddha provided information that clarifies and de-mystifies the traditional use of symbols. He asked that the focus of Lightarian Reiki be on simplicity, with no new symbols added, and that the teaching process be simplified.
The Practice of Lightarian Reiki
As you channel Reiki during healing sessions, the higher vibrational Reiki energies will automatically flow through. You will not need to delineate whether you are bringing forth basic Reiki or Karuna Reiki or Lightarian Reiki. The highest vibrational Reiki energies that you are attuned to will automatically be present in all healing situations, limited only by the vibration level needed by the recipient.
What can Lightarian Reiki do for you?
Receiving the Lightarian Reiki attunements and working with the Lightarian Reiki energy will progressively take one to increasingly higher personal vibrational levels. Affecting changes on all levels of one's Being, building energetic clarity and preparing one for higher and more powerful levels of service as a Reiki practitioner. It will also take one to higher levels of awareness and into deeper connection with purer, higher vibrational guidance and support. These higher energetic connections always support our personal spiritual belief systems, making no judgements, while gently opening us further to other great spiritual masters and divine intermediaries and to new paradigms.
More than ever before, we are starting to experience an acceleration of energies as we enter the final phases of our extraordinary human/planetary transformation, our ascension time. A tremendous awakening of human consciousness is taking place right now, and it is essential that we heal and clear ourselves and rise our vibration thought such methods as Reiki. All manner of new healing modalities, such as Lightaian Reiki, and other ancient wisdom's are being rediscovered. They are all designed to assist people in awakening process, accelerating each of us along our spiritual path to becoming the new, higher vibrational human.
*Ascended Master Buddha is not to be confused with the incarnation, historic Buddha.
**Ascended Masters is twelve high spiritual Beings who offer their wisdom and guidance as they participate at the highest levels of the God consciousness.
Lightarian Reik is a trademark of the Lightaran Educational Corporation
Karuna Reiki is a trademark of the Center for Reiki Training
Lightarian Reiki 1, and 2 {in Person US$ 300.} {Remote US$200}
Lightarian Reiki 3 {in person US$60.} {Remote US$60.}
Lightarian Reiki 4 {In person or remote US$60.}
Lightrian Reiki 5 & 6 {In person or remote US$60.}
For Lightarian 1 and 2: In person training involves 1 day of training in the Pittsburgh Pa USA area and is generally done one-on one, providing a personal, individualized learning. In your area {with a group of 5 or more} For Remote training, an outline for the pre-Attunement telephone or email session is provided- with telephone training generally lasting up to 1 1/2 hour, depending upon the needs of the student.
Detailed Manual provided with Lightarian 1 and 2, with some additional materials provided for each higher level. For Remote training, the manual will be mailed prior to the telephone or email training call to facilitate the learning process.
Mailing Details
US Domestic Manuals mailed book rate, with extra charge if first class preferred. International- Add US$10 for shipping and handling the 1 and 2 Manual, $3 for each other levels. Manuals mailed air book rate, with extra charge if first class preferred.
Send check or money order in U.S. funds Payable to: Dr. B. Cartwright N.D., c/o The Healing center, 5956 Phillips Ave, suite 2, Pittsburgh Pa 15217, USA. For further information contact Dr. B.Cartwright at (412) 521-8310 or via e-mail at thehealing50@hotmail.com
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