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bigdaddy's fine print page

Please read carefully!

FOR SPORTSCARDS: We have had a little confusion on pricing as of late. We have stopped entering prices as we are starting to get HUGE and it is not possible to update all the prices any longer. We use Beckett Monthly exclusively for our pricing, buying and trading. The reason is simple, Beckett is much more detailed. Nothing against Tuff Stuff, we like them, especially since they let you access their price guide for free (, but in Beckett Monthly, you find a more detailed listing. Many more stars are listed.

IMPORTANT: If you cannot find a card we have listed on the Web in the current Beckett issue, IT IS AN UNLISTED STAR. Take the high book and apply your discount (see discount key at bottom of page). Please don't argue with us that you could buy it at common prices elsewhere, JUST GO BUY IT THERE! We work very hard on this site posting the cards we think you want. We don't think it is unreasonable to make a profit from this. We do have commons for sale, but we wouldn't take up valuable space listing them. We feel we are more than fair to are customers. Bigdaddy's has been growing by leaps and bounds and it's because of our great customer's. As long as we keep an open line of communication, it will continue. Please e-mail myself or Superstar with your comments. We only grow with your input!

BASIC PRICING FOR SPORTSCARDS- pricing is from current Beckett Monthly HIGH column, from there subtract the applicable discount amount. Cards that are not available in Beckett Monthly are priced on the page. The prices on these cards are derived from the average cost of others selling the same or similar product in industry magazines. Sometimes it's an educated guess. Discount does not pertain to shipping charges. Please add any shipping charges after you have taken your discount. Any questions, please e-mail us.

If you would prefer, or if you don't have a price guide, e-mail us a list of the cards you want. Please include year, manufacturer, and card number. We will price them for you and calculate your discount. We will e-mail you a detailed invoice with your total due.

Either way, you get the great Bigdaddy service!

Terms & Conditions


If your order, not including any shipping charges,is between $10 and $100, take 20 percent off the price of your order. If your order is between $101 and $250, take 30 percent off the price of your order. If your order exceeds $251 take 50 percent off the total price of your order. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!
Important! The discount only applies to cards, not memorabilia. Memorabilia is much more unique and costly to acquire. We could be like others and jack the prices and then give discounts, but we are not like that. We feel our prices are reasonable. Thanks.


Cash, Checks and Money Orders are all acceptable. Make checks payable to Ray Fellows but we will have to wait for it to clear before sending you your items. We are working on accepting credit cards but right not it's still to costly. You can send cash, and many people have, but I wouldn't do it.

mail address

Send all payments and/or correspondence to; PO Box 759, Milford, MA 01757
