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Hello, If you desire to exchange banners or to link to our page

please copy and paste the banner HTML code below,

below is an example of what it will look like.

Thank you,


R. Beamer

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=For Web Pages Written by=
=Beamers and Blasters=
And Set Up, Just Click Here

<!--Begin Beamers And Blasters Banner Exchange Code-->
<P><HR COLOR="#0000ff" WIDTH="525" SIZE=10><P>
<TABLE bgcolor="#9C6B60" background=""
<BR> <BR><BIG><BIG><B><I>=For Web Pages Written by=<BR>
=Beamers and Blasters=<BR>
<A HREF="">And
Set Up, Just Click Here<BR>
<IMG WIDTH="179" HEIGHT="117" Border=0 SRC=""><IMG
WIDTH="79" HEIGHT="117" Border=0 SRC=""><IMG
WIDTH="179" HEIGHT="117" Border=0 SRC=""></A></I></B></BIG></BIG><BR>
<P><HR COLOR="#0000ff" WIDTH="525" SIZE=10><P>
<!--End Beamers And Blasters Banner Exchange Code-->

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Since July 13, 1999