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Plants are an essential part of your water garden. They add that special touch of color, make great havens for your fish not to mention remove carbon dioxide from the water. There are typically 3 major types of plants you can select for your water garden. The first type of plants are called submerged plants. Several types are: Pondweed, Hornwort, Willow Moss, Hair Grass, and Water Violet. The second type are floating plants. These plants grow with the leaves or blossoms on top of the water and the roots in the water. These plants absorb nutrients through their roots which helps to control algal blooms and offer spawning sites and shelter for fish. Duckweed, Fairy Moss, Frogbit, Water Hyacinth, and Water Chestnut are several of the many plants you can purchase. Finally there are surface plants. These plants also have floating leaves and blooms but their roots are anchored in soil. These plants offer the same contributions as floating plants. Water Lillies, Lotus, Water Hawthorn, and The Golden Club are a few you maybe able to find. Planting plants loosely on the bottom can create uncontrolled spread of these plants. So using planting baskets that can be raised up when needed is far easier. Selecting the right plants can be fun but also time consuming. A good idea is to sit down and visualize the amount and types of plants you need. Then jot this down and take it with you as you select your plants. Remember not to overcrowd your water garden. Keep in mind many plants multiply so you may start with a few and by the end of summer have lots.
