Jason Clark's Custom Wrestling Figures

-Last Updated-
November 11th

Various Links

WebMaster Michael Thomas
ICQ# - 12102935

The Man Himself Jason Clark
ICQ# - 13187190

Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've updated my page...but I've had better things to do. I posted 2 new customs. The figures are Harlem Heat and a New Goldberg. Check them out in the WCW section. Give me some feedback on what you think. Later.

On Sunday, May 23rd, the wrestling world lost a true great in Owen Hart. Owen was a great athlete and Jason and myself are glad that we got to meet such a great man at Ground Zero in Louisville, Kentucky. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hart Family.

Visit the United Custom Wrestling Federation today.

Webring is owned by Kevin Dalziel
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Nothing may be taken off this site without the permission of the WebMaster or Jason himself.
Logo made by plainswalker@earthlink.net.