My Blog
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Trail Tips
Now Playing: How to Avoid a Bigfoot Sighting

6 Tips on How to Avoid a Bigfoot Sighting.............

  1. Stay out of the woods.
  2. Hunt Bigfoot from your easy chair behind the internet
  3. Immediately upon sighting Bigfoot, close your eyes and refuse to believe it.
  4. If you spy one, run like...........,then when you have arrived at a Bigfoot Sighting Calming Station, catch your breath and remind yourself that there was a chance you merely saw a guy in a fur suit.  The bartender will be happy to agree with you.
  5. Move to Antartica.
  6. Listen to a member of the BFRO.


5 Tips on How to Spy Bigfoot................

  1.  Avoid acting out the 6 tips on how to avoid a Bigfoot sighting.
  2. Keep your eyes open in the forest.
  3. Leave your camera at home.
  4. Leave your tennis shoes at home and wear heavy boots.
  5. Splash on some cologne and ignore the keep out sign at the Bigfoot Mating Grounds.   




    Posted by biz/bigfootcentral at 3:53 PM EDT
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