Q: Why do these speakers sound different than other loudspeakers
Most line source speakers exhibit an extreme narrowing of the horizontal dispersion
pattern in the higher frequencies. We knew from our work with wide-dispersion
electrostatics (90 to 180 degrees of dispersion) that a line source can sound "right"
with a flat on-axis response if its horizontal dispersion pattern remains wide at higher
frequencies. The ribbon Davidson is using has this characteristic at high frequencies,
and does not require a downward sloping frequency response to sound natural.
However, listen at 60 degrees off axis and the Panga and Panga C exibit a gently
falling frequence responce from 100 Hz to beyond 20,000 hz ( within a +- 2.5 db window ).
It is a matter of taste which perspective you prefer.
Apart from the differences between a floor to ceiling dipole line source and all other
designs, many loudspeakers are built to have a highly idiosyncratic frequency response
with one or more areas of boost or cut. This designed-in voicing colors the sound of
every recording played. Some people become very attached to a specific coloration.
Finally, most loudspeakers are designed with a hump in their frequency response of 3
12 db in the range from 40 to 90 hz. When combined with the natural
reinforcement in the bass from room boundaries, the sonic effect masks the lack of a
bottom octave and gives all recordings an unnatural "impact." Regrettably, many
audiophiles, who would never consider using an electronic bass boast are addicted to
speakers with a designed in bass hump.
"Mama, please don't let your kids grow up to be Pangas."
Opening lyric of the off-broadway musical based on Dr. Bambamba's book:
Death of a Tiger.
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