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Letters From Dennis Hayden's Loving Fans of Our Hit! Independent Movie THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK WITH ALEXANDER DUMAS

Thanks to All my Wonderful Fans & the Thousands of Fan Letters To Dennis Hayden as COUNT D'ARTAGNAN CAPTAIN OF THE THREE MUSKETEERS

William Richert for Photo's resume and more for all the latest news.

DEAR READERS: Here we have put on our Musketeers website some of the thousands and thousands of letters written by the greatest reviewers on Earth: the people who enjoy movies. We have gotten letters from cities and towns in all fifty states, and from Hong Kong to Amsterdam, London to Rome, 40 countries or more.
And each day, new letters arrive. (The fact that we have had trouble collecting our fees from these sales is another matter. But at least our movie is out there, and people love it. You can read about our fight with distributors at Dennis Hayden is waiting for some new financing to be able to afford the postage and photographs so he can reply to all his fans in so many countries.
But this will happen soon. And even more, we have finally finished the "sequel" to THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK, WITH A NEW ENDING AND NEW SCENES AND NEW MUSIC. Alexander Dumas wrote many versions of his Muskteer novels, and they were translated into languages around the world. It appears we are following in his great giant footsteps, and we are proud. So: Thanks for the letters, and read on:

To: Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 10:48 AM Hallo My name is Filip and I am ten years old I like you can I have autograph from you Please can I have two autograph from you to my friend and me. Best Regards Filip and my frend My address Filip Johannesson Vallhovsv

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 9:21 AM Subject: Request Hello. I wanted to write to you to see if I could possibly add your name to my celebrity autograph collection, that I am trying to begin. I was wondering if I could possibly receive a signed photograph
from you and a signed index card for my own personal collection? I would be very appreciative if you could do this for me and I look forward to hearing back from you in the near future. I wish you great luck in all that you do in your life and thank you in advance for your time and effort in helping me out. Thanks again and have a great week. Sincerely Jason Rawlins Van Wert OH PS. Could I also receive a signed photograph for a friend of mine, his name is Jim? Thanks again. Monday, January 13, 2003 6:13 AM Subject: request

Hi, My name is Kevin Collins and I am trying to get autographs for my collection for a school project.
Would you please send me an autographed picture to add to my collection. Thanks you very much Your Friend, Kevin Collins Peoria, Illinois From: To: Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 3:15 AM Wilhelm und Thomas Schlchter (Vater und Sohn) Bismarckstr. Lnen Germany

Hello Because my father and I are autograph collectors we would be very glad if you can send us autographs for us and our autograph friends. Thanks for your autographs and we wish you good luck for the next time. Adress: Thomas Schlchter Bismarckstr. Germany

To: Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 10:18 I collect autographs of people famous all over the world. I would like to have a poster signed by you. I have big reguest -if-it-is posible if you comd send to me your autograph post office on my domestic adress to Poland. Thank you in advance. Best regards. Migdaek Andrzej This is my adress Andrzej Migdalek Bytom Poland

Hello, I am sending an email because of a special reason. Let me first tell something about me... My name is Frank Little and I live in the Netherlands. I am 25 years young and I saw the movie (and purchased) The Man In The Iron Mask, produced by William Richert. In my opinion a great movie!
The reason I write to you is because I am most willing to find a biography of someone who played a role (I think a great upcoming actress). I want to know something about who she is and what she did in the past example, acting career or contact fanmail address. Her name is Fannie Brett (Dumas Mistress/Henriette).
I looked everywhere on the internet and books for clues about her. I know she did play an early role in Titanic. It seems she fanished from the moviescene after shooting the movie The Man In The Iron Mask in which she played a great role. I hoped to find something more about her, if she playes in another movies or so.
Somehow I have a little clue of her agency. It is the Irv Schechter Co...but I am not sure. And I dont know who her private agent is at Irv. My questions goes to William Richert. I hope he can help me out!
I am glad William saw the same what I did see. Fannie can grow up further to become a great actress. It is only a pitty no one else asked her for another role. Is there some way of getting info/touch of/with Fannie Brett. I am trying to write to Irv Schechter Co. at Beverly Hills California. Only it is a great distance from the Netherlands to America. There could be a great delay in time getting a response. So I hope you can help me out...
If she would like to I would do my best writing to talent agencys that she can play good roles in great movies. And I would like to dedicate an Internet address for her. Here I would like to place information of her career, who she is and what she would like to do next forthcoming movies and more!!!

Thanks for reading my email and questions. I hope he can help answere some and get a possitive response...

Frank Little Keep up the great work!

To: Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 2:31 PM Subject: Autograph Request Hi,i am a big fan of yours, and think you are great. Could i have your autograph please. Thanks Raymond Finella South Ockendon Essex United Kingdom

To: Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 6:39 AM Subject: autograph request for school fundraiser Greetings, Dennis Hayden

To: Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 11:29 AM Subject: Autograph Request Dear Dennis, I wanted to let you know that I think you are so cool. I loved The Man In The Iron Mask. Everything about it was great. I have recently started to compile an album of autographed photos from some of my favorite people and I would love to add yours to my collection. I realize you are a very busy man, but if you could sign a picture for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I wish you all the best in life. Sincerely, Susan Dyke Columbus, Ohio

To: Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 2:37 PM Subject: (no subject) hey whats up? im laurin puente, im such a huge fan of yours! your soo awesome! your such a good actor!! i love all of your movies!! i know your probably really busy but could you please send me an autographed picture? thanks soo much!! write back soon!! ttyl luv laurin Livonia, MI To: Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:31 AM Subject: (no subject) To Dennis Hayden, my daughter is a big fan of yours and would really love it if you could send her a signed photo of yourself, Sarah has severe learning difficulties and due to this cannot get out much. I hope you do not mind me writing to you on her behalf.Thankyou for you time.Send to Miss Sarah Lewis,143 Grove Road, Hounslow, Middlesex.TW3 3PY. UK

To: Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 7:49 PM Subject: Dear Mr Hayden Dear Mr Hayden I am writing this to tell you how talented an actor you are and how much I enjoyed your performance in the Man in the Iron Mask...that has to be one of my favourite movies since I really love the 3 musketeers...It is nice to think that somewhere in this world there are people willing to act with dignity and conduct themselves the way the musketeers would have...Anyway I only just found this email address so I just wanted to tell you how great that movie was =)) so thanks heaps Mr Hayden!

I know you three are all really busy with your movies must get lots of requests daily but I was hoping I could get your autograph. If you could take the time would it be possible to send something to Jennifer Ce Burwood VIC Thanks so much for your precious time Mr are a true musketeer! Jennifer Chung!

To: Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 8:37 AM Hello My name is Jean Stokes and this is my best friend, roomate that is staying with us for a while because she just left her husband, I am 27 Years old, she is 35 and We really love write you famous stars to tell you that We love your work. We were wondering if you have a fan club and if so can you please send me information to this address because we are very interested in joining it. Please send information to: Mrs. Jean Stokes Etobicoke, Ontario Canada M9C 1C4 karin Stieger

Etobicoke, Ontario Canada I was also wondering if you could send us an autograph photo or something autographed so we can add it to my collection. Also, if you happen to have a mailing list please add us to it because we want to get to learn all about you and your career. We are so looking forward to hear from you and We will write again real soon. Take care Love Your biggest fan Jean Stokes Karin Stieger

To: Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 3:29 PM Subject: (no subject) Hello, My name is Andy. I sent you a letter over a month ago and I asked for an autograph because I am ill. Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to sound rude, but I was really hoping that I could get your autograph. I am sure that you are extremely busy, but I was hoping you could send an autograph to your biggest fan. :) .......Maybe you didnt even get my letter last time, I am only 13 years old so I dont even know if I sent it to the right address. Well, If you could please get back to me or send me an autograph to the address I have down at the bottom, I would really really appreciate it. I have already tried send to other celebs, but they just ignore my letters. Thanks for your time. My Address: Andy Fluder Windber, PA Thanks very much for taking time to read this. Sincerely... Andy Fluder Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 4:03 PM Subject: FOR A SIGNED PHOTO Hi, my names SAVERIO and I write to you from ITALY. Im sure you receive many requests. But would you please tell me how Id go about getting an autographed photo of you? It would mean a lot to me. My address is the following: SAVERIO MIRIJELLO VIA THAON DI REVEL VICENZA - ITALY Thanks a lot in advance.

To: Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 5:38 PM Subject: (no subject) Dear Dennis I am a big fan of yourse . I would like an autographed picture of ureself for my personal collection. Send it to Taylor P.O. Box 182 Danby V.T. 05739 Thanks Taylor Hello, My name is Andy. I sent you a letter over a month ago and I asked for an autograph because I am ill. Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to sound rude, but I was really hoping that I could get your autograph. I am sure that you are extremely busy, but I was hoping you could send an autograph to your biggest fan. :) .......Maybe you didnt even get my letter last time, I am only 13 years old so I dont even know if I sent it to the right address. Well, If you could please get back to me or send me an autograph to the address I have down at the bottom, I would really really appreciate it. I have already tried send to other celebs, but they just ignore my letters. Thanks for your time. My Address: Andy Fluder Windber, PA

To: Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 9:44 PM Subject: hey Dennis!!! Hi Dennis, Wondering if this log line interests you. I am developing the script as we speak and had you in mind as a possible producer. Let me know if you are interested and I can send a copy of the script to you when it is polished. Grey Matter A young film student learns that flying saucers are time travel machines after he sets out to capture the most convincing UFO footage of all time. So whats new with you? What projects are you working on? Anyways talk to you later. chuck

From: Harald Strodel To: Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 8:48 AM Subject: Autographs Hello! My name is Harald and my English is not very well,but I think you will understand my little mail.I no you have very much work to do,but I hope you will finde time to answer me.Please do you can send me two ORIGINAL Autographs about yourshelf ? You make me very happy if you can do it.Hoping to hear from you,all best wishes for 2003 ,thank you, your Harald Strodel,Htteldorferstr. Wien.Austria.Europa

To: Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 3:25 PM Subject: Faithful Fan Dear Mr. Hayden, My name is Bill Ragan and Im 14. I live in Southern Illinois and am a HUGE fan of your. My favorite movies of yours are another 48 hours, and The Man In the Iron Mask. I would really apriciate it if you could send me your autograph. Thanks in Advance!! Your #1 fan, Bill Ragan Harrisburg, IL P.S. Could You Please Personalize it to Bill Thanks!!

To: Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 2:53 PM Subject: Autograph Dear Mr. Hayden, My name is Sarah Gambill and Im 16. I am a huge fan. I think youre so awesome. Anyway, I was wondering, if its not too much trouble, if I could have your autograph. Ill pay for it and everything. Thanks so so much. You rock! I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Luv, Sarah Roseburg, OR

To: Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 1:53 PM Subject: (no subject) I was wondering if you could please send me an autographed photo. Please write do not bend on the envelope. Since this is for a charity, auction and all proceeds go to charity, I ask that you please do not personalize it. THANKS!!!!!!!!! JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!!!! Jeremy H. c/oAutographs 4 Charity Bridgeton, NJ 08302 P.S. If you would like to send more than one autograph, it is appreciated and will also be put in the charity auction. GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!


To: Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 6:50 PM Subject: fan Im your biggest fan and I would like an autograph. Send it to Austin Oehlerking at , West Des Moines, From: Willem Tesselaar To: Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 7:10 AM Subject: autograph Dear Mr Hayden: I have been a fan of yours, and have enjoyed your many movies. I was wondering if you would not mind filling a small request. Can you please send me an autograph? Ive tried many ways to reach you. I hope to hear from you quickly and favorably. I will deeply appreciate your generosity in returning this picture autographed by you. Sincerely yours, Marcel Tesselaar Adresse: Marcel Tesselaar The Netherlands

To: Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 11:04 PM Subject: (no subject) Hi how are you doing.....i was just wondering if u can send an autographed picture to my address ....i would really apreciate it.. my address is: Bryan Laricchia Lake Grove USA Gord Kovnats To: Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 9:56 AM Dear Dennis, I am a very big fan of yours and was wondering if you could send me an autographed photo of yourself. I would really appreciate it. thanks, Gord Kovnats 7 Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada To: Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 7:35 PM Subject: photo I am such a fan of yours.... Could I be so bold as to ask you for an autographed photo of yourself for my livingroom wall. I think you are really wonderful and I am thrilled to be writing to you now...please send me your photo. ok? Angelina LAmour Shenandoah Iowa

United Celebrities To: Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 12:41 PM Subject: Dennis Hayden Hope youre well, This is a message from the Head of the United Celebrities. I am writing to you today to advise you that your Celebrity status entitles you to a United Celebrities free Membership plus $1,000.000.00 US Dollars per year, but unfortunately our records show that you are unaware of the existence of this organization. The United Celebrities is a new world organization for Celebrities and well-known world personalities. The Organization is based in London (United Kingdom of Great Britain) and represents the world celebrity community. For more information please visit www.theunitedce or contact me on +44 7092 39 27 42 We look forward to welcoming you as a new member of this unique and prestigious Organization. Kind Regards. Paulo Caposso To: Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 5:33 PM Subject: autograph for daughter Dear Dennis, My wife and I are collecting autographs for our 2 year old daughter Chloe. We are placing them in an album/scrapbook to give to her on her 18th Birthday. We would greatly appreciate it if you could personally add to her collection. If you cannot it is certainly understandable. Thank you for your time and hope to hear back from you soon. Take care. Sincerely, Joseph Marella Passaic, NJ To: Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 6:40 PM Subject: hi Hi! How are you? I hope you are well. I was writing to say that I am a very big fan of you and your works. The man in the Iron Mask is great and you are awesome! Would you please send me an autograph? My address is: Eugene, OR 97405 Thank you very much! It really means alot to me that you took the time to read this. From: Cammy To: Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 10:37 AM Greetings, My name is Camila Kwong and I represent a chapter of (Kids Can) Free The Children (http://www., which is a non-profit organzation dedicated to help bring awareness to less privileged children (to free them from poverty, abuse, exploitation, etc.). We would like to hold a Celebrity Autograph Charity Auction in May of 2003. We are sending our letters early so you may have plenty of time to respond. Free The Children is mainly run by youths and is dedicated to helping less privileged children. We raise funds to build schools, provide health and school kits which open their doors to being able to have an education, to help provide alternative incomes so children will not have to work, ect. Much more information is provided at the Free The Children website (http://www. We are asking for your help. Would you please send us an autographed photo, CD, hat, t-shirt or any other item we may use for this auction? With your help, our auction will be a great success thanks to the generosity of others such as yourself. We greatly appreciate any help you can give for our cause. We thank you, in advance, for your kindness, and for your time. If you have any questions we can be reached by e-mail at Sincerely, Camila Kwong c/o FTC Representive Brossard Quebec Canada

Mr. Albino Canales To: Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 8:14 AM Subject: Memorabilia Auction As a matter of introduction my name is Binny Canales. I am the womens volleyball coach and fund-raising coordinator for the Athletic Department at Texas A&M International University. Our main fund-raising event this year will be a Benefit Dinner/ Celebrity Memorabilia Auction. We are in dire need of memorabilia for this auction. As a first year program we are feeling the constraints of a limited budget. One of the primary goals of our program will be to scholarship our local athletes who may not have the opportunity to play and continue their education otherwise. The money raised through our auction will also be used to purchase supplies and equipment to make our athletes better prepared and better protected from injury. Any auction item you could provide will certainly benefit our Athletic Department and will be greatly appreciated. The date of the event is going to be in early March. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ( Texas A&M International University University Boulevard Laredo, Texas Sincerely Dan Huston

From: brian hawk To: Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 12:17 PM Subject: Dennis/autographed photo? Dennis, Im a huge fan of yours! Could I please have an autographed photo of you? Thanks......Brian my address : c/o Brian Hawk D Nazareth Pa 18064

To: Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 3:30 AM Subject: signed photograph request Dear Mr Hayden Could I please possibly have a signed photograph for which I would be most grateful. What is your next film? and when is it on release? Mr K Lomax Colchester Essex CO2 OAH England

To: Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 3:57 AM Subject: (no subject) hi iam a big fan of man in the iron mask and i was wondering if you could send a singed photo to doug barclay redbank nj

>From: Thomas Schlchter To: Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:49 AM Wilhelm und Thomas Schlchter (Vater und Sohn) Bismarckstr. Lnen Germany Because my father and I are autograph collectors we would be very glad if you can send us autographs for us and our autograph friends. Thanks for your autographs and we wish you good luck for the next time. Adress: Thomas Schlchter Bismarckstr. 7 Lnen Germany Bye our two Schlchters

Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 10:53 AM Subject: Autograph Request TO: DENNIS HAYDEN I am a soldier, the last few years I have been deployed to Korea and Bosnia. I was in Bosnia for ten months involved in the U.S. Peacekeeping Mission. I missed seeing you while I was gone, along with all the other things that makes the United States so Great. I was wondering if I could get an autograph picture of you. THANKS AND PEACE!! SFC Don Dunn Columbia, SC

Dear Sir, I will ask you for big favour, I prepare an exibition in Polish children hospital, I am collecting since some months handdrawed smiles from Polish celebrities, now it is a time to ask people from abroad, This is my second time with autograph exibition, the first one was in 1997 called 1000 autographs for 1000 years of city of Gdansk Now I will collect 1000 handwritten smiles for children, after exibition in Royal Castle in Warsaw those smile-autographs will be placed in all children hospital around Poland. I hope you can find a second in your busy day and draw a smile and send it to me, I know you must trust me, but I enshure you, all those smile autographs will be directed to children, even if I am autograph collector, but I have some 7000 autographs, and now my wish is not only to organize concerts for homeless children but also to give smile for ill children. If you have a wish, to which children must your autograph go please give me info, and also I can send you the list when I will finish my exibition, and with help of Polish office of UNICEF I will make a booklet which smile of which celebrities will go to which childrenhospital. I wish you have a nice day best wishes from Poland your Marek Wysoczynski Director of Culture Promotion Office please send your SMILE to : Marek Wysoczynski Krzywoustego 22/14 Gdansk POland ps. I got many Polish celebrities, but also many from abroad like President Vaclav Havel or singer Katia Ricciarelli, Stefi Graf, Uri Geller, Jerry Springer, Pedro Almodovar and many other. have a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps.2 if your wish will be to send us the second autograph, it will be put to open to public eyes the first Polish ( and the European) Autograph Museum, in the heart of Gdansk Shipyard where Solidarnosc(Solidarity) was born in 1980 by Lech Walesa to make also this part of world free.

From: Jack Kerr To: Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:39 AM Subject: fire dept request I am the Asst. Fire Chief for the Georgetown Fire Dept. in Ohio. We are a volunteer rural fire department that is operating on a very tight budget. We are sponsoring a Celebrity Auction to help raise money for some much needed fire and rescue equipment. We just finished raffling off a John Deere Lawn Tractor and made $5,000 profit!! We are hoping for similar success from the auction. I was hoping that you might be willing to help us with the Celebrity Auction. I would like to ask if you would be so kind as to send us an autographed photo, a piece of your merchandising material, or something else that could help us raise some money. If you can help us we will make you an honorary member of the Georgetown Fire Department. I will even take you for a ride on a fire truck if you are ever in Georgetown Ohio!!! I know that you probably get many donation requests, but we believe this is a very worthwhile project as we are using the money to upgrade our equipment and training so that we are better prepared to serve our community when an emergency arises. If you can help. Our mailing address is Georgetown Fire Dept Georgetown Ohio Attn: Jack Ker

Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 3:02 PM Subject: fan Dear Mr Hayden, I am a huge fan of yours and want to wish you lots of success for the future. I would be so greatful if I could have your autograph for my collection. Sincerely, Marc Weinstein Toronto, Ontario, Canada

From: Austin Arnett To: Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:49 PM Subject: Big Fan Hello, my name is Austin Arnett and I am a HUGE fan of yours. I know that you must receive mail like this daily, and probably by the hundreds, so I will keep mine short, for your sake. I simply wanted to take a bit of time to let you know that I appreciate everything that you have done. Not only are you my role model, im confident that you are the role model of many people. Alright, I know that you have probably heard all of this before, so Ill just stop my rambling. If there is any chance that I could get an autographed picture or anything of that nature, I would be very interested. If that is a possibility, I have included my address at the bottom of this note, if not, that is perfectly understandable, and thank you for just taking the time to read my thoughts, it really does mean a lot. Once again, thanks for your time. Sincerely, Austin Arnett Winona Lake, IN 46590

Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:19 PM Subject: Fan mail/Autograph request Mr. Dennis Hayden Hi my name is Chris. One of me and my wifes favorite movies is The Man In The Iron Mask. We have it on both vhs and dvd. What is like being a producer? Which is harder being a producer or being an actor? Do you have a favorite movie that you have done? If so what is it? Do you have any movies in the works now? If so what are they? If you could send me an autograph picture of yourself I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time and I wish you well. Thank You Chris Longsworth Decatur, In.

Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 9:39 AM Subject: Hello Dear Dennis Hayden! My name is Bjarte and I am a 12 years old autographs collecter from Sandnes in Norway. I have a question to you: I wonder if i can get your autograph on a picture of you? Can I? That would be great. Many thanks from: Bjarte steb Mor Aasesvei 17 Norway

Thursday, October 24, 2002 9:54 AM Subject: autograph Ron Roberson Hattiesburg, MS. 39401 USA Dear Dennis Hayden, I am a grandfather of two super girls; and I have been collecting autographed pictures for years. This past Christmas, I gave my grand-daughters some of my extra pictures trying to spark their interest into something positive (collecting). It worked! They loved the pictures; and, are presently into collecting. Would it be possible to obtain three, personalized, autographed pictures of you for our collections? If you can help, I would like to thank you so much in advance; and the names are: Diamond; Kaylee and one more for myself, Ron. If you cannot help, I will understand; however, PLEASE TRY! Thank you for your time. Good luck and God bless you and yours. Ron Roberson Subject: Autograph I would like to receive an autographed photo, THANKS ! Mike Evans .Stockbridge Ga.

From: david To: Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 6:28 PM Subject: Gday from downunda Gday from downunda, Mr Hayden, I wondered if an Aussie fan could get a signed photo of your good self. Hope you work downunda sometime soon. Your Aussie servant David Springwood NSW Australia 2777 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 6:16 PM Subject: fan Derbyshire Hill St Helens England Hi my name is Chris Reilly im 15 and from St Helens in England im such a big fan of yours can i please have your autograph. Thankyou very very much from Chris!!! your a fab man and made millions of people very happy.....WELL DONE you are highley talented From: JOE MCNEAL To: Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 2:43 AM Subject: advice for the kids I worik with Hi Mr. Hayden, My name is Joe McNeal and I am a deputy sheriff and also a school resource officer for my local school. I work counseling, teaching and the traditional law enforcement duties in the school. This has been the toughest job I have ever loved, getting to know the kids The reason I am writing is I am always looking for new ways to get kids to see other views and to be able to learn from those who have learned success. As you know kids listen most to their TV idols and their peers. You are both!!! Would it be possible to get a letter or picture from you with words of advice or encouragement for the kids written on it and signed? Living in small town Montana sometimes leaves these kids feeling they dont have the same chances as the big city kids. Dennis, we both see great actors like yourself, doing great things for kids by representing and giving to worthy charities! I ask that you give not of money but of just some time to give something I know will put these kids in awe, your words from your heart. You have established yourself as an actor like no other! To attain this, I am sure you have learned so much and to share your wisdom with my kids would put them in awe! Is there something that imspired or influenced you in your career and life? At a time the kids need encouragement, you have so much to share and I would be so honored to share any words with them. As a big fan myself (loved the Iron mask and 48 hours!), I hope you dont mind a friend new this and found your email for me. I would be happy to verify I am who I say I am. Below is my card that I had made up to give to kids. It is about the size of a baseball card. Thank you for your time! My address is: Deputy Joe McNeal Mullan Road Frenchtown, MontanaUSA Thank you again!! Deputy Jo ----- Original Message ----- From: Jrn Stelljes

To: Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 7:28 AM Subject: Request for an autograph Dear Dennis! Im living in a small village next to Bremen in the north west of Germany. I have watched the most of your movies, for example Another 48 hrs, Action Kohnson, and The man in the Iron Mask. Since 1998 Im collecting autographs and now Id like to have one signed photo card of you. For a long time I was searching for your address and now I found this e-Mail address at the internet. For the future I wish you all the best. Also I thank you very much for the signed photo card. If youd cant send me this autograph, let me know via e-Mail. Im sorry that my english isnt the best. Best wishes Joern Stelljes P.S. My address: Joern Stelljes, Am WaldstadionWallhoefen, Germany

From: Digital Graffiti Web Design To: Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:50 AM Subject: Autograph request Dear Dennis I wanted to take a few moments to write and let you know how much I enjoyed your performance as Eddie Taylor in One Man Army, and I have enjoyed many of your performances since with your portrayal of DArtagnan in The Man in the Iron Mask being my favourite. I was pleased to find a contact address for you and I am writing in the hope you could send me a personally signed photograph, so that I may frame and display it with pride. I realise you are very busy and you must receive thousands of letters like this each week, but this is very important to me and I would deeply appreciate it if you could do this small thing for me. I realize you also have very little spare time and therefore would understand if my request remains unanswered for some time. Thank you, in advance, for your valuable time and I wish you continued success and happiness in the future. Yours, Pete Harbour Flixton, Manchester. England

Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 6:13 AM Subject: REQUEST Dear Mr. Hayden, I am a big fan and admirer of yours and I would greatly appreciate if you would please send me an autographed photo of yourself. Thanks, Mike Michael Szmyga Bronx, NY

From: USUAL Suspect Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 6:47 AM Subject: You Truly Inspire Me:) Hello my name is Maria I have been a big fan of yours for a long time, your work has inspired me and helped me become more confident about my self and has helped me go for my dreams and not let anything stand in the way, you might feel like your just in entertainer but your way more then just that. Your truly a great person, I am a big fan of everything you have done. Thank you for being who you are. My birthday is coming out on Nov 15 02. It would mean a lot if I could get an autographed picture or anything at all .That would truly be very special and make me feel like a special person. >>Thanks a million for taking time to read my email. Mari Maria Datasha Mississauga, Ontario Canada ,

From: trailblazer2002 To: Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 10:04 PM Subject: Can I please have your autograph? Hi! How are you? I hope you are well. I was writing to say that I am a very big fan of you and your works. You are awesome! Would you please send me an autograph? My address is: Eugene, OR Thank you very much! It really means alot to me that you took the time to read this. Sincerely Dan Huston Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 6:23 PM Subject: I am a huge fan! Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden, Hello, my name is Hakan Celebi, I am originally from Turkey but I have been living in the US for the past 3 years and work as a videographer/photographer. I am a huge fan of you and your work ,especially The Man In The Iron Mask! However, since i have always considered stars like you, are unreachable, i never thought about writing you knowing that you will not respond. However recently I have read a message on the internet that , you have sent an autographed picture of you to one of your fans and i was very excited to read that! So I am writing you this letter, hoping you make my wish come true, a hand signed photograph of Dennis Hayden to my name . Vow that would be so great! If I ever get it, I will frame and display it in my living room and will cherish it for the rest of my life. If I dont ,well at least the thought of this letter will even reach you closer than I am now , gives me an inner joy. Incase you need it, my adress is : Hakan Celebi, Coral Springs, USA

My best regards and more success wishes in your life, Hakan Celebi Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 6:44 PM Subject: Great Work I really liked your work in Man in the Iron Mask and Another 48 Hours. You more than held you own in some outstanding casts. As a long-time fan, I would love an autographed photo of you. Could you please send me one to: Greg Ossmann Fairfield, OH Thank you very much for your consideration. Greg Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 10:48 AM Subject: (Kein Thema) Hello! Iam a large fan of you. I would be pleased much, if you could dispatch 2 autographs to me. Yours sincerely Bernhard Schlichting Fnfhausen 16 F Pansdorf Germany Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:51 AM Subject: autographed photo dear Dennis: I am writing to see if you could please send me an autographed photo for my collection. Thanks a lot and all the best. gene murray henderson,nv To: Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:23 PM Subject: Request Dear Mr. Hayden I am an amateur collector of autographs. My wife and I display them in our family room. I know you are very busy but could I get an autographed picture of you? I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Chuck Martin Byesville, Ohio

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 9:48 AM Subject: autograph Ron Roberson .Hattiesburg, MS. Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden, I am a grandfather of two super girls; and I have been collecting autographed pictures for years. This past Christmas, I gave my grand-daughters some of my extra pictures trying to spark their interest into something positive (collecting). It worked! They loved the pictures; and, are presently into collecting. Would it be possible to obtain three, personalized, autographed pictures of you for our collections? If you can help, I would like to thank you so much in advance; and the names are: Diamond; Kaylee and one more for myself, Ron. If you cannot help, I will understand; however, PLEASE TRY! Thank you for your time. Good luck and God bless you and yours. Ron Roberson

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 11:15 Subject: german fan Dear Dennis, a little statement to me: My name is Daniel I am 20 years old and I live in the southern part of Germany. In a few month I will go to the german army (called “Bundeswehr”). I write you this e-mail to tell you that I am a real fan of you. You are simply a very good actor (especially in The man with the Iron mask) with a good attitude and that’s why I admire you! I also have a little question to you: May you please send me an authentic autograph of you? This would mean so much for me! Thank you very much – I wish you all the best for your future! Your loyal fan, Daniel My address: Daniel Veser Germany

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:05 PM Subject: autograph Dear Dennis Hayden, I am Daniel Contant.I am 12 years old.The reason I am writing to you is beacause i would like to have your autograph.You are my favorite player.Please send it to the address below.Please dont personalize.Can you send 2 autographs. Your Fan,Daniel Contant Daniel Contant Staten Island NY, USA

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:49 PM Subject: (no subject) Hi Im Nicolle, Im 14 and a really big fan. I was wondering If I could please have an autograph. Thanks, Nicolle Walker. Port Orange FL

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:53 PM Subject: autograph wish Dear Mr. Hayden, my name is Alex Schilgen. I am 29 years old, work as martial arts teacher and live together with my wife Silke in Munich / Germany. We are both great fans from you and we would be very proud if you could send us 2 signed autographs from you. We wish you all the best of luck and success for the future !!! Thanks for listening ! Best wishes from Munich / Germany Silke & Alex Schilgen Germany

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1:37 PM Subject: autograph Could I please have an autograph it would really mean a lot to me. I think your a great actor. Angela Address: angela farias westport, ma 02790 usa Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 2:58 AM Subject: Hello Mr. Hayden Hello Mr. Hayden, My name is Bryan and I am a sophomore at Oregon State University. I am currently decorating my apartment at college with photos and autographs of Celebrities, like yourself. I was wondering if you could do me the small favor of sending me a signed photo of yourself, I would be honored. Thank you, as I know you are very busy and your time is very valuable. Bryan Edmunson Clackamas, Or Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:48 AM Subject: signed photo Hi,I am writing to ask if you could please send me a signed photo of dennis hayden,yours hopefully sandra norwood 111 bowhouse rd grangemouth stirlingshire fk3 oex scotland. Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:18 AM Subject: autograph Dear Mr. Hayden, I hope this note finds you in excellent health and doing well. Good luck in the future and may God bless. Im collecting autographs of film and TV stars, now. I enjoyed your roles as Dartagnan in the mask films, as well as your work on One Man Army. I also enjoy this hobby very much and Im thankful some stars sign and answer their fan mail. I would be very grateful if you would please send me a signed photo of yourself to add to my collection. If you would like me to send a SASE, please let me know where to send it. In closing I would like to THANK YOU for your time and effort. I appricate your autograph and will not part with it. Sincerely, ED SHIMBORSKE HAZELWOOD WARREN, OHIO

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:01 PM Subject: autograph!! Dear Dennis Hayden, I am a big big fan of you from Austria and I simply want you to ask if you may send me an autograph from you? It would be a real pleassure for me to get one from you!!! May you send it to: DENGLER Manfred Vienna Austria / Europe I wish you all the best for your future and keep the good work going!! All the best wishes from Vienna Yours Manfred

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:31 AM Subject: Loved Man In The Iron Mask!!! dear Dennis, my name is Brad Florian and I have emailed you before. I am writing to ask you if you would be kind enough to send me your hand written autograph on a picture. i would greatly appreciate it beings that I am you biggest fan. If you would kindly send it to: Brad Flori Glenwood, IA 51534 thanks in advance. Brad (the Dogoop) Florian

ent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 8:31 PM Subject: Request For A Autograph Hi Dennis I hope you can take sometime out of your busy life to send me a Auotograph Photo of you I love your Work God Bless You and Your Family Thnks For Your Time Mike McCallum Ontario Canada k0m1a

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 6:11 PM Subject: hey I was wondering if you could send me a personally autographed picture. Whatever you send to one of your biggest fans would be great! Many Thanks and BEST WISHES! michael harger proctor vt USA

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 7:12 AM Subject: hello Hello... I know you must get a lot of requests for autographs, but I would like to know if you could please send me a personally signed autograph. I know you are very busy, and have a limited amount of time, but I would appreciate it greatly If you could fulfill my request. I Wish You The Best :). Thank you James Fresh .Madison, IN

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:34 PM Subject: autographrequest Hallo, my name is David and Im a great admirer and Fan of Dennis Hayden. I would therefore be very happy if you could send me one handwritten picture of him. Many thanks in advance for your kindness. David My address: David Drobny Hockenheim Germany


To: Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 12:57 PM I am a big fan so I was wondering would you send me an autographed picture to this address: 2 St.Laurences Tce Lower Grange Waterford Ireland Lots of luv Amy OConnor

Subject: Big Fan Dennis I am a great fan of yours, please send me a personalized,inscribed Photo Thank you Jim Fitzpatrick Richwood, W.Va.

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:41 PM Hello Is it possible to get a personalized photo from you please? Tamara van Dorst Burg.Teyssenstraat 11 4731 KV Oudenbosch The Netherlands

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:42 PM Subject: A Request Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden, I am a huge fan of both you, and the Man in the Iron Mask. I was wondering if it was at all possible to get an autograph from you. It would make my day if I could have one from you. My address is: Tim Bendall Victoria, BC Canada

Hope you are doing well! God bless. Tim Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 1:05 PM Subject: Celebrity Auction As a matter of introduction my name is Binny Canales. I am the womens volleyball coach and fund-raising coordinator for the Athletic Department at Texas A&M International University. Our main fund-raising event this year will be a Benefit Dinner/ Celebrity Memorabilia Auction. We are in dire need of memorabilia for this auction. As a first year program we are feeling the constraints of a limited budget. One of the primary goals of our program will be to scholarship our local athletes who may not have the opportunity to play and continue their education otherwise. The money raised through our auction will also be used to purchase supplies and equipment to make our athletes better prepared and better protected from injury. Any auction item you could provide will certainly benefit our Athletic Department and will be greatly appreciated. The date of the event is going to be in early March. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at . Binny Canales

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 1:26 PM Subject: picture dennis;hi;i am a big fan of your;can i please have a picture of you;10160 clayton road;bailey,ms,39320;laura ethridge Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:10 PM Subject: wish of an autograph for my son niclas, please Dear Mister Hayden ; my son niclas is a great admirer of you and so I ask you herewith, if you could send him 2 original frontside- signed Autographs , please ! I hope you could full fill our wishes and in advance for your kindness we send you many greetings from Germany and wish you the best for your future !!! Michael & Niclas Buech Hinter Zeine Nr. Deutschland / Germany


Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:43 PM Subject: autograph Dear Dennis, You are my favorite actor and I would love your real autograph. I would also love it if you would personalize it to me. My adress is: Cary, NC Sincerely, Forrest Moog

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:43 PM Subject: Im a big fan Hello: I just thought I would write you an email telling you how much of a fan I am of you. I think you are one of the greatest Actors I have ever seen. I watch everything that you are in and I have copies of all of your work. I also buy alot of the things related to stuff you are in. I hope you keep up the great work and are in many things in the future. If you dont mind I would love to have an autographed picture of you to hang on my wall. Your Fan, Joseph Kolarz Boyertown PA 19512

ent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 3:08 PM Subject: autograph request hello i would like to know how to get an autograph picture of dennis Hayden? thank you for your time Adam Somers . Paris,Ohio

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 4:48 PM Subject: Dennis. Ur my fav producer ever. Can i get an autograph? Dennis Ur my fav producer ever. I love The Man in the Iron Mask. Can i get an autograph? Rudy Ledbetter Conway, AR

Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 5:25 PM Subject: hello I am such a huge fan of you! May I please have two autographed pictures of you, one for me, and one for my best friend, Kim? Your Fan, Heather P.S. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter!

Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 9:43 AM Hallo Dennis Im a big fan from you. My biggest dream is a autogrpahcard from you. I was very happy, when you send me pleace a autogrpahcard. Execuse me pleace my english. I widh you all good. Thanks. You fan Matthias Stadie Germany

To: Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 10:55 PM Hello. How are you? My name is Mai Komai. Im a 17-year-old Japanese girl. I would like to ask you for a small favor.@ Could you please send me your autographed photograph?@ I will treasure it.@ I know you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it. I wish you good health and success.@ I will always be rooting for you. I hope youll find time to visit us in Japan. MAI KOMAI JAPAN Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 7:09 AM Subject: Bonjour Dear Dennis, I have been one of your constant admirers for a long time and I am dying to have one of pictures signed by you. I would be most grateful if you had the kindness to fulfil my dearest wish. Thank you in advance. Mle GORICANEC Vronique ROSNY SOUS BOIS FRANCE

Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 20:01:14 -0500

From: Joshua Whalen To: Cc: Dear Mr. Richert - My name is Joshua Whalen, and Im an aquaintance of one of the actresses that appeared in your film, The man in the Iron Mask. I was searching the internet just now for your film because I wanted to show a friend of mine some pictures of people I worked with when I lived in Hollywood some years ago, and happened across your site. I am terribly sorry to see the difficulties you are encountering, and Im also terribly sad that instead of being able to promote an entertaining film, you are reduced to having to promote a lawsuit. You are not the only person in the world whod like to see some changes in the way independent film makers have to market their work. While Im a writer, and not a film maker per se, I have many friends whove found themselves in the same boat youre in. Many of us in both the entertainment community and the internet community are rather aghast at the current state of affairs in both our communities. At any rate, Id like to cut to the chase. Im writing to you because some months ago, I participated in a discussion with another aquaintance of mine, Dave Winer, of Userland software. Dave was very upset about some pending legislation and was wondering what he could do to effect the course of events, and I suggested to him that it was time for independent software developers and independent film makers to start corresponding and see if there was anything we could do to help each other. Dave is one of the more articulate people in the software industry, and also one of the most listened to. While I think his ability to assist you in the here and now might be limited to linking to your site (several million people a year visit his site), in the long term I think a coalition of developers and film makers might very well be able to develop both technical solutions to the distribution issue ( as well as solutions to limiting piracy) as well as perhaps drafting legislation and wielding the ultimate weapon in this sort of a fight, widespread publicity and public outrage. You can find Daves site at and you can write him at Im going to cc him with a copy of this letter. I sincerely wish you good luck in your litigation, and I look forward to the day when this sort of thing just doesnt happen anymore. Good Luck, Joshua F. Whalen

From: "Jenny B
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001

Dear Dennis Hayden,
I think you are the greatest! I have all of your movies!
You are so talented and entertaining to watch. Im 18 years old and you are definitely one person Id love to meet some day!
Ive tried writing to you through the mail at several addresses but I cant seem to reach you so thats why Im trying email.
I hope you dont mind. Could you PLEASE send me a picture of you?
I would greatly appreciate it! Thank You!
Denver Colorado

Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001
Dear Dennis,
I am a fan of yours since, "Die Hard"...Glad I could finally find a contact address for you somewhere on the internet.
My favorite performances of yours are, "The Man In The Iron Mask," and "Another 48 hours." I am 33--I work as a Special Ed.
Asst. for 4th & 5th grade & go to school full time which leaves little time for tv..but I do collect and often rent movies(especially yours of course)'s my outlet for stress...if there is anyway possible to get an autographed photo--I
sure would appreciate it..or an address where to send an SASE...
Clayton, CA
good luck always!!

Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001
From: bobby
Reply-To: .MUW.Edu
Subject: Photo Request
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am a long-time fan of your work--in particular The Man in the Iron Mask and Die Hard.
Could you possibly send me an autographed picture?
I realize that you're busy, but if you could send one, I would certainly be grateful. Thanks for your time.
I will continue to follow your career with interest.
Columbus, MS

Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2001
Subject: Hello
Dear Dennis,
Hi how are you? I'm fine.
My name is Krystyna, I'm 14 years old and I live in Ohio.
I think your an AWSOME guy! Your my favorite actor too! I loved the movie The Man in the Iron Mask.
I thought it was fantastic!
Are you gonna play in any other movies? If so I would go see it the first day it comes out in the theaters.
I know your very busy but if you wouldn't mind to please send an autograph that would mean so much to me.
Thank You!
love your #1 fan,
Hills Ohio

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001
From: Lauren
Dear Dennis Hayden,
I am a big fan of yours. I think you are a wonderful actor and producer.
My favorite movie of yours was The Man in the Iron Mask,
and I saw it many times. It would mean so much to me if you could send me an autographed picture.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Your fan
(Age 17)
Sherman Oaks, CA

Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001
Subject: Hello, Mr.Hayden

To: Subject:
Request for Autographed Photo
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your work.
I am a huge fan, and you are my all time favorite actor and producer!
Having seen much of your films, I find your work extraordinary!Among my favorites are "The Man in the Iron Mask" as D'Artagnan,
"Another 48 Hours," and "Die Hard."
The other Musketeer flick with DiCaprio sucked; it was meant for teenage girls.
Your version was awesome.
I can't wait to see you in "Echoes of Enlightenment."
I hope to see you act and produce more major motion pictures in the near future.
I know you get a lot of requests such as this,
but I was wondering if you
could please be so kind to send me a personally autographed photo?

I want to add your photo to my personal photo album of celebrities!
I realize you are busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would feel extremely honored
if you could do this great favor for me.
May you please send an autographed photo to the following address:

Agustin , Ewa Beach, Hawaii .

Dear Mr.Hayden
Hi! I'm 13 years old from , NY and I think you were the best in "The Man in the Iron Mask"--
I know you're really busy, but I would be most >appreciative
if you could send me an autographed picture to the address below. Thanks!
New York

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2001
dear mr. Hayden,
i am sorry to bother you but i hope you can help me. my dad, walt,
is a huge fan of yours and your movies. he loves The Man In The Iron Mask the best.
my dads birthdays is comming soon and i want to get him a picture of you as a present
and hope you will tell me how.
i know my dad would love a great gift like this. thanks

philadelphia pa.,

Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001
I think you are the greatest. I don't think "The Man In The Iron Mask" will ever be topped.
Could you please send me an autographed picture of yourself.
I would really appreciate it.
N. Rich Hills, TX

Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001
Subject: HI!
Dear Mr. Hayden,
Hello! I hope this letter reaches you in great health and happines. I'm writing to ask you a huge, gigantic,unreasonable favor.
Did I mention it was a big one? This has to do with a little bet I made with a friend of mine.
You see we were sitting around shooting the breeze and watching a little TV and somehow we got on the subject of compiling our own list of our Top 10 favorite celebrities from every possible category.
Well congratulations, you made the cut/
But about the bet, I bet him if he wrote to his top 10 and I wrote to mine I would get more responses. Photos, letters, notes, anything counts.
Don't woryy I'm no psycho, just a huge fan of yours who doesn't want to buy his friend lunch for a week.
Best regards,
Amarillo, Texsas

From: "Verne
Mon, 26 Feb 2001
Dear Dennis,
I have been your biggest fan ever!!!! I talk about you all the time to
my friends and my family. I did a report on you in school too. Can you please send me a autograph picture of you.
To this address: Scott
Harlan, IA

Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001
Hey Dennis,
I just wanted to say that you are a great actor/producer and that i loved "The Man In The Iron Mask".
Just please keep on acting and producing and all of us (your fans) will all ways be behind and supporting you.
Also i was just wondering if you could get me your autograph because that would be highly appriciated.
Thanks Alot and God Bless~
Your Fan,
**Michael **

Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001
My name is Dimi, 26 years old and I'm from Belgium.
I'm a huge fan of Mr. Hayden. I love the movies :
"Another 48 hours" and "Man in the Iron Mask" ! ! !
Would it be possible to get an autographed photo of him?

Subject: HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001
20 Feb 2001
WOW I can't belive I'm actually writing to you!
And I know you must get a lot of requests and a very busy schedule so I'll try to keep this short.
First of all I would like to thank you for inspiring me to do something great with my life just like you
. Second of all I would like to sincerely tell you from the bottom of my heart that you are my idol.
And third of all I would like to ask you a favor,May I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
get your autograph?
My address is:
4900 Louis

Your greatest fan,
Dear Dennis Hayden,
since a long time I try to write you a letter but I didnt have had your address. Now I have got your e-Mail adress.
So I have a big question. Please would you be so nice and send me 2 Autographs of you?
Maybe with a picture from you ? If you dont have pictures, so you may like to write on a piece of paper. I thank you very much for the Autographs.
I hope you are not angry, that I try it on this way. So I know that your time is very short, I dont want to take too much from it, but at last I want to thank you very much for your wonderful movies. You
give us so many happy hours. I like to watch your films very well. Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much for your kindful understanding. Best wishes to you from one of your greatest Fan in Germany

Dear Dennis Hayden
My name is Mika . I am a 18 year old boy from
Finland. I am a fan of yours. You are a great actor!
If you have the time, I would be very grateful, If you please send an autographed photo to me.
Thank you very much and take care! Sincerely, Mik

From: (Christoph
Subject: kein
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 20001
Dear Mr. Hayden
I'm 16 years old and Im a great admirer and fan of you. Unfortunenately I`ve never had the chance of meeting you personally.
Therefore I would be very happy if you could send me 2 hand-written pictures of you.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfil my wishes.
Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Success may always be at your side.
Yours truly

From: "Damon "
Subject: Hi
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001
Hi,I am 18 years old and I collect Autographs of my favorite celebrities;
actors, athletes, actresses, comedians, writers, politicians, singers, etc. I got together a list of 50 people that I admire and influence me.
Yes you made it, that is why you are getting my e-mail. You are really really awesome.
I was wondering if you could send me an autographed picture or other item?
My address is; Steven WA

Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001
Dear Mr. Hayden:
Great job loved Another 48 hrs., Action Kohnson, and the Man in the IRon Mask. Could I prease get an autographed photo. Would deeply appreciate it.
Best Wishes.
Wakefield, MA

Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001
Subject: Autograph request
Dear Mr Hayden,
Im a great admirer of you. I would therefore be very happy if you could send me a handwritten autograph photo of you.
Many thanks in advance for your kindness. Excuse my bad English.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Yours sincerely ,from Germany
D -Nonnweiler
P.S. Should there be any problems with the mailing fees please send me the postal address to send you a post-paid envelope.

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
I would be very happy if you could send me a handwritten picture of Dennis Hayden.
I would be very pleased, if you could fulfill my wishes.
Many thanks in advance for your trouble.
Your sincerel

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001
My name is Jason and I am a 22 year old recent graduate of
College with a degree in political science.
I have been a fan of yours for
some time and I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy what you do. I am currently debating attending law school,
with an eye towards a career in the political arena.
I was wondering if you might please have any advice for me in such career goals? I also collect the autographs of those people whom I deeply admire, and I was hoping I might please be able to add yours to my collection.
Is there any way that you could please send me an authentically signed photographed of yourself?
I would be sincerely grateful!
Thank you very much!
PS. If it's not too much trouble, is there any way that you might please be able to send me a second authentically signed photo which I can give as a surprise gift to my roomate
J.R., who is also a big fan of yours?? Thanks
Glendale, CO

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001
Dear Mrs. Dennis Hayden!
First of all I send the best greetings from Germany
to you. I am a passionate autograph collector tank us since short inspired Internet internet-Surfer. Here I discovered address also your E-Mail.
Now to my request. Does the possibility exist to in this way receive a signature from you?
If, I would give much to be pleased if you could send me 3 original autograph picture / cards without dedication of yourself. My address

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001
Subject: hello
hi, my name is melody and i am 19 years old. i will be 20 years old.
april 30th. can i have a signed autograph? my home address ozone park queens ny
my e-mail address is melody
p.s. write back tome soon.
god bless

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001
My name is Mona and I live in Oslo in Norway.
I am a huge fan of yours, and I have admired you for a very long time. I love your work and I think you are a great person.
I was wondering if you please could send me an authentic signed and inscribed photo ?
This would mean very much to me, and I will always treasure it. Thank you for taking time to read my e-mail and the best of luck in the future.
Yours Sincerely,


Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001
Dear Dennis ,
I am a great fan of your work and I would deeply appreciate it if you could send me your autographed photo.
I thank you very much in advance for your kindness.
I wish you much more success in the future.
Sincerely ,

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001
Dear Mr.Hayden, I just wanted to let you know that I have been a fan for quite some time.
I really enjoyed watching you in Man in the Iron Mask. What are your plans for the future?
Mr.Hayden, I know you have a busy schedule and I'm sure you receive many requests.
But would you please tell me how I'd go about getting a autographed photo of you? It would mean a lot to me.
Thank You in advance. Peace and Health.
Lawton, Ok

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001
Subject: Dear Mr. Hayden
Dear Mr. Hayden,
My name is Scott and I am a huge fan of yours. I loved
Another 48 Hours as well as Man in the Iron Mask and hope to see more of your work out soon.
I dont feel you get the credit you deserve and dont understand why you arent in more movies.
Are you concentrating on your directing and producing more than acting right now?
Anyway keep up the good work and I was wondering if you could send me an autographed photo of yourself.
I am a huge fan and would be honored to have a picture!!
Thanks and keep up the great work!!

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001
Dear Mr. Hayden
Im a great fan of you and therefore I would be very happy if you could send me 1 hand-written pictures with my name Stefan of you.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes. Many thanks in advance for you kindness. I wish you all the best for the future.
Tank you very match. Yours sincerly Stefan

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001
From: Patrick
Hello Mr. Hayden,
My name is Patrick, Im 18 years old and Im a great fan of you.
I live in Germany in a small town called Oberhausen.
I think you are a fantastic actor, one of the best Ive ever seen.
I hope to see you again in the next future, in cinema or in tv. I have a question:
I would be very happy if you could send me an handwritten autograph of you. I hope it isnt to much work, because I know you have much to do. If you dont send autographs after e-mail requests, please send me your autograph address. Many thanks in advance for your kindness!!:-)
I wish you all the best for the future!!
Sincerely yours,
My address:
Wickstr. Oberhausen

Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001
Hello and Happy New Year! My wife and I wish you the best for 2001 and beyond.
We now have a newborn son named Kyle. If you find it in your time, could you please send us an autographed photo so we may leave it to him when he gets older.
It would mean so much and it will stay in the family. Thank
You and God Bless.
Perryville, MD

To: i am a very bbig fan of yours can i please have an autography.
u can send it 2
best wises

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001
Subject: Hi
Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden,
Hi, my name is Eileen and I was writing to let you know how much I appreciate your work. I've seen almost all your movies
and I think they were all great! My favorite was Wishmaster, and Beyond Desire.
I think that you are a very talented actor!
I can't wait until you new movies come out soon! Anyways
I know this is asking alot, but could you please send me an autographed photo of you? It would mean so much to me.
And it possible, one for my cousin too? Thank you so much and keep up the great movies!
Corona, CA

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001
Subject: Hi, Huge Fan, Please Read
Dear Mr Hayden
I am a huge fan of your work. I enjoy everthing about you. I think you do a wonderful job!
You are a great person and you are a huge role-model to me. I know you must get thousands of requests such as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture.
I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant my huge wish.
Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work. Best
of luck to you always!
Lehigh Acres, FL

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001
Hi !I'm a 17 years old boy from SWEDEN. I'm a HUGE fan of you ! I've seen you in " Wishmaster " as the Security Guard " , and i think that YOU ROCK !!! :)I love that movie !!
I study Media ( Radio and Television), and me highest dream is that I be such great actor as you are...And to make movies....
Now I wonder one thing, and that is if I can get a signed photo from you ? It would be very nice of you then, and I would be the happiest man on the earth !
I really Hope that you will answer this letter !
All My Best

Ps. Can you please sign the photo for me to ? Like " To Christian "
or something like that ? That would be very nice of you then...:)

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001
From: Jason
Subject: Thx for your turn as D'artagnan
Dear Mr Hayden...
I recently saw Man in the Iron Mask, and enjoyed it -- thank you for a wonderful performance.
I've always loved Dumas, and have tried to see as many versions of the Musketeers as possible.
In fact, my roommate and I recently bought a new Green Tiger Barb, and named him D'artagnan. On another note -- I hope this isn't too forward -- do you sign photos for those of us in the unwashed masses?
I only recently started collecting autographs, but am planning to make the musketeers a special focus of my efforts.
I would be honoured to include a pic of you as D'artagnan in my collection.
(Please note, if this is not possible, I understand completely.
And if you need me to send a SASE, I'll be happy to do so.
I'll also be happy to make a contribution to the charity of your choice, as well.)
I wish you well whether you're able to send a photo or not; cheers and continued success!
Vancouver, BC Canada

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001
I am a serious collector of photographs and signatures of world politicians, celebrities and royalty.
Some of the photographs include personalities such as Elizabeth Taylor, Clint Eastwood, Nelson Mandela and the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
I would appreciate it if I can obtain your signature and photograph for my collection which has grown to 658 original photographs over the past years.
My collection was recently used at a Gala Function held by the Mayor of Rustenburg as a conversation stimulant during a charity event.
I mention this to show that I believe a collection should not be kept in a drawer, but used in a positive manner.
If at all possible, could you please sign the photograph to: Gawie
To keep the collection unique, I would appreciate it if I could obtain your personal signature on the photograph.
I know this is not always possible. My postal address is:South Africa.
Thank you very much for your assistance and all the best to you.
South Africa

Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001
From: Gary
Subject: Hello
Dear Mr. Hayden,
Hi, my name is Gary, and I live in , IA. Just wanted to drop
a quick note, and let you know how much I have enjoyed your work.
Another 48hrs and The Man in the Iron Mask are a few of my favorite
movies. I also recently began collecting autographed photos of some of my favorite celebrities, and was wondering if you would have any you could send me.
If you could, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read my email, and I wish you noting but the best in the future.

Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001
Subject: Dear Mr. Hayden
Hello! How are you doing? WE are great over here. My name is Piush
and I am writing to ask you for a really big favor. If you could can you PLEASE send me and my brother Peter 2 autographed pictures?
We are huge fans of yours and you are our favorite actor.
We think you are very talented and we have been fans since we saw you on 'Another 48 Hours'. We always enjoy your acting. We know that you must be very proud of your great accomplishments in your career.
We know that you are very busy but if you could PLEASE do this favor for us it will really mean a lot to us. Thank you very much and have a great day!
Your fans, Piush & Peter
Lubbock, Tx

Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001
From: "Donald
Subject: Info please
Hello! I hope this finds you well.
Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed your work in Another 48 hrs, and The man in the Iron Mask.
I work as a paramedic and have two sons (Donny & Michael).
Please send me info on how I may get a real "hand-autographed" photo of you. If possible,
I would like to get one for me and one for each of my sons. If not possible, I certainly understand.
Thank you for your kindness. Looking forward to your next endeavor. Respectfully,
Cayce, SC

Dear Dennis Hayden

Hi i am a great film fanatic and your films really are great stuff and is it possible
for a signed photo of you if so please could you send it to this address Andrew
united kingdom,

Date: Wed, 17 Jan
Dear Dennis Hayden,
I am a big fan of yours.
I love watching your movies. My favorite movie that you have done is "The Man in the Iron Mask."
I think you are an incredibly talented actor and producer.
I would appreciate if you would please send me an autographed picture.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your fan,
Talya :
, CA

Hello Mr. Hayden,
I'm a librarian in Wisconsin, as well as a fan of yours.
I have followed your career with a great deal of interest and have very much enjoyed your films.
Would it be possible to request a signed photo of you for my office wall?
I would really appreciate it.
If this is a possibility, my address is:

Thanks for your time and for keeping me entertained.

The opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily
represent those of the Public Library
or the City of Wauk.

Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001
Dear Mr.Hayden I`m from seventeen and I`m from Germany.
I`m a great autograph-collecter.
Therefore I would be very if you could send me 3 handwritten autographs
from you for my friend and me.
I would very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes.
Thank you in advance


I am a big fan of yours and would love it if you could send me an autographed picture.
I'm in a wheel-chair and suffer from Anterior Horn Cell Disease.
If you could send one please send it to...

Thank you,

Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001
My name is Jan and im a huge fan of yours, so i was
wondering if it could be possible to have your autograph?
It would mean so much to me.
Best regards/ Jan
Sweden p To:
Subject: Big Fan !!!!!
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001

Dear Mr. Hayden,
I wanted to take the time to tell you how much I appreciate your acting and directing. I have "Another 48 Hours" and "The Man In The Iron Mask"
both on video and I think you did such a great job with both.
I was so excited to find an address for and write to share my thoughts.
I hope you don't mind, it is just that we don't take enough time to tell people thank you.
I am sure you have brought much joy to many people.
Mr. Hayden,
I know you are busy, but I would be so honored to have an autographed photo of yourself.

I would proudly place on my desk at work.
If you are unable,
I do understand. Here's hoping all is well with you and your family.

, Florida Sat, 13 Jan 2001
Date: Wed, 17
Subject: A fan of yours
Dear Mr. Hayden,
Hello, my name is Danny . I am 15 years old and I live in Ohio.
I am a huge fan of yours. I think you are very talented.
You are a great actor. You are also a very good director. My favorite role of yours was in the Man in the Iron Mask.
I was wondering if you could please send me an autograph.
It would mean a lot to me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter.
Good luck this year!
Your Fan, Danny

Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001
From: DER
Subject: Die Hard, Wishmaster, and more.

Dear Mr Hayden,
I wanted to write to let you know that I have really enjoyed your work.
You have acted in some of my favorite films such as: Die Hard, Wishmaster, Action Jackson and the incredible version of Man in the Iron Mask.
Your portayal of D'Artagnan was terrific. I think that you really captured the essense of the character.
I understand that you have made another film with Edward Albert too, Stage Ghost.
I am looking forward to it. It sounds like it's going to be great. If you wouldn't mind,
is there anyway possible that you could send me an autographed photo of yourself?
It would make my day to have a signed photo of D'Artagnan. :)
I thank you for your time. Best of luck to you in the future. Sincerely,


Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001
Dear Mr. Hayden!
I'm a great fan of you and because of that I'll be happy if you send me a signed photo of you.
Thank you very much for your kindness and all the best to you

Emsdetten Germany

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, I'm just writing to see if
you sign autographs and if you do how I can go about obtaining these I
have 2 daughters and would like to get two autographs for their
birthdays, thank you for your time

From: "Jackie"
Subject: Hi
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2001
Hey Dennis!
How are you? My name is Jackie and I'm 17 years old....I think you're a wonderful actor and I loved you in The Man in the Iron Mask...
I just wanted to give you praise for that...I was also wondering if ya can send me an autographed picture? Thanx so much!
Love always,
Calgary, Alberta

Date: Sun, 28 Jan 200
Dear Mr. Hayden,my name is Randolf, I am 28 years old and live in a little village in Germany.
Well, I am a very great admirer of yourself.
I would therefore be very happy if you could send me 2 handwritten pictures of you.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes.
Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Yours sincerely

From: "Vicki "
Subject: dear Dennis Hayden
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001
Dearest Dennis Hayden.
I am one of your many fans, who are sending you an email.
I know you are a very busy man, so I will try to make it as short as possible.
I just also would like to say, that you are a wonderful actor. And I love to see your movies, The Man In The Iron Mask,
you were born an actor - you really do it so well.
You are really a talented man, and also very charming and handsome. You really seem so cute and nice, and I admire you so much.
And that is why I would like to ask you for a favour. If it is not to much, then would you kindly send me your handsome photo with autograph on? And will you PLS write
"To Vicki"? That would just make me so very happy, and I would be forever thankful.
Thank you so very much, and I wish you all the best - always. Love from

Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001
I love you and i think you are fab at your job!! I love Your Man In The Iron Mask Movie!!
please could i have your autograph to:
North Thorsby
keep you the fab work you do at your job
thank you

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001

Dear Mr Hayden
I hope you Ok.
My name is Alex, and I am your fan.
I really love your movies and my favorite one is: Man in the Iron Mask,
I also like Another 48 hours.
Could you please send me your autograph.
Many thanks and best wishes to you in the New Year. Sincerely yours Alex
My address is:
.London .UK

From: "Lee Pope"
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001
love your work and would love an autograph. God bless you.

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001
Subject: I'm a huge fan
Hey. I'm a huge fan of yours. You are awesome. I loved you In The Man In The Iron Mask.
Could you send me an autographed picture?
It would mean a lot to me. Luv-Heather
Pocatello Idaho

From: Tanja-
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001
Hello! I`m a fan of you and I would like to get two autographs for me and my friend.
Thank you Tanja

Hello and happy new year.
I am writing to request the autograph of the handsome Mr. Hayden.
Thank you! Suzanne
Kanata, ON

From: "Mona ."
Subject: Dear Dennis Hayden
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001
My name is Mona and I live in Oslo in Norway. I am a huge fan of yours, and I have admired you for a very long time.
I love your work and I think you are a great person.
I was wondering if you please could send me an authentic signed and inscribed photo ? This would mean very much to me, and I will always treasure it.
Thank you for taking time to read my e-mail and the best of luck in the future.
Yours Sincerely,

Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001
Subject: Huge Fan
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I have been looking for an address to right you for the longest time! I just have to tell you that I enjoyed your performance as Eddie in the film Die Hard
It is one of my favorite films. From the first time I saw the film you have always been one of the most memorable and best characters of the film in my opinion!
I think you always will be. I was wondering if you would be able to send me an autographed photo?
I would be very thankful and honored. Thank you so much Mr. Hayden for taking the time to read my letter.
I want to wish you happiness and success in everything you do. Live life to the fullest!
Warwick, RI

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001
Hey my name is Sigur
and I will ask if I could get
autograph of you and maby some pictures my adress is:

Faroe Islands

Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001
Subject: Hi Dennis, I am a true fan!

Hi Dennis,
I cannot believe that I found an email address for you!
I have seen you in so many things from movies to TV.
Some of my most favorite films are Die Hard, Action Jackson, and Man in the Iron Mask.
I truly loved Another 48 Hrs. I have your videos and a scrapbook of clippings about you.
May I request an autographed photo signed to me of you in character from one of the films?
I would like to hang it next to the movie posters I have.
I have not written to many stars before, especially on the computer so I don't know if my request is proper or not.
It is so hard to find movie stills where I live.
Thank you for your time and I will see you in the movies!!! Best Wishes,
College, NC

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 I hope this note finds you well.
I was looking for your addressand found it on a web page tonight,
I was hoping that I could ask you for an autograph ifit's not to much trouble.
I'm 32 years old and live in Va.
I collect autographs and washoping I could add yoursto my wall.
Thank you either way, I appreciate your talent and your time..
thanks again Sincerely B Collins
, Va.

I realize you are extremely busy but I was wondering if you could possibly send me a personally autographed photo made out to me, Akakat?
I am attending City School for comedy and would like to display your photo in my family room.
This way when I am rehearsing your photo can inspire me. I would like to tank you in advance for this request and I wish you much more added success in the future.

Your fan & friend,
Kathy ( Akakat )

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001
Subject: Dear Mr. Hayden, I am such a fan!

Dear Mr. Hayden,

I am floored that I found this address for you! I am such a fan of your
work. You are one of the most versatile men in the entertainment business
today! I especially enjoyed your work with "Man in the Iron Mask,"
and "Another 48 Hrs." I would like to request an autographed photo signed to me
if possible to have as a wonderful moment. It would be truly appreciated.
What are your up coming projects? Best to you always.
Gibson, NC

Dear Dennis,
I love your acting!!! You are so talented!!! I loved The Man in the Iron Mask!!!
If it would not be too much trouble, could you send me an
autographed picture of yourself?
I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance for all of your time and consideration.


Subject: Hello Dear Mr. Hayden =)
>Date: Sun, 14 Jan
Hello Dear Dennis!!

My name is Jani and I'm 19 years old stundent from Joensuu, Finland.
I've admired You and Your career for a long time, but I haven't had a
chance to write and tell You about it:( But now I found Your (I hope this is
still Yours) e-mail address and I thought that I'll write to You and tell You how good You are;)
Dear Dennis I just wanted to tell You how huge fan of Yours I am and
that's why I would like to have Your autograph to my wall, so everyone could see how big fan I am:)
Please let me know the address where/how I can get Your autograph,
please:) Yours sincerely Jani
Joensuu Finland Happy New Year =)

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001
Subject: (autograph request)

I am hoping this email reaches Mr. Dennis Hayden. I am a big fan of yours. I think you are an excellent actor and are very sexy.
I was wondering if
there is anyway i can get an autographed photo sent to me? if this is
possible, please send it to the address listed below. Thanks and Happy New
Year. J Metz

Subject: fan mail To:
Dear Mr Dennis Hayden
Hi, I am big fan of your's ! Your are my favorite of all times.. my favorite movie of all times is " Man In a iron Mask "
you are very talented young man. you can do it all..
Thats wonderful ! Thats what makes you so special.. Mr. Hayden, I was wondering if I could get a signed Photo of you ? That would really make this old womans day. I would forever
cherish it and appreciate it... keep up the great work Sir
. Thanks and take care.... your fan always Sincerely Tina
Kan city, Mo

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 To:
From: Dennis Hayden Subject: Autograph request
From: "Reiner "
Subject: Autograph request
Date: Sun, 14 Jan

Dear Mr. Hayden,
I`m a great admirer of you. I would therfore be very happy if you could
send me one handwritten pictures of you. I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wish. Many thanks in
advance for your kindness. I wish you all the best for the future

Your sincerely
Hauswiesen 17

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001
From: DJ
To:, Subject: Hello

Dear Mr. Hayden,
My name is DJ . I am a huge fan of yours and I also like to collect autographs.
I was wondering if it would be possible to recieve a personalized photo from you.
I would greatly appreciate it.

Chesa, Va

Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001
Subject: (manintheironmask)


Dear Mr.Hayden Hi! I'm 13 years old from , NY and I think you were the best in "The Man in the Iron Mask"--
I know you're really busy, but I would be most appreciative if you could send me an autographed picture to the address
below. Thanks!

Bald, NY

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001
Subject: autograph request
Hi, my name is Chris and I'm a huge fan of yours. Will you please send me an autographed photo. Thanks alot. Could you send another one for my best friend Christin Chris

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001
Subject: Fan Mail

Dear Dennis Hayden, Hello, My name is Paul and i'm a huge fan.
I've followed your career for a while now and am very impressed.
I am 16 and live in Canada, for a hobby i collect celebrity autographs via mail or e-mail and
i would love to recieve an autograph from you.
If you decide to send an autographed photo, my address is:

Paul , Canada
Thankyou for taking the time to read my e-mail.

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001
Subject: autographed photo???

Hello, I am 12 from Massachusetts. I was wondering if you could send me an autograped photo???
If so, my address is , MA.. Thank you and sorry to bother you.
JOHN Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001
Hi there, I hope this note finds you well.
I was looking for your address
and found it on a web page tonight, I was hoping that I could ask you for an autograph if
it's not to much trouble. I'm 32 years old and live in Va.
I collect autographs and was
hoping I could add yours to my wall. Thank you either way,
I appreciate your talent and your time..
thanks again Sincerely
Bob , Va. , 15 Jan 2001

Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden !
My Name is Dimos (age 23) and I am a great admirer of you.
I would therefore be very happy, if you could send me one handwritten picture of you!
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes. Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future !!
Munich, God bless you and !!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
My Adress Dimos
Munic Germany

Date: Sat, 13 Jan Subject: autograph request
please send a signed photo to josh walker,Oklahoma

Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 To:
Subject: autograph request
Hello and happy new year. I am writing to request the autograph of the handsome Mr. Hayden. Thank you!

Kanata, ON

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001
Hi Dennis,
I have been a big fan of yours for several years and was wondering
if you would be so kind as to send me an autographed picture. I would be so honored to have one.
Ash , Arkansas

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am excited about having this opportunity to write to you. I have been
a fan of yours over the years and loved your performances in "Die hard", "Another 48 hours" and "Man in the iron Mask".
You are a true professional and your acting style is really cool! I understand that you are a busy person, but I am wondering if I can
request an autographed photo. I will truly treasure it.
My mailing address is:
W. Rahula

Thank you for your time and I look forward to watching more of your movies. Take care.
Sincerely, W. Rahula

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001

Dear Dennis Hayden Hi i am a great film fanatic and your films really are great stuff and is it possible
for a signed photo of you if so please could you send it to this address
, south wales,
united kingdom,

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001
From: Peter
Subject: Autograph wish

Dear Mr. Haden,
Now I know that you are a very busy man, so Ill keep it short.
Soon I will try to find work as an actor.
Well Im going to need some inspiration.
Mr. Haden, would you please send me a pic. of yourself.
When I go out and try to find work, Ill use your pic for luck!!!! Im a BIG FAN!!
Thank You!! Robert
Britain Ct.

Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001

Hello, I am writing to you to express my thanks andhappiness with you as an artist.
I think that what you do is very good and worthwhile.
I am writing to congratulate you. you have had a successful career, in my opinion and im sure in many others.
you are very good at what you do and i wish you the best of luck in the future.
I was wondering if you would please send me an autographed photo.
i would greatly appreciate it i would be very thankful if i do recieve one.
However if i do not it is fine because you must be very busy.
But if you can please send me an autograph. Thank you for your time.

merid ct

Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 Dear Dennis!
My name is Rune and I am from Norway.
I am collecting autographs.
May I have a personally autographed photo, please?
(To Rune with my best wishes....) I hope you are able to answer! Sincerely Yours
Mr Rune

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am a collector of celebrity autographs and I would really like to add your autograph to my collection.
I would appreciate it if you would send me an autographed photo. This would be a very nice addition to my collection.
Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter.

Mart, GA

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001) From: Peter Becker
Subject: Autograph wish
Dear Dennis Hayden,

we are two German students and we are both very big fans of Yours and Your work.
We would be very happy if you could send us 2 signed photos of yours for our collections?
Please - that would really mean a lot to us! Thanks so much for your kindness and all the best wishes.
Peter and Frank

. Berlin

Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 12:00:13 -0600
From: "Kathy "
Subject: Dear Mr. Hayden,
Dear Mr. Hayden,

I would like to take a few minutes of your time and let you know I am a huge fan of your.
You are a very talented actor/producer and should be proud of yourself.
I have seen your movies and one of my favorites is "The Man in the Iron Mask"

From: To:
Subject: ironmask!!
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001

hi Dennis,

I really think your a great can play any role!!
Dennis I'm a quadriplegic since 74..when a drunk driver hit me
confining me to an electric wheel chair for life but life goes on,
so started coaching football in 78 for innner-city kids & I still do!!
5 of my kids are now pro!! would you please send me a autographed photo?
I'd love that!! thank you & GOD bless, coach anway
spring hill ps click below to see my page

From: "mike "
Subject: Autographed Picture
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001

Dear Dennis,
I love your acting!!! You are so talented!!! I loved The Man in the Iron
If it would not be too much trouble, could you send me
autographed picture of yourself?
I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance for all of your time and consideration.
Fred, IA

From: "Jan " To:
Subject: Dennis Hayden
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001

Dear Dennis,
I am a guy from Sweden who really are a big fan of you!!!

So please can I get your autograph?? That would make me so happy!!!
My address is:

Thank you so much for reading this!!
LOVE/your greatest fan, Andreas.

Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 From: Robert

Subject: Question

Dear Mr. Haden,

Now I know that you are a very busy man, so Ill keep it short.Soon I will
try to find work as an actor.
Well Im going to need some inspiration.

Mr. Haden, would you please send me a pic. of yourself.
When I go out and try to find work, Ill use your pic for luck!!!! Im a BIG FAN!!
Thank You!!

Britain Ct.

P.S. Other hobbies: Music from the 60 (The Shadows), playing keyboard, soccer ++

From: "carlos l sanchez"
Subject: fan
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001


I am writing to you to express my thanks andhappiness with you as an artist.
I think that what you do is very good and worthwhile.
I am writing to congratulate you. you have had a successful career,
in my opinion and im sure in many others. you are very good at what you do and i wish you the best of luck in the future.

I was wondering if you would please send me an autographed photo.
i would greatly appreciate it i would be very thankful if i do recieve one. However if i do not it is fine because you must be very busy.
But if you can please send me an autograph.
Thank you for your time.


merid ct

From: "Michael " To:
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 To: "Michael "

Dear Mr. Hayden! I'm 36 years old and I'm working at the German National Library in Leipzig.
I'm writing to you as a great admirer of your dramatic art.

I've seen your following wonderful movies: The man in the iron mask;
Slamdance; Another 48 hrs.; Die hard; George B. and Beyond desire.

May I ask you for the favour of an autographed photo? Thank you!
Yours sincerely

My adress:

January 7, 2001

I have been such a big fan of yours and was wondering how to go about obtaining an autograph picture.
Yours would be a lovely addition to my collection. Thank you for your time and consideration.
A Loyal Fan, Gary

, Virginia

Subject: Big fan
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001

Just wondering if I could get your autograph

New, Mi

Subject: Hi Dennis!

Hi! I really enjoyed your interesting site at and your personal website!
I want to wish you all the best of luck in upcoming and future projects! Take care and please visit my website Best Regards,

: Fri, 5 Jan 2001
Subject: Dear Dennis Hayden
i There! How are you doing?
I was just writing to tell you how big of a fan
I am. And i was wondering if you could possibly send me an Authentic
Autographed Photo of yourself? It would be really appreciated!
Thanks so much!!!
Your Friend

Dallas . Gulf Ms

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001
Subject: hello

I just wanted to send you a E-mail telling you how much I enjoy your work.
I am a really big fan of yours. Do you have any plans to do any movies in the future?
I am a Police officer and I teach DARE in the local Elementary School.
I wish the youth of today had more role models like you to look up to.
If it would not be too, much trouble could you send me an autographed photo of you.
I hope you are well and happy. Good luck in the new year, may it bring you happiness.

Your Friend and Fan,

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001
Subject: to ;; dennis hayden

Dear Mr. Hayden:

I'm going to start by saying that I'm a huge fan! You are a very talented actor and producer!
You are a true inspiration and role model!I loved Another 48 Hrs, Action Jackson, and The Man in the Iron Mask.
It would completely flatter me if you could send me and autographed photo!
Thanks for
your time and best of luck in the future!

Glen, IL

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001
Dear Mr.Hayden,
Im a great admirer of you and I would therefore be very happy if you could send me 2
handwritten picture of you.
( If it is possible).I try to get a autograph from you since a long time,but I havent luck all the time.

I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wish.
Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future.

Duisburg Germany

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001
Subject: fan mail

Mr. Hayden,

I love your acting and producing! Especially in Another 48 Hours and the Man in the Iron Mask!
To: Subject: Autograph request
Dear Mr. Hayden last days Ive found my old album with autographs.
On Side one is an autograph of Frank Sinatra, than follows Jerry Lewis, Paul Newman and a lot of other great actors.

Its really a great feeling to remember the time and Ive decided, to
continue this collection.
Im a great admirer and fan of you. Unfortunenately I dont have an autograph of you.
Therefore I would be very happy if you could send me 2 hand-written
pictures of you.
( A dedication would be very kind of you ).

I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes. Many thanks in
advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future and success may always be at your

With the best wishes
Norbert Z

Norb Hope everything is going well for you.
I hate to be burdensome but is there anyway possible that I could get an autographed photo
from you?
I understand you are very busy but it would mean alot to me.

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work! Nick
Birch Run, MI

Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001
Dear Mr Hayden
I'm a great fan of you and therefore I would be very happy, if you could send me 2 hand-written pictures of you.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes.
Many thanks in advance for your kindness.

I Wish you all the best for the future.
Yours sincerly,

My Adress:

Thanks. William
N. Rich Hills, TX I read about a young lady by the name of Clare who was named the American Diabetes Youth Advocate for the year 2000.
I got in contact with Clare and from that moment on, we have kept in contact.
Clare traveled all over the U.S. this summer meeting with Senators and Governors.
She even met with V.P. Al Gore and his policy makers
Clare met with Dr. James Shapiro from Alberta, Canada.
Dr. Shapiro has been working hard to find a cure.
He's gotten close to it. With the success of islet cell transplants, Dr. Shapiro has successfully reversed type 1 diabetes in 12 different patients.
They aren't entirely free though.
For the rest of their lives, they will have to take pills to fight off rejection of the islet cells. But they
are free from insulin shots.
The reason why I am telling you all this is because I am a diabetic.
Tuesday I turn 29. This years marks the 27th year of my living with diabetes. Where Clare has been working from the government side, I have been working from the celebrity side.
Since July, I have sent out over 583 letters. Where as I have gotten back over 100+letters due to leaving an agency or moving from the address,
I have recieved some promising news. I have received 11 autographed pictures which tells me some people are reading the letters.
I got back
2 emails which show hope.
1 of them shows hope, the other is definately hope.
Last week I got an email from 18 year old Leslie Wolos who has joined us in our fight.
She lives in Vancouver, Canada.
I received her email asking me what she could do to help. She asked for a website and I directed her to Clare's webpage.
Clare's webpage is now on Leslie's website too. Shaune Bagwell told me she would seriously consider endorsing diabetes research.
Now I told her and I will tell you - I am not asking for money.
Instead, I am asking for support by helping us educate those who don't know what is going on, how important a cure is needed and how close we are to that cure. You can learn more about our work that we are doing
(those involved in youth advocacy) by visiting Clare's webpage: .
You can contact me at this email address or by mail:
Hope, PA

Eugene, Oregon

I hope you can help us tell others about the work, the progress, and the need for a cure. Thank you for your time, Jay

From: "Nancy " To: Subject: Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000

My name is Ashley and I am a big fan of yours. Can I please have your autograph?
I would love to have it!! ......Thanks, ashley

My address: retna, La USA

Subject: Fwd: Spanish fan!!

Dear Mr Dennis Hayden:

My name is Juan and Im spanish. I am a huge fan of your work.
I think you do a wonderful job! You are a great actor and you should be proud

of your talents. I know you must get thousands of requests, such as this, but I was hoping
you could send me an autographed picture. I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out.
Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work.
Best of luck to you always!

My address is:

From: Anna
, Dublin Ireland.
>Dear Mr. Hayden,
I have been a fan of yours for some time now. My particular favorite
films are "Die Hard, Another 48 hours," and "The man in the Iron Mask"
. I was wondering if it would be possible to get an autograph/photograph.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Yours sincerely,

From: "s-hill"
Dear Mr Hayden I have seen you in the film the man in the iron mask.
I was delighted to find your email address which meant I could write to you.
Please can you forward a signed picture of yourself to the address below Sue Cambridge England


From: "Emma "

Subject: To Dennis Hayden from a BRITISH fan.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000
dear Mr Hayden I hope you are well.
I hope you don't mind me writing to you. I am a British fan of 'The man in the Iron Mask'
and have just watched the film on video.
You were great in the film. The cast were great and so convincing.
I am sure you are very busy but I wonder if you could please find the time to send an autograph to me as a keepsake.
Thanks for your time,
and all the very best for the future.
Yours sincerely,
Watford Herts

Subject: autographed picture
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000
I was told by my friend that if I e-mailed this address I could ask for an autogrpahed picture of yourself.
If this is not true I'm very sorry for bothering you.
However, if my friend was correct thank you very much for you time and effort. It would be so neat to have an autographed picture of you!!:):)

Emma > my address is: Emma
, B.C

From: "Michael" Sehr geehrter Herr Hayden
Ich htte gern ein Autogramm von ihnen.
Meine Adresse: Michael

Dear Mr Dennis Hayden,
I have been one of your constant admirers for a longtime and i am dying to have one of you pictures signed by you.
I would be most grateful if you had the kindness to fulfil my dearest wish.
Thank you in advance. Marlne

From: Daniel
I am interested in writing and directing and find your work on Another 48 hrs and The Man in the Iron Mask intriguing.
You are very talented! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us your fans.
As such fan, I would like to request an authentic personally autographed
photo of you to Dan. I appreciate anything you can do to make this request a reality.

Thank You and Best Wishes,
Cay, SC

Dear Mr. Hayden,
Hello, My name is Jameson , and I am a student at the University of
Wyoming. I am writing to you because I appreciate the effort you have put into your acting career.
Over the years, I have enjoyed seeing your work, and I wanted to thank you for many good memories! I think you have done a lot of cool movies, keep it up! Sir, I was hoping that you might be able to send me your autograph,
perhaps you have something related to your career that you could send.
I thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Best of luck in the future, Sincerely,

Lara, WY

Hey, i am a big fan, and an autograph collector. i was wondering if you could send me 3 autographed photos,
i would really appreciate it. thank you my address is Alex
, IL

To: Hello!! My name is Ryan and I am 16 years old. There is an auction in Indiana that donates the proceeds to needy families at Christmas
time. I also collect autographs so for the past 2 years I have written celebrities and asked for two signed items,
one for the auction and one for my personal collection. I would really appreciate it if you could please
help me continue to do this. Thanks for your help!

From: Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000
Subject: #1 fan

Dear Dennis Hayden,
I am a huge fan of your work. I think you are doing a wonderful job! You are a great actor
and you should be proud of your talents. I know you must get thousands of requests such as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture.
I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out.
Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work. Best of luck to you always!

My address is Jessica

, Utah Sincerely,
age 8

From: "angel glez mendez"
Subject: your #1 fan
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000
Dear :Dennis Hayden
My name is Angel . I live in Puerto Rico .I am your # 1 fan.
I hope that your career brings you success in the future to come . I would like very much if you can sent me an autographed picture of you.
I will cherish it forever. P.S. I love The Movie The Man in the Iron Mask

Sincerely Yours ;
San Sebastian , PR

I am writing to tell you how much I admire your work! You are totally awesome,
and you are a great role model for everyone!
I am also writing to ask you if you can please send me an autographed photo of you made out to me, Adam.
I am planning on framing it and hanging it on my livingroom wall.
I would like to thank you in advance for your photo, your autograph, and your time. Thank you!
Your Fan And Friend

i am writing to you to say how much of a fan i really am you are my biggest idol
i have followed your hole career, and i was wondering if it would be
possible for you to send me a signed picture so i can frame it and put it on my wall to show my kids in 30 years time as the best idol a boy could ever have
your friend and number 1 fan

I'm one of your greatest fans. How can I get an autographed picture of you?
Love always, Vania
Vania MD.

Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000
Subject: fan

I am a very very big fan of yours. I would love to meet you in person, but i
know that will never happen. I am writing you this letter to request that if
you have the time please send me an autographed picture or card of yourself.
Please send the autograph to:
Quinc, MA Thankyou very very much
P.S. I hope you have a wonderful career and life and i would alwyas want to
have a famous name like yours but im only a normal kid in highschool.

Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000
From: Patrick
Subject: Hi
! To:
Hi! My name is Patrick and I am 12 year old and Can I please have autograph picture of you because
I have just started to collect autograph picture from people I admirer and you are one of them.
My address is:
, LA

From a fan,
If you have a comment please email me at:
Thank you for your time!
GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 To:
Dear Dennis Hayden,
I am sure you get tons of fan mail for being one of the best role models for young people today.
Currently, I am attending MSU and working towards my teaching degree in History and Theater.
Hopefully, I will be as positive an image for students to look up to as you have been.
I admire your work and all you have done.
Would it be possible for you to send an autographed photo to me at your earliest convenience?
You have no idea how much it would be appreciated. Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read and respond to my letter.

East Lansing, Mi

Subject: Hej from Sweden
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000
Dear Mr Hayden,
My name is Lennart and I live in Sweden. I would be very happy if You could
send me Your autograph.
I really liked the nice movie THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK.
I was also glad to spot
You in ANOTHER 48 HRS. It is always nice to see a familiar face most unexpectedly.
I hope that You are having a nice summer, and that I will see You in the movies soon again.
Warmest wishes from Lennart FORSHAGA

From: "vicki
Subject: Hi Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 I'm a huge fan andI think you area great person. I was wondering if you could please send me your autograph?
I'd really appreciate it a lot.
Ben P.S my address is Ben , WI

To: Subject: request for an autograph Dear Mr. Hayden, My daughter Kirsten's favorite movie is The Man in the Iron Mask,
and I must say I also enjoyed the movie very much. Her birthday is in December
and I was wondering if you would be able to send me an autographed photo
of yourself that I could have framed and give her. I know that she would
be totally over the moon to know that you took the time to sign a photo especially for her.
If you are able to help please send it to Mrs. Maureen
Eltham Australia.

Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. Mauree
I was wondering if you could please send me an autographed photo. I would appreciate it.

my address is:
Stacy .
, CAL.

Thanks & keep up the great work!

From: "sandra "

>Dear Mr. Hayden,

>I am a huge fan of yours and nothing would make me so proud and honored as to receive a personalized autographed picture of you.
I have enjoyed your work tremendously throughout the years, and I thank you so much for giving so much of yourself and your talents to me and your millions of fans.
I admire you not only as a actor and producer, but also as a great individual and human being.

You have accomplished so much and you are a wonderful, loving, caring , very talented person.
I really love your movies "another 48 hours," and "The man in the iron mask."
It would mean so much to me to hear from you and I would treasure it always.
Thank you for your time and I wish you continued success and happiness in the future. Keep up the fantastic work and
may God bless you in all that you do.

>a fan and a friend
>Browning, Mo.

>Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 From: Victor Subject: fan

>Dear Mr. Hayden,
>I enjoyed The Man in the Iron Mask
and would like to >ask you for an autographed photo. If you have the >time could you please send one to:
Cerritos, CA

Thu, 21 Dec 2000
: "Carrie" Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000
>Carrie >Vancouver, >Canada

Dear Dennise Hayden,
Hi! My name is Carrie and I'm 13. My friend, Carmen and I love watching "the >man in the iron mask".
She also really admires you =) Well, her birthday is >coming up and I was hoping if I can give her your autograph as part of her >birthday present =)
I hope it's not too much trouble =) It would be highly appreciated!
Yours truly,

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000

Dear Mr.Hayden.. name is Ron...
I know you are a busy man so I >will not waste alot of your time...Without going into great detail I will
>just say that I am a HUGE fan..I was wandering if I could trouble you for a autograghed photo,,
it would mean alot ..Thanks so much for taking the time to read my letter.. Ron
Thanks again and Happy Holidays

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 Subject: Autograph request :
Dear Mr Dennis Hayden,
For many years Im a great admirer of you.
I have busy myself throughly with your work and your biography and you get one of my biggest models for me and my own works.

And therefore I would be very happy if you could send me two handwritten pictures of you.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wish.
Many thanks for taking the time and trouble of reading my e-mail, and I look forward to hering form you.
Wishing you the very best in everything you do!

Yours sincerly Erich , a realy great admirer Erich
Germany > >

Mon, 18 Dec 2000 Subject: Re: Thanks

We rented the movie for $3.99 from Time Warner Communication's Pay-Per-View
menu. Good luck

Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000
Dear Mr. Hayden,

You are a very good actor. Your movies are great, you are also an essential cast member in the movies your in. It would mean a
lot to me if you could send me an autograph. My name, and address is
West Hartford, Ct Thanks

Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000
Subject: Photo
I am a big fan I was hoping You might send me a signed photo Thanks for your time
Butch L SC

Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 From: Annette To: Dennis Hayden
Subject: Re: DEAR DENNIS...
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I have received your email today and would like to answer your questions.
A) I have seen "The man in the iron mask" on VHS.
B) I bought in it in the store, I believe it was in Walmart,
But when I saw the movie for the first time I have rented it at Blockbuster.
I hope that you have a great christmas, that you'll spend with your family in joy and peace. I also hope that you are doing okay.
May god's blessings be with you during that special time of Some special season greetings from your fan Annette from ,Tx.

From: "Danny "
To: "Dennis Hayden" Subject: Re: Autographed Photo
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 I saw the movie on VHS and I rented it. I'm not sure what version I saw. I didn't know that there were two versions. I would recommend this movie to everyone. It was great. Danny
From: Dennis Hayden I would love to have an autographed photo of you. Could you please send
me one? I just loved The man in the Iron Mask.
Thanks for your time. Danny Hill Would you mind asking your fans . C.) The name of the Distributor on the box or TV, if known.

Hi Dennis!
How are you doing? Just thought that I would say hello and that I am one of your fans from 'down under'.....Australia.
I have enjoyed your site greatly. You are probably pretty busy to read/respond to all your mail but I thought I would give it a go.
I am a big fan of your work.
I've seen you in a number of movies and my earliest recollection of you was your role in Die Hard.
I enjoyed your roles in Wild Bill and the Man in the Iron Mask.
see you have produced a couple of films and was wondering if that is something you want to get more involved in?
I know you must get thousands of requests such as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture.
I realise you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out.
If so, could you please send it to:

Punchbowl NSW

Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000
I am a 14 years old boy from Norway.
I am a VERY big fan of you! Could you be able to send me some autographs on this adress?:

Greetings Magnus

Subject: Autograph request
Ellen Germany

Hi Dennis, i will be very glad if you would send me one handwritten picture of you.
Yours sincerely.

Dear Dennis Hayden, Could you please send me an autographed picture of yourself?
It would be something that I would cherish forever in my personal collection. Take care and all the best! A Big Fan,

Toronto, ON M1S CANADA

Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I'm 31 years old and I just wanted to let you know that I have been a fan for quite some time.

Mr. Hayden, I know you have a busy schedule and I'm sure you receive many requests.
But would you please tell me how I'd go about getting a autographed photo of you? It would mean a lot to me.

My address is the following:

Thanks in advance. Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 Subject: Dennis Hayden
To: Dear, Mr. Hayden
Hello my name is J.W..
I am a huge fan of yours and

The Man In the Iron Mask
and was wondering if it would be to much to ask for an autograph from you.
Anything you send would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thank you for anything you can send if you can't send anything, then thanks
anyway and thanks for taking the time to read my EMail. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

If you can, please send to: J.W.
Splend, TEXAS From: Jeffrey
Subject: please

I am a really big fan of yours. I have really enjoyed your work in the Man in the Iron Mask
and think that you are very talented.
I was thinking the other day that it would be cool if I could get your autograph because it would be something that you did for me, rather than something I bought and that would mean a whole lot to me.
So if you could mail me an autographed photo or something it would be greatly appreciated.

My Address is: Vicksburg, Ms
p.s. thank you so much for your kindness, it mean alot to me and is greatly appreciated.

From: Corey
Subject: Love your work
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000

I would like to take a few minutes and let you know what a great person you are.
You have shown that god did give you a talent and you went with it.
I hope you continue your great work and accomplish all you can in life.
I would love to have an autograph from you for my wife and I to put in our living room.
I will pay any shipping that is needed. Thanks so much for your time.
Corey and Heather
rem, Utah

To: Subject: May I have your autograph please.

Dear Mr.Hayden, My name is David and I am 12 years old. This is my mom's e-mail
address. Could you please send me an autographed photo of yourself from the Man IN the Iron Mask? Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,
Lansing, MI Thank you very much!

Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden
my name is Melanie and Im a great fan of you from the Man in the iron mask.
I find you very super! I would therefore be very happy if you could send me 2 handwritten pictures of you.One picture of you is for my mother.She is a great fan of you too.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes.Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future.
, Rather STr. kln, Germany

Subject: To Dennis Hayden from a BRITISH fan. Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000

dear Mr Hayden
I hope you are well.
I hope you don't mind me writing to you.
I am a British fan of 'The man in the Iron Mask'
and have just watched the film on video.
You were great in the film. The cast were great and so convincing.

I am sure you are very busy but I wonder if you could please find the time to send an autograph to me as a keepsake.
Thanks for your time, and all the very best for the future.

Yours sincerely,

Subject: photo
Subject: photo
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000

I would like to have an autograph photo. Robert
Burling,N.C. I thank you for the photo best wishes

Dear Dennis Hayden
Could you be so kind as to send a signed photo to me at: > Andy RN Beach,VA Thank
You, Andy RN

Subject: Fwd: Hello from Singapore ! Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000
From: AC Chong Subject: Hello from Singapore
Dear Hayden
A very warm greeting from Singapore.
I have been a fan of yours for the last 2 years. I like the movies that you have produced, particularly those on action genre.
I will appreciate it greatly if you could kindly send me your autographed photograph.
It will make me a proud fan since it is unlikely that I could meet you in person.
You can count on my continuos support for your work. I wish you good health and all the best in your career.
Have yourself a Merry Christmas.
Thank you. From: Aik-
Gul Way

Date: Wed, 29 Nov From: Sky Subject: autograph request To: Dear Mr. Hayden I think you are great and I love your work.
Could I please get your autograph? If so, could you make it out to Chris?
I would greatly appreciate it.
Good luck and keep up the great work in the future. Thank you very much

Lanes, WV \

From: "Martin > To: > Subject: man in the iron mask > Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 Martin United Kingdom
Dear Dennis
Just a short note to say that I very much enjoy the results of your hard work both acting in and producing some wonderful films. I very much enjoyed the film "The Man In The Iron Mask"
which I thought held up extremely well against the many other movie adaptations of the story.
I would be extremely grateful to you if you could find the time to send me a signed photograph of yourself and if at all possible inscribed to me.
Best Wishes Martin

Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 From: Sheldon
to: >
Hello Mr. Hayden,
I am a fan of your work. I was wondering if I could get a signed photo of you? BTW, what's new in the works?
Thanks, Sheldon Holcomb, Ks

Subject: Fwd: Spanish fan!!
Dear Mr Dennis Hayden:

My name is Juan and Im spanish. I am a huge fan of your work.
I think you do a wonderful job! You are a great actor and you should be proud of your talents.
I know you must get thousands of requests, such as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture.
I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out.
Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work.
Best of luck to you always!
My address is:
Juan \- Albacete

From: Anna <, Sandymount, Dublin Ireland.
Dear Mr. Hayden, I have been a fan of yours for some time now. My particular favorite films are "Die Hard, Another 48 hours," and "The man in the Iron Mask".
I was wondering if it would be possible to get an autograph/photograph.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Yours sincerely,

From: "sue"
Dear Mr Hayden I have seen you in the film the man in the iron mask.
I was delighted to find your email address which meant I could write to you.
Please can you forward a signed picture of yourself to the address below

\ England

Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001
Hello There Mr. Hayden My name is Michael .
I'm an entertainer from Fall River, Massachusetts. I perform for children in schools and librairies
and for senior citzens in assisted living facilities and nursing homes. with a show that incorporates music , magic and balloon twisting. I've been a big
fan of yours for a long time. You've been a big influence to me. I loved you in another 48 hours . Someday I hope to be as succesful as you. I wake up everyday and tell myself today could be my big break. That attitude has kept
me focused over the years, and I will achieve my ultimate goal.
I have a wall in my office that I've designated for autographed photos
of some of my favorite celebrities. I was writing to you today to ask if you
could possibly contribue to the others , by sending me an autographed photo.
I'm sure you must get millions of letters from your fans with similar
requests and if your schedule is to busy I totally understand.
Thank you so much for taking time to read my letter,
I wish you continued success for many years to come.
If you can accomodate my request my address is listed below:
Fall River, MA

Subject: Hello From FLA, Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 Dennis Hayden,
I am realy glad to be writting you this letter. I just love all your movies. You are one very asume actor and producer.
I hope you keep up the hard work. I would love to get a autograph photo of yourself if it is not to much trouble.
Thanks again for the great movies. I would also like to whish you all the best of health and happiness.
Thanks, Patti

Fort Myers FLA, Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I was so excited to hear that you possibly send out autographs.
I thought this is such a neat idea and had to try it!
I have included my address at the bottom. Thank you!
Towson, MD USA 21252

From: "Scott
To: Subject: hello
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001
Dennis Hayden,
My name is Scott I would like you to know that I am a verybig fan of yours.
I think that you are a very talented.
I hope that youcan send me a picture of yourself. This would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much. My Address is: Scott
, NJ

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001
Dear Dennis Hayden,
since a long time I try to write you a letter but I didnt have had your address.
Now I have got your e-Mail adress. So I have a big question.
Please would you be so nice and send me 2 Autographs of you? Maybe with a picture from you ? If you dont have
pictures, so you may like to write on a piece of paper. I thank you very
much for the Autographs.
I hope you are not angry,
that I try it on this way. So I know that your time is very short, I dont want to take too much from it, but at last I want to thank you very much for your wonderful movies.
You give us so many happy hours. I like to watch your films very well. Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much for your kindful understanding. Best wishes to you from one of your greatest Fan in Germany
Uelzen Germany

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001
Subject: autograph request please Hi, Dennis :)
me and my Wife are fans of your acting and would very muchlike 2 autographed photos if you don`t mind, our address is B.Bojin
God Bless :)

Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001
To: Dennis Hayden
Subject: Re: autograph request
Cool! Thanks very much! :)
Hello Dear Dennis!!
My name is Jani and I'm 19 years old stundent from Joensuu,
I've admired You and Your career for a long time, but I haven't had a chance to write and tell You about it:
( But now I found Your (I hope this is still Yours) e-mail address and I thought that I'll write to You and tell
You how good You are;)
Dear Dennis I just wanted to tell You how huge fan of Yours I am and that's why I would like to have Your autograph to my wall,
so everyone could see how big fan I am:)
Please let me know the address where/how I can get Your autograph,
please:) Yours sincerely Jani
Happy New Year =)

Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001
Subject: Fan (autograph)
Dear Dennis,
I am a big fan of yours.
I am starting an autograph collection and wanted to know if you can send me an autograph of yourself.
I would really appreciate.
Syosset, NY

From your fan, Josh Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 Subject: (Man The Iron Mask)
Hi. I have been interested in collecting autographs.
If it is not to much trouble can you send an autographed something to me. My
address is
East Meadow N.Y
P.S. Thank you for your time

Cary NC 2Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001
From: alan
Subject: please read
Hi my name is alan i am a 12 year old
autographcollector and i was wondering if you can send anautographed some thing to
Thank you so much for yourtime Alan
East Meadow N.Y

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 Subject: aautograph To:
Mr Hayden,
I recently started collecting autographs and would love to add yours to my small and growing collection, If possible would you please send me a signed photo. John
Mckinleyville, CA

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001
Subject: fan
Hi Im a very huge fan of yours.
I was wondering that if you could find time in your schedule could you please send a autographed picture?
It would mean a great deal to me. Thank you for your time and talent.
Dillon S.C.

Thu, 25 Jan 2001
Importance: High
Hallo Mr.Hayden
I am a great Fan of you.
Therefore I would be very happy if you can send me 2Handwritten pictures of you(A dedictation would be very kind of you)
.Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
Yours truly Robert
Dorfen Germany

Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001
From: Jack
To: Subject: Hello
Dear Mr. Hayden,
Could you please send me an autographed photo of yourself?
I wouldlove to add a great person like you to my collection. Thank you! Kabreea.
Mt. Vernon, IN

From: Daniel
I am interested in writing and directing and find your work on Another 48 hrs and The Man in the Iron Mask
intriguing. You are very talented!
I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us your fans.
As such fan, I would like to request an authentic personally autographed photo of you to Dan.
I appreciate anything you can do to make this request a reality.
Thank You and Best Wishes,

(Parent Volunteer)
Middle School Parent Organization
Middle School

English, math, art, history and science all have something in common,
they all can be taught in an outdoor classroom. An outdoor classroom is a
natural setting where a variety of natural and man- made features provide an
area where teachers can take educational activities outside.
Outdoor classrooms open up a whole variety of hands on experiences and are especially beneficial to students who dont respond well to traditional approaches.
An outdoor classroom also provides a quite place for students to relax, read and or just enjoy the outdoors.
Added features, such as a pavilion provides a place for the band or orchestra to play, or for families
to come and have a picnic before their childs baseball or soccer game in the spring and summer.
The Fremont Middle School Parent Organization is in the process of planning an outdoor classroom at Middle School.
This outdoor classroom would consist of a garden area with picnic tables, benches and a pavilion.
This classroom would also extend into a nature trail through the woods, which would consist of a bridge over a creek and different wildlife habitats such as bird feeders and bat houses.
There would also be a smaller garden area with a gazebo for smaller groups of children.
Other things we are looking into are a greenhouse, a sculpture garden, an archeologist dig area and a health fitness trail.
This outdoor classroom will be an on going project with the main construction, starting in the spring of 2001.
Fremont Middle School Parent Group with the help of the eagle scouts, girl scouts, and community hope to have enough money to erect the pavilion, purchase benches, picnic tables and to plant trees, scrubs and plants.
Fremont Middle School has approximately 650 students from grades 6th thought 8th.
We plan on having many of these children participate in this project.
We know that the planning and building of this outdoor classroom will be a learning experience for many of the students at Fremont Middle School
We plan to have an auction on March 23, 2001 to help raise funds for this project.
This auction will consist of donated items. The main theme of the auction is celebrities memorabilia and collectables. We were hoping that that you might have something to contribute to this auction.
We are also hoping to get grants to help pay for some of the costs of this project.
We estimate that the cost of this project will be around $30,000 when it is completed.
The most wonderful and far reaching component of the outdoor classroom
is that the $30,000 will be sufficient enough to establish an outdoor
classroom for the middle schools 650 students.
It will also provide a place
for families to enjoy during soccer and baseball season. This outdoor classroom will provide a natural environment for students,
families and community members to come and learn, relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Thank you,
P Carpenter

Dan \ Cayc, SC
Dear Mr. Hayden,

Hello, My name is Jameson , and I am a student at the University of Wyoming.
I am writing to you because I appreciate the effort you have put into your acting career.
Over the years, I have enjoyed seeing your work, and I wanted to thank you for many good memories! I think you have done a lot of cool movies, keep it up! Sir,
I was hoping that you might be able to send me your autograph, perhaps you have something related to your career that you could send.
I thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. Best of luck in the future, Sincerely,

Lar, WY

Hey, i am a big fan, and an autograph collector. i was wondering if you could send me 3 autographed photos,
i would really appreciate it. thank you
my address is
Beth, IL

To: Hello!! My name is Ryan and I am 16 years old. There is an auction in Indiana that donates the proceeds to needy families at Christmas
time. I also collect autographs so for the past 2 years I have written celebrities and asked for two signed items, one for the auction and one for my personal collection.
I would really appreciate it if you could please help me continue to do this
Thanks for your help! Ryan
Kok, IN

From: Bickly Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:51:57 EDT Subject: #1 fan
To: Dear Dennis Hayden,
I am a huge fan of your work.
I think you are doing a wonderful job! You are a great actor and you should be proud of your talents. I know you must get thousands of requests such as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture.
I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out.
Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work. Best of luck to you always!
My address is Jessica
, Utah
age 8

From: "angel glez

Subject: your #1 fan Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000
Dear :Dennis Hayden
My name is Angel . I live in Puerto Rico .I am your # 1 fan.
I hope that your career brings you success in the future to come . I would like very much if you can sent me an autographed picture of you.
I will cherish it forever. P.S. I love The Movie The Man in the Iron Mask
Sincerely Yours ;
v San Sebastian , PR

Dear Mr Hayden, I'm a great admirer of you.I would therefore be very happy if you could send me a handwritten picture of you.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes.Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future.

To: i am writing to you to say how much of a fan i really am you are my biggest idol i have followed your hole career,
and i was wondering if it would be possible for you to send me a signed picture so i can frame it and put it on my wall to show my kids in 30 years time as the best idol a boy could ever
your friend and number 1 fan Thomas

I'm one of your greatest fans. How can I get an autographed picture of you?
Love always, Vania
Vania .
Gaith MD.

From: Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 Subject: fan
I am a very very big fan of yours.
I would love to meet you in person, but i know that will never happen.
I am writing you this letter to request that if you have the time please send me an autographed picture or card of yourself.
Please send the autograph to:
Quin, MA Thankyou very very much

James P.S. I hope you have a wonderful career and life and i would alwyas want to have a famous name like yours
but im only a normal kid in highschool.

/br> Subject: Hej from Sweden
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000
Dear Mr Hayden,

My name is Lennart and I live in Sweden.
I would be very happy if You could send me Your autograph.
I really liked the nice movie THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK.
I was also glad to spot You in ANOTHER 48 HRS. It is always nice to see a familiar face most unexpectedly.
I hope that You are having a nice summer, and that I will see You in the movies
soon again.
Warmest wishes from Lennart L

From: "vicki " ubject: Hi
I'm a huge fan andI think you area great person. I was wondering if you could please send me your autograph? I'd really appreciate it a lot.
, WI

Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail.
Maureen . From
I was wondering if you could please send me an autographed photo
. I would appreciate it. my address is:
Stacy . , ca.
Thanks & keep up the great work!

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000
Victor Luke
Subject: fan mail/autograph request
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I enjoyed The Man in the Iron Mask
and would like to ask you for an autographed photo. If you have the time could you please send one to:
, CA

>Dear Mr.Hayden.. name is Ron...I know you are a busy man so I >will not waste alot of your time...
Without going into great detail I will >just say that I am a HUGE fan..
I was wandering if I could trouble you for a >autograghed photo,
,it would mean alot ..Thanks so much for taking the time to >read my letter..
. >,Ohio Thanks
again and >Happy Holidays

Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000
>>Subject: Re: Thanks
We rented the movie for $3.99 from Time Warner
Communication's Pay-Per-View menu.
Good luck Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000

Dear Mr. Hayden,
You are a very good actor.
Your movies are great, you are also an essential cast member in the movies your in.
It would mean a lot to me if you could send me an autograph.
My name, and address is Rob Thanks Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000
Subject: Photo
I am a big fan I was hoping You might send me a signed photo Thanks for your time
Lads SC

Subject: Hi!
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000
I am a 14 years old boy from Norway.
I am a VERY big fan of you! Could you be able to send me some autographs on this adress?:
Heimdal Norway

Ellen Germany
Hi Dennis, i will be very glad if you would send me one handwritten picture of you.
Yours sincerely. Ellen Dear Dennis Hayden,
Could you please send me an autographed picture of yourself?
It would be something that I would cherish forever in my personal collection. Take care and all the best!
A Big Fan,

. Toronto, CANADA

Subject: Dennis Hayden
Vicks, Ms

p.s. thank you so much for your kindness, it mean
alot to me and is greatly appreciated.

From: Corey
Subject: Love your work
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000
I would like to take a few minutes and let you know what a great person you are. You have shown that god did give you a talent and you went with it.
I hope you continue your great work and accomplish all you can in life.
I would love to have an autograph from you for my wife and I to put in our living room.
I will pay any shipping that is needed

Thanks so much for your time. Corey and Heather
Ore, Utah

Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000

Thank you very much!

Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden

my name is Melanie and Im a great fan of you from the Man in the iron mask .
I find you very super! I would therefore be very happy if you could send me 2 handwritten pictures of you.One picture of you is for my mother.
She is a great fan of you too.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes.Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Melanie , Germany

I would like to have an autograph photo. Robert ,N.C.

I thank you for the photo,best wishes
Dear Dennis Hayden Could you be so kind as to send a signed photo to me at:
Andy RN Virgina Beach > >Thank You, Andy RN

Subject: Fwd: Hello from Singapore !
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000
From: AC
Subject: Hello from Singapore

Dear Hayden
A very warm
greeting from Singapore.
I have been a fan of yours for the last 2 years. I like the movies that you have produced, particularly those on action genre.
I will appreciate it greatly if you could kindly send me your autographed photograph.
It will make me a proud fan since it is unlikely that I could meet you in person.
You can count on my continuos support for your work.

I wish you good health and all the best in your career.
Have yourself a Merry Christmas.
Thank you.

Gul Way

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000
From: Sky
Subject: autograph request

Dear Mr. Hayden
I think you are great and I love your work.
Could I please get your autograph?
If so, could you make it out to Chris? I would greatly appreciate it. Good luck and keep up the great work in the future.
Thank you very much Chris
, WV

Nov 2000 >
United Kingdom
Dear Dennis >
> Just a short note to say that I very much enjoy the results of your hard work
> both acting in and producing some wonderful films.
> I very much enjoyed the film "The Man In The Iron Mask"
which I thought held >
up extremely well against the many other movie adaptations of the story. > >
I would be extremely grateful to you if you could find the time to send me a
> signed photograph of yourself and if at all possible inscribed to me.
> > Best Wishes > > Martin

>>Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 14:36:57 -0600 >From:

>Subject: pic > >
Hello Mr. Hayden, I am a fan of your work. I was wondering if I could >get a signed photo of you? BTW, what's new in the works?
Thanks, Sheldon > > Holcomb, Ks 67851

From: "Nancy " Subject: Fwd: Spanish fan!!

From: "juan" Dear Mr Dennis Hayden:

My name is Juan and Im spanish.
I am a huge fan of your work. I think you do a wonderful job! You are a great actor and you should be proud
of your talents.
I know you must get thousands of requests, such as this,
but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture. I realize you are very busy and
have a limited amount of time
, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out.

Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work.
Best of luck to you always!
Albacete SPAIN

From: Anna
To: Sandy, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I have been a fan of yours for some time now. My particular favorite films are "Die Hard, Another 48 hours," and "The man in the Iron Mask".
I was wondering if it would be possible to get an autograph/photograph.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Yours sincerely

From: "" Dear Mr Hayden
I have seen you in the film the man in the iron mask.
I was delighted to find your email address which meant I could write to you.
Please can you forward a signed picture of yourself to the address below
Howard Road Cambrage England


From: "Emma
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000
I was told by my friend that if I e-mailed this address I could ask for an autogrpahed picture of yourself.
If this is not true I'm very sorry for bothering you.
However, if my friend was correct thank you very much for you time and effort. It would be so neat to have an autographed picture of you!!:):) Thanks
my address is: Emma B.C Canada
From: "Michael"
Sehr geehrter Herr Hayden
Tuffelen Schweiz Dear Mr Dennis Hayden,
I have been one of your constant admirers for a longtime and
i am dying to have one of you pictures signed by you.
I would be most grateful if you had the kindness to fulfil my dearest wish.
Thank you in advance. Marlne
Bobigny France

From: Daniel
I am interested in writing and directing and find your work on Another 48 hrs and The Man in the Iron Mask
intriguing. You are very talented! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us your fans.
As such fan, I would like to request an authentic personally autographed photo of you to Dan.
I appreciate anything you can do to make this request a reality.
Thank You and Best Wishes,
Cay, SC

Hey, i am a big fan, and an autograph collector.
i was wondering if you could send me 3 autographed photos,
i would really appreciate it. thank you my address is
Beth, IL

To: Hello!! My name is Ryan and I am 16 years old. There is an auction in Kokomo, Indiana that donates the proceeds to needy families at Christmas time.
I also collect autographs so for the past 2 years I have written celebrities and asked for two signed items, one for the auction and one for my personal collection.
I would really appreciate it if you could please help me continue to do this.
Thanks for your help! Ryan
Koko, IN From: B Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 Subject: #1 fan To:
Dear Dennis Hayden,
I am a huge fan of your work.
I think you are doing a wonderful job! You are a great actor and you should be proud of your talents.
I know you must get thousands of requests such as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture.
I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out.
Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work. Best of luck to you always!
My address is Amal, Utah Sincerely,
age 8 To:
Subject: your #1 fan
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000

Dear Mr Hayden, I'm a great admirer of you.
I would therefore be very happy if you could send me a handwritten picture of you.
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes.Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Sven Rhl
HEY!! What's UP??
I am writing to tell you how much I admire your work! You are totally awesome,
and you are a great role model for everyone! I am also writing to ask you if you can please send me an autographed
photo of you made out to me, Adam. I am planning on framing it and hanging it on my livingroom
wall. I would like to thank you in advance for your photo, your autograph, and your time.
Thank you! Your Fan And Friend, Adam
idol i have followed your hole career, and i was wondering if it would be possible for you to send me a signed picture so i can frame it and put it on my wall
to show my kids in 30 years time as the best idol a boy could ever have
your friend and number 1 fan Thomas

I'm one of your greatest fans.
How can I get an autographed picture of you? Love always, Vania
Gaithersburg MD.

Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 To: I am a very very big fan of yours.
I would love to meet you in person, but i know that will never happen.
I am writing you this letter to request that if you have the time please send me an autographed picture or card of yourself.
Please send the autograph to:
Quin, MA Thankyou very very much
James P.S. I hope you have a wonderful career and life and i would alwyas want to have a famous name like yours but im only a normal kid in highschool.

Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 From: Patrick Subject: Hi!

Dear Dennis Hayden,
I am sure you get tons of fan mail for being one of the best role models for young people today.
Currently, I am attending MSU and working towards my teaching degree in History and Theater.
Hopefully, I will be as positive an image for students to look up to as you have been.
I admire your work and all you have done.
Would it be possible for you to send an autographed photo to me at your earliest convenience? You have no idea how much it would be appreciated.
Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read and respond to my letter.

Subject: Hej from Sweden
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000
Dear Mr Hayden,
My name is Lennart and I live in Sweden. I would be very happy if You could send me Your autograph.
I really liked the nice movie THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK.
I was also glad to spot You in ANOTHER 48 HRS. It is always nice to see a familiar face most unexpectedly.
I hope that You are having a nice summer, and that I will see You in the movies
soon again. Warmest wishes from Lennart

From: "vicki
Subject: Hi
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000
I'm a huge fan andI think you area great person. I was wondering if you could please send me your autograph?
I'd really appreciate it a lot.
thanks, Vicki Ben
address is
Park, WI

To: Subject: request for an autograph

Dear Mr. Hayden, My daughter Kirsten's favorite movie is The Man in the Iron Mask,
and I must say I also enjoyed the movie very much. Her birthday is in December and I was wondering if you would be able to send me an autographed photo
of yourself that I could have framed and give her. I know that she would be totally over the moon to know that you took the time to sign a photo especially for her. If you are able to help please send it to Mrs. Maureen
Eltham Australia. Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail.

__________________________________________________- Wed, 6 Sep 2000
Subject: Your #1 fans
To: Dear : Dennis Hayden

My name is Elida . I have a brother named David Perez . We are your #1 fans . We hope that you have a great career
.We would like 2 autographed picture of you .We will cherish them for ever. your #1 fans

Barceloneta , Puerto Rico

Dear Dennis
I have been one of your constant admirers for a long time and
I am dying to have one of your pictures signed by you. (For my birthday)
I would be most grateful if you had the kindness to fulfil my dearest wish. Thank you in advance.
Kisses Stefania XXX.


Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000

Dear Mr.Hayden:Am a very big fan of yours could you plseae send me an autograph picture of you.
You are a great actor i really enjoy you in the man in the iron
you were great.Thank you very much. rob
ln floren,ky . usa


Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am a retired guy and have lots of time to watch movies. I recently saw "Iron Mask"
and thought it was very good. You do great work! Sir, I wonder if you could do me a small favor? Is it possible for you to send me a signed photo?
I would be very honored if you could inscribe it to me as well.

My thanks and with best wishes, I am sincerely
Chest, PA


Subject: autograph request To:
Dear Dennis,
I am writing to tell you how much I enjoy watching the movies you are in. You are a great actor and producer. My favorite movie is "Man in the iron mask."
I was wondering if you could send me your autograph. I would really appreciate it. Good luck and thanks again!

Cano, Ohio

To: Subject: Canadian fan Dear Mr Dennis Hayden,
I absolutely loved "The Man Behind the Iron Mask".
You are so brilliant. I would be honored if you would send me a personally autographed photo
(To Janice) of yourself. I would be very grateful. Thank you so much Sir! God Bless

Oshawa, Ontario CANADA

To: Subject: PERSONAL !Eric Van
Belgium Europe
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I wanted to take a few minutes to write and tell you how much I enjoy your films. I am a huge fan of your work. You are one of my favorite actors!
I have seen you in many movies: among my favorites are "The Man In The Iron Mask"
and "Wild Bill"! I feel you are a brilliant actor because of the intensity that you take with every role.
I think you did a wonderful job in all of your movies, and you should be proud of your talents.
I am thrilled that you will be starring in "Echoes Of Enlightenment" and I cant wait to see it.
I hope your career will last a long time and I look forward to your future films. I know you must get thousands of requests such as this,
but I was wondering, could you please fulfil a small request from a devoted fan? Could you please send me a authentic personally autographed photo made out to me "Eric"?
I would greatly appreciate it and I will cherish it for the rest of my life. I want to frame your photo and display it in my living room. I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but this is extremely important to me.
Thank you so much, in advance, for your valuable time and please keep up the fantastic work!
Best of luck to you always and God bless. I wish you much more success in the future. Sincerely,

--------------------------------------------------------------From: Stephane To:
Subject: Dear Mr. Hayden
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001

Dear Mr. Hayden
How are you? At first, please forgive my terrible English.
I am a 24 years old French Canadian Ex Student in movie making
and I did not get a lot of opportunities to improve my English lately.
I hope you will not have too much troubles understanding my little E-Mail.

I can begin to throw you tons and tons of flowers,
like probably most of the mail you get from your fans.
So, I will just tell you few littles words about that topic;
You are a very solid actor, the kind of person with who I dream to work a lot because
I always got the impression that you really love and enjoy acting.
And you know so well how to situate your caracter, just by your eyes we can understand if you are the good or the bad guy, and I love it.

Loving that terrible business is, in my humble point
of view, the most essencial part of the talent of an artist, in any field of art. And we can feel that from you.
Passion is so important. Childs will lot shoot each others anymore if they rediscover the power of the passion!

So, if I decided to write to you today,
that not only to tell you what most of the peoples who write you must tell.
I also got a question, an important question for me, for help me a little in my sceenplay work.

I write a lot. And I dream to make movies, in the future, with theses littles stories I write.
I done 7 years in theatre, as an actor, and after as a writer director.
When I was acting, I was often mad because I was feeling "prisoner" of the text of the author. The people don't like when we do a change in the original text. But for me, that hard sometime, to tell a line the way is written, in a natural and credible way, and I would prefer to say the same thing but in a different way.
Most of the actors must feel that way sometime, I am sure.

Me, when I write a screenplay, I have a lot of problems to do memorables dialogues.
I have a lot of difficulty to enter the skin of every characters.
Usually, I have a specific character for me and that's easy for me to create a dialogue for him with personnality and natural.
But for a lot of others characters,
especially for the womens, that's way arder for me to reach that same lever of natural and credibility.
So I do like I done when I was writing play for the theatre; writing, with a cold hand, a simple basic dialogue, and when the play is finished,
I rewrite all the dialogues but with the actors and actress who will play the differents parts...
That's help me a lot to do more memorable, natural dialogues. And in that way, the actors feel
way less prisoner of their live.
And for me, at least in theatre, that was a way to get the actors and actress way more involved with the play; in that way, the play became a little "their"
play, and they seem to work with an additional force and passion. That give marvellous result on stage, but I don't know if that kind of method is sometime used for a movie, for a screenplay.
I feel bad to present that kind of screenplay to a producer, because I don't know if he will understand why my dialogues are so cold.
I don't know if that way to work is used by a lot of people. I am affraid to give the opinion to work my screenplay like a lazy person.
What do you think about that way to work? Do you think that have a value? I will love to get your opinion about that, because you are a great actor,
and also a successful producer, so that will give me 2 points of view for the price of one ;o) I will really love to know your opinion about that. Do you think
I should just do my dialogues as good as I can or continue that way?

I know that I will probably don't get a reply to that E-Mail, you must be pretty busy and I understand
that ;o) But I ask that to you anyway, just in case you get 5 minutes. You know what it is when we try to built a little career; so much fear and that feeling
of lonelyness who always stick to us... But I work on that since so many years,
I done so much sacrifices! I know I can success, one fine day, especially because I don't want to do expensive movies;
I want to be a "cheap" director and have more liberty, work a lot with the actors, like in theatre. I don't feel "artist".
I write theses littles story because that make me feel happy and less lonely. I don't want to innovate movie making, I just want to show to the peoples my stories, my dreams.
Ok, I bored you enough with all that Jazz.
You probably get tons of E-Mails from littles "want to be" like me :o) but thank for reading me if you still read until here!!! :o)

So, I wish you all the best for 2001, for you, your family and for the people you love.
Please keep entertain us and never loose your passion for your job.
Your very devoted French-Canadian Fan,

inre is any way for me to buy a dedicated portrait from you?
I have a nice collection in my room, and I use thems for my writing work. When I built a new story,
I select few pictures for the caracters
I have to create, that's help me a lot to "dream" the scenes, because the caracter became someone with a look, a voice, a way to move.
That's a great way for me to work and can you figure how fun it is for me to create scenes in my head with any actors or actress?
That great to create a story with Al Pacino, Humphrey Bogart and Orson Welles ;o) Thank for let me know!!! :o)


> Dear Dennis Hayden !
> > My family and I are great fan of you!
> > therefore we would be very happy,if you could send us 2 or 3
> > originalautographs of you.
> > We would be very pleased if you could fulfill our wishes.

Many thanks in advance four your kindness.
sincerley Matthias
Neustadt Germany>

To: Subject: fan
, NB Canada Dear Mr. Hayden:
I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of your work. You are one of my favorite actors. I was so happy to see you in The Man in the Iron Mask.
My apologies if I have written at a busy time for you. I know you must get lots of fan mail.
If it would be ok, could you please send me a personally autographed photo made out to "Tom and Lance". (Tom is my twin brother and also a big fan.)
I want to frame your photo and display it.
I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but this is extremely important to me and I would deeply appreciate it if you could do this small favour.
Thank you so much for your valuable time and keep up the fantastic work.
Your fans and friends,
Tom and Lance


Subject: Autograph request To:
dennis@dennishayden.comDear Mr. Hayden,
I have really admired your work for some time. You have a unique talent that surpasses many others.
I know you're busy, so in respect to you, I'll be as brief as possible.
I have wanted your autograph for a couple of years now, but have always been in the wrong place at the wrong time. A friend found this e-mail address for me, but isn't sure it is authentic.
If it is, and it's not too much of a bother, could you please send some form of autograph

to: R. Mertes
Memphis, TN Thanks so much in advance. Thanks for the many hours of entertainment you have provided.

To: autographCincinnati,Ohio 45230 Dear Mr.Hayden
, I love the movie the Man In The Iron Mask.
You are a wonderful producer.
I was wondering,would you be able to send me an autographed photo? That would be awesome.
Thanks a million.Your biggest fan-Jonathan


Dear Dennis,
Hello, I am a fan of yours. I love many of your films. Some of my favorites
are Die Hard (one of my husbands all time favorite movies, I think we both
have it memorized :)), The Man In The Iron Mask,
Another 48 Hours, and Wild Bill. I think you are a talented actor and I look forward to your future films. Keep up the great work.
Could you send me a personally autographed picture? It would make my day. Thanks. I wish you all the best in everything
you do. Your Fan,
Shawn, OK

To: Subject: from Ukraine Dear mr.Dennis
! My name is Alexandr.
I live in Ukraine and I collect the autographes the most famous people in the world.
In my collection there are autographes of the presidents of states and known actors,
signed books of the known all over the world authors and card with the autographes of the football players of Italy, Brasil and Germany.I very much want to have your autograph. If you could give minute and to present me the autograph, would deliver to me by it huge pleasure. Unfortunately I can not send to you the paid envelope (SASE), because Post department of Ukraine does not render such services.
Therefore I hope for yours Kindness.

Excuse for bad English.
Thank. The best regards
Alexandr I.

Subject: fan mail To: dennis@dennishayden.comDear
Mr. Hayden, I've seen you perform in a couple movies - 48 Hours and Iron Mask.
I think you are a very talented actor. Are you going to be in other movies or television appearances soon?
I sure hope so. I think you are great.
Would it be possible to send me an autograph? That would sure make me happy.
Thanks and take care. Betty
Independ MO

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p>


Subject: fan mail To:
Mr. Hayden, I am a fan of yours and Man In The Iron Mask
is one of my very favorite movies. Would it be possible to receive an autograph from you. That would really be cool if I could.
Thanks and take care. Chelsea
Omaha, NE


Dear Dennis Hayden
I am a Norwegian boy and you are my favourite star. Could you please send me your autograph and - if possible - also a picture
of you? I would be more than happy, of course. The best of luck in the future and kindest regards. Sincerely yours
SELLEBAKK NORWAY --------------------------------------------------------

Subject: fan email Mr. Hayden,
I will keep this short since I know you're quite busy, but I would like to let you know that I am a big admirer of yours.
I was thrilled that I was able to contact you via email, these days anything is possible.
I would like to request a signed photo if possible. This would be an incredible item to have. I wish the best for you in the future.
Thanks for your time.
Irving, TX


To: Subject: fan
Hi Mr Hayden, I'm a big fan of yours, I loved the man in the iron mask
it was awesome, I was wondering if I could get your autograph, I'd really appreciate it. thanks a lot
fultondale al ________________________________________________________________________

Subject: fan To:
Dear Mr. Hayden, I am a huge fan of yours.
You are a great actor and you should be proud of your talents. I know you must get thousands of requests should as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture. I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time.
Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the fantastic work.
Best of luck to you always! Sincerely, Damion
Rad, KY

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Dennis you rock! To: dennis@dennishayden.comDennis Hayden,
I have been watching your work for the last several years now.
I loved "Another 48 hours". I also enjoyed "The man in the iron mask".
You did an outstanding job in that movie. I wish you nothing, but continued success for the years to come.
I would love to have an autographed photo to hang on the wall of my office.
Would you please send me one? Thank you so very much. Peter
Ft. Ben, GA


Subject: Could I please have your autograph?
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I collect autographs. It would be greatly appreciated if
I could add your autograph to my collection.
So, could I please have your autograph?
Could you please make it out to David? My address is:David Berglund
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada .
Thank you very much! Sincerely

To: Subject:
Can I please have your autograph?Dear Mr. Hayden, Hi! I hope you are well.
I would like to know if I could please have your autograph? I am a big
of yours and I admire you and your work very much. So please if it is not too much trouble I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you so much for taking the time to readthis.
Dodge AZ


Subject: Big Fan To:
Mr Hayden I love your work and it would be great if you could please send me a signed photo
.If you are to busy I understand and I am just happy to say hello . Thank-you for your time. Dean
Victoria B.C. Canada


Subject: beautiful actor.
HI, young female fan here To:
Hi.. I know this sounds corny but...I look up to you. I'm a 16- year old female studying ACTING/FILM & TV at a peforming arts higschool....I'm also a moderate guitar player/song writer. You're so inspiring. I'm a huge fan of your work.
I can't put into words how you influence me, seriously.
I'm not some autograph collector. I'm a 16 year old.

I will send you an authentic picture! Anyways...I was just curious if you could be so kind and send me an AUTOGRAPH
or a PICTURE... I left my Address below... THANKS! Victoria
Palm Gardens,Florida


Subject: autographHi Mr Hayden!!! My name is Nicklas and I am 16 years old. I live in a town called Trollhattan in Sweden.
You are my big big idol. You are my prototype.
You are the best. I wonder if I culde get your real autograph. You would make me very happy if you send me your real autograph.

Please please please send me your real autograph. Have it very well.
My address is:
Trollhattan Sweden


Subject: Autograph?
To: Hi.. I'm an huge fan.. I would appreciate it so much if you could send me an autograph, a picture..
anything. If not, I appreciate you taking the time to read this.Sorry to bother you.
Thanks Suzanne
Heights, NY


To: Subject:
autographed photoDear Dennis Hayden
, I am a very big fan of yours. I have loved your work for a very long time.
I was wondering if you could posibly send me an autographed photo
I would really appreciate one. Thank you and continued success.
Brock, MA


Subject: autograph request... To:
can i have your autograph? I love the Movie The Man in the Iron Mask!!!
It is my favorite movie!!!
it would be a pleasure to own your autograph!! And I wuld be really greatful if u could personalize it!!! my name is Cori...
my address is.... Cori
Rock, Illinois thanx a bunch!!! I can't wait to hear from u!!!


Subject: autograph for my kids
To: dennis@dennishayden.comDear Mr Hayden , I realize that you are very busy, but I was just wondering if it is at all possible to get an autographed photo?
This photo will be for our personal use to hang in our family/recreation room as a reminder to our kids. I PROMISE YOU
are not sellers!! My children, Shannin, age 9 and Jaimee, age 8, and I are trying to get as many autographs as we can.
You see, I am trying to show them that anything is possible if you try.
Sometimes they give up without even trying, or are just too afraid to try to do something, and I am trying to make them believe that even the hardest things are possible.
Please let me say that you are VERY GOOD at what you do and I hope that you continue to be the WONDERFUL entertainer that you are. Thank You so very much for your time and help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, Frann .
, NY

Subject: autographDear Dennis Hayden,
is there a chance to become an autograph of yourself on this way ? Because I'm from Germany I have never a chance to become an personely autograph of you.
Could you please send me an autograph to my adress : Werner
Bochum Germany

Thank you very very much for your help and your kindness.
Best wishes

Subject: (no subject)
To: Dear Mr Hayden,My name is Mickey , and I would like to take just a second of your time to tell you about my roommate Jon Cavanagh. Jon is one of you biggest fans,
and has been going through a difficult time in his life. You have been such an incredible source of inspiration for him. If there is anything that you could do for him,
it would mean the absolute world to Jon.
Thank You So Very Much,
Jon , OR


Subject: (no subject) To: dennis@dennishayden.comHelloDennis,
May I please have the honor of requesting an autographed 8x10 from you, as I admire your many talents.
Thank You very much for you time, and I wish you the very best.
Dennis L.
Liv, Michigan


Hi My fiance and I really enjoy your work. We were hoping you might be able to send us your autograph.
Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
Pamela and
N.Durham NC

TO: DENNIS HAYDEN I am a soldier and I just returned home from Bosnia. I was there for ten months involved in a Peacekeeping Mission
I missed seeing you while I was gone, along with all the other things that make the United States so great. I was wondering if I could get an autograph picture of you.
, SC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To:
Mr. Hayden, I have enjoyed your performances in numerous movies including "Another 48 Hours" and "Wishmaster."
You are great! Keep up the good work. If possible, would you send me an autographed photo to put on my wall? If so, please send it to: Dr. Dave
, IL Thanks so much,
Dr. Dave ---------------------------------------------------------------- To: "Dennis"
Dear Mr. Hayden, I am a college student studying television and radio. I really enjoy your work and am writing in the hopes that I could have an autographed photo of you.
I uunderstand you are busy, however it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your time and good luck in your future.
Sincerely, Steve --,
Coc FL


hi my name is david and i am writing to tell you how much i admire youre career as a actor,i am from england
and knowing that it is hard to obtain one of youre favourte celebs autograph from the outside of the uk is realy hard,i would like to ask if you do autograph request,
if you do i would be very greatful if you could kindley send a autographed photo of youreself for me and my brother ian we would be very greatful,
are if this request is impossilble could you please send me and my brother some details in how we could possilbly obtain one to the following address: mr david /br> bolton
england thank you very much reading our small letter,and all the best wishes from
david&ian ___


Dear Mr. Hayden,

I just wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoy your acting, especially in "The Man With The Iron Mask".
Thank you for all of your hard work and thanks for the all the joy you bring myself and others. Please keep up the great work.
I would be so honored to have an autographed picture of yourself.
I would display it proudly in my office at work. Thank you for your consideration.

Dear Dennis,
Hello, I am a fan of yours. I love many of your films. Some of my favorites are Die Hard (one of my husbands all time favorite movies, I think we both have it memorized :)), The Man In The Iron Mask,
Another 48 Hours, and Wild Bill. I think you are a talented actor and I look forward to your future films. Keep up the great work. Could you send me a personally autographed
picture? It would make my day. Thanks. I wish you all the best in everything
you do. Your Fan,
Shaw, OK

Dear Mr. Hayden, I think you are a great actor. Could I please have your autograph?
Could you please make it out to Phil? My address is: Philip
Wembley Ottawa Ontario Canada . Thanks so much!

Dear Mr. Hayden,
I was wondering if anyway possible you could send me a autographed photo.
I have been a fan of yours for years. I really enjoyed another 48 hours.
I will not ramble on for you get thousands of requests. I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy the work you do.
Thank You,






Dear Mr. Hayden,

My daughter Kirsten's favorite movie is The Man in the Iron Mask,
and I must say I also enjoyed the movie very much. Her birthday is in December
and I was wondering if you would be able to send me an autographed photo
of yourself that I could have framed and give her. I know that she would be totally over the moon to know that you took the time to sign a photo especially for her.
If you are able to help please send it to

Mrs. Maureen
Eltham Victoria

Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. To:
Subject: request for an autograph


Subject: Hej from Sweden
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000
Dear Mr Hayden,
My name is Lennart and I live in Sweden. I would be very happy if You could send me Your autograph.
I really liked the nice movie THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK.
I was also glad to spot You in ANOTHER 48 HRS. It is always nice to see a familiar face most unexpectedly.
I hope that You are having a nice summer, and that I will see You in the movies soon again.
Warmest wishes from


Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000
Subject: Your #1 fans
Dear : Dennis Hayden

My name is Elida . I have a brother named David Perez . We are your #1 fans . We hope that you have a great career .
We would like 2 autographed picture of you .We will cherish them for ever.

your #1 fans

Barceloneta , Puerto Rico



Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001
Subject: Question for Mr. Hayden
Dear Mr. Hayden,
The Educational Career Program (ECP) at Community College in Syracuse New York services economically and academically disadvantaged students.
With the support of the ECP, many of our students go on to prestigious 4-year institutions such as SUNY Albany, Syracuse University and Rochester Institute of Technology. At this time of budget cuts and dwindling aid these students need other means for educating scholastic support.
In order to help ease the financial strains the ECP has planned a fundraising scholarship for April 2001. Due to your popularity with the faculty and students,
we were hoping an autographed photo or two would help us reach our goals. If you could please help our very deserving students to realize their intellectual capabilities and learn to give back to their community through you're role modeling.
My students and I appreciate your time and enthusiastically wait for your response.
, New York
Educational Career Counselor



Thank you so much in advance for your valuable time, and please keep up the fantastic work!
I wish you even more success in the future, so best of good luck to you! Mahalo Auggie


Dear Dennis I have been one of your constant admirers for a long time and I am dying to have one of your pictures signed by you.
(For my birthday)

I would be most grateful if you had the
kindness to fulfil my dearest wish.
Thank you in advance.
Kisses Stefania XXX.


Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000
Subject: picture
Dear Mr.Hayden:
Am a very big fan of yours could you plseae send me an autograph picture of you.You are a great actor i really enjoy you in the man in the iron mask
you were great.Thank you very much. rob ln flor
,ky . usa


Subject: Photo request
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am a retired guy and have lots of time to watch movies. I recently saw "Iron Mask"
and thought it was very good. You do great work! Sir, I wonder if you could do me a small favor? Is it possible for you to send me a signed photo? I would be very honored if you could inscribe it to me as well. My thanks and with best wishes, I am
. Chester, PA


Subject: autograph request To:
Dear Dennis,
I am writing to tell you how much I enjoy watching the movies you are in. You are a great actor and producer. My favorite movie is "Man in the iron mask
I was wondering if you could send me your autograph.
I would really appreciate it. Good luck and thanks again!
North Cano, Ohio

Dear Mr Dennis Hayden,

I absolutely loved "The Man Behind the Iron Mask"
. You are so brilliant. I would be honored if you would send me a personally autographed photo
(To Janice) of yourself.
I would be very grateful.
Thank you so much Sir!
God Bless
Oshawa, Ontario

To: Subject: PERSONAL !Eric

Dear Mr. Hayden,
I wanted to take a few minutes to write and tell you how much I enjoy your films. I am a huge fan of your work.
You are one of my favorite actors! I have seen you in many movies: among my favorites are "The Man In The Iron Mask"
and "Wild Bill"! I feel you are a brilliant actor because of the intensity that you take with every role.
I think you did a wonderful job in all of your movies, and you should be proud of your talents. I am thrilled that you will be starring in "Echoes Of Enlightenment"
and I cant wait to see it. I hope your career will last a long time and I look forward to your future films. I know you must get thousands
of requests such as this, but I was wondering, could you please fulfil a small request from a devoted fan? Could you please send me a authentic personally autographed photo made out to me "Eric"?
I would greatly appreciate it and I will cherish it for the rest of my life.
I want to frame your photo and display it in my living room. I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time, but this is extremely important to me.
Thank you so much, in advance, for your valuable time and please keep up the fantastic work!
Best of luck to you always and God bless.
I wish you much more success in the future.


Dear Dennis Hayden !
My family and I are great fan of you!
therefore we would be very happy,if you could send us 2 or 3
originalautographs of you.
We would be very pleased if you could fulfill our wishes.
Many thanks in advance four your kindness.
sincerley Matthias

To: Subject: fan n, NB Canada
Dear Mr. Hayden:
Your fans and friends,
Tom and Lance


Subject: Autograph request
To: Dear Mr. Hayden, I have really admired your work for some time. You have a unique talent that surpasses many others. I know you're busy, so in respect to you, I'll be as brief as possible. I have wanted your autograph for a couple of years now, but have always been in the wrong place at the wrong time. A friend found this e-mail address for me, but isn't sure it is authentic. If it is, and it's not too much of a bother, could you please send some form of autograph to: . Mertes

M, TN Thanks so much in advance. Thanks for the many hours of entertainment you have provided. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Subject: autograph
Cincinnati,Ohio Dear Mr.Hayden,
I love the movie the Man In The Iron Mask.
You are a wonderful producer.I was wondering,would you be able to send me an autographed photo? That would be awesome.Thanks a million.Your biggest
fan-Jonathan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Dennis,
Hello, I am a fan of yours. I love many of your films. Some of my favorites are Die Hard (one of my husbands all time favorite movies, I think we both have it memorized :)), The Man In The Iron Mask,
Another 48 Hours, and Wild Bill. I think you are a talented actor and I look forward to your future films. Keep up the great work.
Could you send me a personally autographed picture? It would make my day.
Thanks. I wish you all the best in everything you do.
Your Fan,
Shaw, OK

Subject: from Ukraine
Dear mr.Dennis ! My name is Alexandr.
I live in Ukraine and I collect the autographes the most famous people in the world.
In my collection there are autographes of the presidents of states and known actors, signed books of the known all over the world authors and card with the autographes of the football players of Italy, Brasil and Germany.
I very much want to have your autograph. If you could give minute and to present me the autograph, would deliver to me by it huge pleasure.
Unfortunately I can not send to you the paid envelope (SASE), because Post department of Ukraine
v does not render such services. Therefore I hope for yours Kindness.
Excuse for bad English.
Thank. The best regards


Subject: fan mail To: dennis@dennishayden.comD
ear Mr. Hayden, I've seen you perform in a couple movies - 48 Hours and Iron Mask.
I think you are a very talented actor. Are you going to be in other movies or television appearances soon?
I sure hope so. I think you are great.
Would it be possible to send me an autograph? That would sure make me happy.
Thanks and take care. Betty
Independence MO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Subject: fan mail To: Dear Mr Dennis Hayden Hi, I am big fan of your's ! Your are my favorite of all times.. my favorite movie of all times is

" Man In a iron Mask "
you are very talented young man. you can do it all.. Thats wonderful ! Thats what makes you so special.. Mr. Hayden, I was wondering if I could get a signed Photo of you ?
That would really make this old womans day. I would forever cherish it and appreciate it... keep up the great work Sir .
Thanks and take care.... your fan always
Sincerely Tina
Kansas , Mo

Subject: fan mail
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am a fan of yours and Man In The Iron Mask
is one of my very favorite movies. Would it be possible to receive an autograph from you.
That would really be cool if I could. Thanks and take care. Chelsea


Dear Dennis Hayden I am a Norwegian boy and you are my favourite star.
Could you please send me your autograph
and - if possible - also a picture of you? I would be more than happy, of course.
The best of luck in the future and kindest regards.
Sincerely yours

SELLEBAKK NORWAY --------------------------------------------------------

To: Subject: fan email
Mr. Hayden,
I will keep this short since I know you're quite busy,
but I would like to let you know that I am a big admirer of yours. I was thrilled that I was able to contact you via email, these days anything is possible.
I would like to request a signed photo if possible. This would be an incredible item to have.
I wish the best for you in the future. Thanks for your time.



fanHi Mr Hayden,

I'm a big fan of yours, I loved the man in the iron mask
it was awesome, I was wondering if I could get your autograph,
I'd really appreciate it. thanks a lot
ALABABMA ________________________________________________________________________

Subject: fan To:
Dear Mr. Hayden, I am a huge fan of yours. You are a great actor and you should be proud of your talents.
I know you must get thousands of requests should as this, but I was hoping you could send me an autographed picture. I realize you are very busy and have a limited amount of time.

Thank you so much for your time and please keep up the
fantastic work. Best of luck to you always!
, KY


Subject: Dennis you rock!
To: dennis@dennishayden.comDennis Hayden, I have been watching your work for the last several years now.

I loved "Another 48 hours". I also enjoyed "The man in the iron mask".
You did an outstanding job in that movie.
I wish you nothing, but continued success for the years to come.
I would love to have an autographed photo to hang on the wall of my office.
Would you please send me one? Thank you so very much.
Ft. , GA


Subject: Could I please have your autograph?
Dear Mr. Hayden,

I collect autographs. It would be greatly appreciated if I could add your autograph to my collection.
So, could I please have your autograph? Could you please make it out to David?
My address is:David
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Thank you very much!


Subject: Can I please have your autograph?

Dear Mr. Hayden,

Hi! I hope you are well.
I would like to know if I could please have your autograph?
I am a big fan of yours and I admire you and your work very much.
So please if it is not too much trouble I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you so much for taking the time to readthis.


Subject: Big Fan
Mr Hayden I love your work and it would be great if you could please send me a signed photo .
If you are to busy I understand and I am just happy to say hello . Thank-you for your time.
Victoria B.C. Canada


Subject: beautiful actor.
HI, young female fan here
Hi.. I know this sounds corny but...I look up to you.
I'm a 16- year old female studying ACTING/FILM & TV at a peforming arts higschool....I'm also a moderate guitar player/song writer.
You're so inspiring. I'm a huge fan of your work.
I can't put into words how you influence me, seriously. I'm not some autograph collector.
I'm a 16 year old.
I will send you an authentic picture!
Anyways...I was just curious if you could be so kind and send me an AUTOGRAPH or a PICTURE...
I left my Address below... THANKS!
Palm Beach ,Florida

To: Subject: autograph
Hi Mr Hayden!!! My name is Nicklas and I am 16 years old.
I live in a town called in Sweden. You are my big big idol.
You are my prototype.
You are the best. I wonder if I culde get your real autograph.
You would make me very happy if you send me your real autograph.
Please please please send me your real autograph.
Have it very well.

My address is:


Subject: Autograph?
To: Hi.. I'm an huge fan..
I would appreciate it so much if you could send me an autograph, a picture.. anything. If not,
I appreciate you taking the time to read this.Sorry to bother you. Thanks!

Jackson NY USA


Subject: autographed photoDear
Dennis Hayden,
I am a very big fan of yours.
I have loved your work for a very long time. I was wondering if you could posibly send me an autographed photo.
I would really appreciate one.
Thank you and continued success.
Brock, MA


Subject: autograph request... To: dennis@dennishayden.comcan i have your autograph? I love the Movie The Man in the Iron Mask!
!! It is my favorite movie!!!
it would be a pleasure to own your autograph!! And I wuld be really greatful if u could personalize it!!! my name is Cori... my
address is....
Rockford, Illinois
thanx a bunch!!! I can't wait to hear from u!!!


Subject: autograph for my kids To:
dennis@dennishayden.comDear Mr Hayden ,
I realize that you are very busy, but I was just wondering if it is at all possible to get an autographed photo?
This photo will be for our personal use to hang in our family/recreation room as a reminder to our kids. I PROMISE YOU
we are not sellers!!
My children, Shannin, age 9 and Jaimee, age 8, and I are trying to get as many autographs as we can.
You see, I am trying to show them that anything is possible if you try.
Sometimes they give up without even trying, or are just too afraid to try to do something, and I am trying to make them believe that even the hardest things are possible.
Please let me say that you are VERY GOOD at what you do and I hope that you continue to be the WONDERFUL entertainer that you are.
Thank You so very much for your time and help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, Frann Shannin Jaimee , NY

To: Subject:
autographDear Dennis Hayden, is there a chance to become an autograph of yourself on this way ?
Because I'm from Germany I have never a chance to become an personely autograph of you.
Could you please send me an autograph to my adress : Werner Winkelkoetter

Bochum Germany Thank you very very much for your help and your kindness.
Best wishes Werner


Subject: (no subject) To: dennis@dennishayden.comDear Mr Hayden,
My name is Mickey , and I would like to take just a second of your time to tell you about my roommate Jon .
Jon is one of you biggest fans, and has been going through a difficult time in his life.
You have been such an incredible source of inspiration for him. If there is anything that you could do for him, it would mean the absolute world to Jon.
Thank You So Very Much,
, OR


Subject: (no subject) To:
dennis@dennishayden.comb HelloDennis,
May I please have the honor of requesting an autographed 8x10 from you, as I y talents.
Thank You very much for you time, and I wish you the very best.
Dennis ,
Livonia, Michigan

My fiance and I really enjoy your work. We were hoping you might be able to send us your autograph.
Thank yur time. Sincerely,
Pamela and David


To: Mr. Hayden,
I have enjoyed your performances in numerous movies including "Another 48 Hours" and "Wishmaster." You are great! Keep up the good work.
If possible, would you send me an autographed photo to put on my wall? If so, please send it to:
Dr. Dave
, IL Thanks so much, Dr. Dave


Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am a college student studying television and radio.
I really enjoy your work and am writing in the hopes that I could have an autographed photo of you. I uunderstand you are busy, however it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your time and good luck in your future.
Sincerely, Steve , FL


hi my name is david

and i am writing to tell you how much i admire youre career as a actor,i am from england
and knowing that it is hard to obtain one of youre favourte celebs autograph from the outside of the uk is realy hard,
i would like to ask if you do autograph request,if you do i would be very greatful if you could kindley send a autographed photo of youreself for me and my brother ian we would be very greatful
,are if this request is impossilble could you please send me and my brother some details in how we could possilbly obtain one to the following address: mr david cooper
thank you very much reading our small letter,and all the best wishes from david&ian


Dear Mr. Hayden,

I think you are a great actor.
Could I please have your autograph?
Could you please make it out to Phil?
My address is: Philip
Ottawa Ontario Canada
. Thanks so much!

Sincerely, Philip _

______________________________________________________ Dear Mr. Hayden, I was wondering if anyway possible you could send me a autographed photo.
I have been a fan of yours for years.
v I really enjoyed another 48 hours. I will not ramble on for you get thousands of requests.
vI just wanted to let you know I really enjoy the work you do. Thank You,
john texas

From: Timmy Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 Subject: autographs To: Please send me 3 autographs of you, because I am a great fan of you! Thank you very much, Tim Wehrstr Oberhausen

WA8 6ET U.K.

Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001
From: nikki_
Subject: Hiya!
Hiya! I was wondering if I could get an autograph, if it's not too much to ask!
Here's my address:
Calcutta Ohio
~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~!~*~ Your friend,
~*Nikki *~

From: "Gail
Subject: A fan request
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001
Mr.Hayden, my name is Selena and I am a fan of yours.
I have seen your acting and your producer abilities and I am impressed with both.
Could you please send me an autographed photo?
My address is: Selena
Prestonsburg, KY
What is your next project and are you going to be acting in it or producing it? Keep up the great work and may,
God bless you in all that you do. Love & Thanks

Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 From: Michael Michael To Dennis Hayden
Dear Mr. Hayden,
I am a "real fan" of you from Germany.
But it seems to be difficult for me to get an autograph of my star:
I've already tried to receive a signature of you by post.
But up to now (more than one year) I have not heard anything.
Maybe I'm more lucky this time (via Email). So I would be very happy,
if you could send me 2 autographs for my classmate and me. Would you be kind enough to add a dedication for me to one autograph, please?
It's free, I guess? :-)
I would be very pleased if you could fulfill my wishes. Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
Yours sincerely,
your fan Michael

From: "Keith
Subject: Signed photograph?
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001
Holland. Dear Mr. Dennis Hayden. I am a teacher at one of the colleges in , Holland, and at the moment the students are involved in a Project 2001.
They are inviting prominent 20th century people; artists, musicians, authors, actors and actresses, sportspersons, etc., to send an AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOGRAPH
or card which will be framed and mounted in the reading room of the library for an exhibition which will be running throughout the New Year.
It will be extremely interesting to see which of the invitees respond to their requests and as I would like to ask you if you would be kind enough to participate.
I would like to ask you if you happen to have a photograph or card which you could sign for me. I know this may be an unusual email request
and that this is sometimes impersonal; but I assure you this request is genuine and it
would be very kind of you if you could help. The project we are undertaking is a very exciting one and I hope it is successful.
Should you sign a photograph for us it would be a wonderful item to receive, and perhaps you would be kind enough to send one to us for our Project. I realise you must receive many similar requests for autographs and I
realise you can not fulfil everyones dream but we hope to be lucky enough to hear from you.
It would be fascinating to be able to frame a photograph for the school project.
It would be extremely kind of you and would be truly appreciated With all best wishes and kind regards
Keith .

P.S. Sorry I cant include a postage stamp.

New Page 1

For Autograph photos send self address stamped return envelope to

Dennis Hayden 10862 Fruitland Dr

Studio City CA 91604-3508

Donations excepted

