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Adopt A Fluff

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If you're looking for the Dragon Adoption Center then you're at the wrong URL. Please update your links to Thanks!

Well, these are the fluffs! Just scroll through the different types until you find one you like. More will be added often, so check back soon! Below are the smaller images (either half or one third of the actual size). To see the actual sizes, click on the images.

To adopt a fluff, simply choose which one you would like to adopt. Right-click on it and choose "Save as" or something like that. Save it to your computer, and later upload it to your web page. Once you've saved the image, email me telling me which fluff(s) you adopted and where your web site is. It's a snap!

Baby Fluffs:

Regular Fluffs:

Old Fluffs:

Hippie Fluffs:

Artist Fluffs:

Valentine Fluffs:

Please make sure to link them back to DragonIsle ( so that they can visit home whenever they need to!

If you're going to adopt one, please let me know so I can keep track of who has one (they may reproduce as fast as tribbles, but I still love them all and I want to make sure they all have good homes!) Thanks!