Client Comments

"Thank you for the great service, your "world research associate", Zachary, was fast, efficient and very polite! I can't tell you how much more my life means to me since I found my birth mother..." D.R., Fort Wayne, IN

"As you probably know, I have been a EU customer for years, but with your new web site I find it easy and much faster. I no longer have to wait for the newest catalogs to be printed and mailed to me now that your new products are updated as they become available. Enclosed is my order for two of your 8 shot tear gas revolvers, one for both my wife and I. Thank you. S.K., Toronto, Ontario, CANADA.

"I am writing you to thank you for giving me piece of mind. My corner market is a seasonal business, one that thrives only in the summer, and I cannot afford to lose a single dime. Three years ago we had three robberies within six months time, and I expected it to only get worse. Once the "suspects" were caught, they were not convicted do to the poor quality of the video from the security cameras we had at the time! One of my clerks responded to an advertisment for one of your catalogs, and passed it on to me.

I ordered three of your color cameras and we have convicted the last four robbers in the last year and a half, thanks to the excellent quality of your cameras! News of the convictions reached the local newspaper (see the enclosed photocopy) and we have not had one single robbery attemped in the last two years! Thank you for keeping me in business."

W.S. Chicago, IL

"Hello, enclosed please find a check for 50 Advanced Parabolic devices via our wholesale agreement. Also, I would like to thank your staff for a great job on the Intelligence Outdoor units I ordered last month. I wasn't quite sure if they would sell in my store, until I put them in. They sold like crazy!" N.B., Encino, CA

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