Specialized Services

Locate Any Missing Person!!!

Absolutley No Charge If We Fail!!!

Let our on staff private investigators locate anyone, anywhere in the world for you! Find old friends, lovers, business associates, deadbeats, criminals, insurance scam operators, con men, bail jumpers, etc. Our experts have located countless people all over the globe! We not only have more experience than even the above average skip tracers, we're faster! And, you read it right, no charge whatsoever if we fail! There is only one other company that we have ever (in twenty years) come across that offers that commitment, however their flat fee is $250!!! Other companies charge you whether they find them or not. Most private investigators won't even give you a flat fee, they'll charge from $50 to $75 an hour whether they find them or not!

On the other hand, we will locate anyone, anywhere for only .$99.95 Guaranteed! If we don't find them, you don't pay, period. CALL US NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION!

Background Checks

Getting engaged? Hiring a new employee? Would you like to know that person's background inside and out? Our PI's conduct background investigations for many reasons. We can find out if that person is really who they say they are, went where they say they did, accomplished what they've claimed to. We find criminal records (even overseas), driver's records, marriage / alimony records. Just about anything that you can think of. CALL US NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION!

Mail Drop Services

Are you sick of having everyone know exactly who and where you are, every time you mail a letter? Would you like to keep yourself completely anonymous? Would you like to stop ending up on bothersome mailing lists? Use our mail drop services! Simply send us a pre-addressed envelope (to your destination along with proper postage afiixed) and we will forward the letter to your pre-determined address with the letter postmarked from Burlington, VT! No matter where you live in the world, no one will even be able to pin-point the correct city! Only $5 per letter!

New Identity Services

Bill collectors driving you crazy? Alimony payments stealing your whole paycheck? People looking for you? Is your credit rating laughable? You need a new past and a brighter future! We specialize in getting people lost, permanently! Get a new past, a new name, social security number, address and phone number (anywhere in the world), a college degree and ID and documentation to back it all up! Have anyone believe that you're in the French Riviera, when you're right around the corner. Obtain a CLEAN SLATE of credit, break with your past and relax anywhere in the world. The rest is up to you. Serious inquiries only, CALL US NOW!!!

The Email Drop

Sick of snooping spouses and co-workers reading your email? Want to send and recieve email without anyone ever knowing who or where in the world you are? Simply use our email drop services! We will send and recieve your email messages for you the very same day that we recieve them from our private network (which will not have our name or your name on it.). We will send your email to you ONLY when we are told by you to do so. You can read your email in complete privacy and then erase them before anyone would ever know that they were there! Our service charge is only $2.50 per email message (whether sent by you or to you). Call us today to set up your account!!!

Asset Investigations

Have you won a lawsuit, but no one can get you your money? Does a deadbeat dad claim he has no way to pay you? Are you considering investing in a company, firm or stock? CHECK THEM OUT FIRST! Every week, we hear of more and more people investing in "firms" that are nothing but scams. Con men are cleaning up more now then ever before! Investing in gold, collector plates, or coins? We'll tell you how long they've been in business, if they are what they say they are, and how much money their clients have actually made from their investments. We can investigate a person to see if they really have the means to pay you. Deadbeat dads can easily "prove" they haven't any money, but do they have cars, investments, offshore accounts, boats, or property? We'll find out if they do. Serious inquiries, call us now!

Need our services? Go to the ordering page to contact us.

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1998 Espionage Unlimited,

All rights reserved.

Email: espionageis@mailexcite.com