THE DEACONESS BOARD and Ministers' Wives
The Deaconess Board of First Corinthian Baptist Church serves as
spiritual leaders and positive role models in the Church. Each
Deaconess is charged with the responsibility to uphold Christian
standards and exhibit the characteristics of a virtuous woman as
outlined in Proverbs 31.
The Deaconesses are responsible for preparing candidates for
Baptismal service on the Wednesday night before the third Sunday of
each month. In addition, assigned members of the Deaconess Board are
also responsible for the set-up and disassembling of the Communion table
on the third Sunday of each month for the 7:45 and 11:00 services. Other
related duties include the laundering and maintenance of used Communion
gloves and baptismal garments. Additional duties include serving as
"anchor-person" during the Right Hand of Fellowship in Communion services.
A Deaconess is also in attendance, standing with the parents & godparents
at all Christening services. Working in partnership with the Deacon
Board, it is customary for the Deaconess to accompany her husband
on home visits for bereavement, sick visitations as well as the
administering of Holy Communion at a member’s home/hospital room.
The Deaconess Board is also responsible for leading devotional services
on the first Sunday morning of each month.Additionally, the Deaconess of First Corinthian are dedicated to mentoring the young girls/women of the church and assisting in the orientation of all new members through the Adopt-A-Member Evangelism Project.
Deaconess Emma Jean Curtis - President
Deaconess Ernestine Robinson - Vice President
Deaconess Cheryl D. Wesson - Secretary
Deaconess Marcella Bonner - Asssitant Secretary
Deaconess Glorious Milbourne - Treasurer
Deaconess Kim Rosier - Assistant Treasurer
Deaconess Lula King - Chaplain
Deaconess Geneva Kelly - Assistant Chaplain
Deaconess Olivia Barrett
Deaconess Trina Bass-Hopkins
Deaconess Dora Bonner
Deaconess Bessie Carter
Deaconess Helen Clavon
Deaconess Beatrice Floyd
Deaconess Katie Hamilton
Deaconess Ellen Hartsfield
Deaconess Dorothy Johnson
Deaconess Gladys Kearney
Deaconess Geraldine McCrary
Deaconess Catherine Mercer
Deaconess Sarah Outen
Deaconess Carla Pearson
Deaconess Earnese Pressley
Deaconess Lucille Sellers
Deaconess Naomi R. Thomas
Deaconess Jacqui Watson