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Ashley's Critiques from Judges

Judgement: very appealing 5mo of rich color + nice frame.
Overall Impression: very promising - lots of breed type.
Coat: brilliant color, well-fitted, good black nails.
Head: in balance w/pleasing feminine exp.
Bite, mouth: correct for age.
Eyes: well pigmented, clean + expressive.
Ears: pendulous w/soft texture.
Chest: good dev. for age.
Front Angulation: strong bones, good legs, feet.
Back Angulation: good bone, needs tightening.
Top line: correct for breed.
Tail: nice, long, tapering.
Movement: moves well + camel paces clearly.
Rating: SG-1
Judge: LB Rogers
Date of Show: 10/11/96

Judgement: v. pretty young puppy, could have thicker pads/tighter feet.
Overall Impression: adorable, outgoing well cond. pup.
Coat: exc. color, well fitted, to standard.
Head: prop. v. pleasing, pig gd.
Bite, mouth: sci bite.
Eyes: exc. exp. + color.
Ears: gd. set/carr.
Chest: dev. to age.
Front Angulation: mod.
Back Angulation: mod.
Top line: to standard.
Tail: set/carr gd.
Movement: moves in characteristic manner, but also puppyish.
Rating: SG-1
Judge: Donna M. Cole
Date of Show: 10/12/96

Judgement: Good pup.
Overall Impression: sound dog, impressive.
Coat: Poor condition due to shedding.
Head: good.
Bite, mouth: good.
Eyes: good shape, dark pigment.
Ears: well set.
Chest: well developed.
Front Angulation: good, good bone.
Back Angulation: straight in stifle.
Top line: correct.
Tail: correct set.
Movement: good coming + going.
Rating: SG-1
Judge: Barbara Gaines
Date of Show: 02/16/97

Judgement: well proportioned bitch w/ average substance.
Overall Impression: good temperament.
Coat: looks good.
Head: excellent Fila head.
Bite, mouth: scissors.
Eyes: dark.
Ears: well set.
Chest: could use more dev.
Front Angulation: adequate.
Back Angulation: adequate.
Top line: correct.
Tail: blends in.
Movement: good mover - paces.
Rating: V-1/CACIB
Judge: Wallace Newbill
Date of Show: 02/14/98

Judgement: She enjoyed herself.
Overall Impression: very happy.
Coat: good coat.
Head: very pleasing.
Bite, mouth: good bite.
Eyes: very soft.
Ears: nicely set.
Chest: nicely developed.
Front Angulation: nice shoulders.
Back Angulation: nice rear quarters.
Top line: good top line.
Tail: nice tail carriage.
Movement: clean movement.
Rating: V-1/CACIB
Judge: Honey Glendinning
Date of Show: 02/15/98

Judgement: very typey, good spec.
Overall Impression: very typey + sound.
Coat: good.
Head: good, could use more muzzle, feminine.
Bite, mouth: good.
Eyes: good.
Ears: good.
Chest: could be more devel.
Front Angulation: good.
Back Angulation: good.
Top line: good.
Tail: good.
Movement: very good.
Rating: V-1/CACIB
Judge: Rick Glendinning
Date of Show: 02/16/98

Judgement: very typical breed rep.
Overall Impression: very typical for her breed.
Coat: excell.
Head: very typical, lovely expression.
Bite, mouth: correct scissors.
Eyes: very nice shape + expression.
Ears: correct.
Chest: very nice + broad.
Front Angulation: correct.
Back Angulation: nice, sound, needs little more ang.
Top line: very correct.
Tail: correct.
Movement: very correct, strong.
Rating: V-1/CACIB
Judge: Silvia Hammerstrom
Date of Show: 05/08/98

Judgement: presents self nicely in ring.
Overall Impression: Excellent breed type.
Coat: good coat.
Head: proper head, very good type.
Bite, mouth: good.
Eyes: good color.
Ears: good set.
Chest: deep chest.
Front Angulation: excellent front.
Back Angulation: well balanced rear.
Top line: nice topline.
Tail: adeq. tail set.
Movement: good fila movement.
Rating: V-1/CACIB
Judge: William Russell
Date of Show: 05/09/98

Judgement: lovely overall.
Overall Impression: well presented, good imp.
Coat: nice - correct - good cond.
Head: beautiful - in bal.
Bite, mouth: correct.
Eyes: well placed, good exp.
Ears: well set - in bal.
Chest: well dev.
Front Angulation: well ang.
Back Angulation: well ang in bal. w/front.
Top line: correct.
Tail: correct.
Movement: very good.
Rating: V-1/CACIB
Judge: Edna St.Hilaire
Date of Show: 05/10/98