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Dear Dog-Loving List Members. A very recent incident involving a long-time friend of mine, has re-kindled my interest in posting a protocol which has proved to be quite efficacious (as an ancillary protocol)in treating young puppies exposed to Parvo. The original protocol was discovered quite serendipitously, by my wife, some 18 years ago.

It utilizes the simple expedient of introducng balanced fluid electrolytes (Lactated Ringer's or Gatorade) into the system of puppies undergoing the severe dehydration normally associated with this disorder. Since puppies, almost universally, refuse to drink when this condition manifests, the alternative my wife chose was to administer Gatorade, via a rectal-entry (enema). She used Gatorade, undiluted, warmed to body temperature and directly out of the container.

The first subject was a male German Sheppard puppy, 6 weeks of age. She administered approximately 4 ounces per treatment, every 6 hours----day and night----for four days. The pup lived, to become one of our dearest family members and enlivened our lives immensely for the next 15 years. His two litter-mates died after receiving conventional hospitalization, antibiotics, sulfa, etc. Since we had, already, spent about $800. on their unsuccessful treatment and this pup was closer to morbidity......than the other two----she theorized the situation to be, essentially, hopeless and opted for this unconventional (at that time) treatment.

During the ensuing years, we have passed this protocol on to dozens of our friends and associates with---essentially---universally positive results. This protocol buys enough time and delays renal shut-down long enough for ancillary treatments to be effective. In the case of our pup, NO OTHER protocol was involved. This brings me to the case at-hand. My friend had a young puppy who was not responding to any of the conventional treatments; after being treated by a large-animal veterinarian who had made a 60 mile drive to his remote ranch in northern Nevada. Later, after a lengthy telephone conversation, with the vet stating that the pup would probably expire before he could return, my friend's wife called me---for solace, more than treatment advice.

During our telephone conversation I suggested Ringer's Lactate (which they keep on hand for normal cattle treaments) 75% by volume, mixed with Colloidal Silver, 25% by volume; administered as an enema----essentially following my wife's 18 year old protocol.

The puppy was able to stand, weakly, within 12 hours and could move about with some stability within 24 hours and was fully functional within 72 hours following the initial treatment. I believe knowledge of this, proven successful, protocol may be of value to anyone confronted with a parvo circumstance---- in puppies most especially. Some parvo strains are exceptionally virulent and very rapid-acting, thus greatly limiting the response-time window for effective treatment. I hope this information may be of value to some of you. Sincerely. Brooks Bradley.