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Osama Bin Laden Interactive Execution

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(Courtesy of Jerome Thorel at





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Bill Mitchell

My page was created as a resource page to educate all voters that George Benedict Arnold Bush and Dick "Go Fuck Yourself" Cheney are abysmal failures on the Planet Earth for conspiring with the Saudis to bomb the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Capitol, and then use that as an excuse to invade Iraq.

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I also addressed questions to Josef Said, an Arab Pro-Bush Freeper Ass Troll, about Bush's responses to the September 11, 2001 attacks. You can use those questions in doing your research:

"Mr. Said,

"You must be in Al-Qaeda or something, because why are you anti-Liberal? WHY? I know. Bush is good friends with King Faud and his family, and wanted oil land in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since you are Arabic, I have several questions for you:

3. Where in Iraq are the WMD's? NONE.
4. Where in Iraq is that Niger Uranium? NONE.
5. Did Sadaam torture all of the Iraqi people? IT WAS IRAN THAT GASSED THE KURDS.
7. Did Sadaam's men try to assassinate Bush, Sr. in 1992? YES. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN PART OF THE REASON WE ARE IN IRAQ NOW.
8. Did Clinton tell Bush to watch out for Al Qaeda on January 20, 2001? YES.
9. Was Bush made aware that Al-Qaeda was going to attack? YES.
10. Was there a FOX-made pilot depicting a hijacking of a plane headed toward the World Trade Center around March 2001? YES.
11. Why was Bush taking a vacation a month before September 11, 2001? YES.
14. Why didn't the Air Force shoot any of the four planes down on September 11, 2001? THEY KNEW ABOUT IT. BUSH AND CHENEY TOLD THEM NOT TO INTERCEPT.
15. Why did the FAA pussies destroy the tapes on September 11, 2001? THE FAA PEOPLE ALSO KNEW ABOUT IT, AND DID NOTHING, THOSE COWARDS!
16. Did Ahmad Chalibi and his Iraqi National Congress spy for a country, and if so, which country? YES, IRAN.
22. Who attacked who on Jan. 1, 1948? LEBANON, SYRIA, JORDAN, AND EGYPT.
27. Is it because the Jews allegedly started the Black Plague? FALSE. POOR HYGIENE CONTRIBUTED TO THE DEATHS DURING THE BLACK PLAGUE.

In closing, I said to Mr. Said:




1. Why did the NORAD air defense network fail to intercept the four hijacked jets? How could four hijacked planes cruise the American skies with impunity for nearly two hours without being intercepted by Air Force fighter jets, violating standard operating procedures? Why was nothing done to intercept Flight77, for example, which struck the Pentagon a full 47 minutes after officials knew it was hijacked?

2. Who made a small fortune “shorting” United and American airline stocks before Sept. 11? In the days just prior to 9-11, someone with advance information about the impending attacks purchased “put” options that exceeded by 25 times the average trade ratio for these airlines. Some of these options were purchased at AB Brown Trust, once headed by CIA Director Buzzy Krongard. $2.5 million of these stock winnings are still unclaimed. Who made these purchases? Why has this factor never been investigated?

3. Why did Attorney General John Ashcroft and some Pentagon officials cancel their own commercial airline trips before Sept. 11? On July 26, 2001, CBS News reported that Ashcroft was flying expensive charters rather than commercial flights because of a “threat assessment” by the FBI. CBS said, “Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term.” Newsweek later reported that on Sept. 10, 2001, “a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.”

4. Where are the planes’ “black boxes”? Nothing is more critical to learning about air disasters than the “black boxes.” Yet the government has continued to keep a lid of secrecy on them. Why? Why not release the information to the public?

5. What was the role of Pakistan’s spy agency in the September 11 attacks? In October 2001, the Wall Street Journal reported that the head of the ISI, Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmad, was fi red after wiring $100,000 to alleged al Qaeda hijacker Mohamed Atta. Ahmad also happened to be in Washington meeting with top Bush Administration officials on the day of the attacks!

6. Why did President Bush continue reading a story to Florida grade schoolers for nearly a half-hour after the first plane struck the World Trade Center and roughly 15 minutes after Chief of Staff Andrew Card told him that it was a terrorist attack? Why didn’t he take more decisive action, and why wasn’t he hustled to a secure area while the attacks were clearly still under way?

7. Why didn’t the CIA arrest Bin Laden when they met with him in an American hospital in Dubai seven weeks before 9-11?

8. Why did the Bush Administration allow members of the Bin Laden family to leave the US without questioning on private jets the day after 9-11 when no other civilian planes were allowed to fl y in American skies?

9. Why did the Bush Administration order the FBI to “back off” their investigations into Bin Laden prior to 9-11?

10. If 9-11 was such a complete surprise to the Bush Administration, how is it they provided newspapers worldwide with so many details of the hijackers and their plans, including photos, the very next day, Sept. 12th?

There are many other unanswered questions related to 9-11. For more information read the book, War on Freedom, by Nafeez Ahmed (available through and visit

The Bush Administration and other government agencies are obstructing the Congressional 9-11 investigation. Here are just some examples:

1. Both Bush and Cheney phoned Senator Daschle just after 9-11 asking him not to investigate the attacks.

2. Bush redacted 28 pages of the Congressional 9-11 Investigation dealing with the Saudi government’s involvement in 9-11.

3. Bush is refusing to release the Presidential Daily Briefings (PDBs) to the Congressional Commission, which would expose what he knew about the pending attacks before they happened.

4. The FAA and Department of Defense are also refusing to turn over critical 9-11 documents. The Congressional commission has issued subpoenas.

Source: 9-11 Patriotic Flyer (you need to download the Adobe Reader to view this .pdf file).


Evidence of Complicity by the Bush Administration in 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

The following twenty-two separate and related points, citing evidence requiring further investigation, and include questions that demand answers, were formulated on the basis of the information from the several sources cited at the end, which should be consulted for verification and documentation. These sources contain extensive detailed information and analysis beyond what is provided in this summary. I hope that this information will incite public outrage leading to full accountability.

1) The entire United States intelligence community knew of the 9/11 attacks before hand, including the fact that commercial jets were to be used as bombs; they also knew the approximate dates and possible targets but were called off their investigations. Western intelligence had been aware of plans for such terrorist attacks on U.S. soil as early as 1995. The plan was known as "Project Bojinka." It was known to both the CIA and FBI and was described in court documents in the trial in New York of Ramzi Yousef and Abdul Murad for their participation in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center (WTC).

Seven to eight weeks prior to September 11th, all internal U.S. security agencies were warned of the impending Al-Qaeda attacks. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was warned of the attack but did nothing to beef up security. At least two weeks prior to September 11th the FBI agents again confirmed that an attack on lower Manhattan was imminent. However, the FBI agents were commanded to cut short their investigations into the attacks and those involved. Agents were threatened with prosecution under the National Security Act if they publicized information pertaining to their investigations. Some field agents predicted, almost precisely, what happened on September 11th.

As early as 1997, Russia, France, Israel, the Philippines and Egypt all warned the U.S. of the possibility of the attack. Warning also came from came from several others sources as well. Recently (May 25, 2002), CBS revealed that President Bush had been warned in an intelligence briefing on August 6, 2001that bin Laden might be planning to hijack commercial planes for a domestic attack in the U.S.

2) There is incontrovertible evidence that the US Air Force all across the country was comprehensively "stood down" on the morning of September 11th. Routine security measures, normally in place, which may well have been able to prevent the attacks, or reduce their impact, were suspended for one hour while the attacks were in progress, and re-instated once they were over. Sequence of events:

8:46 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston smashed into the north tower of the WTC. The tower collapses at 10:28 a.m.

9:03 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston smashed into the south tower. It completely collapses at 9:59am.

9:38 a.m.: AA Flight 77 from Dulles hits the Pentagon.

10:10 a.m.: United Flight 93 from Newark crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Andrews Air Force Base is a huge military installation about 10 miles from the Pentagon. On September 11th there were two entire squadrons of combat-ready fighter jets at Andrews. They failed to do their job of protecting the skies over Washington D.C. Despite over one hourÕs advance warning of a terrorist attack in progress, not a single Andrews fighter tried to protect the city. The FAA, NORAD and the military have cooperative procedures enabling fighter jets to automatically intercept commercial aircraft under emergency conditions. They do not need instructions from the White House to carry out these procedures, yet they were not followed.

American Airline Flight 11 departed from Boston Logan Airport at 7:45 a.m. Between 8:13 and 8:20 a.m. Flight 11 became unresponsive to ground control and radar indicated that the plane had deviated from its assigned path of flight. Two Flight 11 airline attendants had separately called American Airlines reporting a hijacking, the presence of weapons, and the infliction of injuries on passengers and crew. At this point an emergency was undeniably clear. Yet, according to NORAD's official timeline, NORAD was not contacted until 20 minutes later at 8:40 a.m. Tragically the fighter jets were not deployed until 8:52 a.m., a full 32 minutes after the loss of contact with Flight 11.

Flights 175, 77 and 93 all had this same pattern of delays in notification and delays in scrambling fighter jets. Delays that are difficult to imagine considering a plane had, by this time, already hit the WTC. The plane striking the pentagon is particularly spectacular. After it was known that the plane had a problem, it was nevertheless able to change course and fly towards Washington, for about 45 minutes, fly past the White House, and crash into the Pentagon, without any attempt at interception. All the while two squadrons of fighter aircraft were stationed just 10 miles from the eventual target. Unless one is prepared to allege collusion, such a scenario is not possible by any stretch of the imagination.


3) Neither the Joint Chief of Staff, the Secretary of Defense nor the President of the United States acted according to well established emergency protocols. Acting Joint Chief of Staff General Richard B. Myers stated that he saw a TV report about a plane hitting the WTC but thought it was a small plane. So he went ahead with his meeting. By the time he came out of the meeting the Pentagon had been hit. Whose responsibility was it to relay this emergency to the Joint Chief of Staff?

The Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was at his desk when AA77 crashed into the Pentagon. How is it possible that the National Military Command Center, located in the Pentagon and in contact with law enforcement and air traffic controllers from 8:46 a.m., did not communicate to the Secretary of Defense, also at the Pentagon, about the other hijacked planes especially the one headed to Washington? After he was notified, why did he go to the war room?

The actions of the President, while the attacks were occurring, indicate that he deliberately avoided doing anything reasonably expected of a President wanting to protect American citizens and property. Why didn't the Secret Service inform him of this national emergency? When is a President supposed to be notified of everything the agencies know? Why was the President permitted by the Secret Service to remain in the Sarasota elementary school? At 9.05, nineteen minutes after the first attack and two minutes after the second attack on the WTC, Andrew Card, the presidential chief of staff, whispered something in President BushÕs ear. The president did not react as if he was interested in trying to do something about the situation. He did not leave the school, convene an emergency meeting, consult with anybody, or intervene in any way, to ensure that the Air Force completed itÕs job. He did not even mention the extraordinary events occurring in New York, but simply continued with the reading class. His own explanations of his actions that day contradict known facts.

In the case of a national emergency, seconds of indecision could cost thousands of lives; and it's precisely for this reason that the government has a whole network of adjuncts and

advisors to insure that these top officials are among the first to be informed, not the last. Where were these individuals who did not properly inform the top officials?

In short, the CIA, the DCI, the State Department, the President, and key figures around him in the White House, were ultimately responsible for doing nothing in the face of the mounting evidence of an impending threat to U.S. national security. Incompetence is a highly improbable explanation.

4) Prior to 9/11, the US intelligence agencies should have stopped the nineteen terrorists from entering this country for intelligence reasons, alone. Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers' visas should have been unquestionably denied because their applications were incomplete and incorrect. Most of the 19 hijackers were young, unmarried, and un-employed males. They were, in short, the "classic over-stay candidates". A seasoned former Consular officer stated in the National Review magazine, "Single, idle young adults with no specific destination in the United States rarely get visas absent compelling circumstances."

There are several cases damaging to the credibility of the official accounts of 9/11. But the U.S. response to Mohamed Atta, the alleged lead hijacker, is most extraordinary. The FBI had been monitoring AttaÕs movements for several months in 2000. According to PBSÕ Frontlines, the Immigration and Naturalization Service failed to stop Atta from entering the U.S. three times on a tourist visa in 2001, even though officials knew the visa had expired in 2000, and that Atta had violated its terms by taking flight lessons. Furthermore, Atta had already been implicated in a terrorist bombing in Israel, with the information passed on to the United States before he was first issued his tourist visa.

5) How did many of the hijackers receive clearance for training at secure U.S. military and intelligence facilities, and for what purposes? Many of the terrorist pilots received their initial training in Venice, Florida at one of two flight schools of highly questionable credibility and with approval of US intelligence. Mohamed Atta had attended International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama; Abdulaziz Alomari had attended Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force base in Texas; Saeed Alghamdi had been to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. These are all names of identified hijackers, so why has the U.S. government attempted to deny the match? As early as three days after the 9/11 attacks, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III claimed that these findings were new and had not been known by the FBI previously. This claim is a lie.

Zacarias Moussaouri was arrested after his flight trainers at the Minnesota flight school, Pan Am International Flight Academy, reported highly suspicious behavior. He was greatly unqualified; he wanted to learn to fly a 747 but wasnÕt interested in takeoffs or landings; he was traveling on a French passport, said he was from France, but could not speak French. When

contacted, the French said he was a suspected terrorist connected to Al-Qaeda. However, a special counter terrorism panel of the FBI and CIA reviewed the case and dismissed it.

There are numerous glaring anomalies, illegalities and scandals connected with Wally Hilliard and Rudi DekkerÕs Huffman Aviation School at Venice, Florida where other hijackers trained. Dekkers had no aviation experience and was under indictment in his native country, The Netherlands, on financial charges. He purchased his aviation school at just about the time the terrorist pilots moved into town and began their lessons. He has yet to be investigated even though he initially trained most of the hijackers.

Britannia Aviation was awarded a five-year contract to run a large regional maintenance facility at Lynchburg at a time when the company virtually had no assets, employees, or corporate history and did not posses the necessary FAA license needed to perform the maintenance. Britannia was a company with known CIA connections. It was operating illegally out of Huffman Aviation, the flight school which trained Al-Qaeda hijackers and was given a "green light" from the Justice DepartmentÕs Drugs Enforcement Administration, and the local Venice Police Department was warned to "leave them alone." Why?

6) How were the hijackers able to get specifically contraband items such as box-cutters, pepper spray and, according to one FAA executive summary, a gun on those planes? On the morning of September 11th, when the 19 hijackers went to purchase their tickets and to receive their boarding passes, nine were singled out and questioned through a screening process. But they passed the screening process and were allowed to continue on with their mission.

7) At a time when the U.S. intelligence community was on alert for an imminent Al-Qaeda attack, the Bush Administration made it easier for Saudi visitors to come to the U.S. under a program called U.S. Visa Express, introduced four months before September 11th. Michael Springmann, former head of the Visa Bureau at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia said that he was repeatedly ordered by high-level State Departtment officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants. His complaints to higher authorities at several agencies went unanswered. In a CBC interview, he indicated that the CIA was indeed complicit in the attacks.

8) Most of the hijackers were Saudis, as is Osama bin Laden, and the Saudi Arabian government is known to give financial support to terrorist organizations. Why is Iraq and not Saudi Arabia a target if the US government is concerned about terrorism? Saudi ArabiaÕs government cooperates with US oil and arms industries; Iraq did not. Iraq is forced to now, of course. At least fifteen of the far-flung network of terrorist pilots received their money from the same source. There is specific evidence that Osama bin Laden continues to receive extensive support, not only from members of his own family, but also from members of the Saudi establishment. A New Statesman report stated that "Bin Laden and his gang are just the tentacles; the head lies safely in Saudi Arabia, protected by U.S. forces." The hijackers responsible for 9/11 were not illiterate, bearded fanatics from Afghanistan. They were all educated, highly skilled, middle-class professionals. Of the 19 men involved, 13 were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

9) Why were the FBI called off its investigation of Osama bin Laden and the Saudi Royal Family prior to 9/11? Moreover, why were the FBI Agents ordered to curtail their investigation of these attacks on October 10, 2001? The FBI has repeatedly complained that it has been muzzled and restricted in its attempts to investigate matters connected to Bin Laden and Al Qeada. One law enforcement official was quoted as saying, "The investigative staff has to be made to understand that weÕre not trying to solve a crime now." FBI Agents are said to be in the process of filing a law suit agents the Agency for the right to go public.

10) Osama Bin Laden was unofficially convicted of the attacks within a time frame that could not possibly have allowed any intelligence to have been gathered which supported the accusation. That is, it would be impossible if they did not already have that information. How could they have had no warning of an operation, which must have been very difficult to keep under wraps, but then be able to name the culprit in less than a day? And if they had some forewarning of the attack, even if it was not specific, then it raises even more questions about government agenciesÕ complicity.

It is not logical that Bin Laden was involved, and actually impossible, unless he was involved in the capacity of collusion with US authorities, or at best, in the context of the US knowing all along what he was up to, and deliberately allowing him to do it. The point has already been made that if he was involved, then it cannot have been a surprise, which in turn, points to the President and others in his administration.

From day one, there has not been a shred of publicly available evidence against Bin Laden. Up until mid December, there was nothing but the continued repetition of his name. The official documents detailing allegations against Bin Laden provide no convincing evidence. Of the 69 points of "evidence" cited, ten relate to background information about the relationship between Bin Laden and the Taliban. Fifteen relate to background information regarding the general philosophies of Al Qeada, and it's relationship to Bin Laden. None give any facts concerning the events of 9/11. Most do not even attempt to directly relate anything mentioned to the events of that day. Twenty-six list allegations related to previous terrorist attacks. Even if they were convictions of previous terrorist attacks, everybody knows that this isn't worth the paper it's written on, in terms of evidence for involvement of September 11th.

Within less than four hours of the attacks taking place, the media were fed comments, which assumed Bin Laden's guilt, comments made on the basis of events, which could not possibly have occurred. The Pentagon and the Department of Defense used dialogue attributed to Bin Laden, in an effort to incriminate him, while refusing to release all of the dialogue, and refusing to issue a verbatim, literal translation. Why was it considered necessary to lie, in order to create a case against Bin Laden? The truth could well implicate the Bush administration.

11) PakistanÕs Intelligence Agency (ISI) was indirectly involved in September 11th. The links between Al Qaeda, PakistanÕs ISI and the CIA; and, between the ISI, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban Axis are a matter of public record. Pakistan has also long been a supporter of Al Qeada. The Pakistani ISI (secret service) has been a mechanism by which the CIA indirectly channeled support to Al Qeada and has been used by successive US administrations as a "go-between." Pakistan's military-intelligence apparatus constitutes the core institutional support to both Osama's Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Without this institutional support, there would be no Taliban government in Kabul. In turn, without the unbending support of the US government, there would be no powerful military-intelligence apparatus in Pakistan.

It was reported that ISIÕs Director-General, General Mahmoud Ahmad, had funneled $100,000 to the lead hijacker, Mohamed Atta, shortly before September 11th. The U.S. government protected him, and itself, by asking him to resign quietly after the discovery, thus blocking a further inquiry and a potential scandal. In the wake of 9/11, the Bush Administration consciously sought the "cooperation" of the ISI, which had been supporting and abetting Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. In other words, the Bush Administration's relations with Pakistan's ISI, including its "consultations" with General Mahmoud Ahmad in the week prior to September 11th, raise the issue of "cover-up" as well as "complicity". While Ahmad was talking to U.S. officials at the CIA and the Pentagon, the ISI allegedly had contacts with the 9/11 terrorists.

12) The USA and Bin Laden are not the enemies they pretend to be. It is established beyond doubt that senior members of the Bush administration have close links to the Bin Laden Family and this relationship is still going on behind the scenes. In fact, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to indicate that Bin Laden, may have had something to do with 9/11, but the problem is that it also implicates the Bush Administration, the CIA, George Bush Senior, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates.

It is well known that Bin LadenÕs close working relationship with the CIA began in the 1980Õs. The claim is that they have since fallen out, but this story is a lie. According to the mainstream media spin, this is OK, because the rest of the family has disowned Osama for his terrorist activities and anti-US views. This spin is also a lie.

The "blowback" thesis is a fabrication. The evidence amply confirms that the CIA never severed its ties to the "Islamic Militant Network". Since the end of the Cold War these covert intelligence links have not only been maintained, they have become increasingly sophisticated.

13) How was it possible for the World Trade CenterÕs two towers to have completely collapsed as a result of two jet planes? The towers in fact stood for forty-five and ninety minutes after the crashes. The official story is that the burning jet fuel caused the steel girders supporting them to melt. However, there is simply no credibly scientific evidence to support this story. The WTC towers were designed to take the impact of a Boeing 707. It is highly unlikely that fire from the jet fuel could have melted the steel girders. This is especially true of the South tower since the plane did not hit it directly. Therefore most of the fuel did not fall inside the building. The South Tower was hit second and fell first. Both towers collapsed evenly and smoothly in a manner consistent with that caused by a planned demolition. Based upon scientific evidences, photos and videos of the event, and reports of scientists, the WTC architect and engineers, it is highly unlikely that the Towers collapsed because of burning jet fuel rather than demolition. There are also serious questions regarding the collapse of the building known as WTC7. It is also noteworthy that ownership of the WTC changed hands several months earlier because if the towers collapsed because of inside demolition, such accomplishment would require cooperation from the extensive WTC security forces.

14) Why was Bin Laden not captured before 9/11, and why has he not been captured since? There have been several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden, but no effort to do so was made. Two US allies, Saudi Arabia, and The United Arab Emirates, have colluded in deliberately allowing Bin Laden to stay free. Bin Laden was meeting with the CIA as late as July 2001. An examination of U.S. attempts to capture Osama bin Laden show they have in fact consistently blocked attempts to investigate and capture him. Eleven bin Laden family members were flown safely out of the same Boston airport where the highjacking took place a few days earlier. Why were they not detained for questioning?

15) The September 11th disaster has resulted in power and profit at home and abroad by both the Bin Laden and the Bush families. There are significant business ties between Bin Laden and senior members of the Bush administration. Reports have emerged that Carlyle Group, the giant U.S. defence contractor that employs former President George W. Bush Sr., has had long-standing financial ties to the bin Laden family. So while there is compelling evidence that Osama bin Laden has not broken away from his family, it is also a matter of record that the Bush administration is in turn very significantly tied to the same family. The Carlyle Group has profited immensely from the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq and from the militarization of U.S. foreign policy.

16) Revelations of profits made by insider trading relating to the 9/11 attacks, point to the top levels of US business and the CIA. The intelligence community regularly analyzes financial transactions for any suspicious activity. Only three trading days before September 11th, shares of American and United Airlines -- the companies whose planes were hijacked in the attacks on New York and Washington -- were massively "sold short" by investors. Executive CIA Director AB "Buzzy" Krongard was one of those who profited from the deal. The names of the other investors remain undisclosed and the $5 million in profit taking remains unclaimed in the Chicago Exchange account. No similar trading in other airlines occurred on the Chicago exchange in the day immediately preceding Black Tuesday. There were also unusual trades on several companies occupying the World Trade Center, including Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., and Merrill Lynch & Co. These multiple, massive and unprecedented financial transactions point unequivocally to the fact that the investors behind these trades were speculating in anticipation of a mid-September 2001 catastrophe that would involve both United and American Airlines and offices in the Twin Towers. To date, both the Securities & Exchange Commission and the FBI have been tight-lipped about their investigations of trades. A probe could isolate the investors. Why has nothing been made public?

17) Selected persons were told not to fly that day. Newsweek reported that on September 10th, "a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns." Why was that same information not made available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft? A significant number of selected people were warned about flying or reporting for work at the WTC. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown received a phone call eight hours before the hijacking warning him not to travel by air. Salman Rushdie is under a 24-hour protection of UK Scotland yard; he was also prevented from flying that day. Ariel Sharon canceled his address to Israeli support groups in New York City just the day before his scheduled September 11th address. John Ashcroft stopped flying on public airplanes in July of 2001.

Other evidence exists indicating that government officials knew of the attacks beforehand. For example, Tom Kenny who was with a rescue squad from FEMA told Dan Rather of CBS News that, "We arrived on Monday night (September 10th) and went into action of Tuesday." How is it possible for high government officials to have been caught by surprise as some claimed?

18) There are reasonable grounds for suspicion that the U.S. attack on Afghanistan was already planned before September 11th. A pretext for war is always needed. From investigative journalist Patrick Martin, "[t]his examination has found that a specific war on Afghanistan . . . launched in October 2001 had been planned for at least a year, and in general terms related to regional strategic and economic interests, had actually been rooted in at least four years of strategic planning. This planning, in turn, is the culmination of a decade of regional strategizing. All that was required was a trigger for these war plans, which was amply provided by the tragic events of 11th September."

It is public knowledge that Unocal and others in the oil industry were negotiating with Afghan officials for a pipeline across their country as part of the "Silk Road" strategy. It was also reported that the talks had broken down. A specific threat made at a meeting: the Taliban can choose between a "carpets of bombs" - an invasion - or a "carpets of gold" Ð the oil and gas pipelines. Experts agree that Central Asia and the Caspian Basin are central to energy in the 21st century and that energy is central to political, economic and military power. James Dorian noted in the Oil & Gas Journal: "Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production" (cited in Ahmed, 2002, p. 69).

The plans for global domination developed by those of Project for the New American Century, a neoconservative think tank formed in the Spring of 1997, are also a matter of public record. These plans included specifics for taking military control of Central Asia, including regime change in Iraq. The primary architects of these plans include Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, all part of the first Bush Administration ousted by Bill Clinton and now back in power with George W. Bush.

19) The 9/11 attacks came at an extremely fortuitous time for the Bush administration, the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, the weapons industry, and the oil industry, all of which have benefited immensely from this tragedy. It is worth noting the acute observations of Canadian social philosopher John McMurtry: "To begin with, the forensic principle of Ôwho most benefits from the crime?Õ clearly points in the direction of the Bush administration. . . . The more you review the connections and the sweeping lapse of security across so many coordinates, the more the lines point backwards [to the White House]."

20) Both the U.S. and the USSR are responsible for the rise of religious extremism, terrorism and civil war within Afghanistan since the 1980s. The U.S., however, is directly responsible for the cultivation of a distorted ÔjihadiÕ ideology that fueled, along with U.S. arms and training, the ongoing war and acts of terrorism within the country after the withdrawal of Soviet forces.

21) The Bush Administration is clearly capable of creating or allowing such atrocities to occur. Hitler was able to play the anti-communist card to win over skeptical German industrialists. Certainly the Bush family are not newcomers to melding political and business interests, they got their start as key Hitler supporters. Prescott Bush, father of George Bush Sr., was HitlerÕs banker and propaganda manager in New York, until FDR confiscated his holdings. George Bush Sr. used Manuel Noriega as a scapegoat, killing thousands of innocent Panamanians in the process of re-establishing U.S. control over Panama. It is also widely believed that the current Bush Administration knowingly misled the people about the war in Iraq.

22) There are precedents for these kinds of acts of complicity and fabrications. Rejecting claim that the evidence for collusion is over-ruled by a belief that no country would do this to its own citizens, simply requires pointing out that the contemplation of terrorist attacks on U.S. citizens by the CIA is a matter of public record. The previously classified "Operation Northwoods" document reveals that in 1962, the CIA seriously considered the possibility of carrying out terrorist attacks against US citizens, in order to blame it on Cuba. The plans were never implemented, but were given approval signatures by all the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The plan included several options, including killing Cuban defectors or U.S. soldiers, sinking ships, and staging simulations of planes being shot down. All this was done to blame on Castro as a pretext for launching a war against Cuba.

Far from being an unprecedented shocker, suspected government complicity in 9/11 builds on an august and cynical tradition. "ItÕs the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times." Examples of democracy being hoaxed include the sinking of the Maine, Pearl Harbor bombardment, which President Roosevelt is believed to have known about beforehand, and the hoax of the Gulf of Tonkin provocation.


The evidence seems clear that if the many agencies of the U.S. government had done their jobs, the September 11th attack would likely have been prevented. If there had been an immediate investigation into the September 11th attacks, the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq could not have been justified simply on the basis of terrorism. Surely questions must be asked about why there is yet no accountability of the Bush administration and why the journalists and others in mass media are not held responsible for the coverup, deception and lack of investigative reporting. From the evidence presented it would seem that much public whistle-blowing ought to be taking place. Why is it not yet evident?

I believe that it is important not to approach 9/11 as the possibility of some grand conspiracy, but a possible conspiracy of some sort nevertheless. One important insight is how hierarchical authoritarian social systems function. Top down directives and commands, especially if they carry the weight of threats of censorship and punishment serve to keep any dissent in check. There is a great deal of self-censorship operating in all institutions in the United States. It is also important to recognize the role of a shared ideology among the decision makers, or perhaps more specifically the role of what social psychologists, in studies of organizational behavior, call "groupthink." Groupthink is decision making characterized by uncritical acceptance of and conformity with the prevailing view. Thus, the will of a few key persons can be spread within and across government agencies.

Thus the possibility of complicity on the part of the Bush Administration is very real. At the very least, further and more honest investigations must take place and some accountability exacted from those responsible.

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development, Brighton, England, suggests,

The executive branch of the federal government has apparently enabled a lethal surprise attack with mass murder against two of the founding thirteen colonies, New York and Virginia. By such an act, the federal government would grossly violate and void its contract with the states, and abrogate its own constitutional rights and privileges. Even if you do not accept the complicity argument, it has failed to protect its largest city from the consequences of its overweening foreign policies.

Like a loose handgun, our Federal government has backfired on its owners, the States. The executive has gone to war in defiance of the Constitution, and Congress has abdicated its war-making authority on at least 200 occasions since 1945, according to the Federation of American Scientists. The federal government has proven utterly incapable and unwilling to remedy its chronic and world-threatening sickness (p. 376-377).

It seems apropos to conclude: "if you are part of the problem, then you are not part of the solution." The solution then lies with the people themselves and not with any US government agency, least of all the Executive Branch.


Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq (2002). The war on freedom: How and why America was attacked September 11, 2001. Joshua Tree, CA: Tree of Life Publications. AThe War on Freedom rips apart the veil of silence surrounding 9/11, and lets readers look at the facts for themselves. This riveting and thoroughly documented study [718 citations] is a "must" resource for everyone seeking to understand the attack on the World Trade Center of New York on September 11, 2001 and "AmericaÕs New War."

Bamford, James (2001). Body of secrets : anatomy of the ultra-secret National Security Agency : from the Cold War through the dawn of a new century. New York: Doubleday, 2001. See for detailed information on Operation Northwood and other "secrets."

Burbach, Roger, & Clarke, Ben (Eds.) (2002). September 11 and the U.S. war: Beyond the curtain of smoke. San Francisco: City Light Books. This is an anthology of 41 short pieces by more than 30 authors who dissent from the bellicose actions of the U.S. government since 9-11-01. These essays provide the essential background and analysis needed to understand the origins and consequences of the attack of September 11th and the U.S. governmentÕs response.

Chossudovsky, Michel (2002). War and globalisation: The truth behind September 11. London: Zed Books. "In this timely study, Michel Chossudovsky blows away the smokescreen, put up by the mainstream media, that 9-11 was an Ôintelligence failureÕ. Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the coverup and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration."

Grey, Steve (2002). September 11 Attacks: Evidence of U.S. collusion.

Hopsicker, Daniel:

Jones, Alex: http://.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States See especially the testimony of Mindy Kleinberg, Stephen Push and others on the First Public Hearings Archives, p. 163.

Thompson, Paul: See "US preparing for a war with Afghanistan before 9/11, increasing control of Asia before & since" and several other articles. See several short articles by Jared Israel, John Flaherty, Illarion Bykov, Francisco Gil-White and George Szamuely. This site has numerous links to documented articles and other valuable resources.

. This web site has extensive information and detailed analysis. It raises many serious questions about the official stories and reports. It has undergone recent revisions based upon new evidence.

Address correspondence to: Walter E. Davis. 263 MACC Annex, Kent State University Kent, OH 44242

The Index of Words Not Contained in the 9/11 Commission Report

List updated July 25, 2004 18:00GMT, by M. Rectenwald

put options
stand down

Building 7
Building Seven
Colony Beach and Tennis Resort
Delta Oil
Delta Oil of Saudi Arabia
destroyed I-beams
John O'Neil
Mahmood Ahmed
Marvin Bush
Moshe Elmakias
My Pet Goat
natural gas
Nebraska, University of
Pakistani ISI
power down
Ron Katar
Saeed Sheikh
Saudi Binladen Group
Sayeret Matkal
Sears Tower
There's one terrible pilot
Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline
University of Nebraska
Urban Moving Systems
Zalamy Khalilzad

Original list submitted to CLG by Mary Titus, July 25, 2004


The following list is a compilation of search results (number= hits at vivisimo) from the now updated "Top 200 Subpoena list", also partly based on 9/11 Encyclopedia by ewing2001 (GFP, INN etc...).
The author is willing and ready to testify, that this list includes evidence on active or passive connections and/or members of the real perpetrators of 9/11, ignored by the Sep11th comission.
The list also includes ignored witnesses, which could help presenting an unwashed 9/11 report, and clearly show, that 9/11 was NOT the result of negligence or incompetence, but calculated complicity of U.S. Government members and associated intelligence contacts here and oversea.

The author supports the call from the U.S. Green Party for a new 9/11 Investigation and the call from author Webster Tarpley for an Independent International Truth Commission On 9-11

(See also Searching the 9/11 Report-Pt.1.)

The Top 200 Subpoena list for the 911 Commission
(Update: August 1, 2004)

Abbott, Don

(simulated attack on Pentagon Model, late 2000)

Adams, Ron

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Deputy Director of ORHA)

Ahmad, General Mahmud

(former head of ISI)

2 Hits
“Deputy Secretary Armitage’s Meeting with General Mahmud: Actions and Support Expected of Pakistan in Fight Against Terrorism,” Sept. 14, 2001.

"September 18, Powell had contacted 58 of his foreign counterparts and received offers of general aid, search-and-rescue equipment and personnel, and medical assistance teams.54 On the same day, Deputy Secretary of State Armitage was called by Mahmud Ahmed regarding a two-day visit to Afghanistan during which the Pakistani intelligence chief had met with Mullah Omar and conveyed the U.S. demands."
Test results with Pakistan Bon Graham, -Marc Grossman, Porter Goss =0

Bob Graham =2 (not related to Pakistan)

Ahmed, Atif

(Described as a british mole of the MI5 within "Al-Quaeda")

Al-Amoudi, Mohammed Hussein

(Biz Partner of Khaled bin Mahfouz (->) and owner of Corral Petroleum)

listed as "al Qaeda asso Mohamed Hussein" without any further info

Alibek, Dr. Ken

(ex-BIOPREPARAT, ex-USAMRIID, Director of Analex/Hadron)

0 (Biopreparat= 0)

Allbaugh, Joe

(ex-Director of FEMA until March 2003)

1 hit with Joseph Allbaugh
"...Following his speech, President Bush met again with his National Security Council (NSC), expanded to include Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta and Joseph Allbaugh..."

FEMA: 5 Hits

...OEM Initial Response By 8:48...
In addition, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was called and asked to send at least five federal Urban Search and Rescue Teams (such teams are located throughout the United States). At approximately 8:50, a senior representative from the OEM arrived in the lobby of the North Tower and began to act as the OEM field responder to the incident. He soon was joined by several other OEM officials, including the OEM Director...

al-Bayoumi, Omar

(former Dallah Avco, an aviation-services company with extensive contracts with the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation. During 2001-2002, the FBI was silently investigating possible ties between
Dallah AVCO and the "Al Qaeda network")

14 Hits

al-Hibri, Fuad

(co-Founder of BIOPORT)

0 (Bioport=0)

Amstutz, Dan

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, financial coordinator for ORHA, Goldman Sachs + Co.)

Anthony, John

FAA, Received Warning on Hani Hanjour. He "did observe Hani's
limited knowledge of flying" and "did check his flight credentials. He
did tell Marilyn Ladner, a vice president for the Pan Am International
Flight Academy")

0 (Anthony FAA, Anthony Hanjour =0)

Antini, Nicole

0 (Antini, Atta Antini =0)

(filled out Atta's visa application, ex Huffman Aviation)

Arkeh, Walid

(claimed in August 2001 to have insider knowledge about an attack)

Armitage, Richard

15 Hits

(May 2001 meeting with General Pervez Musharraf)

Arnold, Gen. Larry K

Arnold =9

Arquila, John

(Naval Postgraduate School,wargamed "9/11" before Sep11th)

0 (NPS= 0)

Ashcroft, John

(received early warnings not to fly before 9/11)
Ashcroft =28

Augustine, Norman

"...Norman Augustine, former chairman of Lockheed Martin Corporation, writes regarding power in the government,“As in business, cash is king. If you are not in charge of your budget, you are not king.”

Aziz, Mohammad

(former Head of the ISI (->) during the mid 90s, helped creating the Taliban)

Baker III, James A.

(Baker + Botts, Senior Counselor of the Carlyle Group, strategic alliance with Afridi & Angell)

5 Hits (Baker Botts =0)

Bates, Jared L.

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, ROTC/MPRI, L-3 Communications)

Berger, Sandy

(former Clinton National Advisor, warned of pending attack in 2001)

5 Hits

...President Clinton was deeply concerned about Bin Ladin. He and his national security advisor, Samuel “Sandy” Berger, ensured they had a special daily pipeline of reports feeding them the latest updates on Bin Ladin’s reported location.

Beers, Charlotte

(Rendon Group)

0 (Rendon Group= 0)

Binalshibh, Ramzi

(at undisclosed location of CIA)

137 Hits

Bin Laden, Sabiha

(sister of Khalid bin Mahfouz, married to Bin Laden)

0 (sp.)

bin Mahfouz, Khaled

(Amerada Hess/Tom Kean, described by James Woolsey as "brother-in-law" of Bin Laden, one of the investors of President Bush's first company Arbusto with the help of James R. Bath)

Mahfouz= 0

Blair, Tony

3 Hits (Blair= 6 hits)

Bodine, Barbara

(blocked John O' Neill investigation, former US ambassador to Yemen, former Iraq administration)

4 hits

...Bodine and the leader of the FBI team, John O’Neill, clashed repeatedly—to the point that after O’Neill had been rotated out of Yemen but wanted to return, Bodine refused the request.

Bolton, John

(PNAC, JINSA, Part of "letter in 1998")

Boren, David L.

(ex-CIA, Breakfast meeting with George Tenet on Sep11th,

Professor in Norman, OK- 2minutes away from Zacarias Moussaoui's home address)

Bremer, L. Paul

(ex-Kissinger Associates, Post-War Reconstruction Iraq)


Brown, Harold

One of nine members of the Defense Policy Board, who have ties to companies that do business with the Department of Defense.

1 hit ("...a presidential commission chaired first by former secretary of defense Les Aspin and later by former secretary of defense Harold Brown examined the intelligence community’s future..."

Bryant, Johnelle

(United States Department of Agriculture.

claimed, she was face to face with Mohammad Atta)

0 (agriculture=0)

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

(TC-Mitglied, Author of "The Grand Chessboard"


Buchanan, Lieutenant Colonel Brad O.

Commander of the 459th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Andrews AFB, 10 miles away from Washington DC

Budiman, Agus

(driver for Takeout Taxi, accused for organising Virginia driver licences for some of the hijackers, deported to Indonesia)

0 (Budiman, Takeout Taxi =0)

Buffet, Warren

(Lear Jets, Offutt Meeting Sep11th)

0 (Offutt= 2)

Bush, George

Bush =132

Bush, George Herbert Walker

Bush, Jeb

Bush, Marvin

(ex-Securacom/Stratesec, Inc., WTC)

Butler, Colonel Steve

(Defense Language Institute Monterey, accused Bush of "LIHOP", met some of the "hijackers")

Cambone, Dr. Stephen A.

(Douglas Feith's former deputy, now Joint Warfare Simulation, Under Secretary of Defence for Intelligence)

Cambone= 5

...At 11:15, Secretary Rumsfeld spoke to the President and told him DOD was working on refining the rules of engagement so pilots would have a better understanding of the circumstances under which an aircraft could be shot down. See, e.g., DOD notes, Stephen Cambone notes, Sept. 11, 2001. DOD did not circulate written rules of engagement until sometime after 1:00 P.M. See DOD memo, rules of engagement, Sept. 11, 2001 (faxed to Andrews Air Force Base at 1:45 P.M.)...

Cannistraro, Vincent

(ex-CIA, Former deputy station chief in Jeddah, former Lockerbie
investigation, escorted ABC news analyst John Miller to his Bin Laden

Card, Andrew

(informed Bush of 2nd attack, as seen on Booker Elementary Tape, ex-General Motors' Vice President of Government Relations)

13 hits

Carlucci, Frank

(Carlyle Group, former secretary of defense, former Deputy Director
of the CIA, Meeting with Bin Laden Group on Sep11th in Hotel
Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., co-chair of the RAND Center)

0 (Carlucci, Carlyle Group, Carlyle =0)

Carney, Timothy

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, possible ties with CIA since 70s, former US Ambassador to Sudan and Haiti)

Carney= 13 hits

Carroll, Philip

(advisor to the Iraqi Oil Ministry, former Shell Oil America and Fluor)

Catalano, Joseph

(Trooper 1st Class, who stopped Siad Jarrah for speeding on
northbound Interstate 95 shortly after midnight on September 9. The CIA
claimed, that Jarrah (pilot of the jetliner that crashed in
Pennsylvania) was not on a terrorist watch list, but according to motel
records, a man by that name used a credit card to pay for a late August
2001 stay at the Pin Del motel in Laurel, Md., where Nawaq Alhamzi
stayed in September.
Alhamzi was on the CIA watch list.)

0 (Catalano, trooper jarrah =0)

Celler, Richard

(former director of "UNOCAL Pakistan Ltd")

Chalabi, Ahmed


0 (sp)

Cheney, Richard "Dick"

Cheney =57 hits

Chevrette, Peggy

(JetTech manager, who called the FAA on Hani Hanjour.

Jet Tech was closed in September 2001.

It was owned by the Pan Am International Flight Academy)

0 (Chevrette, Chevrette Hanjour =0)

pan am hanjour changed the Chevrette story into
"an instructor there found his work well below standard and discouraged him from continuing.."

Chiaradio, Robert J.

(former head of the FBIHQ, since July 2002 KPMG Consulting.

KPMG is auditor of AMEC, one of the four companies, who cleaned the
rubble from both Pentagon and WTC. Also accountant of Tom Kean's

Clapper, James R.

Since August 8th, 2001 (two days after Bush received a new PDB with a clear warning on Bin Laden), Air Force Lt. Gen. (ret.) James R. Clapper Jr. is the director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA, also known as "the 'eyes of America'", later renamed to NGA).

0 (Logicon Task, Trailblazer

Clarke, Richard

(head of the CSG and Cyber Security Task Force, met daily since Mid'2001, heard of pending attacks)

54 hits

Clarke, Veronica

(spokesman for the Pentagon, "saw first plane" attacking the WTC live on TV at the Pentagon)

0 (Tori Clarke =0)

Clarridge, Duane (Dewey)

Former CIA Chief, Latin America
Main architect of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998.

Clarridge= 1 (only mentioned in "Duane Clarridge interview (Sept. 16, 2003)")

Clawson, Patrick

Deputy director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Also expert member of the Middle East Forum (MEF), founded in
1990, led by Daniel Pipes.

Cohen, Eliot

Neocon Supporter of "WW4", Professor of Strategic Studies at John Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies

Collins, Aukai

(ex-FBI informant in Phoenix '96-2000, monitored Hani Hanjour, Author of "My Jihad", trained at Khalid Bin Whalid camp in 1993)

Conklin, Janice

(Contact at ENRON's Taliban Broadband Project "TSI Communiactions". Her contact at Enron was Shelly Mansfield)

Crowe, Admiral William

(co-founder of BIOPORT)

0 (Admiral Crowe, Crowe =0)

Darkanzali, Mamoun

(Syrian-born executive in Germany, on watch list of BND since
1998.Darkanzali visited with Mohamed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad
Jarrah, the same Hamburg mosque. Due to Chicago Tribune, the CIA was
seeking to turn Darkazanli into a spy)

0 (Thomas Volz/CIA =0)

David, Dr. Ruth

(chief executive officer of ANSER, ex-CIA)

2 hits (no pre 9/11 Homeland Security infos)

Davidenko, Sergei

(Hired Sakher "Rocky" Hammad for a sprinkler job at the Twin Towers for Sep 5th, 2001)

o (Davidenko, Sakher Hammad, sprinkler job= 0)

Sprinkler: "...there were no assurances that sprinklers or standpipes were working on upper floors..."

Davis, Jay C.

(ANSER, former founding director of DTRA, worked on thermobarics)

Dekkers, Rudi

(Huffman Aviation. According to Yellow Cab driver Bob Simpson and other witnesses, MadCowProd found out, that Mohammad Atta and Rudi Dekkers had a good relationship to each other. Survived two aviation
accidents.Imprisoned since April 2003)

0 (Dekkers= 0, Huffman Aviation= 4)

DeMuth, Christopher

President of AEI, "landlord" for PNAC

Deskins, Lt. Col. Dawne

Head of NEADS, at around 8:30 AM on Sep11th, still mission crew chief for an ongoing exercise (Vigilant Guardian)

2 hits

"...NEADS audio file, Mission Crew Commander, channel 2, 9:38:02; Dawne Deskins interview (Oct. 30, 2003)..."

Dirita, Larry

(Top Adviser to Jay Garner, Post-War Reconstruction Iraq,

Heritage Foundation, US Navy)

Eberhardt, Gen. Ralph "Ed"

First Air Force Commander, fanatical supporter of the missile defense scheme and the militarization of space. Eberhardt was Commander in Chief (CINC) of NORAD on Sep11th.

1 hit ("...For NORAD’s hypothesis of aircraft as weapons, see, e.g., Ralph Eberhardt interview (Mar. 1, 2004)....") (NORAD =55 hits, NEADS= 61 hits, FAA= 200 hits)

Edelman, Eric

NeoCon hardliner and Dick Cheney’s former senior foreign-policy adviser

1 hit ("...For the Hadley call see NSC email, Clarke to Rice and Edelman,Terrorism Alert, July 2, 2001..."

Eisenberg, Lewis

(Port Authority Chairman at the time of Sep11th attack)

Elgindy, Amr I. "Tony"

(ex-AMR Securities Inc., involved in FBI-911 Insider Trading Plot, together with ex-FBI agents Lynn Wingate and Jeffrey Royer)

0 (Wingate, Royer =0)

Evans, Sir Richard Harry

(Chairman of BAe, business deals with Bin Laden Family)

Feith, Douglas J.

(PNAC, Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Feith + Zell (represents Northrop Grumman,

Fandz International Law Group)

Feith =4

"... In a memo that appears to be from Under Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith to Rumsfeld, dated September 20, the author expressed disappointment at the limited options immediately available in Afghanistan and the lack of ground options. The author suggested instead hitting terrorists outside the Middle East in the initial offensive, perhaps deliberately selecting a non–al Qaeda target like Iraq..." (Memo= 200, august 6 2001=4)

Findley, Major General Eric

Canadian Major General Eric Findley, based in AFB Vandenberg/Peterson (Colorado) and in charge of NORAD on Sep11th

Firth, Noel E.

(Vienna, VA. FinCen =Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, denied in May 2002 transfers of Mohammad Atta into his U.S. account)

0 (Fincen= 0)

Fitzgerald, Dennis

Deputy Director of the National Reconnaissance Office during 2001

3 hits ("...Testimony of Patrick Fitzgerald before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Oct. 21, 2003, pp. 3–4..."

Fogleman, Ronald

One of nine members of the Defense Policy Board, who have ties to companies that do business with the Department of Defense

Foley, Thomas S.

Member of the Defense Policy Board.
He is also a partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld law firm, which he joined in 2001.
AkinGump represents Khaled bin Mahfouz.

0 (Akin gump, foley =0)

Franks, Tommy

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq)


Frasca, Dave

(Manager at FBI Headquarters, mentioned by Minneapolis FBI Agent
and Legal Adviser Coleen Rowley in her 13-page letter to FBI Director
Robert Mueller)

0 (sp)

Freeh, Louis

(FBI Director 1993-2001)

11 hits

Fulton, John

(Chief NRO Strategic Gaming Division, CIA.

Responsible for a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency
response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a
building of the CIA. The exercise was planned for the morning of
Sep11th. )

0 (NRO=3 "...The appropriations for the CIA and the national intelligence agencies— NSA, NGA, and NRO—are then given to the secretary of defense..."

Garner, Jay

(SY Coleman/L3, Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, JINSA)

0 (JINSA, PNAC, Neocon(s) =0)

George, Henry

(Pilot of Huffman Aviation)

Glass, Randy

(Described as a FBI informant. Contacted the staff of Senator Bob
Graham and Representative Robert Wexler and warned them of a plan to
attack the WTC. Claimed, one Pakistani operative named R. G. Abbas made
three references to imminent plans to attack the WTC)

Gore, William D. "Bill"

(FBI agent. In charge for observing the two "hijackers" Al-Mihdhar and Nawaq Alhamzi)

1 ("...DOJ Inspector General interview of William Gore, Oct. 24, 2002..." (no further infos)

Goss, Porter

(House Intelligence Committee chairman, who received a copy of the
"CIA"-memo on August 6th, 2001. Met Head of Pakistan Secret Service in
week during Sep11th. A few weeks before Sep11th, Graham, Porter Goss
(R) and Senator John Kyl (R) traveled to Pakistan and met with
President Musharraf)

2 hits

Graham, Bob

(Senate Intelligence Panel during 2001, in Meeting with Pakistan Secret Service during Sep11th week)

2 hits (no infos about ISI meeting)

Hart, Gary

(CFR, received a warning on an attack prior Sep11th, Counsel of Coudert Brothers, commissioner of the National Security/21st Century-commission aka  Hart-Rudman Commission, worked together with BENS and ANSER)

2 hits

"...Congress created three commissions in 1998. One, chaired jointly by former senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, examined national security challenges for the twenty-first century.This commission included stark warnings about possible domestic terrorist attacks and recommended a new institution devoted to identifying and defending vulnerabilities in homeland security..."

Hatfill, Stephen

(Anthrax-attack suspect. Former SAIC in 1999.)

0 (sp) (SAIC=0)

Hauer, Jerome

(Organised Kroll Associates Security Job for ex-FBI anti terror
agent John O' Neill. Director of the Office of Public Health

Preparedness since May 2002.
Former OEM Director, NYC, constructed Bunker in Building 7.

Worked at SAIC's Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis in 1999.

Former member of the Johns Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio
Defense. Participant in Bio Terror Drills "Dark Winter" ('01), "Silent
Vector" ('02) and "TOPOFF2" ('03).
On May 28, 1998, Stephen Hatfill and Hauer spoke together at the
same CFR meeting about "Building a 'Biobomb': Terrorist Challenge"!102Mirror )

1 (TOPOFF= 1)

Henry, Ryan

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Vice President of SAIC, ex-Senior
Fellow of CSIS, IRDC/Iraqi Reconstruction and Development Council)

Hilliard, Wallace J.

(secret Owner of Huffman Aviation, Ties with Jerry Falwell/National Religious Broadcasters)

Holland, Charles

Head of a U.S. special operation, originally located in Tampa, Florida, one hour away from Huffman Aviation

0 (Tampa=1) (Compare Tampa Florida/Laden flights)

Hopkins, James

(Whistleblower at the FAA, was fired after he told his supervisors
that an airport security trainee might be linked to a Sept. 11
hijacker. Reassigned at the end of May 2002)

Howard, John

(Australians Minister John Howard.Howard was booked for AA77 -the Pentagon machine on September 11th, while he was in the United States. The flight was cancelled by an unknown person)

Inglesby, Dr. Thomas

(Deputy Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies)

Jackson, Bruce

(Head of Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, former Vice of Lockheed)

Jenkins, Brian

(Journalist, former Kroll Associates)

1 hit (...mentioned as "Hoover Institution Brian Jenkins"...)

Jeremiah, David E.

(Defense Policy Board)

1 hits (...Weaknesses in all-source and strategic analysis were highlighted by a panel, chaired by Admiral David Jeremiah, that critiqued the intelligence community’s failure to foresee the nuclear weapons tests by India and Pakistan in 1998, as well as by a 1999 panel, chaired by Donald Rumsfeld, that discussed the community’s limited ability to assess the ballistic missile threat to the United States...)

Kagan, Robert

PNAC book author ("Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy", 2000). In an introductory chapter, together with Elliott Abrams, on "Regime Change", co-author William Kristol and Kagan target Iraq, Iran, North Korea and China as needing to be confronted.

Khalilzad, Zalmay

(ex-UNOCAL, RAND, Post-War Reconstruction Afghanistan,

Post-War Reconstruction Iraq)

5 hits

"...Rice’s chief staffer on Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, concurred in its conclusion that only some anecdotal evidence linked Iraq to al Qaeda.The memo found no “compelling case” that Iraq had either planned or perpetrated the attacks..."

"...Rice, Hadley, and the NSC staff member for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, told us they opposed giving aid to the Northern Alliance alone.They argued that the program needed to have a big part for Pashtun opponents of the Taliban..."

UNOCAL (2 Hits) :"...The former UNOCAL chief for the pipeline project, Marty Miller, denied working exclusively with the Taliban and told us that his company sought to work with all Afghan factions to bring about the necessary stability to proceed with the project..."

Kay, David

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, former IAEA inspector in Iraq, former Vice President of SAIC, probably CIA since 90s)

Keljik, Chris

(Executive Director of Standard Chartered Bank.

Accounts of Standard Chartered had been used for wire transfers between Shaikh Saeed and Mohammad Atta.

Standard Chartered had an office in B7, one floor above the CIA, INS and DoD)

0 (Standard Chartered= 0)

Keller, Amanda

(Mohammad Attas former girlfriend)

0 (Atta girlfriend, Atta cocaine =0)

Kennedy, Michael

(FBI agent, who didn't prioritize the so called Phoenix-memo by Kenneth Williams)

Kennedy, Tom

(FEMA spokesman, who said in an interview with CBS Dan Rather, the FEMA arrived already "on monday evening" in New York(Sep10th)

0 (Tom Kenney, Kennedy =0)

Kissinger, Henry

(strong ties with Pakistan Secret Service, Trip to Moscow in June 2001, former political consultant

of UNOCAL, who was working on a pipeline in Afghanistan in 1997/8)

Kissinger =1 ("...Richard Nixon then concentrated policy planning and policy coordination in a powerful National Security Council staff, overseen by Henry Kissinger..."

Koval, Bernard

(CEO of American Hospital in Dubai)

0 (Koval, hospital dubai, hospital bin laden =0)

Kroll, Jules B.

(Executive Chairman of Kroll Associates, Security Company for ex-FBI John O' Neill and Jerome Hauer, who organised the Security Job for O'Neill at the Twin Towers.  Kroll Monitoring Services. In June 2002, Kroll Inc. acquired Ontrack/Convar, who was responsible to recover the data from the WTC-computers)

Krongard, Wally

(current Executive Director of the CIA, former Chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown and former Vice Chairman of Banker’s Trust)

1 related hit ("...Charlie Allen told us that when these questions were discussed at the CIA, he and the Agency’s executive director, A. B. “Buzzy” Krongard, had said that either one of them would be happy to pull the trigger..."

Kruithof, Arne

(Huffmann Aviation)

Ledeen, Michael

Member of influential right-wing thinktank the American Enterprise Institute, which also houses the Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

Libby, Lewis

(Vice-President Dick Chenet's chief of staff, founding member of PNAC, Rand Corp., DPB,

6 hits (libby =10)

"...Joshua Bolten meeting (Mar. 18, 2004); see also White House notes, Lewis Libby notes, Sept. 11, 2001 (“10:15–18:Aircraft 60 miles out, confirmed as hijack—engage?..."

"...At some time between 10:10 and 10:15, a military aide told the Vice Pres ident and others that the aircraft was 80 miles out. Vice President Cheney was asked for authority to engage the aircraft.218 His reaction was described by Scooter Libby as quick and decisive, “in about the time it takes a batter to decide to swing.”

"...Among the sources that reflect other important events of that morning, there is no documentary evidence for this call, but the relevant sources are incomplete. Others nearby who were taking notes, such as the Vice President’s chief of staff, Scooter Libby, who sat next to him, and Mrs. Cheney, did not note a call between the President and Vice President immediately after the Vice President entered the conference room..."

Lisa, Charles

(Landlord for "hijackers" Ziad Samir Jarrah, Al Haznawi and first Anthrax victim Bob Stevens)

0 (landlord= 6)

Loewenberg, Richard

President, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS)
One of seven authors of the 1996 paper "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm"

0 (Loewenberg, clean break, IASPS =0)

Lucke, Lewis W.

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, USAID director)

Luti, William

(Office of Special Plans, Under Secretary of Defense)

Marr, Col. Robert

(New York Air National Guard)

Marr= 7 hits

"...On 9/11, NORAD was scheduled to conduct a military exercise,Vigilant Guardian, which postulated a bomber attack from the former Soviet Union..."

"...The alert fighters at Langley Air Force Base were ordered to battle stations at 9:09. Colonel Marr, the battle commander at NEADS, and General Arnold, the CONR commander, both recall that the planes were held on battle stations, as opposed to scrambling, because they might be called on to relieve the Otis fighters over New York City if a refueling tanker was not located, and also because of the general uncertainty of the situation in the sky.According to William Scott at the Commission’s May 23, 2003, hearing,“..."

Marshall, Andrew "Yoda"

Head of the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment (ONA or OSD)
One of Yoda's leading advocates have been future-PNAC members Morton Abramowitz and Fred Ikle.

0 (Raytheon, BAE, ManTech =0)

Mason, Sir Peter

(Chief Executive of AMEC, involved in renovation of the wedge of the Pentagon, which was later hit. Hired for Controlled Clean-up of both Pentagon and WTC.  Among Clients: SAIC and Telcordia/Robert W. Lucky, member of ANSER Institute for Homeland Security since 1999)

0 (AMEC, Tully, Controlled Demolition =0)

Mateczun, Navy Rear Adm. John

(Participated together with Air Force Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. Paul K. Carlton, in the May 2001 "Tricare Exercise", which was a simulation exercise for the possibility crash of a Boeing 757 airliner into the U.S. military’s headquarters)

Mawn, Barry

(ex-FBI. Classified the Passport by Satam M. A. Al Suqami on Sep11th in front of Vesey Street, WTC 7.
Friend of ex-FBI John O'Neill)

0 (sp.) (passport= 63)

"....Passport photos of Rashid and three 9/11 hijackers—Nawaf al Hazmi, Mihdhar, and Omari—were found together during a May 2002 raid in Karachi..."

"...Based on our review of their visa and travel histories, we believe it possible that as many as eleven additional hijackers (Wail al Shehri, Waleed al Shehri, Mohand al Shehri, Hani Hanjour, Majed Moqed, Nawaf al Hazmi, Hamza al Ghamdi,Ahmed al Ghamdi, Saeed al Ghamdi, Ahmed al Nami, and Ahmad al Haznawi) held passports containing these same fraudulent features..."

Saqami (21 hits): "...Satam al Suqami, who was seated directly behind Lewin"

"...Another example of unusual travel was a trip by Suqami on July 10 from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando; he stayed at a hotel in Lake Buena Vista with an unidentified male through July 12.

"...Only the passports of Satam al Suqami and Abdul Aziz al Omari were recovered after 9/11. Both had been doctored..." (Paragraph #3075)

McKinley, General Craig

One of the commanders of NORAD on Sep11th. Also involved in planning of Amalgam Virgo 02, a drill which was planned right after June 2001. Kinley claimed, "the nation's radars were, in retrospect, turned the wrong way"

1 hit (mentioned in list of FIRST PUBLIC HEARING March 31–April 1, 2003, no further details)

McPherson, Peter

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Financial Coordinator for Iraq, former USAID, close friend of Dick Cheney)

Mentemeyer, Maj. Gen. Richard A.

Commander of 305th Air Mobility Wing, McGuire AFB New Jersey, 7 minutes away from WTC

Millis, Linda

(BENS, ex-CIA, ex-NSA/intelligence programs management, ex-Daily
Briefings for George Bush, lives in Vienna, same city as some of the
Sep11th hijackers)

0 (Millis, BENS, vienna/virginia =0)

Mitchell, Larry

(High level CIA official. Was accused, he met Bin Laden in June 2001 in American Hospital in Dubai)

0 (sp.)

Mobbs, Michael

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Civil-Coordinator for ORHA and senior policy advisor of Douglas Feith)

Moore, Bruce

(Co-ordinator of Northern Iraq, MPRI, PAE Government Services Inc.)

Mueller, Robert


Mueller= 17 hits

Musharraf, Pervez

Musharraf =29 hits

"...In January 2000, Assistant Secretary of State Karl Inderfurth and the State Department’s counterterrorism coordinator, Michael Sheehan, met with General Musharraf in Islamabad, dangling before him the possibility of a presidential visit in March as a reward for Pakistani cooperation..."

...In February 2001, President Bush wrote General Musharraf on a number of matters. He emphasized that Bin Ladin and al Qaeda were “a direct threat to the United States and its interests that must be addressed.”

"...On August 4, President Bush wrote President Musharraf to request his support in dealing with terrorism and to urge Pakistan to engage actively against al Qaeda..."

"...the United States kept the money Pakistan paid for the F-16s to fund storage of the aircraft. Meanwhile, Pakistani pilots were crashing and dying.“Guess how they [felt] about the United States of America,” Zinni said. Nevertheless, Zinni told us that Musharraf was someone who would actually work with the United States if he was given the chance to do so. Anthony Zinni interview (Jan. 29, 2004)..."

Myers, Richard


Myers, Robert


18 hits

Naik, Niaz

(former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, who was told by senior
American officials in mid-July 2001, that military action against
Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October)

Noman, Abdullah

(arrested in November 2001. Former Employee of US Consulate in Jeddah)

Noren, James H.

(Vienna, VA. FinCen =Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, denied in May 2002 transfers of Mohammad Atta into his U.S. account)

Odeen, Phillip A.

(TRW, former Department of Defense)

0 (TRW, Grumman =0)

Olson, Ted

(changed the "cell phone" story on his wife, Barbara Olsen)

3 hits

("...Shortly after the first call, Barbara Olson reached her husband again. She reported that the pilot had announced that the flight had been hijacked, and she asked her husband what she should tell the captain to do.Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the aircraft was then flying over houses..."

"...The records available for the phone calls from American 77 do not allow for a determination of which of four “connected calls to unknown numbers” represent the two between Barbara and Ted Olson, although the FBI and DOJ believe that all four represent communications between Barbara Olson and her husband’s office (all family members of the Flight 77 passengers and crew were canvassed to see if they had received any phone calls from the hijacked flight, and only Renee May’s parents and Ted Olson indicated that they had received such calls).The four calls were at 9:15:34 for 1 minute, 42 seconds; 9:20:15 for 4 minutes, 34 seconds; 9:25:48 for 2 minutes, 34 seconds; and 9:30:56 for 4 minutes, 20 seconds. FBI report, “American Airlines Airphone Usage,” Sept. 20, 2001; FBI report of investigation, interview of Theodore Olson, Sept. 11, 2001; ..."

"...At some point between 9:16 and 9:26, Barbara Olson called her husband, Ted Olson, the solicitor general of the United States. She reported that the flight had been hijacked, and the hijackers had knives and box cutters. She further indicated that the hijackers were not aware of her phone call, and that they had put all the passengers in the back of the plane.

O'Reilly, David

(chairman and CEO of Chevron/Texaco, Partner in Caspian Pipeline Consortium/CPC)

Owens, William

One of nine members of the Defense Policy Board, who have ties to companies that do business with the Department of Defense

Peterson, Peter G.

(Blackstone Group/TRW, mortgage of Building 7 since October 2000)

Patrick III, William C.


0 (Detrick, USAMRIID= 0, anthrax= 1 

"...In 2001, Sufaat would spend several months attempting to cultivate anthrax for al Qaeda in a laboratory he helped set up near the Kandahar airport...")

Perle, Richard

(PNAC, AEI, DPB, Hollinger/Daily Telegraph, Onset, JINSA, Trireme, Autonomy Corp, Clean break)

0 (Perle, PNAC, Hollinger, JINSA, Trireme, Odigo, Kashoggi, MOSSAD =0)

Pickard, Thomas

(ex-FBI. Since 2002 Bristol Myers Squibb)

15 Hits

"...Attorney General Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA in May and by Pickard in early July about the danger. Pickard said he met with Ashcroft once a week in late June, through July, and twice in August. There is a dispute regarding Ashcroft’s interest in Pickard’s briefings about the terrorist threat situation. Pickard told us that after two such briefings Ashcroft told him that he did not want to hear about the threats anymore..."

Pipes, Daniel

(, Middle East Specialist, "Green Peril" analyst, NY POST Columnist)

Podhoretz, Norman

(PNAC, scripted the original "world war 4" line, later cited by James Woolsey)

Pointdexter, John M.

(Total Information Awareness, since May 2003 Terror Information Awareness)

Powell, Sgt. Jeremy W.

Took the first call from Boston Center and notified NEADS commander Col. Robert K. Marr, Jr., of a possible hijacked airliner, American Airlines Flight 11

1 hit ("....For the order from NEADS to Otis to place F-15s at battle stations, see NEADS audio file,Weapons Director Technician position, channel 14, 8:37:15. See also interviews with Otis and NEADS personnel: Jeremy Powell interview (Oct. 27, 2003);...")

Raphel, Robin

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, CIA and USAID background, ex-UNOCAL advisor, hold meetings with Taliban between 1996-1998)

1 hit (mentioned only as "Robin Raphel interview (Dec. 8, 2003)")

Raissi, Lotfi

(Due to the FBI, official teacher of pentagon "hijacker" pilot Hani Hanjour, but plead unguilty in 2002. A british court decided, both never met each other)

2 hits

"...Another witness identified Hanjour as being with Salmi in the Phoenix area during the summer of 2001. FBI letterhead memorandum, investigation of Lotfi Raissi, Jan. 4, 2004, p. 18. Documentary evidence for Hanjour, however, shows that he was in New Jersey for most of June, and no travel records have been recovered showing that he returned to Arizona after leaving with Hazmi in March. Nevertheless, the FBI’s Phoenix office believes it plausible that Hanjour returned to Arizona for additional training. .."

"...Hanjour initially was nervous if not fearful in flight training. FBI letterhead memorandum, investigation of Lotfi Raissi, Jan. 4, 2004, p. 11. His instructor described him as a terrible pilot..."

Rhode, Harold

Rice, Condoleeza

(received 3 different individual warnings on an attack before Sep11th)

Rice= 134 hits

Rocca, Christina

(former CIA. Director of Asian affairs at the State Department)

6 hits ("...Christina Rocca interview (Jan. 29, 2004)..."

"...DOS memo, Rocca to Grossman,“Your Participation in Deputies Committee Meeting, Friday, June 29, 2001,” June 28, 2001; see DOS memo,“Pakistan/Afghanistan DC-Covert Action Issue,” undated (appears to be mid-June 2001); Richard Armitage interview (Jan. 12, 2004)..."

"...For its part, Pakistan had done little. Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca described the administration’s plan to break this logjam as a move from “half engagement” to “enhanced engagement.” (see "Musharraf")

Rohrabacher, Dana

(tried to warn US State Department of an attack, had an appointment on Sep 11th, 2 PM)

Rumsfeld, Donald

53 hits (Tool to taith= 0 hits)

Saaed, Sheikh Omar

(Experienced ISI "asset". Under his alias Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, as mentioned in the indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui, he wired $100.000 to the official "ringleader" of the Sep11th attack, Mohammad Atta.
US officials also suggested that Atta and three other hijackers "sent more than $ 25,000 (back) to alHawsawi in Dubai"

among 25 hits on "saeed" (most referring to Saeed Al Ghamdi) :

"...Al Qaeda’s chief financial manager, Sheikh Saeed, argued that al Qaeda should defer to the Taliban’s wishes. Another source says that Sheikh Saeed opposed the operation, both out of deference to Omar and because he feared the U.S. response to an attack..."

Al Hawsawi = 3 hits ("... the operatives transited through the UAE en route to the United States. In the Emirates they were assisted primarily by al Qaeda operatives Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa al Hawsawi..."

"...KSM, Binalshibh, and another plot facilitator, Mustafa al Hawsawi, each received money, in some cases perhaps as much as $10,000, to perform their roles in the plot..."

Schatz, Lee

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Agriculture)

Schlesinger, James

(Chairman, Board of Trustees, The MITRE Corporation.

MITRE was one of the business partners of computer company Ptech
(->), when it came out in December 2002, that Ptech (Quincy,
Massachuseets) was secretly owned by terror finance suspect Qassin
al-Kadi (->), one of 12 Saudi businessmen accused of funneling
millions of dollars to terror organisations run by Bin Laden.
Also Senior Advisor, Lehman Brothers

Counselor and Trustee, CSIS,

Consultant, U. S. Department of Defense)

1 hit ("...2003 Leadership of U.S. Intelligence James R. Schlesinger..."

(MITRE= 0 hits)

Schmitt, Gary

(author of "Leo Strauss and the world of intelligence" 1999)
0 (Leo Strauss =0)

Scott, Lt. Col. Alan

Scott was part of the drill Amalgam Virgo 01, in July 2001, also in charge of the 180th Fighter Wing - an Ohio Air National Guard unit based at Toledo Express Airport.
Officially it was the first unit outside the East Coast to answer the Air Force's plea for immediate help

2 hits ("...Former NORAD official Alan Scott testified that the time of impact of United 175 was 9:02...

"...Alan Scott interview (Feb. 4, 2004), no further details)

Sheehan, Jack

(Defense Policy Board, connected with Bechtel)

0 (Bechtel =0)

Shaikh, Abdussattar

(a “tested” undercover “asset” for the FBI. Landlord of "hijacker" Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi)

0 (sp.)

Shelton, Henry H.

(former DoD, involved in pre-planning of war against Taliban. Replaced on October 1st, 2001)

Shelton =38 hits

Shulsky, Abram

(Director of "Special Plans Operation"), ex-Senate Intelligence Committee)

Shultz, George P.

(Bechtel, Chairman of Int. Council of JP Morgan, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, AEI, Member of the Hoover Institute and CFR.  A few days before Sep11th, Shultz received a warning by the US State Department on a pending attack on America)

3 hits

"...Shultz and Weinberger, united for once, opposed McFarlane and Poindexter..."

"...Reagan’s second secretary of state, George Shultz, advocated active U.S. efforts to combat terrorism, often recommending the use of military force..."

Sliney, Ben

(Gave final "stand down order" on Sep11th at the FAA.

Started working on Sep11th)

Sliney= 3 hits ("...At 9:42, the Command Center learned from news reports that a plane had struck the Pentagon.The Command Center’s national operations manager, Ben Sliney, ordered all FAA facilities to instruct all aircraft to land at the nearest airport. This was an unprecedented order...)

Slocombe, Walter B.

(Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Oversees Iraqi defense industry,
former Under Secretary of Defense, former consultant to RAND, member
MIT Lincoln National Library, Los Alamos, served as director of DoD
SALT Task Force)

6 hits ("...DOD memo, Slocombe to Cohen, Aug. 27, 1998. 61. DOD memo, “Towards a More Aggressive Counterterrorism Posture,” undated, pp. 1, 7. The principal author of this paper was Thomas Kuster, a career civil servant and former special forces officer. He told us that this paper was drafted in September 1998..."

Snyder, Major Mark

Spokesperson for NORAD headquarters in Colorado, confirmed a "hijack" notification at around 8:35 AM

Sonnenfeld, Kurt

(Only videographer, who was allowed to film at Ground Zero in New York. Imprisoned since January 2002)

Springman, Michael J.

(former Employee in US consulate in Jeddah, who confirmed their CIA-ties. Jeddah allowed 15 of the 19 "hijacker" visas)

0 (Springman Jeddah =0, visa jeddah= 2

"...Nami contacted KSM and received coded instructions to go to Jeddah, call Waleed al Shehri, and obtain visas at the U.S. consulate..."

"...Officials would have learned that the visa had been issued at the same place—Jeddah—and on almost the same day as the one given to Khalid al Mihdhar..."

Taylor, Ross

(Chief Executive Officer of the Bovis Lend Lease Real Estate
Solutions. Bovis Lend was involved in the controlled cleanup of the WTC
rubble and renovation of Hotel Millennium Hilton, NYC until May 2003.
On October 30, 2001 Bovis announced their division of Bovis Lend Lease

Tenet, George

(CIA director, observed many of the Sep11th hijackers, also: "U.S. had agents inside al-Qaeda"

Tenet= 155 hits

Tully, Peter

(Tully Construction, subcontractor responsible for most excavation and trucking operations at the WTC. Tully retained Controlled Demolition Inc.,Phoenix, Md, who had  been involved once in the demolition of the bombed Murrah Building in Oklahoma in 1995.

Controlled Demolition is specialised in implosions of big towers, like i.e. the Landmark Hotel Tower* in Las Vegas or the Columbus Homes Housing Projects in Newark, New Jersey.)

Turki al Faisal Al Saud, Prince

(Former head of the Saudi Intelligence Service, who was replaced 10 days prior to Sep11th.

Connected with Unocal through the Saudi Arabian Delta oil company. Mentioned in one lawsuit by some 911Victims .Ties with Bin Laden's brother-in law Khaled bin Mafhouz and Bin Laden’s cousin Sheikh Suhail
Ibn Mustahil Ibn Salim. It was reported, that Al-Faisal met Bin Laden in June 2001 in a hospital in Dubai, together with CIA agent Larry Mitchell)

Prince Turki= 4 hits

(...Prince Turki followed up in meetings during the summer with Mullah Omar and other Taliban leaders...

Voss, Charlie

(former employee at Huffman Aviation)

0 (Voss Huffman =0)

Watson, Dale

(ex-FBIHQ, Booz, Allen & Hamilton since Aug '02)

Watson= 25 hits

"...The head of counterterrorism at the FBI, Dale Watson, said he had many discussions about possible attacks with Cofer Black at the CIA. They had expected an attack on July 4. Watson said he felt deeply that something was going to happen..."

"...There is no evidence that either FBI Acting Director Pickard or Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Dale Watson was briefed on the Moussaoui case prior to 9/11. Michael Rolince, the FBI assistant director heading the Bureau’s International Terrorism Operations Section (ITOS), recalled being told about Moussaoui in two passing hallway conversations..."

(Watson Coleen Rowley, Watson Rowley, Watson Kenneth Williams, Watson CIA cable, Watson Frasca, Booz Allen Hamilton= 0)

Weston, Josh S.

(Honorary Chairman of BENS, worked on "Tail-Tooth Call to Action" in early 2001)

Williams, Chris

One of nine members of the Defense Policy Board, who have ties to companies that do business with the Department of Defense Williams was also Member of Committee for the Liberation of Iraq

Winokur, Herbert "Pug"

(Ex-ENRON, DynCorp)

0 (Winokur, DynCorp, ENRON =0)

Wisner, Jr, Frank G.

(Former ENRON director, Board member of Kroll since 1997, which is
co-owned by Maurice Greenbergs American International Group/AIG since
1993, possible CIA-ties, Wisner father was a founder of the CIA)

Wolfowitz, Paul

(PNAC, JINSA, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Post-War Reconstruction Iraq)

20 hits

Woolsey, James

(ex-CIA, PNAC, JINSA, British Aerospace, Titan Corp., ex-Shea +
Gardner, Vice-President of Booz Allen Hamiliton since June 2002,
committee for Liberation of Iraq, ex-director of DynCorp, Participant

0 (Woolsey, Dark Winter, Titan Corp, Shea Gardner, Trailblazer

("...Titan Systems Corp. is mentioned with an “Arlington County: After-Action Report..."

Wright, Robert

(ex-FBI, warned of pending attack on america before Sep11th)

Wurmser, David

(Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies/IASPS,
blueprint for PNAC. Senior adviser to John Bolton, Under-Secretary for
Arms Control and International Security. Author of "Tyranny's Ally:
America's Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein." '99)

0 (Wurmser, JINSA, IASPS, John Bolton =0)

Yamamoto, Alan

(One of the lawyers of Zacarias Moussaoui, but also of Victor M.
Lopez-Flores, who was accused of organising Fake-ID's for the
hijackers. One of the witnesses was Katherine Smith (Virginia
Department of Motor Vehicles), who died in a car accident one day
before her testimony)

Zakheim, Doc

Former Pentagon comptroller, CEO of Systems Planning Corp., Ex-Department of Defense

Zoellick, Robert

US Trade Representative, part of the "Wolfowitz Cabal"

Zogby, James J.

(CFR, Member of American Arab institute, at the American Arab
Institute works Khaled Elgindy/US Commission in International Religious
Freedom, whose brother Amr Ibrahim Elgindy is No.1 suspect in a 911-FBI
insider trading case)

1 hit ("...see James Zogby, What Arabs Think:Values, Beliefs, and Concerns (Zogby International, 2002)


Furthermore all responsible representatives of the following flight schools, which had been visited by the "hijackers" :

Air Force Base Lackland in San Antonio (Alpha Tango Flight School), Texas

Air Force's Aeronautical Systems Center, Dayton/Ohio=0

Air War College in Montgomery, Ala=0

Airman Flight School in Norman, Okla. =4 hits

Alpha Tango Flying Services in San Antonio= 0 (San Antonio =0)

Advanced Aviation next to Briscoe Field, an Atlanta suburban airport (for twin-engine planes for Atta) (Briscoe Field=0)

Coastal Aviation of New Bern, N.C.=0

Decatur=2 ("...For Atta and Shehhi staying in Norcross and Decatur, see FBI report, “Hijackers Timeline,” Dec. 5, 2003...)

...After returning to Florida from their trips,Atta and Shehhi visited Georgia, staying briefly in Norcross and Decatur, and renting a single-engine plane to fly with an instructor in Lawrenceville..."

Ed Boardman Aviation School in Fort Worth=0

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach (al-Shewi, but studied only there)=1

("...Ghassan al Sharbi, who was captured in March 2002 in Pakistan along with Abu Zubaydah, studied at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott,Arizona..."

Flight Safety Academy in Vero Beach (Simulator)=0

Huffman (Aviation)=6

International Officer's School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base=0
(->) in Montgomery, Alabama (Col. Ken McClellan (=0) claimed, Mohammad
Atta trained there and later changed his own report)

Lackland Air Force Base (=0) in San Antonio (where Albadar Alhazmi worked in a hospital only)

Marcel Bernard (=0) at Freeway Airport(=0), Maryland (Hani Hanjour)

Monterey Language (=0) Institute

Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla. (=0)—known as the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,”

Norfolk Naval (=0)Air Station

Opa-Locka (=0)Airport (where Atta damaged some minor parts of a plane)

Richmor Aviation (=0)of Schenectady, N.Y.

Sawyer School of Aviation's simulator club (Hanjour)

plus: Falls Church (3), San Antonio (0), San Diego (50)


PNAC (=0)


911Skeptics Unite -the encyclopedia


Post-War Reconstruction Iraq


From L. A. Times:

 Go to Original

    Questions Persist Despite 9/11 Investigations
    By Terry McDermott
    Los Angeles Times

    Monday 26 July 2004

Among them: Who financed the attacks? Were terrorist cells in the U.S. involved?

    With countless police, intelligence and journalistic examinations and two special congressional inquiries, the Sept. 11 attacks have been among the most investigated criminal acts in history.

    The release last week of the final report of the independent 9/11 commission offered the nation a comprehensive overview of the origin and execution of the attacks. What the nation does not have are answers to all the outstanding questions, some of them fundamental:

    Who provided the nearly half a million dollars it cost to carry out the attacks? How could the man who is alleged to have recruited several of the hijack pilots have done this while under investigation by at least three intelligence services - those of the United States, Germany and Morocco? Who, if anyone, assisted the hijackers during their time in the United States?

    Some unanswered questions fall more in the category of perplexing curiosities:

    Why did Mohamed Atta and another hijacker drive from Boston to Portland, Me., the day before the attacks, then fly back to Boston the next morning, almost missing the flight they intended to hijack?

    Still other questions have less to do with the plot itself than the ground from which it sprung:

    How did it happen that a single family of Pakistani expatriates in Kuwait, by most accounts an ordinary, pious family devoted to good works, produce five men - the plot mastermind, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, and four of his nephews - who played roles in the attacks?

    Many of the open questions might never be resolved. As commission Chairman Thomas H. Kean acknowledged, "There are still some unanswered questions because obviously the people who were at the heart of the plot are dead."

    The independent 9/11 commission, formally known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, performed best on the issues it investigated firsthand, which largely were the U.S. government's actions and inactions. Most of its 1,200 interviews dealt with this subject. For information on the plot itself, the commission dealt primarily with reports of investigations by others.

    That other reporting by necessity relied on sources of varying credibility. The account of the origin and details of the hijack plot itself come almost entirely from hostile interrogations of two men - Mohammed and one of his deputies, Ramzi Binalshibh, both of whom are in U.S. custody, but neither of whom has shown much willingness to talk about matters that might implicate others.

    Binalshibh, for example, has told his interrogators that two events in the plot were instigated by separate chance encounters on German trains. One of the events pertained to the decision of the Hamburg-based hijackers to travel to Afghanistan in 1999. Binalshibh said the decision was made after a chance meeting on a train with a man who told him to contact a third man who could tell him how to join the jihad. The man on the train approached him because he spoke Arabic and had a beard, Binalshibh said. Investigators, trained to distrust coincidence, wondered at the odds of that.

    Also, according to footnotes in the commission report, much of the information on the personalities of the lead hijackers comes from a single German source, a Hamburg teenager who knew the hijackers but did not speak Arabic.

    Here are some of the open questions and what, if anything, is known about their answers.

    Who provided the nearly half a million dollars the attacks cost?

    The money was passed from Mohammed to the hijackers by electronic transfer and courier through the United Arab Emirates. Where Mohammed got the money is unknown. He said it came from Osama bin Laden's personal fortune, but investigators have found that the Al Qaeda leader's wealth has been vastly overestimated and that almost all of the organization's estimated $30-million-a-year budget was funded by donations.

    Who made the donations to Al Qaeda is unknown. Mohammed first came to the attention of American investigators for his fundraising activities in the Persian Gulf, leading some to suspect he might have raised much of the relatively modest 9/11 sum on his own.

    How could Mohammed Haydar Zammar, a Syrian-born citizen of Germany, have safely recruited the Hamburg pilots when he was under investigation as a possible Al Qaeda operative?

    Zammar was under surveillance that included having his telephones tapped at the very time he was to have been recruiting the pilots. At one point, American attempts to learn more about Zammar became so disruptive that German officials threatened to throw an American spy out of the country. The Germans nonetheless passed a steady stream of intelligence about Zammar to the Americans. The Islamist scene in Germany was so active throughout the 1990s that, in addition to the Germans and the Americans, intelligence operatives from Syria, Morocco and other Arab governments kept watch on it.

    The question about Zammar raises a larger issue on the role of a network of Syrian expatriates across Europe, particularly in Germany and Spain, who had frequent contact with the Hamburg hijackers and with Al Qaeda over many years. Many of the Syrians had been members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that has had great influence on the evolution of radical Islamist theory in the last half a century. Were they witting helpers of the hijackers or, as many of them claim, simply Muslims trying to serve the dictates of their religion by assisting their brothers?

    Also in Hamburg, what role if any was played by an associate of the hijack pilots named Mohammed bin Nasser Belfas? Belfas, coincidentally or not, was on a trip to the United States in 2000 and applied for and received a Virginia driver's license at the same office and by the same fraudulent means employed by several of the hijackers.

    What were the relationships, if any, of the hijackers to other Al Qaeda cells in the United States?

    There is little evidence. There was a network of men in Southern California who assisted two hijackers who lived there, but no links between the men who provided the help and Al Qaeda. There are peculiarities, like Atta's trip to Maine, that could be explained by the need to meet contacts, but no known evidence to support such supposition.

    The most readily accepted explanation of the Maine trip is that Atta thought he would reduce his exposure to security by going through a smaller airport, and Portland was the nearest airport with regular service to Boston. The opposite appears to have happened. Rather than reducing his security exposure, Atta doubled it, passing through security checkpoints in Maine and in Boston.

    Different hijackers made numerous trips to Las Vegas. Again, there is no evidence that they met other parties there, but no compelling explanation of why they went or what they did there.

    What was the role, if any, of Zacarias Moussaoui, the Frenchman originally accused in U.S. courts of being the so-called 20th hijacker?

    Khalid Shaikh Mohammed said Moussaoui had no intended role in the Sept. 11 attacks. Others still think he might have been a potential pilot replacement. The title of 20th hijacker has subsequently been passed on to a series of men, including Binalshibh, who intended to become a pilot but could not receive a U.S. visa; Zakariya Essabar, a Hamburg associate who also applied unsuccessfully for visas; one of Mohammed's nephews who also was turned down for a visa; and a Saudi man turned away at immigration in Florida.

    If Moussaoui was intended to be part of a second wave, what happened to it? Mohammed said he originally intended to plan more attacks, but became too busy. This conveniently eliminated the need to identify who would have carried them out.

    When did the Germany-based pilots first go to Afghanistan? Did Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden really choose them for their roles in the attack based on a single meeting when the plot was already in motion in late 1999, as the 9/11 commission report maintains? There are implications that at least some of the Hamburg men traveled to Afghanistan to train in the Al Qaeda camps prior to this, but little evidence.

    How did Marwan Al-Shehhi, one of the Germany-based pilots, meet the others? He lived in Bonn, hundreds of miles from Hamburg, then suddenly appeared in Hamburg as a close associate and housemate of Atta and Binalshibh. One possible explanation is that Shehhi met the others during earlier trips to Al Qaeda camps.

    Why did Al-Shehhi fly to Morocco in January 2001, and to Egypt in April?

    Were Binalshibh and hijacker Khalid Almihdhar involved in the bombing of the U.S. destroyer Cole in Yemen? Both were in Yemen when the attack occurred in October 2000.

    Why do officials of the United Arab Emirates continue to insist that they questioned hijacker Ziad Samir Jarrah at U.S. request in January 2001, when he was en route from Pakistan to Germany immediately after meeting with Bin Laden? According to documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times, the Americans have acknowledged to other intelligence services that the UAE informed them of the Jarrah interrogation but said that it was a routine check.

    UAE officials said the interrogation was hardly routine, that it lasted several hours and Jarrah told them he was about to travel to America to learn to fly. The officials said they passed this information to the U.S., but would not say to whom specifically, and that the Americans told them not to hold Jarrah.

    What were the roles of Essabar and fellow Hamburg resident Said Bahaji, both of whom fled Hamburg to Afghanistan in the days prior to Sept. 11 and are presumed alive and at large?

    Why on the morning of Sept. 11 did the State Department watch list have 61,000 names on it and the Federal Aviation Administration's no-fly list have 12 names? The FAA maintains it could not economically employ a list as large as that maintained by the State Department.

    One of the most closely examined aspects of the Sept. 11 plot was a meeting of Al Qaeda operatives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in January 2000. American intelligence agencies had advance notice of the meeting and tracked at least two of its participants to Malaysia - Almihdhar and fellow hijacker Nawaf Alhazmi. Beyond saying they lost track of them afterward, the CIA has not given a satisfying explanation of how agents let them slip away. Neither has there been any explanation of how it came to pass that Almihdhar was met upon arrival at Kuala Lumpur by an Iraqi national employed as a greeter at the airport.

9/11 probe?
The joke’s on us

6.7 million Americans are in jail, but Kean panel refused to investigate the crime; worse, alternative explanations fail to convince public that coverup happened

By John Kaminski

In a country that spends billions of dollars on its prisons, babbles incessantly about law and order, and now has 6.7 million of its citizens behind bars, in the case of the greatest crime in its history — the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington — the official panel appointed by the president to investigate this catastrophic caper decided that finding out who really did it was unimportant, and devoted no time to pursuing the matter.


Let me say it again. Every politician in America campaigns using rabid law-and-order, anti-terror rhetoric, and applauds the pathetic fact that the U.S. spends much more money on jails than it does on schools. Putting criminals in jail is a top priority for all aspiring political candidates. Yet when it came to conducting a competent investigation of the greatest crime in American history, the panel, which was appointed by the very thugs who many consider to be the real perpetrators of the entire tragedy, made no effort to find out who the guilty parties actually were. Instead, a seedy group of compromised political functionaries relied on baseless and unsubstantiated fictions by the patrician powermongers who run the U.S., and conducted no real investigation at all.

What is wrong with this picture?

OK, for you TV-ized dullards out there, I'm going to run through this wretched riddle one more time.

Because of the profits now being exploited by conducting legitimate businesses but using prison labor at 11 cents an hour, America's prison population is the largest in the world. The central issue in the upcoming presidential election is national security, and as a result, tens of thousands of innocent people are incarcerated as a result of this consciously constructed paranoid phobia of pre-emptive (and selective) justice.

And yet, the very men who preach these law and order mantras are the same manipulators who ordered the Kean commission NOT to look for the real culprits of 9/11. They were told to declare at the outset of their so-called deliberations that Arabs in caves did it, that there was plenty of evidence, but that this evidence couldn't be revealed because of national security issues.

This contemporary brand of unconstitutional vigilante justice, a result of this very crime, had recently been legalized when the contrived passage of the Patriot Act destroyed virtually all the Constitutional legal protections Americans had previously enjoyed, including the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial, the right to confront one's accusers, and the right to a lawyer.

With the basic freedoms Americans have always counted on lying in tiny pieces in a dumpster in Washington, it was easy — it followed naturally — for President Bush and his snide accomplices to command the panel investigating the crime that was used as a pretense to destroy America's legal system to ignore any pursuit of those who might have been involved in the grand 9/11 deception and simply declare, on the basis of so-called evidence that these crooks themselves provided, that they knew who the guilty parties were. And the panel did just that. You have seen its final report. No one is to blame for 9/11. It's no one's fault. Muslims did it. And that’s that.

Tell it to the 6.7 million people in American jails.

Tell them that a majority of Americans accept the silly notion that 19 Arabs took command of four airliners and killed more than 3,000 people, even though no fewer than eight of these 19 alleged mass murders have been found to be alive — content, breathing and happily living in various countries overseas, and yet the FBI brazenly refuses to revise its list of perpetrators. People serving time for identity theft ought to get a big kick of out that one.

Tell the convicted arsonists you find languishing in the American gulag that jetliner fuel (kerosene) fires can completely demolish three steel-frame skyscrapers in a single day, even though it had never happened before in history to even one building. That ought to light up their day.

Especially tell the thousands of Muslims still incarcerated on bogus charges — possibly some of whom have had relatives blown to bits in Iraq for no other reason than profits for Halliburton and Bechtel — that devout Islamic hijackers always go to strip clubs, snort cocaine, and consort with prostitutes shortly before they kill themselves for Allah in a jihad against those whose freedom they hate.

And for those thugs doing time for battery, tell them the story that five desperadoes with boxcutters (BOXCUTTERS, you know, those little utility knives you use to open UPS packages) paralyzed with fear all the passengers on an airliner (on four different planes!) to the point where the timid travelers were willing to give up their lives because of those little blades. Puh-leeze tell them that!

All right. Enough of that. What an indictment of the American educational system that a majority (apparently) has accepted the clumsy lies mouthed by the neocons and now most people believe the hollow report dutifully churned out by the Kean commission. But plenty of investigative analysts brighter than me have already commented on that.

You know what’s turning out to be the real joke? The inept attempts of so-called 9/11 researchers like me to articulately and convincingly rebuke and disprove propaganda that is so blatantly bogus. After almost three years, and despite the profound clumsiness and transparency of the outright lies that have been told about the reasons for war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the so-called 9/11 truth movement has spectacularly failed to convince the American people their government is lying to them about almost everything, especially everything concerning 9/11.

Sure, most of the researchers are as broke as me, and have had to cobble together their facts and refutations while trying to stay alive and support families. And also for sure, too few people have even attempted to ask the right questions, analyze the false stories, or question the obvious coverups like the carting away of the evidence without proper forensic examination.

Absolutely for sure, no one with any serious money has made an attempt to join the 9/11 truth movement, only tens of thousands of little people, who with ten or a hundred bucks at a time have tried to support those trying to ferret out the real story, the actual facts.

Considering the millions being squandered on that superficial and ultimately meaningless Democratic National Convention this week, we could have predicted the outcome — the coverup always wins, because the coverup always has the real money on its side.

But beyond that traditional excuse, and despite dozens of superlative and heroic efforts by mostly unfinanced individuals — and a few Jews willing to put the spotlight on Israel figure valiantly in this group — the effort to convince the public that 9/11 was an inside job has failed. The malignant media mindlock has prevailed.

With the essentially unopposed publication of the Kean coverup report and those who continue to protest the dishonest superficiality of the major parties locked in cages far from the scenes of so-called democratic debate, the game appears to be over with regard to 9/11, and the U.S. can continue on its path to endless war accompanied by the cheers of just about the entire American population, or so the TV wags would tell us.

The 9/11 truth movement must now be content with rented meeting halls in cheap hotels, just down the hall from the JFK group, to discuss their theories and vent their spleens, as truth and justice are left for dead by the side of the road, just like they always have been throughout American history.

Among the things you might want to mention to those occupants of American prisons — a group many of us are likely to join in the coming years if current trends toward suppression of free speech continue — are certain events in the attempt to expose the 9/11 coverup that were curious in the extreme

Convicted embezzlers from Danbury to San Quentin would chuckle at the story about the most famous of 9/11 investigators, Mike Ruppert himself, who says that we should stop looking for the real perpetrators of the greatest crime in American history — the rich psychos who made millions off pre-9/11 stock trades — because they can’t be pursued due to international banking laws which don’t permit revealing their names, and there’s no sense beating our heads against the wall.

Ironically, it was Ruppert’s story that got us started on this path of suspicion, but now he’s saying don’t pursue it because it’s against the law, in spite of the fact that the names of these despicable people — who knew what was going to happen on 9/11 in advance — are most likely to lead us to the real criminals who planned and executed this horror. It seems to me that laws like this — laws that allow criminals to hide behind convenient screens in the name of profit – are simply made to be broken, in the overriding interest of justice. Screw the bankers. They’re the enemies of all humanity.

This isn’t the only flaw in Ruppert’s recent efforts, as he has effectively hijacked a large segment of the 9/11 truth movement into a discussion of peak oil concerns, and his message, often indistinguishable from oil company propaganda, sounds more like an excuse for war than it does an indictment of those waging these unjustifiable wars against innocent countries.

The remainder of the 9/11 truth movement — or at least that part of it that aspires toward serious analysis as opposed to that segment opportunistically trying to acquire political influence — has pretty much split down the middle — between empirical and seemingly provable observations and fantastic analyses of various videos of the tragedies.

Most recently Phil Jayhan’s has issued some astounding assertions about replacement planes with no windows firing missiles at the South Tower just before it hit that has attracted a lot of attention. Jayhan’s offerings are similar to the earlier hologram conclusions offered by The Webfairy, and the topper in this category is Scott Loughrey’s recent articulation of his no-planes theory that asserts 9/11 was all done with mirrors (and explosives in the buildings; that part, nobody I know disagrees with).

It is not my intention to agree or disagree with these highly improbable theories, because I will not pretend to possess the technical expertise in film analysis that they claim to possess. In addition, each of them has made valuable contributions in other aspects of the 9/11 myth debunking that has earned the respect of many. That also goes for a number of people who support their conclusions, particularly Gerard Holmgren and Leonard Spencer, and other very reputable analysts of the collective body of evidence that has been gathered refuting the government’s falsehood-riddled version of what happened on that fateful day.

But it is my intention to say these fanciful speculations have destroyed the 9/11 truth movement, and ruined any opportunity for the public to unite behind a consensus alternative version of what really happened, which is surely not what the government said happened.

The higher goal of disproving the lies we have been told has been betrayed and squandered by those who value the novel shock value of their own suspect pet theories and questionable high-tech revelations.

The real purpose of researching 9/11 is to find out who really did it, and to that end, what was needed was a coherent, consensus description that would convince the public mind to effectively protest and overturn the government’s false story.

With the publication of the Kean report, and its general acceptance by the public, the best chance for discovering the truth about 9/11 has been lost. We have all failed. And everyone loses. Everyone except those who made the big money, the political parasites who profit from suffering and prosecute those merely trying to discover the truth in a world made mad by money and made completely dishonest by fear of telling the truth and standing together against this senseless insanity.

What we have to look forward to because of all this I’d rather not think about right now.

John Kaminski is the author of “America’s Autopsy Report,” a collection of his Internet essays seen on hundreds of websites around the world, and also “The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn’t Believe the Official Version of What Happened on September 11, 2001,” a 48-booklet written for those who still believe what the U.S. government says about 9/11. For more information about both, go to

September 11th And The Bush Administration

Compelling Evidence for Complicity

Walter E. Davis, PhD

08/31/03: (Information Clearing House)


Clearly, one of the most critical questions of the twenty-first century
concerns why the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were not prevented. As
I outline below, there are numerous aspects regarding the official stories
about September 11th which do not fit with known facts, which contradict each
other, which defy common sense, and which indicate a pattern of misinformation
and coverup. The reports coming out of Washington do very little to alleviate
these concerns.

For example, the Congressional report released on July 25, 2003 by a joint
panel of House and Senate intelligence committees concluded that 9/11 resulted
in C.I.A. and F.B.I. "lapses." While incompetence is frightening enough given a
$40 billion budget, it is simply not consistent with known facts. It is
consistent with the reports from other government scandals such has the Iran
Contra Affair which produced damage control and cover up but not answers to the
more probing questions. But perhaps a comparison to Watergate is more apropos
since we now have twenty-eight pages of this report, which the Bush
Administration refuses to release. The report from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) is believable unless you are seriously interested in
the truth. Under more careful scientific scrutiny, it does not answer some very
important questions.

Newspapers across the country call for an investigation into Bushs lies about
the reasons for war on Iraq. Many people may accept the fact of Bushs false
pretext for a war on Arab people in a distant place, especially after the fact.
However, few people will be as accepting if it is shown that this
Administration was complicit in acts of atrocities against its own people.

The magnitude of the crisis is readily apparent by noting that 9/11 serves as a
pretext for a never-ending war against the world, including preemptive strikes
against defenseless, but resource rich countries. It also serves as a pretext
for draconian measures of repression at home, including the cabinet level
Department of Homeland Security and Patriot Act I, and its sequel. September
11th has become the cause for numerous other acts from massive increases in
military spending and to a Fast Track Trade Agreement for the President.

To date, investigations stop far too short, the public is left in the dark on
too many questions easily answered, and no one in the Bush Administration has
been held accountable for any actions surrounding the attacks of September 11,
2001. The National Commission on Terrorists Attacks Upon the United States,
which was formed at the insistence of the family of some of the victims, is
continuing to hold hearings and a final report is expected by May, 2004. It
remains to be seen if, after a two-year lapse, they can come closer to the
truth about September 11th. I believe that this would only happen if public
pressure were brought to bear and accountability demanded from the Bush
Administration. Accountability for any atrocity should attract the attention of
serious investigative reporters, media critics and even news commentators. That
is their chosen responsibility. Who is to raise the question of why journalists
and others in the mass media are failing the people of the U.S. and the world?

In this article, I outline twenty-two items of evidence and questions, each one
sufficient reason to demand an investigation into why September 11th was not
prevented. Together, these items suggest that the most plausible explanation of
events is that the Bush Administration was complicit in the terrorist attacks.
This should be a national and international scandal. What is being discovered
will shock many people, which is one of the reasons for deliberate corporate
media coverup. But a significant number of people within the U.S. see (or will
see) the consistencies in the events surrounding 9/11 as described below, and
what they know about U.S. foreign policy. Nevertheless, the degree to which
this Administration is pursuing a course of world domination at any cost is
unprecedented. One of the best ways of putting a halt to this destructive
course is to expose the Bush Administration and insist on their accountability
to the American people. Thus, the intent of this article is to help fill the
void in the media on the issue of the Bush Administrations complicity in 9/11.

Here is the official story: On the morning of September 11, 2001 four Boeing
passenger jets were hijacked within an hour by nineteen Arab terrorists armed
with boxcutters. Pilots among these terrorists took control of the commercial
planes and changed course toward targets in New York City and Washington D.C.
Two of the planes were deliberately crashed into the Twin Towers, causing fires
within the towers, which melted the steel support structures, thereby causing
the buildings to collapse completely. A third plane was deliberately crashed
into the Pentagon. Passengers on the fourth plane overpowered the hijackers and
caused the plane to crash in Pennsylvania. This was an attack on America
planned and directed by Osama bin Laden as the leader of Al-Qaeda, a previously
obscure anti-U.S. international terrorist organization composed mainly of
Arabs. This story cries out for further explanations, but nothing official is
forthcoming. People are simply expected to believe the official version without

Evidence of Complicity by the Bush Administration in 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

The following twenty-two separate and related points, citing evidence requiring
further investigation, and include questions that demand answers, were
formulated on the basis of the information from the several sources cited at
the end, which should be consulted for verification and documentation. These
sources contain extensive detailed information and analysis beyond what is
provided in this summary. I hope that this information will incite public
outrage leading to full accountability.

1) The entire United States intelligence community knew of the 9/11 attacks
before hand, including the fact that commercial jets were to be used as bombs;
they also knew the approximate dates and possible targets but were called off
their investigations. Western intelligence had been aware of plans for such
terrorist attacks on U.S. soil as early as 1995. The plan was known as "Project
Bojinka." It was known to both the CIA and FBI and was described in court
documents in the trial in New York of Ramzi Yousef and Abdul Murad for their
participation in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center (WTC).

Seven to eight weeks prior to September 11th, all internal U.S. security
agencies were warned of the impending Al-Qaeda attacks. The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) was warned of the attack but did nothing to beef up
security. At least two weeks prior to September 11th the FBI agents again
confirmed that an attack on lower Manhattan was imminent. However, the FBI
agents were commanded to cut short their investigations into the attacks and
those involved. Agents were threatened with prosecution under the National
Security Act if they publicized information pertaining to their investigations.
Some field agents predicted, almost precisely, what happened on September 11th.

As early as 1997, Russia, France, Israel, the Philippines and Egypt all warned
the U.S. of the possibility of the attack. Warning also came from came from
several others sources as well. Recently (May 25, 2002), CBS revealed that
President Bush had been warned in an intelligence briefing on August 6,
2001that bin Laden might be planning to hijack commercial planes for a domestic
attack in the U.S.

2) There is incontrovertible evidence that the US Air Force all across the
country was comprehensively "stood down" on the morning of September 11th.
Routine security measures, normally in place, which may well have been able to
prevent the attacks, or reduce their impact, were suspended for one hour while
the attacks were in progress, and re-instated once they were over. Sequence of

8:46 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston smashed into the north tower
of the WTC. The tower collapses at 10:28 a.m.

9:03 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston smashed into the south tower.
It completely collapses at 9:59am.

9:38 a.m.: AA Flight 77 from Dulles hits the Pentagon.

10:10 a.m.: United Flight 93 from Newark crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Andrews Air Force Base is a huge military installation about 10 miles from the
Pentagon. On September 11th there were two entire squadrons of combat-ready
fighter jets at Andrews. They failed to do their job of protecting the skies
over Washington D.C. Despite over one hours advance warning of a terrorist
attack in progress, not a single Andrews fighter tried to protect the city. The
FAA, NORAD and the military have cooperative procedures enabling fighter jets
to automatically intercept commercial aircraft under emergency conditions. They
do not need instructions from the White House to carry out these procedures,
yet they were not followed.

American Airline Flight 11 departed from Boston Logan Airport at 7:45 a.m.
Between 8:13 and 8:20 a.m. Flight 11 became unresponsive to ground control and
radar indicated that the plane had deviated from its assigned path of flight.
Two Flight 11 airline attendants had separately called American Airlines
reporting a hijacking, the presence of weapons, and the infliction of injuries
on passengers and crew. At this point an emergency was undeniably clear. Yet,
according to NORAD's official timeline, NORAD was not contacted until 20
minutes later at 8:40 a.m. Tragically the fighter jets were not deployed until
8:52 a.m., a full 32 minutes after the loss of contact with Flight 11.

Flights 175, 77 and 93 all had this same pattern of delays in notification and
delays in scrambling fighter jets. Delays that are difficult to imagine
considering a plane had, by this time, already hit the WTC. The plane striking
the pentagon is particularly spectacular. After it was known that the plane had
a problem, it was nevertheless able to change course and fly towards
Washington, for about 45 minutes, fly past the White House, and crash into the
Pentagon, without any attempt at interception. All the while two squadrons of
fighter aircraft were stationed just 10 miles from the eventual target. Unless
one is prepared to allege collusion, such a scenario is not possible by any
stretch of the imagination.

3) Neither the Joint Chief of Staff, the Secretary of Defense nor the President
of the United States acted according to well established emergency protocols.
Acting Joint Chief of Staff General Richard B. Myers stated that he saw a TV
report about a plane hitting the WTC but thought it was a small plane. So he
went ahead with his meeting. By the time he came out of the meeting the
Pentagon had been hit. Whose responsibility was it to relay this emergency to
the Joint Chief of Staff?

The Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was at his desk when AA77 crashed into
the Pentagon. How is it possible that the National Military Command Center,
located in the Pentagon and in contact with law enforcement and air traffic
controllers from 8:46 a.m., did not communicate to the Secretary of Defense,
also at the Pentagon, about the other hijacked planes especially the one headed
to Washington? After he was notified, why did he go to the war room?

The actions of the President, while the attacks were occurring, indicate that
he deliberately avoided doing anything reasonably expected of a President
wanting to protect American citizens and property. Why didn't the Secret
Service inform him of this national emergency? When is a President supposed to
be notified of everything the agencies know? Why was the President permitted by
the Secret Service to remain in the Sarasota elementary school? At 9.05,
nineteen minutes after the first attack and two minutes after the second attack
on the WTC, Andrew Card, the presidential chief of staff, whispered something
in President Bushs ear. The president did not react as if he was interested in
trying to do something about the situation. He did not leave the school,
convene an emergency meeting, consult with anybody, or intervene in any way, to
ensure that the Air Force completed its job. He did not even mention the
extraordinary events occurring in New York, but simply continued with the
reading class. His own explanations of his actions that day contradict known

In the case of a national emergency, seconds of indecision could cost thousands
of lives; and it's precisely for this reason that the government has a whole
network of adjuncts and

advisors to insure that these top officials are among the first to be informed,
not the last. Where were these individuals who did not properly inform the top

In short, the CIA, the DCI, the State Department, the President, and key
figures around him in the White House, were ultimately responsible for doing
nothing in the face of the mounting evidence of an impending threat to U.S.
national security. Incompetence is a highly improbable explanation.

4) Prior to 9/11, the US intelligence agencies should have stopped the nineteen
terrorists from entering this country for intelligence reasons, alone. Fifteen
of the nineteen hijackers' visas should have been unquestionably denied because
their applications were incomplete and incorrect. Most of the 19 hijackers were
young, unmarried, and un-employed males. They were, in short, the "classic
over-stay candidates". A seasoned former Consular officer stated in the
National Review magazine, "Single, idle young adults with no specific
destination in the United States rarely get visas absent compelling

There are several cases damaging to the credibility of the official accounts of
9/11. But the U.S. response to Mohamed Atta, the alleged lead hijacker, is most
extraordinary. The FBI had been monitoring Attas movements for several months
in 2000. According to PBS Frontlines, the Immigration and Naturalization
Service failed to stop Atta from entering the U.S. three times on a tourist
visa in 2001, even though officials knew the visa had expired in 2000, and that
Atta had violated its terms by taking flight lessons. Furthermore, Atta had
already been implicated in a terrorist bombing in Israel, with the information
passed on to the United States before he was first issued his tourist visa.

5) How did many of the hijackers receive clearance for training at secure U.S.
military and intelligence facilities, and for what purposes? Many of the
terrorist pilots received their initial training in Venice, Florida at one of
two flight schools of highly questionable credibility and with approval of US
intelligence. Mohamed Atta had attended International Officers School at
Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama; Abdulaziz Alomari had attended
Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force base in Texas; Saeed Alghamdi had
been to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. These are all
names of identified hijackers, so why has the U.S. government attempted to deny
the match? As early as three days after the 9/11 attacks, FBI Director Robert
S. Mueller III claimed that these findings were new and had not been known by
the FBI previously. This claim is a lie.

Zacarias Moussaouri was arrested after his flight trainers at the Minnesota
flight school, Pan Am International Flight Academy, reported highly suspicious
behavior. He was greatly unqualified; he wanted to learn to fly a 747 but wasnt
interested in takeoffs or landings; he was traveling on a French passport, said
he was from France, but could not speak French. When

contacted, the French said he was a suspected terrorist connected to Al-Qaeda.
However, a special counter terrorism panel of the FBI and CIA reviewed the case
and dismissed it.

There are numerous glaring anomalies, illegalities and scandals connected with
Wally Hilliard and Rudi Dekkers Huffman Aviation School at Venice, Florida
where other hijackers trained. Dekkers had no aviation experience and was under
indictment in his native country, The Netherlands, on financial charges. He
purchased his aviation school at just about the time the terrorist pilots moved
into town and began their lessons. He has yet to be investigated even though he
initially trained most of the hijackers.

Britannia Aviation was awarded a five-year contract to run a large regional
maintenance facility at Lynchburg at a time when the company virtually had no
assets, employees, or corporate history and did not posses the necessary FAA
license needed to perform the maintenance. Britannia was a company with known
CIA connections. It was operating illegally out of Huffman Aviation, the flight
school which trained Al-Qaeda hijackers and was given a "green light" from the
Justice Departments Drugs Enforcement Administration, and the local Venice
Police Department was warned to "leave them alone." Why?

6) How were the hijackers able to get specifically contraband items such as
box-cutters, pepper spray and, according to one FAA executive summary, a gun on
those planes? On the morning of September 11th, when the 19 hijackers went to
purchase their tickets and to receive their boarding passes, nine were singled
out and questioned through a screening process. But they passed the screening
process and were allowed to continue on with their mission.

7) At a time when the U.S. intelligence community was on alert for an imminent
Al-Qaeda attack, the Bush Administration made it easier for Saudi visitors to
come to the U.S. under a program called U.S. Visa Express, introduced four
months before September 11th. Michael Springmann, former head of the Visa
Bureau at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia said that he was
repeatedly ordered by high-level State Departtment officials to issue visas to
unqualified applicants. His complaints to higher authorities at several
agencies went unanswered. In a CBC interview, he indicated that the CIA was
indeed complicit in the attacks.

8) Most of the hijackers were Saudis, as is Osama bin Laden, and the Saudi
Arabian government is known to give financial support to terrorist
organizations. Why is Iraq and not Saudi Arabia a target if the US government
is concerned about terrorism? Saudi Arabias government cooperates with US oil
and arms industries; Iraq did not. Iraq is forced to now, of course. At least
fifteen of the far-flung network of terrorist pilots received their money from
the same source. There is specific evidence that Osama bin Laden continues to
receive extensive support, not only from members of his own family, but also
from members of the Saudi establishment. A New Statesman report stated that
"Bin Laden and his gang are just the tentacles; the head lies safely in Saudi
Arabia, protected by U.S. forces." The hijackers responsible for 9/11 were not
illiterate, bearded fanatics from Afghanistan. They were all educated, highly
skilled, middle-class professionals. Of the 19 men involved, 13 were citizens
of Saudi Arabia.

9) Why were the FBI called off its investigation of Osama bin Laden and the
Saudi Royal Family prior to 9/11? Moreover, why were the FBI Agents ordered to
curtail their investigation of these attacks on October 10, 2001? The FBI has
repeatedly complained that it has been muzzled and restricted in its attempts
to investigate matters connected to Bin Laden and Al Qeada. One law enforcement
official was quoted as saying, "The investigative staff has to be made to
understand that were not trying to solve a crime now." FBI Agents are said to
be in the process of filing a law suit agents the Agency for the right to go

10) Osama Bin Laden was unofficially convicted of the attacks within a time
frame that could not possibly have allowed any intelligence to have been
gathered which supported the accusation. That is, it would be impossible if
they did not already have that information. How could they have had no warning
of an operation, which must have been very difficult to keep under wraps, but
then be able to name the culprit in less than a day? And if they had some
forewarning of the attack, even if it was not specific, then it raises even
more questions about government agencies complicity.

It is not logical that Bin Laden was involved, and actually impossible, unless
he was involved in the capacity of collusion with US authorities, or at best,
in the context of the US knowing all along what he was up to, and deliberately
allowing him to do it. The point has already been made that if he was involved,
then it cannot have been a surprise, which in turn, points to the President and
others in his administration.

From day one, there has not been a shred of publicly available evidence against
Bin Laden. Up until mid December, there was nothing but the continued
repetition of his name. The official documents detailing allegations against
Bin Laden provide no convincing evidence. Of the 69 points of "evidence" cited,
ten relate to background information about the relationship between Bin Laden
and the Taliban. Fifteen relate to background information regarding the general
philosophies of Al Qeada, and it's relationship to Bin Laden. None give any
facts concerning the events of 9/11. Most do not even attempt to directly
relate anything mentioned to the events of that day. Twenty-six list
allegations related to previous terrorist attacks. Even if they were
convictions of previous terrorist attacks, everybody knows that this isn't
worth the paper it's written on, in terms of evidence for involvement of
September 11th.

Within less than four hours of the attacks taking place, the media were fed
comments, which assumed Bin Laden's guilt, comments made on the basis of
events, which could not possibly have occurred. The Pentagon and the Department
of Defense used dialogue attributed to Bin Laden, in an effort to incriminate
him, while refusing to release all of the dialogue, and refusing to issue a
verbatim, literal translation. Why was it considered necessary to lie, in order
to create a case against Bin Laden? The truth could well implicate the Bush

11) Pakistans Intelligence Agency (ISI) was indirectly involved in September
11th. The links between Al Qaeda, Pakistans ISI and the CIA; and, between the
ISI, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban Axis are a matter of public record.
Pakistan has also long been a supporter of Al Qeada. The Pakistani ISI (secret
service) has been a mechanism by which the CIA indirectly channeled support to
Al Qeada and has been used by successive US administrations as a "go-between."
Pakistan's military-intelligence apparatus constitutes the core institutional
support to both Osama's Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Without this institutional
support, there would be no Taliban government in Kabul. In turn, without the
unbending support of the US government, there would be no powerful
military-intelligence apparatus in Pakistan.

It was reported that ISIs Director-General, General Mahmoud Ahmad, had funneled
$100,000 to the lead hijacker, Mohamed Atta, shortly before September 11th. The
U.S. government protected him, and itself, by asking him to resign quietly
after the discovery, thus blocking a further inquiry and a potential scandal.
In the wake of 9/11, the Bush Administration consciously sought the
"cooperation" of the ISI, which had been supporting and abetting Osama bin
Laden and the Taliban. In other words, the Bush Administration's relations with
Pakistan's ISI, including its "consultations" with General Mahmoud Ahmad in the
week prior to September 11th, raise the issue of "cover-up" as well as
"complicity". While Ahmad was talking to U.S. officials at the CIA and the
Pentagon, the ISI allegedly had contacts with the 9/11 terrorists.

12) The USA and Bin Laden are not the enemies they pretend to be. It is
established beyond doubt that senior members of the Bush administration have
close links to the Bin Laden Family and this relationship is still going on
behind the scenes. In fact, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to
indicate that Bin Laden, may have had something to do with 9/11, but the
problem is that it also implicates the Bush Administration, the CIA, George
Bush Senior, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates.

It is well known that Bin Ladens close working relationship with the CIA began
in the 1980s. The claim is that they have since fallen out, but this story is a
lie. According to the mainstream media spin, this is OK, because the rest of
the family has disowned Osama for his terrorist activities and anti-US views.
This spin is also a lie.

The "blowback" thesis is a fabrication. The evidence amply confirms that the
CIA never severed its ties to the "Islamic Militant Network". Since the end of
the Cold War these covert intelligence links have not only been maintained,
they have become increasingly sophisticated.

13) How was it possible for the World Trade Centers two towers to have
completely collapsed as a result of two jet planes? The towers in fact stood
for forty-five and ninety minutes after the crashes. The official story is that
the burning jet fuel caused the steel girders supporting them to melt. However,
there is simply no credibly scientific evidence to support this story. The WTC
towers were designed to take the impact of a Boeing 707. It is highly unlikely
that fire from the jet fuel could have melted the steel girders. This is
especially true of the South tower since the plane did not hit it directly.
Therefore most of the fuel did not fall inside the building. The South Tower
was hit second and fell first. Both towers collapsed evenly and smoothly in a
manner consistent with that caused by a planned demolition. Based upon
scientific evidences, photos and videos of the event, and reports of
scientists, the WTC architect and engineers, it is highly unlikely that the
Towers collapsed because of burning jet fuel rather than demolition. There are
also serious questions regarding the collapse of the building known as WTC7. It
is also noteworthy that ownership of the WTC changed hands several months
earlier because if the towers collapsed because of inside demolition, such
accomplishment would require cooperation from the extensive WTC security

14) Why was Bin Laden not captured before 9/11, and why has he not been
captured since? There have been several opportunities to capture Osama bin
Laden, but no effort to do so was made. Two US allies, Saudi Arabia, and The
United Arab Emirates, have colluded in deliberately allowing Bin Laden to stay
free. Bin Laden was meeting with the CIA as late as July 2001. An examination
of U.S. attempts to capture Osama bin Laden show they have in fact consistently
blocked attempts to investigate and capture him. Eleven bin Laden family
members were flown safely out of the same Boston airport where the highjacking
took place a few days earlier. Why were they not detained for questioning?

15) The September 11th disaster has resulted in power and profit at home and
abroad by both the Bin Laden and the Bush families. There are significant
business ties between Bin Laden and senior members of the Bush administration.
Reports have emerged that Carlyle Group, the giant U.S. defence contractor that
employs former President George W. Bush Sr., has had long-standing financial
ties to the bin Laden family. So while there is compelling evidence that Osama
bin Laden has not broken away from his family, it is also a matter of record
that the Bush administration is in turn very significantly tied to the same
family. The Carlyle Group has profited immensely from the wars on Afghanistan
and Iraq and from the militarization of U.S. foreign policy.

16) Revelations of profits made by insider trading relating to the 9/11
attacks, point to the top levels of US business and the CIA. The intelligence
community regularly analyzes financial transactions for any suspicious
activity. Only three trading days before September 11th, shares of American and
United Airlines -- the companies whose planes were hijacked in the attacks on
New York and Washington -- were massively "sold short" by investors. Executive
CIA Director AB "Buzzy" Krongard was one of those who profited from the deal.
The names of the other investors remain undisclosed and the $5 million in
profit taking remains unclaimed in the Chicago Exchange account. No similar
trading in other airlines occurred on the Chicago exchange in the day
immediately preceding Black Tuesday. There were also unusual trades on several
companies occupying the World Trade Center, including Morgan Stanley Dean
Witter & Co., and Merrill Lynch & Co. These multiple, massive and unprecedented
financial transactions point unequivocally to the fact that the investors
behind these trades were speculating in anticipation of a mid-September 2001
catastrophe that would involve both United and American Airlines and offices in
the Twin Towers. To date, both the Securities & Exchange Commission and the FBI
have been tight-lipped about their investigations of trades. A probe could
isolate the investors. Why has nothing been made public?

17) Selected persons were told not to fly that day. Newsweek reported that on
September 10th, "a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel
plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns." Why was
that same information not made available to the 266 people who died aboard the
four hijacked commercial aircraft? A significant number of selected people were
warned about flying or reporting for work at the WTC. San Francisco Mayor
Willie Brown received a phone call eight hours before the hijacking warning him
not to travel by air. Salman Rushdie is under a 24-hour protection of UK
Scotland yard; he was also prevented from flying that day. Ariel Sharon
canceled his address to Israeli support groups in New York City just the day
before his scheduled September 11th address. John Ashcroft stopped flying on
public airplanes in July of 2001.

Other evidence exists indicating that government officials knew of the attacks
beforehand. For example, Tom Kenny who was with a rescue squad from FEMA told
Dan Rather of CBS News that, "We arrived on Monday night (September 10th) and
went into action of Tuesday." How is it possible for high government officials
to have been caught by surprise as some claimed?

18) There are reasonable grounds for suspicion that the U.S. attack on
Afghanistan was already planned before September 11th. A pretext for war is
always needed. From investigative journalist Patrick Martin, "[t]his
examination has found that a specific war on Afghanistan . . . launched in
October 2001 had been planned for at least a year, and in general terms related
to regional strategic and economic interests, had actually been rooted in at
least four years of strategic planning. This planning, in turn, is the
culmination of a decade of regional strategizing. All that was required was a
trigger for these war plans, which was amply provided by the tragic events of
11th September."

It is public knowledge that Unocal and others in the oil industry were
negotiating with Afghan officials for a pipeline across their country as part
of the "Silk Road" strategy. It was also reported that the talks had broken
down. A specific threat made at a meeting: the Taliban can choose between a
"carpets of bombs" - an invasion - or a "carpets of gold" the oil and gas
pipelines. Experts agree that Central Asia and the Caspian Basin are central to
energy in the 21st century and that energy is central to political, economic
and military power. James Dorian noted in the Oil & Gas Journal: "Those who
control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and
quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production" (cited
in Ahmed, 2002, p. 69).

The plans for global domination developed by those of Project for the New
American Century, a neoconservative think tank formed in the Spring of 1997,
are also a matter of public record. These plans included specifics for taking
military control of Central Asia, including regime change in Iraq. The primary
architects of these plans include Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Richard
Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, all part of the first Bush Administration ousted by
Bill Clinton and now back in power with George W. Bush.

19) The 9/11 attacks came at an extremely fortuitous time for the Bush
administration, the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, the weapons industry, and the
oil industry, all of which have benefited immensely from this tragedy. It is
worth noting the acute observations of Canadian social philosopher John
McMurtry: "To begin with, the forensic principle of who most benefits from the
crime? clearly points in the direction of the Bush administration. . . . The
more you review the connections and the sweeping lapse of security across so
many coordinates, the more the lines point backwards [to the White House]."

20) Both the U.S. and the USSR are responsible for the rise of religious
extremism, terrorism and civil war within Afghanistan since the 1980s. The
U.S., however, is directly responsible for the cultivation of a distorted
jihadi ideology that fueled, along with U.S. arms and training, the ongoing war
and acts of terrorism within the country after the withdrawal of Soviet forces.

21) The Bush Administration is clearly capable of creating or allowing such
atrocities to occur. Hitler was able to play the anti-communist card to win
over skeptical German industrialists. Certainly the Bush family are not
newcomers to melding political and business interests, they got their start as
key Hitler supporters. Prescott Bush, father of George Bush Sr., was Hitlers
banker and propaganda manager in New York, until FDR confiscated his holdings.
George Bush Sr. used Manuel Noriega as a scapegoat, killing thousands of
innocent Panamanians in the process of re-establishing U.S. control over
Panama. It is also widely believed that the current Bush Administration
knowingly misled the people about the war in Iraq.

22) There are precedents for these kinds of acts of complicity and
fabrications. Rejecting claim that the evidence for collusion is over-ruled by
a belief that no country would do this to its own citizens, simply requires
pointing out that the contemplation of terrorist attacks on U.S. citizens by
the CIA is a matter of public record. The previously classified "Operation
Northwoods" document reveals that in 1962, the CIA seriously considered the
possibility of carrying out terrorist attacks against US citizens, in order to
blame it on Cuba. The plans were never implemented, but were given approval
signatures by all the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The plan included several options,
including killing Cuban defectors or U.S. soldiers, sinking ships, and staging
simulations of planes being shot down. All this was done to blame on Castro as
a pretext for launching a war against Cuba.

Far from being an unprecedented shocker, suspected government complicity in
9/11 builds on an august and cynical tradition. "Its the oldest trick in the
book, dating back to Roman times." Examples of democracy being hoaxed include
the sinking of the Maine, Pearl Harbor bombardment, which President Roosevelt
is believed to have known about beforehand, and the hoax of the Gulf of Tonkin


The evidence seems clear that if the many agencies of the U.S. government had
done their jobs, the September 11th attack would likely have been prevented. If
there had been an immediate investigation into the September 11th attacks, the
wars on Afghanistan and Iraq could not have been justified simply on the basis
of terrorism. Surely questions must be asked about why there is yet no
accountability of the Bush administration and why the journalists and others in
mass media are not held responsible for the coverup, deception and lack of
investigative reporting. From the evidence presented it would seem that much
public whistle-blowing ought to be taking place. Why is it not yet evident?

I believe that it is important not to approach 9/11 as the possibility of some
grand conspiracy, but a possible conspiracy of some sort nevertheless. One
important insight is how hierarchical authoritarian social systems function.
Top down directives and commands, especially if they carry the weight of
threats of censorship and punishment serve to keep any dissent in check. There
is a great deal of self-censorship operating in all institutions in the United
States. It is also important to recognize the role of a shared ideology among
the decision makers, or perhaps more specifically the role of what social
psychologists, in studies of organizational behavior, call "groupthink."
Groupthink is decision making characterized by uncritical acceptance of and
conformity with the prevailing view. Thus, the will of a few key persons can be
spread within and across government agencies.

Thus the possibility of complicity on the part of the Bush Administration is
very real. At the very least, further and more honest investigations must take
place and some accountability exacted from those responsible.

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research
& Development, Brighton, England, suggests,

The executive branch of the federal government has apparently enabled a lethal
surprise attack with mass murder against two of the founding thirteen colonies,
New York and Virginia. By such an act, the federal government would grossly
violate and void its contract with the states, and abrogate its own
constitutional rights and privileges. Even if you do not accept the complicity
argument, it has failed to protect its largest city from the consequences of
its overweening foreign policies.

Like a loose handgun, our Federal government has backfired on its owners, the
States. The executive has gone to war in defiance of the Constitution, and
Congress has abdicated its war-making authority on at least 200 occasions since
1945, according to the Federation of American Scientists. The federal
government has proven utterly incapable and unwilling to remedy its chronic and
world-threatening sickness (p. 376-377).

It seems apropos to conclude: "if you are part of the problem, then you are not
part of the solution." The solution then lies with the people themselves and
not with any US government agency, least of all the Executive Branch.


Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq (2002). The war on freedom: How and why America was
attacked September 11, 2001. Joshua Tree, CA: Tree of Life Publications. AThe
War on Freedom rips apart the veil of silence surrounding 9/11, and lets
readers look at the facts for themselves. This riveting and thoroughly
documented study [718 citations] is a "must" resource for everyone seeking to
understand the attack on the World Trade Center of New York on September 11,
2001 and "Americas New War."

Bamford, James (2001). Body of secrets : anatomy of the ultra-secret National
Security Agency : from the Cold War through the dawn of a new century. New
York: Doubleday, 2001. See for detailed information on Operation Northwood and
other "secrets."

Burbach, Roger, & Clarke, Ben (Eds.) (2002). September 11 and the U.S. war:
Beyond the curtain of smoke. San Francisco: City Light Books. This is an
anthology of 41 short pieces by more than 30 authors who dissent from the
bellicose actions of the U.S. government since 9-11-01. These essays provide
the essential background and analysis needed to understand the origins and
consequences of the attack of September 11th and the U.S. governments response.

Chossudovsky, Michel (2002). War and globalisation: The truth behind September
11. London: Zed Books. "In this timely study, Michel Chossudovsky blows away
the smokescreen, put up by the mainstream media, that 9-11 was an intelligence
failure. Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a
military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the coverup and
complicity of key members of the Bush Administration."

Grey, Steve (2002). September 11 Attacks: Evidence of U.S. collusion.

Hopsicker, Daniel:

Jones, Alex: http://.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States See especially the testimony of Mindy
Kleinberg, Stephen Push and others on the First Public Hearings Archives, p.

Thompson, Paul: See "US preparing for a war
with Afghanistan before 9/11, increasing control of Asia before & since" and
several other articles. See several short articles by Jared Israel, John
Flaherty, Illarion Bykov, Francisco Gil-White and George Szamuely. This site has numerous links to documented articles
and other valuable resources.

. This web site has extensive information and detailed analysis. It raises many
serious questions about the official stories and reports. It has undergone
recent revisions based upon new evidence.

Address correspondence to: Walter E. Davis. 263 MACC Annex, Kent State
University Kent, OH 44242 wdavis@k...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


The real reasons Bush went to war,3604,1270414,00.html
WMD was the rationale for invading Iraq. But what was really driving the US were fears over oil and the future of the dollar

John Chapman
Wednesday July 28, 2004
The Guardian

There were only two credible reasons for invading Iraq: control over oil and preservation of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Yet the government has kept silent on these factors, instead treating us to the intriguing distractions of the Hutton and Butler reports.

Butler's overall finding of a "group think" failure was pure charity. Absurdities like the 45-minute claim were adopted by high-level officials and ministers because those concerned recognised the substantial reason for war - oil. WMD provided only the bureaucratic argument: the real reason was that Iraq was swimming in oil.

Some may still believe the eve-of-war contention by Donald Rumsfeld that "We won't take forces and go around the world and try to take other people's oil ... That's not how democracies operate." Maybe others will go along with Blair's post-war contention: "There is no way whatsoever, if oil were the issue, that it would not have been infinitely easier to cut a deal with Saddam."

But senior civil servants are not so naive. On the eve of the Butler report, I attended the 40th anniversary of the Mandarins cricket club. I was taken aside by a knighted civil servant to discuss my contention in a Guardian article earlier this year that Sir Humphrey was no longer independent. I had then attacked the deceits in the WMD report, and this impressive official and I discussed the geopolitical issues of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and US unwillingness to build nuclear power stations and curb petrol consumption, rather than go to war.


Saddam controlled a country at the centre of the Gulf, a region with a quarter of world oil production in 2003, and containing more than 60% of the world's known reserves. With 115bn barrels of oil reserves, and perhaps as much again in the 90% of the country not yet explored, Iraq has capacity second only to Saudi Arabia. The US, in contrast, is the world's largest net importer of oil. Last year the US Department of Energy forecast that imports will cover 70% of domestic demand by 2025.

By invading Iraq, Bush has taken over the Iraqi oil fields, and persuaded the UN to lift production limits imposed after the Kuwait war. Production may rise to 3m barrels a day by year end, about double 2002 levels. More oil should bring down Opec-led prices, and if Iraqi oil production rose to 6m barrels a day, Bush could even attack the Opec oil-pricing cartel.

Control over Iraqi oil should improve security of supplies to the US, and possibly the UK, with the development and exploration contracts between Saddam and China, France, India, Indonesia and Russia being set aside in favour of US and possibly British companies. And a US military presence in Iraq is an insurance policy against any extremists in Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Overseeing Iraqi oil supplies, and maybe soon supplies from other Gulf countries, would enable the US to use oil as power. In 1990, the then oil man, Dick Cheney, wrote that: "Whoever controls the flow of Persian Gulf oil has a stranglehold not only on our economy but also on the other countries of the world as well."

In the 70s, the US agreed with Saudi Arabia that Opec oil should be traded in dollars. American governments have since been able to print dollars to cover huge trading deficits, with the further benefit of those dollars being placed in the US money markets. In return, the US allowed the Opec countries to operate a production and pricing cartel.

Over the past 15 years, the overall US deficit with the rest of the world has risen to $2,700bn - an abuse of its privileged currency position. Although about 80% of foreign exchange and half of world trade is in dollars, the euro provides a realistic alternative. Euro countries also have a bigger share of world trade, and of trade with Opec countries, than the US.

In 1999, Iran mooted pricing its oil in euros, and in late 2000 Saddam made the switch for Iraqi oil. In early 2002 Bush placed Iran and Iraq in the axis of evil. If the other Opec countries had followed Saddam's move to euros, the consequences for Bush could have been huge. Worldwide switches out of the dollar, on top of the already huge deficit, would have led to a plummeting dollar, a runaway from US markets and dramatic upheavals in the US.

Bush had many reasons to invade Iraq, but why did Blair join him? He might have squared his conscience by looking at UK oil prospects. In 1968, when North Sea oil was in its infancy, as private secretary to the minister of power I wrote a report on oil policy, advocating changes like the setting up of a British national oil company (as was done). My proposals found little favour with the BP/Shell-supporting officials, but Richard Marsh, the then minister, pressed them and the petroleum division was expanded into an operations division and a planning division.

Sadly, when I was promoted out of private office the free-trading petroleum officials conspired to block my posting to the planning division, where I would surely have advocated a prudent exploitation of North Sea resources to reduce our dependence on the likes of Iraq. UK North Sea oil output peaked in 1999, and has since fallen by one-sixth. Exports now barely cover imports, and we shall shortly be a net oil importer. Supporting Bush might have been justified on geo-strategic grounds.

Oil and the dollar were the real reasons for the attack on Iraq, with WMD as the public reason now exposed as woefully inadequate. Should we now look at Bush and Blair as brilliant strategists whose actions will improve the security of our oil supplies, or as international conmen? Should we support them if they sweep into Iran and perhaps Saudi Arabia, or should there be a regime change in the UK and US instead?

If the latter, we should follow that up by adopting the pious aims of UN oversight of world oil exploitation within a world energy plan, and the replacement of the dollar with a new reserve currency based on a basket of national currencies.

· John Chapman is a former assistant secretary in the civil service, in which he served from 1963-96

Deception; Desperate Right Wing Attacks on Fahrenheit 9/11; If you pile up enough excrement in front of something, you may block the view, but the fact is it's still just shit blocking the view. 
by Anthony Wade
If this keeps up, Michael Moore is going to have to start paying me. Every week, in the face of more and more Americans being awoken to the truth, we see more and more desperate tactics by the right to try and smear Fahrenheit 911. Initially, Christopher Hitchens was dispatched with hatchet in hand. The thought process was that because once upon a time he was a left leaning person, he would be above reproach. Unfortunately, his “review” was an exercise in excess, with very little substance. This week, we find David Kopel with a daring piece called “59 deceits in Fahrenheit 911”. This deceptive article can be found here:
Now, being the eternal optimist, I was hoping that Mr. Kopel would have been from the objective, independent thinking line of reviewers. Imagine my disappointment. First, Mr. Kopel is the Research Director for something called the “Independence Institute.” Well, that sounds good, hearty, and American, doesn’t it? Until you actually go to their site and realize that it is nothing more than another conservative think tank trying to pass themselves off as non-partisan. Kopel’s own page glowingly links to the new NRA attempt to pretend to be a news organization so it can avoid McCain-Feingold and still spew their right to arm bears agenda (I think they actually do support the right to arm bears, and that’s the sad part). On the main page of editorials we find such middle of the road topics such as “Reagan dared to walk his talkand “Are conservatives allowed to be funny?” Let me help you out with that one, conservatives make me laugh all the time, so yes, dare to be funny!
Mr. Kopel begins his assault on the truth by proudly stating that this article will soon be on the National Review Online site. I thought to myself, well, that sure sounds like a wholesome, middle of the road, middle America kinda site, maybe there is where I will find some objectivity. Unfortunately, I am saddened to report that the National Review seems less objective than the Independence Institute. On the main page you can show your support for the President by buying your own “W” hat as well as popular conservative tee shirts such as “Viva la Reagan Revolucion”. Oh well, undeterred, I plodded on through the more in this article, hoping for some semblance of fairness. Unfortunately, I was continually disappointed.
Kopel opens with some supposed questions from supporters of the movie. He offers no proof that these questions have actually come from any true supporters of the movie. He of course dismisses the first question as nonsense, because of the movie “is so permeated with lies that most of the scenes amount to lies.” He does grant some truth to the parts addressing the Patriot Act, but again dismisses the Iraq portions because it has “several outright falsehoods.” The alleged question is asking that even though there are lies in the movie, doesn’t it contain important truths nonetheless? This is very clever on Kopel’s part. The actual question being asked is that even considering the film can be taken as propaganda, because Moore makes no bones about his desire to have this film unseat the President, shouldn’t the truths contained be addressed. Kopel twists this into some kind of admission from the film supporters that indeed the film has lied. In fact, no one on the side of the film has ever stated that. This is a devious attempt to lie by Kopel, yet blame it on the people he is attacking. The answer though, reveals a consistent theme from the right since this movie threatened to open up. Dismiss it out of hand, by any means possible. Call it propaganda, but follow that up by saying, so don’t see it. Say that you found a lie here or there, do not substantiate that accusation, but again dismiss it out of hand. This has been tried for the past several weeks. Christopher Hitchens tried it, Bill O’Reilly tried it, and now Kopel is trying it. By dismissing it out of hand, the hope is that some simply won’t go see it, and decide for themselves.
The second alleged question is phrased as such: “Second, say the Moore supporters, what about the Bush lies?” Basically, Kopel argues that two wrongs do not make a right, although he grants that the accusations about the Patriot Act are warranted. It is difficult to respond to such a long movie by disagreeing with everything. The hope that Kopel is banking on is that he can say that he trashed the Patriot Act, so therefore the whole article is balanced. Unfortunately, it does not pass the smell test, as we now will see, point by point.
Before going into the “deceptions”, Kopel feels compelled to paint Moore in as negative a light as possible. The bottom line is that if he lied, he lied. Readers do not need to know a quote taken out of context from 3 years ago, that serves no other purpose than to taint readers own judgment of the so called deceptions. Kopel then swears that if there are errors in the report, he will correct them, well thanks, we will see!
1) Moore opens with the celebration in 2000 by the Gore people. Kopel states somehow Moore has inferred that this was a scene where Gore was celebrating his Florida victory. Unfortunately Moore says no such thing. This makes this conjecture on Kopel’s part, not a lie on Moore ’s part. Anyone who watched the election that night, or even the events following, know very well that Gore never had a chance to celebrate a Florida victory. To infer otherwise by Kopel is disingenuous and gives us an insight into where this article is going.
2) The second deception is described as such: “ Moore thus creates the false impression that the networks withdrew their claim about Gore winning Florida when they heard that Fox said that Bush won Florida .” Really? I direct Mr. Kopel to the following link:
If you scroll down to 2:16 am, you will see the following quote: “At 2:16 a.m., the call was made: Fox News Channel, with Bush's first cousin John Ellis running its election desk, was the first to project Florida -- and the presidency -- for the Texas governor. Within minutes, the other networks followed suit.” This is exactly what Moore was stating. Another link here:
In the middle of this article we see the following quote: “The genesis of this call, and in particular the chronology of the ensuing echos are telling. The story began on election night at 2:16 AM. Fox News projected George W. Bush as winner of the Florida primary and the Presidential election. In a classic case of pack journalism that college professors will no doubt cite for years to come, ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN all followed Fox’s lead during the next four minutes, calling the election for Bush.” That is the truth, and that is what Moore was saying, regardless of the spin Kopel would like to put on it. What is quite telling however, is the glossing over of Ellis, by Kopel. In this same analysis we see the following cogent points being made:
“Weeks later, Ellis’ former colleague, Bill Kovach, while defending Ellis’ integrity as a journalist, reported that Ellis had been in telephone contact with both Jeb and George W. Bush on election night prior to his making the election call. Even Kovach admitted this was improper.
It’s a clear a conflict of interest for a presidential candidate’s close and loyal first cousin, the nephew of a former U.S. President, to end up in a position to call the election for the U.S. national media?”
It would seem to me that these are the important points Mr. Kopel.
3) Deception 3 indicates that the statement made by CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin, that if ballots had been recounted in Florida after the 2000 presidential vote, “under every scenario Gore won the election.” Is somehow misleading because he didn’t quote other sources as saying the opposite. Again, Moore makes no bones about his slant in this film. He is not required to show every opposing view. The question is, was that clip inaccurate? The answer is a resounding no. There are reports claiming over 200,000 disenfranchised African American voters. There were reports of people expunged from the rolls based on bogus criminal records and many other improprieties. There were reports of obviously democratic senior citizen votes being switched to Buchanan. These are not in dispute Mr. Kopel.
4) Mr. Kopel, was Katherine Harris in charge of the vote count AND Bush’s Florida campaign co-chair AND did she eventually certify an incomplete vote count? Those are the salient points. The attempts to misdirect by pointing out a number like 1,100, which does not take into account all of the reports of disenfranchisement, is again quite transparent. The number is not 1,100, it is over 200,000. Moore did not say that the purge targeted black felons; the obvious point is that minorities are more likely to be the felons who are being purged.
5) I am not sure where the “lie” is here. Kopel does not disagree with the near riot on inauguration day, because he cannot. Moore then points out the trouble Bush had during his first several months in office. Kopel then points to the passage of the tax cut, which happened around the same time as Jefford’s switch, as a success by Bush. The No Child Left Behind initiative has yet to be funded correctly, so trumpeting this as a triumph does not seem fair. Either way, despite these two monumental successes, one cannot argue that things were not going well for Bush at the start. This is a lie, or a deception by Kopel, not Moore.
6) Moore correctly states that 42% of the time during his first 8 months, GW Bush was on vacation. This means he was not at work, in DC. If Kopel has no problem with GWB working from home, then I guess we disagree philosophically. Either way, despite hanging out with Tony Blair to concoct wars, I view this time as “vacation” as I am sure most clear thinking people would. Thus another lie from Kopel. The fact that weekends were included by Moore in the calculation seems to infer that being President is a Monday-Friday job, which I disagree with Mr. Kopel about.
7) The second “lie” in this portion, seems to revolve around another assumption made by Kopel. The “boilerplate” terrorism response followed by the “now watch this drive,” comment. Three points. One, I do not like a President that gives “boilerplate responses” to a subject that he pretends to take so seriously. Two, the comment of this is what you get when you catch the President on the golf course, is inane. Thirdly, Moore never tries to convince you that this response was specifically about 911, but rather it is a look at how sincere this man can look when talking about ANY terror, then in the next breath be joking.
8) Deception 8 is a pathetic. Kopel now wants us to psychically know what Moore is feeling about terror, based on a 3-year-old quote. Because this quote makes light of the threat of terror, he thus concludes that the scene about the 911 attacks in the movie must therefore be a lie? Are you serious? Then to delve further into nonsense, he makes a comparison of Moore showing this scene to a hypothetical case of a Klansman making a film feigning admiration for Rosa Parks. This shows, only at number 8, how low Kopel is willing to go.
9) Deception 9 also pushes the limits of sensibility. Moore correctly shows how the President sat in that classroom with a “deer in the headlights” look for several minutes while people were dying all over the country. I could care less if the Principal of the elementary school thought this conveyed leadership. It conveyed a hopeless, unsure, and confused look. How exactly the principal’s reaction makes Moore a liar is beyond me.
10-12) These deceptions now start to show the true stupidity of this effort. Mr. Kopel, when Moore says “Or perhaps he just should have read the security briefing that was given to him on August 6, 2001 that said that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America by hijacking airplanes.” he is being sarcastic. No offer of proof is needed, because I am sure Moore believes that he did read the brief. The purpose of the sarcasm is to show the lies of this administration that said emphatically that “no one could have envisioned terrorists using planes as weapons”, when in fact there was briefings about it. Those briefings were being kept confidential in the hopes that no one would find out. So your statement of: “ Moore ’s assertion appears to be a complete fabrication.” is baseless, and quite frankly silly. The second “lie” here is “that the memo's title was offered as an excuse for not reading the memo”. Again, maybe conservatives can’t be funny, but this was obviously sarcasm, not an assertion of truth. It was done to again show the silliness of the administration saying that a report entitled “bid Laden determined to attack in the United States ” was somehow vague. The third lie here is “omitting that the memo was equivocal, and that the hijacking warning was something that the FBI said it was "unable to corroborate.” Mr. Kopel still seems to think that Moore must include all opinions, including Kopel’s for the film to avoid being accused of lying. Regardless of whether Mr. Kopel believes that this assertion from the FBI gets the administration off the hook for lying about knowing about planes being used as weapons, or about any of the previous discussed issues, it does not prove a lie on Mr. Moore’s part.
13-16) The right wants to continue to muddle this issue. The facts are these. Despite when they left the country, Saudis, including members of bin Laden’s family were flown around on 09/13, by the FBI, when I, Ricky Martin, and the rest of the citizenry were not allowed to fly. If this doesn’t bother you as an American, then we respectfully disagree but let everyone make up their own minds without muddling the facts. Here is a link asserting this:
The salient point this time is that the administration LIED about the existence of these flights until recently caught. Kopel then finishes this segment with more misdirection, a tactic used frequently by the right. Because Clark has become a cause celeb with his turning on the administration, does not remove the fact that he worked for this administration when these decisions were being reached.
17) This deals with the Bath deletion by the White House. Insisting that Moore has lied, Kopel states that it was Bath ’s own money, not the Saudi’s money that was invested in Arbusto. For proof, Kopel cites such bastions of fair-minded press as The Weekly Standard and Newsweek (which has been cited for errors on Moore ’s own website). Well, why didn’t you say so Mr. Kopel? If the Weekly Standard says it is so, it must be. Actually, lets quote Time magazine about Bath , shall we?
“Time magazine described Bath in 1991 as "a deal broker whose alleged associations run from the CIA to a major shareholder and director of the Bank of Credit & Commerce." BCCI, as it was more commonly known, closed its doors in July 1991 amid charges of multibillion-dollar fraud and global news reports that the financial institution had been heavily involved in drug money laundering, arms brokering, covert intelligence work, bribery of government officials and—here's the kicker—aid to terrorists.”
Glad we were able to clear that up. Yes, I am sure the White House didn’t cross out his name for any particular reason.
18) Prince Bandar worked both sides of the aisle? The heck you say! I never would have imagined that Saudi Arabia ’s ambassador would have tried to work with a democratic president as well; I mean that is his job right? What was your point again Mr. Kopel, oh that’s right you don’t have one. This movie is dealing with the Bush administration, not the Clinton administration. If you wish to do a documentary on that subject, get in line. Moore does not lie, by discussing Bush’s involvement.
19-20) If Mr. Kopel thinks that getting inside information about a company you own, selling off the stock, and avoiding huge losses is appropriate behavior, then again we disagree. The fact is that the source Mr. Kopel uses is the National Review Online, certainly not a non-partisan outfit. Try again.
21-23) The Carlyle Group does have many people involved. By discussing Bush Sr., who essentially was their ambassador
to Saudi Arabia , and choosing not to discuss Soros, does not make Moore a liar, nor does it remove the connection to the Bush’s. The point about the cancellation of the crusader rocket is also not a valid point, as this was cancelled after public scrutiny about its out-datedness. It also wasn’t just canceled, it was ordered of the US Army to “come up with alternatives” to the system. I am curious who got the replacement project. Notwithstanding this, the facts are still that 237 million was made in one day by the Carlyle Group by taking US Defense public. Kopel tries to muddy the issue again by saying that the bin Ladens withdrew prior to going public, but that holds no relevance. Attempting to discredit the 1.4 billion dollar quote from Moore , Kopel argues that Bush Sr. did not join Carlyle Advisory Board until 1998. Of course, what he is omitting is that those close to the Bushies, such as Carlucci and Baker, had been involved in Carlyle since the late 1980’s.
24) Although Moore himself did not state the 860 billion number, and the fact that he asked for an estimate, I will concede this as the first possible mistake made. I won’t go as far as to call it a lie, and I would appreciate any INEDPENDENT source to validate the true amount.
25) Hmm, it seems that Kopel is accusing the Secret Service Guard in the film of lying here. That is who said “Uh, not usually, no sir” when asked if this was a normal function. I am inclined to believe him, who does the job, than Kopel’s source, Debbie Schlussel, a conservative political commentator and columnist, as described by her own website.
26) Deception 26 takes us back to that voice of reason, Christopher Hitchens. The “review” he did can be found here:
My rebuttal can be found here:
I have no intention on rehashing all of this in this piece. Suffice to say that again, Mr. Kopel has chosen an unreliable source to be his redeeming proof of lies on Moore ’s part. The truth is that Hitchens lied throughout his article.
27-31) I will try to summarize these points because again, Kopel’s sources are the ever non-partisan NY Post (owned by FOX WePretendtobeNews Channel’s Rupert Murdoch), the Weekly Standard, and the previously discussed Isikoff. Essentially these supposed inaccuracies revolve around the Unocal issue. First, Moore never asserts that Bush met with them in 1997, merely that he was Governor of Texas at the time they visited. Secondly, Kopel boldly states, “According to Fahrenheit , Afghanistan 's new President, Hamid Karzai, was a Unocal consultant. This is absolutely false.” Well, I am sorry Mr. Kopel, but it is absolutely true:
The source Mr. Kopel cites here is the Knight-Ridder Washington Bureau. I can only assume that Mr. Kopel was hoping readers wouldn’t still be checking these links this far into the article, but I was. The quote from this source is as follows:
            It alleges that Karzai had been a Unocal consultant.
A Unocal spokesman denies it. "Karzai was never, in any capacity, an employee, consultant or a consultant of a consultant," Barry Lane said. He said Unocal also never had a plan to build a Caspian Sea pipeline.
What's true in the movie is that Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan , was a Unocal consultant in the mid-1990s, Lane said.
Oh, I see, a Unocal spokesperson denies it, you cover it up by pretending Knight-Ridder said it, and Moore is a liar. What would you expect a Unocal spokesperson to say?
32) On this point, to say that Bush was not sympathetic to the Taliban is again, a lie. Here is a link to an editorial from the LA Times, from May of 2001:
33-34) Kopel is citing the already discussed Hitchens piece filled with lies. To make matter worse, Kopel compounds the lies. Moore ’s statement was not Osama is innocent, it was people are innocent until proven guilty, a concept that this administration needs to try and remember. Then, trying to again muddy the issue, Kopel points to inconsistencies in Moore ’s comments about Afghanistan as proof that he has lied. The problem is that the statements are not inconsistent. On one hand Moore , felt that the war in Afghanistan was not warranted, which is his right. In his movie he is trying to make a point that since Bush thought the war was so important, why didn’t he commit more ground troops. By stating this Moore is not saying HE wanted more ground troops, he was just pointing out the inconsistencies of the administration.
35) I refer readers to my rebuttal of Hitchens piece where I cite sources telling the truth about what is going on in Afghanistan . Just another lie, but from Kopel and Hitchens.
36) A cheap shot is not a lie. Grow up Mr. Kopel. Ashcroft lost to Carnahan, not his wife. His wife was never put on the ballot. Either way, the voters at best chose a woman with no political experience over Ashcroft.
37) If Goss said he had an “800” number which caused confusion because it was an 877 number, then he had misspoken, not Moore . I personally laughed the hardest at this point of the film. It should be noted that here is where Kopel throws in his non-partisanship by agreeing with Moore on the horrendous Patriot Act. I will say though if this was an honest mistake on Goss’ part, then I could see this as a cheap shot, but not a lie.
38-39) This is the Moore quote where he says Saddam never attacked the US , or murdered an American citizen. Mr. Kopel apparently does not like the parsing of words that Moore chooses. He clearly states, “murder”, as opposed to kill. In a desperate attempt to pin something on him, we are told that harboring a known terrorist, over ten years ago, is akin to direct murder. I do not buy that line of rationale and will leave it up to the readers to decide. Kopel continues on though citing the National Review again as a credible source. The bottom line on this is that even if you felt Saddam deserved what he got because of weak terrorist ties 10 years ago, that does not remove the fact that Bush did not use that as his rationale for war. He lied.
40) This deals specifically with Moore ’s assertion that Saddam never threatened to attack America . Obviously, Moore is referring to events leading up to the invasion, you know, this year, maybe last year. Unfortunately, to prove Moore lied, Kopel looks at every comment Saddam ever said, and found some threatening ones from many years ago. Again, this does not pass the smell test, as Bush never said those were the reasons we were going to war. I know that right loves to confuse the issue and blur the lines but Bush said WMD, and there are none, deal with it. Further illustrating the bias Mr. Kopel wants to use, his source here is none other than Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, who has already been discredited on this very subject, by multiple sources, including the 911 commission. CIA experts have said of this connection and the Hayes “proof”
"It's disgusting," said Vincent Cannistraro, the former CIA chief of counter-terrorism. "It's bullshit," said Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst who served in the agency's Near East division.
41-42) This deals with the already debunked connection that never existed between Saddam and al Qaeda. This is a fact, corroborated by the Republican led 911 commission, yet the right wants to continue to hammer the lie down our throat. Again as his source, he quotes directly from Hayes book about this phony link. I am sorry Mr. Kopel, but quoting a discredited right wing individual, who works for the Weekly Standard, is not my idea of “proof”. For a more detailed explanation of the nonsense this man has put forth, please go to this article, ironically enough by Isikoff:
To finish off this part, Kopel again states a lie:
“Whether you agree with the staff report or the critics, there is no dispute that Saddam Hussein had a relationship with al Qaeda, an organization whose only activity was terrorism. Fahrenheit dishonestly pretends that there was no relationship at all.”
Hmm, I am not sure how many times we have to go over this, but THERE WAS NO RELATIONSHIP! Period, end of story. To continue to assert there was one, in the face of official reports to the contrary is to continue to LIE. Your source is the Weekly Standard, again. The 911 commission stated NO relationship. That isn’t being misrepresented, it is a fact. Here is a detailed breakdown of this deception:
43) Iraq before the liberation is a topic for debate. Moore makes everything seem rosy I agree but I also think the other extreme being put forth by the right is equally unbalanced. Were there happy children in Iraq prior to this invasion, I would have to think yes, there was. Are some of them dead now because of this invasion, again, I would have to say yes. Additionally, I am not sure where Kopel thinks all of these happy Iraqis are to state his case since it is a known fact that we have not been welcomed as liberators. Kopel then quotes another NY Post article where it is intimated that we should be blowing up far more countries than Iraq , regardless of whether children are playing with kites there or not. Point taken Mr. Kopel, point taken.
44-45) I am not sure how this qualifies as two lies, especially when it isn’t even one, but here he is pointing out that Moore’s footage infers that our pilots only hit women and children. Now, obviously that is not what the footage infers. I am sure that Moore believes that somewhere a target they meant to hit, got hit. This is an area that so few on the right want to address though and that is the true cost of war. The news estimates are that over 11,000 civilians have died in this invasion. Those are all people who were guilty of nothing more than being born in a country with a lot of oil. I know you do not want to look at them dying, but you should. Either way, this is clearly not a lie or deception by Moore . We obliterated a wedding during this war. By the way, the sources here are again, the Hitchens piece, and the Weekly Standard.
46) Here it seems that Mr. Kopel wants to produce the movie himself. Moore is making a statement in this part about the so-called “coalition of the willing” that Bush likes to trumpet. He chooses humor as his vehicle. To deliver the laugh, he focuses on countries such as Palau , instead of England , which everyone knows is on board with us. For the record, Spain should really not be considered as part of the coalition anymore, should it Mr. Kopel? Moore ’s point is well taken. We have no real coalition, outside of England . The rest are stating they are for the war and sending a handful of soldiers at best, and in some cases none. They are in the coalition because of economic reasons, which is why I have often referred to them as the coalition of the bribed.
47) Using the Debbie Schlussel source again, Kopel now expects us to believe that the media has not given this President a free pass on this war? The complicity of the media is a well-known and widely accepted truth that Moore correctly points out. Whether Jennings actually opposed the invasion, does not belie what his network did not do, in holding this President accountable.
48-50) I have heard enough rhetoric about this to know one thing, Bush will have no problem using veterans for his photo ops, but once it is over, he cuts their benefits just as quickly. Doing a simple google search, all of these hits came up on the first page. I have no intention of splitting hairs with Mr. Kopel over this. Read the truth about this administration and decide for yourself.
51-54) If Kopel is correct, I would have no problem saying that Moore is inaccurate. However, whether it is one congressperson or three, it was a valid point Moore was making. The second point is on Representative Kennedy and I am sorry but the quotes that Kopel uses makes Moore ’s point. Kennedy agreeing to pass out literature that we know very well he never passed out, is not making Kopel’s point. Thirdly, Castle was presented as a Congressperson that would not even talk to Moore , never was it said that he wouldn’t send his kids. Maybe if he had bothered to talk to Moore , he could have told him. The fourth distortion here according to Kopel is a “False impression that Congressional families are especially unlikely to serve in Iraq .” He bases this on the fact that there are 102 veterans in the Congress. This is the misdirection approach again, as Moore never said that the people in Congress were not veterans, he was saying that if they believed so heavily in this war they should send their kids. The point about how many are veterans is never made by Moore , so I am unsure how this is a “lie” by him.
55) Quoting from the conservative personality, Schlussel, again, Kopel makes the argument that because there are other military mothers out their who disagree with Lila Lipscomb, Moore is somehow lying by showing her story. This is so outrageous that Mr. Kopel owes Ms. Lipscomb an apology, as does Schlussel. If the woman didn’t want to be in the movie, you could say it was exploitive. The fact that you do not like what she is saying does not make it exploitive. It was the most touching, heart-wrenching scene in this movie that moved most to tears, at least those with hearts.
56) I had never heard of Life for Relief and Development until Kopel pointed them out for me. A google search revealed several hits describing this as a charitable organization with a mission, which is “dedicated to alleviating human suffering around the world regardless of race, color or cultural background.” Oddly, I found no stories about any link to terrorist organizations or money laundering, which is a very serious charge. I would welcome Mr. Kopel to supply a reputable source, unlike the right wing organizations used to write this article, and I will certainly look into it. Jim McDermott is a duly elected representative of the people of Washington . His opinion does count, despite whatever unfounded allegations Mr. Kopel, through Ms. Schlussel wish to lodge toward him.
57) How exactly is showing Brittany Spears being deceitful because he didn’t show celebrities on the other side? Oh that’s right, it’s not. By the way, calling people like Sarandon and Penn brain-dead bimbos doesn’t help your cause. There is a difference between social activism, and blindly accepting what your leaders say, which is what Ms. Spears was advocating.
58) Deception 58 accuses Moore of supporting the terrorists. It accuses him with no real evidence. Two points for Mr. Kopel:
In the 1770’s we were not fighting for a constitutional democracy. The constitution was not written until 1787. We were fighting against being unfairly occupied, something the Iraqis know all to well.
The insurgents in Iraq are fighting for their country. That is what Moore is pointing out. The fact that they do not like, nor want our form of government may be confounding to you, but it is what they live and die for. To say that because Moore points this out, means he doesn’t support the troops is nonsense. The right still doesn’t get this major point. You can completely support the troops and completely hate the policy, which puts them in harms way based on lies. Learn that Mr. Kopel.
59) I was hoping for an easy one, but now Kopel has lost it. Deception 59 accuses Moore of “Working with Terrorists to Distribute His Film”. His proof is based on the distributor in the mideast and Moore ’s desire to not have it blacklisted there. I cannot answer for Michael Moore, despite this long rebuttal. I will leave this answer to him, as I am sure he will address it before long, since it is a serious accusation.
I want to be very clear, I do not know Michael Moore, nor do I work for him, although some may argue that by this point I should. I have seen this movie, have my own mind, and made it up as the movie went along. I simply think that all Americans should do the same. The right would have this movie censored. They would have you dismiss it out of hand as propaganda, so you won’t see it. They will send out their emissaries who are from the right, such as Kopel. You should not be confused by their propaganda either. Just go see the movie and decide for yourselves. If this President having close business ties to the Saudis, then having the FBI fly them around the country when you were banned from flying doesn’t bother you, then you may dismiss this movie. If having a President pretend to be serious on terror then drop the façade and golf on doesn’t bother you, then you may dismiss this movie. Just please, don’t dismiss this movie because of the Weekly Standard, Christopher Hitchens, National Review Online, Debbie Schlussel, or any of the other biased, right wing sources that Kopel has used here to prop up his misdirection.
Anthony Wade is an independent writer from New York .
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Published on Friday, July 30, 2004
Moore Blasts Mainstream Media
'Fahrenheit 9/11' filmmaker labels Bush and his supporters 'hate-triots'

Crimson Staff Writer

Despite the combined appeal of former Vermont Gov. Howard B. Dean and former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich, controversial filmmaker Michael Moore—the director of the box-office hit Fahrenheit 9/11, which casts a sharply critical eye on President Bush and his policies—upstaged them as the main attraction at Tuesday’s “Take America Back” events, sponsored by the Campaign for America’s Future.

Eagerly awaiting Moore’s arrival, the crowd at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge grew restless and began to cheer his name after the filmmaker did not appear at his scheduled time.

Chants of “Michael! Michael!” erupted as event organizers, who first shuffled the order of several other speakers, were eventually reduced to stalling by listing the names of liberal websites while Moore used the rest room before his speech.

When Moore finally arrived, well over an hour late, he wasted no time in berating the mass media.

“The obvious bad guy in [Fahrenheit 9/11] is George W. Bush. But there’s the unstated villain in the film, which is the national media,” he said. “It outs them as people who are cheerleaders to this war. It outs them as journalists who fell asleep on the job, journalists who didn’t ask the tough questions.”

Moore said members of the news media would have been patriotic to question the Bush administration, rather than succumb to pressure from the White House.

“To the members of the press in the audience: We need you to do your jobs,” Moore said, prompting an ovation. “You do us no service by hopping on a bandwagon.”

“You can ask any question you want and not get arrested,” Moore continued. “So what has prevented you from asking the questions?”

Moore said that he heard this week from a prominent talk show host who was admonished by Vice President Dick Cheney’s office for using an unfavorable tone while discussing the Iraq invasion. Moore pledged to tell the TV host’s story by the end of the week on his website if that host did not come forward.

Referring to the media’s war coverage, Moore added, “You haven’t just been embedded. You’ve been in bed with the wrong people.”

After finishing up his assault on the media, Moore said he thought high voter turnout could lead to a presidential win for Sen. John F. Kerry, D-Mass.

“I believe we will have the largest percentage of people voting in our lifetime on November 2,” Moore said.

Moore—who said the country is not in fact evenly ideologically divided, but liberal—said the increased voter turnout would help Democrats.

Moore even predicted that “good Republicans” might launch a Republicans for Kerry movement to protest Bush administration policies.

“The good news is things are going to change soon,” Moore said.

Moore said he did not blame Kerry for voting to go to war in Iraq because he said Kerry was misled by Bush to believe that Iraq posed an imminent threat.

“One thing I do know about Kerry—he will not invade a country the way Bush did,” Moore said.

Although Moore did not spend much time praising Kerry, he said he opposed the efforts of independent candidate Ralph Nader and those considering voting for him. Many political analysts believe that left-wing support for Nader contributed to the electoral defeat former Vice President Al Gore ’69 suffered in 2000 and could do the same to Kerry this year.

Moore said Nader already accomplished his goal of pushing the Democratic Party to the left after 2000. This year, liberals should unite behind the goal of voting Bush out of the presidency, Moore said.

“My appeal to the Nader voters is we have a different job to do this year,” Moore said.

But Moore added, “We need to give those who are thinking of voting for Nader a reason to vote for John Kerry.”

Moore urged the Democratic candidate to take tough and principled stands, lest he lose votes to Nader and cause apathy among the public.

Throughout his speech, Moore also continued his trend of attacking the Bush presidency and its supporters, labeling them unpatriotic.

“They’re not patriots—they’re hate-triots, and they believe in the politics of hate-triotism,” Moore said to a somewhat befuddled audience.

Moore also attacked the war in Iraq.

“The way you don’t support the troops is to send them into harm’s way when it isn’t necessary,” Moore said.

Moore wrapped up his critiques by making fun of an incident in which Bush was hospitalized after choking on a pretzel.

Moore said NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt Jr. advised all Americans on national television to watch Fahrenheit 9/11.

“I said a little prayer for George W. Bush,” Moore said. “I hope he’s not watching this race right now and eating a pretzel.”

—Staff writer Alan J. Tabak can be reached at

From:  "Jon Presco" <montrose44@c...>
Date:  Sat Aug 21, 2004  11:15 am
Subject:  Officer says Bush allowed 911

Air Force Officer Delivers
Blistering Excoriation Of Bush
Says Bush is Responsible for September 11th Attacks
By Jerry Isaacs

A US Air Force officer in California recently accused President Bush
of deliberately allowing the September 11 terror attacks to take
place. The officer has been relieved of his command and faces
further discipline. The controversy surrounding Lt. Col. Steve
Butler's letter to the editor, in which he affirmed that Bush did
nothing to warn the American people because he "needed this war on
terrorism," received scant coverage in the media.

Universally ignored by the press, however, was that the officer was
not merely expressing a personal opinion. He was in a position to
have direct knowledge of contacts between the US military and some
of the hijackers in the period before the terrorist attacks that
destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon.

Lieutenant Colonel Butler, who wrote in a letter to the editor of
the Monterey County Herald charging that "Bush knew about the
impending attacks," was vice chancellor for student affairs at the
Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California " a US military
facility that one or more of the hijackers reportedly attended
during the 1990s. In his May 26 letter to the newspaper, Butler
responded to Bush supporters, who had written the paper opposing the
congressional investigation into the September 11 events. He wrote:

"Of course President Bush knew about the impending attacks on
America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he
needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he needed
Osama. His presidency was going nowhere. He wasn't elected by the
American people, but placed in the Oval Office by a conservative
supreme court. The economy was sliding into the usual Republican
pits and he needed something on which to hang his presidency....
This guy is a joke. What is sleazy and contemptible is the President
of the United States not telling the American people what he knows
for political gain."

The letter provoked immediate retaliation against the 24-year Air
Force veteran. Butler was transferred from the Monterey installation
and threatened with court martial under Article 88 of the military
code, which prohibits officers from publicly using "contemptuous
words" against the president and other officials.

Last week the Air Force announced it had concluded its investigation
of the case and suggested Butler would likely face "nonjudicial
punishment," such as a fine or a letter of reprimand, rather than a
stiffer sentence. If he refuses this punishment, however, Butler,
who is ready to retire, could still face a court martial.

The issue is a particularly sensitive one for the Pentagon and the
Bush administration. While many people believe that the Bush
administration viewed September 11 as a priceless opportunity to
implement an ultra-reactionary program of militarism and repression,
Butler is different. His military assignment brought him into
contact with at least one of the alleged hijackers.

Shortly after September 11, several US news outlets reported that
Saeed AlghamdiÑnamed as taking part in the hijacking of United
Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in western PennsylvaniaÑhad taken
courses at the Defense Language Institute, the US military's primary
foreign language facility, where Butler was a leading officer
overseeing students (essentially, dean of students).

Alghamdi, a 41-year-old Saudi national, was one of several alleged
hijackers, including accused ringleader Mohamed Atta, who reportedly
trained at US military facilities, according to a series of articles
published between September 15 and 17 in the Washington Post,
Newsweek magazine, the New York Times and several other newspapers.

On September 15, Newsweek reported: "U.S. military sources have
given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged
hijackers of the planes used in Tuesday's terror attacks received
training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s."

The magazine said that Saeed Alghamdi was among three who had taken
flight training at the Navy Air Station in Pensacola, FloridaÑknown
as the "cradle of US Navy aviation"Ñwhich also administers training
of foreign aviation students for the Navy. The magazine, citing "a
high-ranking Pentagon official" as its source, reported that two
othersÑboth former Saudi air force pilots who had come to the
USÑalso attended such facilities. One received tactical training at
the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama and the other language
training at the Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Over
the next few days, more detailed information appeared in several
other newspapers. A September 16 article in the New York Times

"Three of the men identified as the hijackers in the attacks on
Tuesday have the same names as alumni of American military schools,
the authorities said today. The men were identified as Mohamed Atta,
Abdulaziz al-Omari and Saeed al-Ghamdi.

"The Defense Department said Mr. Atta had gone to the International
Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama; Mr. al-Omari
to the Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas;
and Mr. al-Ghamdi to the Defense Language Institute at the Presidio
in Monterey, Calif."

The Knight Ridder news service also reported that Saeed Alghamdi had
been to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey and the
Associated Press cited Air Force sources indicating that more than
one of the hijackers may have received language training at the
installation. The media dropped the story after the Air Force
officials issued a cursory statement aimed at preventing any further
inquiry into links between the US military and the terrorists. While
acknowledging that some of the suspected terrorists "had similar
names to foreign alumni of U.S. military courses," the statement
said discrepancies in biographical information, such as birth dates
and name spellings, "indicate we are probably not talking about the
same people." Without providing any substantiation, the statement
suggested the hijackers may have stolen the identities of foreign
military personnel who received training at the bases.

Following this less than convincing explanation, the Air Force
refused to release the ages, countries of origin or any other
information about the individuals whose names matched those of the
alleged hijackersÑmaking it virtually impossible to verify the claim
that these were not the same individuals.

Attorney General John Ashcroft and the FBI also refused to make
public any information. Asked by Florida Senator Bill Nelson whether
any of the hijackers were trained at the Pensacola base, the Justice
Department refused to give a definitive answer, and the FBI said it
could not respond until it could "sort through something complicated
and difficult," according to the senator's representative.

To receive such training, the hijackers would have had connections
to Arab governments that enjoyed close relations with the US
government. A former Navy pilot at the Pensacola air station told
Newsweek that during his years on the base, "We always, always,
always trained other countries' pilots. When I was there two decades
ago, it was Iranians. The Shah was in power. Whoever the country du
jour is, that's whose pilots we train."

Military officials acknowledged that the US has a longstanding
agreement with Saudi Arabia to train pilots for the kingdom's
national guard. Candidates receive air combat training and other
courses on several Army and Navy bases, in a program paid for by
Saudi Arabia. Significantly 15 of the 19 hijackers were believed to
be Saudi nationals.

According to its web site, the Defense Language Institute Foreign
Language Center in MontereyÑfounded in 1946 as the Military
Intelligence Service Language SchoolÑ"provides foreign language
services to Department of Defense, government agencies and foreign
governments" to support "national security interests and global
operational needs."

As vice chancellor for student affairs, Butler had extensive contact
with students, according to Pete Randazzo, a close associate of the
officer and president of the National Association of Government
Employees Local 1690, which represents civilian employees at the
language school.

"He would go and have lunch with the students, sit in their
classrooms. He was a very caring officer over there," Randazzo told
the Herald. Butler was also navigator of a B-52 bomber during the
Persian Gulf War, which made it likely he was familiar with Saudi
military operations, given the close relations between the US and
Saudi Arabia during the 1990-91 war against Iraq.

In the 1990s, several officers were disciplined under Article 88 of
the military code for publicly denouncing Clinton, including an Air
Force general who went so far as to ridicule the president as a "gay-
loving, pot-smoking, draft-dodging womanizer" in front of 250 people
at an awards banquet.

With Butler's comments, however, the Pentagon faces a more delicate
problem. The Lieutenant Colonel may well know considerably more than
he is saying about US military-intelligence apparatus involvement in
the September 11 events, and, on the eve of his retirement, took the
opportunity to set the record straight. Article - Flight 93 Shot Down has discovered that Fight 93 was definitely shot down.

LetsRoll has discovered the name of the pilot as well as all other pertinent information regarding this incident;

"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.

They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;

He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "Temporary assignment."


Rick Gibney - 119th Fighter Wing - Happy Hooligans

Rick Gibney, as identified on

His picture and unit is the last picture to load on the bottom right at this link, with their names in the caption, Rick Gibney being the 4th from the left.

Major Rick Gibney did as he was ordered and did nothing criminal. He was merely following orders, of which he had no choice. Please do not harrass this man or bother him for doing what his CO & ultimately George Bush, ordered him to do. Major Rick Gibney has no reason to feel guilty nor regret following orders. The fault lies with his superiors, and a one, certain President George Bush who planned and engineered 911. Please do not heap any kind of abuse onto this man, a crack fighter pilot, one of the best in our nation, for doing what he was trained and ordered to do. He is a good man, honest and full of Integrity as well as unlimited discipline. He is a patriot, and was lied to and deceived.

He had no way to know that this plane wasn't a 'hostile.' Nor could he have. The fault lies with his superiors, and President George 'Dubya' Bush.

Flight 93 has now been forever solved by truth, and honest reporting and investigating, from!

Major Rick Gibney, please do not read this as anything but the truth that the world deserves to know as true history. You played a part, but it was your superiors who deceived both you and everyone else regarding Flight 93. I didn't relish printing your name, as your innocent of any evil doing. yet it's history, and truth, and the world deserves to know.

And your safer now that this truth is out there, than if it was not.

But the world would appreciatte an honest reply and statement from you on this issue, but only when your able and ready.

The source of this information Mr. Gibney was very careful to point out your high quality of charachter and lack of malice or malfeasance in these issues. Your integrity is no way harmed by these revelations, as you were ignorant of the total picture of what was happening that day, and following orders as you were trained to do in an emergency.

I apologize for having to print your name, but felt it neccessary for both the truth to come forward, and your own safety.

Major Rick Gibney..."Lets Roll"

Time to let the truth out and the perps hang. If this means a coup then so be it. As long as the coup is meant to restore the constitution which was shredded like toilet paper on a bums ass by George W. Bush.

It is ironic that it was this website, "" which brought this story to light and broke the news. After all we hijacked our name from those who stole it (Busch & Co), from those who were 'alleged' to have tried to regain the aircraft from the 'alleged hijackers, which didn't exist, and are not even listed on the Official flight manifests. Thus it is both fitting, and Ironic that it was "" which broke this news of Flight 93's final moments, The Shoot Down of Flight 93. And all in order to awaken people on the Internet, not to endless questions and debate, and bickering over the finer details, but to action to take back our hijacked government, for the time is short, and the days are evil. Those who did such a thing on 911, have gotten away with it for almost 3 years now, and those who get away with such things, always do them again. So watch the 'Homeland Security' warning system for the masses, as after all, aren't they the ones who best know when 'they' are going to strike again? It certainly is no coincidence that Tom Ridge was Governor of the State of Pennslyvania, where flight 93 was shot down by the Happy Hooligans, and then immedietly made to be the "Czar of Homeland Security."

The 9/11 Report: A Dissent

August 29, 2004

The idea was sound: a politically balanced, generously
financed committee of prominent, experienced people would
investigate the government's failure to anticipate and
prevent the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Had the
investigation been left to the government, the current
administration would have concealed its own mistakes and
blamed its predecessors. This is not a criticism of the
Bush White House; any administration would have done the

And the execution was in one vital respect superb: the 9/11
commission report is an uncommonly lucid, even riveting,
narrative of the attacks, their background and the response
to them. (Norton has published the authorized edition;
another edition, including reprinted news articles by
reporters from The New York Times, has been published by
St. Martin's, while PublicAffairs has published the staff
reports and some of the testimony.)

The prose is free from bureaucratese and, for a consensus
statement, the report is remarkably forthright. Though
there could not have been a single author, the style is
uniform. The document is an improbable literary triumph.

However, the commission's analysis and recommendations are
unimpressive. The delay in the commission's getting up to
speed was not its fault but that of the administration,
which dragged its heels in turning over documents; yet with
completion of its investigation deferred to the
presidential election campaign season, the commission
should have waited until after the election to release its
report. That would have given it time to hone its analysis
and advice.

The enormous public relations effort that the commission
orchestrated to win support for the report before it could
be digested also invites criticism -- though it was
effective: in a poll conducted just after publication, 61
percent of the respondents said the commission had done a
good job, though probably none of them had read the report.
The participation of the relatives of the terrorists'
victims (described in the report as the commission's
''partners'') lends an unserious note to the project (as
does the relentless self-promotion of several of the
members). One can feel for the families' loss, but being a
victim's relative doesn't qualify a person to advise on how
the disaster might have been prevented.

Much more troublesome are the inclusion in the report of
recommendations (rather than just investigative findings)
and the commissioners' misplaced, though successful, quest
for unanimity. Combining an investigation of the attacks
with proposals for preventing future attacks is the same
mistake as combining intelligence with policy. The way a
problem is described is bound to influence the choice of
how to solve it. The commission's contention that our
intelligence structure is unsound predisposed it to blame
the structure for the failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks,
whether it did or not. And pressure for unanimity
encourages just the kind of herd thinking now being blamed
for that other recent intelligence failure -- the belief
that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.

At least the commission was consistent. It believes in
centralizing intelligence, and people who prefer
centralized, pyramidal governance structures to diversity
and competition deprecate dissent. But insistence on
unanimity, like central planning, deprives decision makers
of a full range of alternatives. For all one knows, the
price of unanimity was adopting recommendations that were
the second choice of many of the commission's members or
were consequences of horse trading. The premium placed on
unanimity undermines the commission's conclusion that
everybody in sight was to blame for the failure to prevent
the 9/11 attacks. Given its political composition (and it
is evident from the questioning of witnesses by the members
that they had not forgotten which political party they
belong to), the commission could not have achieved
unanimity without apportioning equal blame to the Clinton
and Bush administrations, whatever the members actually

The tale of how we were surprised by the 9/11 attacks is a
product of hindsight; it could not be otherwise. And with
the aid of hindsight it is easy to identify missed
opportunities (though fewer than had been suspected) to
have prevented the attacks, and tempting to leap from that
observation to the conclusion that the failure to prevent
them was the result not of bad luck, the enemy's skill and
ingenuity or the difficulty of defending against suicide
attacks or protecting an almost infinite array of potential
targets, but of systemic failures in the nation's
intelligence and security apparatus that can be corrected
by changing the apparatus.

That is the leap the commission makes, and it is not
sustained by the report's narrative. The narrative points
to something different, banal and deeply disturbing: that
it is almost impossible to take effective action to prevent
something that hasn't occurred previously. Once the 9/11
attacks did occur, measures were taken that have reduced
the likelihood of a recurrence. But before the attacks, it
was psychologically and politically impossible to take
those measures. The government knew that Al Qaeda had
attacked United States facilities and would do so again.
But the idea that it would do so by infiltrating operatives
into this country to learn to fly commercial aircraft and
then crash such aircraft into buildings was so grotesque
that anyone who had proposed that we take costly measures
to prevent such an event would have been considered a
candidate for commitment. No terrorist had hijacked an
American commercial aircraft anywhere in the world since
1986. Just months before the 9/11 attacks the director of
the Defense Department's Defense Threat Reduction Agency
wrote: ''We have, in fact, solved a terrorist problem in
the last 25 years. We have solved it so successfully that
we have forgotten about it; and that is a treat. The
problem was aircraft hijacking and bombing. We solved the
problem. . . . The system is not perfect, but it is good
enough. . . . We have pretty much nailed this thing.'' In
such a climate of thought, efforts to beef up airline
security not only would have seemed gratuitous but would
have been greatly resented because of the cost and the
increased airport congestion.

The problem isn't just that people find it extraordinarily
difficult to take novel risks seriously; it is also that
there is no way the government can survey the entire range
of possible disasters and act to prevent each and every one
of them. As the commission observes, ''Historically,
decisive security action took place only after a disaster
had occurred or a specific plot had been discovered.'' It
has always been thus, and probably always will be. For
example, as the report explains, the 1993 truck bombing of
the World Trade Center led to extensive safety improvements
that markedly reduced the toll from the 9/11 attacks; in
other words, only to the slight extent that the 9/11
attacks had a precedent were significant defensive steps
taken in advance.

The commission's contention that ''the terrorists exploited
deep institutional failings within our government'' is
overblown. By the mid-1990's the government knew that Osama
bin Laden was a dangerous enemy of the United States.
President Clinton and his national security adviser, Samuel
Berger, were so concerned that Clinton, though ''warned in
the strongest terms'' by the Secret Service and the C.I.A.
that ''visiting Pakistan would risk the president's life,''
did visit that country (flying in on an unmarked plane,
using decoys and remaining only six hours) and tried
unsuccessfully to enlist its cooperation against bin Laden.
Clinton authorized the assassination of bin Laden, and a
variety of means were considered for achieving this goal,
but none seemed feasible. Invading Afghanistan to pre-empt
future attacks by Al Qaeda was considered but rejected for
diplomatic reasons, which President Bush accepted when he
took office and which look even more compelling after the
trouble we've gotten into with our pre-emptive invasion of
Iraq. The complaint that Clinton was merely ''swatting at
flies,'' and the claim that Bush from the start was
determined to destroy Al Qaeda root and branch, are belied
by the commission's report. The Clinton administration
envisaged a campaign of attrition that would last three to
five years, the Bush administration a similar campaign that
would last three years. With an invasion of Afghanistan
impracticable, nothing better was on offer. Almost four
years after Bush took office and almost three years after
we wrested control of Afghanistan from the Taliban, Al
Qaeda still has not been destroyed.

It seems that by the time Bush took office, ''bin Laden
fatigue'' had set in; no one had practical suggestions for
eliminating or even substantially weakening Al Qaeda. The
commission's statement that Clinton and Bush had been
offered only a ''narrow and unimaginative menu of options
for action'' is hindsight wisdom at its most fatuous. The
options considered were varied and imaginative; they
included enlisting the Afghan Northern Alliance or other
potential tribal allies of the United States to help kill
or capture bin Laden, an attack by our Special Operations
forces on his compound, assassinating him by means of a
Predator drone aircraft or coercing or bribing the Taliban
to extradite him. But for political or operational reasons,
none was feasible.

It thus is not surprising, perhaps not even a fair
criticism, that the new administration treaded water until
the 9/11 attacks. But that's what it did. Bush's national
security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, ''demoted'' Richard
Clarke, the government's leading bin Laden hawk and
foremost expert on Al Qaeda. It wasn't technically a
demotion, but merely a decision to exclude him from
meetings of the cabinet-level ''principals committee'' of
the National Security Council; he took it hard, however,
and requested a transfer from the bin Laden beat to
cyberterrorism. The committee did not discuss Al Qaeda
until a week before the 9/11 attacks. The new
administration showed little interest in exploring military
options for dealing with Al Qaeda, and Donald Rumsfeld had
not even gotten around to appointing a successor to the
Defense Department's chief counterterrorism official (who
had left the government in January) when the 9/11 attacks

I suspect that one reason, not mentioned by the commission,
for the Bush administration's initially tepid response to
the threat posed by Al Qaeda is that a new administration
is predisposed to reject the priorities set by the one it's
succeeding. No doubt the same would have been true had
Clinton been succeeding Bush as president rather than vice

Before the commission's report was published, the
impression was widespread that the failure to prevent the
attacks had been due to a failure to collate bits of
information possessed by different people in our security
services, mainly the Central Intelligence Agency and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. And, indeed, had all these
bits been collated, there would have been a chance of
preventing the attacks, though only a slight one; the best
bits were not obtained until late in August 2001, and it is
unrealistic to suppose they could have been integrated and
understood in time to detect the plot.

The narrative portion of the report ends at Page 338 and is
followed by 90 pages of analysis and recommendations. I
paused at Page 338 and asked myself what improvements in
our defenses against terrorist groups like Al Qaeda are
implied by the commission's investigative findings (as
distinct from recommendations that the commission goes on
to make in the last part of the report). The list is short:

(1) Major buildings should have detailed evacuation plans
and the plans should be communicated to the occupants.

(2) Customs officers should be alert for altered travel
documents of Muslims entering the United States; some of
the 9/11 hijackers might have been excluded by more careful
inspections of their papers. Biometric screening (such as
fingerprinting) should be instituted to facilitate the
creation of a comprehensive database of suspicious
characters. In short, our borders should be made less

(3) Airline passengers and baggage should be screened
carefully, cockpit doors secured and override mechanisms
installed in airliners to enable a hijacked plane to be
controlled from the ground.

(4) Any legal barriers to sharing information between the
C.I.A. and the F.B.I. should be eliminated.

(5) More Americans should be trained in Arabic, Farsi and
other languages in widespread use in the Muslim world. The
commission remarks that in 2002, only six students received
undergraduate degrees in Arabic from colleges in the United

(6) The thousands of federal agents assigned to the ''war
on drugs,'' a war that is not only unwinnable but probably
not worth winning, should be reassigned to the war on
international terrorism.

(7) The F.B.I. appears from the report to be incompetent to
combat terrorism; this is the one area in which a
structural reform seems indicated (though not recommended
by the commission). The bureau, in excessive reaction to J.
Edgar Hoover's freewheeling ways, has become afflicted with
a legalistic mind-set that hinders its officials from
thinking in preventive rather than prosecutorial terms and
predisposes them to devote greater resources to drug and
other conventional criminal investigations than to
antiterrorist activities. The bureau is habituated to the
leisurely time scale of criminal investigations and
prosecutions. Information sharing within the F.B.I., let
alone with other agencies, is sluggish, in part because the
bureau's field offices have excessive autonomy and in part
because the agency is mysteriously unable to adopt a modern
communications system. The F.B.I. is an excellent police
department, but that is all it is. Of all the agencies
involved in intelligence and counterterrorism, the F.B.I.
comes out worst in the commission's report.

Progress has been made on a number of items on my list.
There have been significant improvements in border control
and aircraft safety. The information ''wall'' was removed
by the USA Patriot Act, passed shortly after 9/11, although
legislation may not have been necessary, since, as the
commission points out, before 9/11 the C.I.A. and the
F.B.I. exaggerated the degree to which they were forbidden
to share information. This was a managerial failure, not an
institutional one. Efforts are under way on (5) and (6),
though powerful political forces limit progress on (6).
Oddly, the simplest reform -- better building-evacuation
planning -- has lagged.

The only interesting item on my list is (7). The F.B.I.'s
counterterrorism performance before 9/11 was dismal indeed.
Urged by one of its field offices to seek a warrant to
search the laptop of Zacarias Moussaoui (a candidate
hijacker-pilot), F.B.I. headquarters refused because it
thought the special court that authorizes foreign
intelligence surveillance would decline to issue a warrant
-- a poor reason for not requesting one. A prescient report
from the Arizona field office on flight training by Muslims
was ignored by headquarters. There were only two analysts
on the bin Laden beat in the entire bureau. A notice by the
director, Louis J. Freeh, that the bureau focus its efforts
on counterterrorism was ignored.

So what to do? One possibility would be to appoint as
director a hard-nosed, thick-skinned manager with a clear
mandate for change -- someone of Donald Rumsfeld's caliber.
(His judgment on Iraq has been questioned, but no one
questions his capacity to reform a hidebound government
bureaucracy.) Another would be to acknowledge the F.B.I.'s
deep-rooted incapacity to deal effectively with terrorism,
and create a separate domestic intelligence agency on the
model of Britain's Security Service (M.I.5). The Security
Service has no power of arrest. That power is lodged in the
Special Branch of Scotland Yard, and if we had our own
domestic intelligence service, modeled on M.I.5, the power
of arrest would be lodged in a branch of the F.B.I. As far
as I know, M.I.5 and M.I.6 (Britain's counterpart to the
C.I.A.) work well together. They have a common culture, as
the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. do not. They are intelligence
agencies, operating by surveillance rather than by
prosecution. Critics who say that an American equivalent of
M.I.5 would be a Gestapo understand neither M.I.5 nor the

Which brings me to another failing of the 9/11 commission:
American provinciality. Just as we are handicapped in
dealing with Islamist terrorism by our ignorance of the
languages, cultures and history of the Muslim world, so we
are handicapped in devising effective antiterrorist methods
by our reluctance to consider foreign models. We shouldn't
be embarrassed to borrow good ideas from nations with a
longer experience of terrorism than our own. The blows we
have struck against Al Qaeda's centralized organization may
deflect Islamist terrorists from spectacular attacks like
9/11 to retail forms like car and truck bombings,
assassinations and sabotage. If so, Islamist terrorism may
come to resemble the kinds of terrorism practiced by the
Irish Republican Army and Hamas, with which foreign nations
like Britain and Israel have extensive experience. The
United States remains readily penetrable by Islamist
terrorists who don't even look or sound Middle Eastern, and
there are Qaeda sleeper cells in this country. All this
underscores the need for a domestic intelligence agency
that, unlike the F.B.I., is effective.

Were all the steps that I have listed fully implemented,
the probability of another terrorist attack on the scale of
9/11 would be reduced -- slightly. The measures adopted
already, combined with our operation in Afghanistan, have
undoubtedly reduced that probability, and the room for
further reduction probably is small. We and other nations
have been victims of surprise attacks before; we will be

They follow a pattern. Think of Pearl Harbor in 1941 and
the Tet offensive in Vietnam in 1968. It was known that the
Japanese might attack us. But that they would send their
carrier fleet thousands of miles to Hawaii, rather than
just attack the nearby Philippines or the British and Dutch
possessions in Southeast Asia, was too novel and audacious
a prospect to be taken seriously. In 1968 the Vietnamese
Communists were known to be capable of attacking South
Vietnam's cities. Indeed, such an assault was anticipated,
though not during Tet (the Communists had previously
observed a truce during the Tet festivities) and not on the
scale it attained. In both cases the strength and
determination of the enemy were underestimated, along with
the direction of his main effort. In 2001 an attack by Al
Qaeda was anticipated, but it was anticipated to occur
overseas, and the capability and audacity of the enemy were
underestimated. (Note in all three cases a tendency to
underestimate non-Western foes -- another aspect of

Anyone who thinks this pattern can be changed should read
those 90 pages of analysis and recommendations that
conclude the commission's report; they come to very little.
Even the prose sags, as the reader is treated to a barrage
of bromides: ''the American people are entitled to expect
their government to do its very best,'' or ''we should
reach out, listen to and work with other countries that can
help'' and ''be generous and caring to our neighbors,'' or
we should supply the Middle East with ''programs to bridge
the digital divide and increase Internet access'' -- the
last an ironic suggestion, given that encrypted e-mail is
an effective medium of clandestine communication. The
''hearts and minds'' campaign urged by the commission is no
more likely to succeed in the vast Muslim world today than
its prototype was in South Vietnam in the 1960's.

The commission wants criteria to be developed for picking
out which American cities are at greatest risk of terrorist
attack, and defensive resources allocated accordingly --
this to prevent every city from claiming a proportional
share of those resources when it is apparent that New York
and Washington are most at risk. Not only do we lack the
information needed to establish such criteria, but to make
Washington and New York impregnable so that terrorists can
blow up Los Angeles or, for that matter, Kalamazoo with
impunity wouldn't do us any good.

The report states that the focus of our antiterrorist
strategy should not be ''just 'terrorism,' some generic
evil. This vagueness blurs the strategy. The catastrophic
threat at this moment in history is more specific. It is
the threat posed by Islamist terrorism.'' Is it? Who knows?
The menace of bin Laden was not widely recognized until
just a few years before the 9/11 attacks. For all anyone
knows, a terrorist threat unrelated to Islam is brewing
somewhere (maybe right here at home -- remember the
Oklahoma City bombers and the Unabomber and the anthrax
attack of October 2001) that, given the breathtakingly
rapid advances in the technology of destruction, will a few
years hence pose a greater danger than Islamic extremism.
But if we listen to the 9/11 commission, we won't be
looking out for it because we've been told that Islamist
terrorism is the thing to concentrate on.

Illustrating the psychological and political difficulty of
taking novel threats seriously, the commission's
recommendations are implicitly concerned with preventing a
more or less exact replay of 9/11. Apart from a few
sentences on the possibility of nuclear terrorism, and of
threats to other modes of transportation besides airplanes,
the broader range of potential threats, notably those of
bioterrorism and cyberterrorism, is ignored.

Many of the commission's specific recommendations are
sensible, such as that American citizens should be required
to carry biometric passports. But most are in the nature of
more of the same -- more of the same measures that were
implemented in the wake of 9/11 and that are being refined,
albeit at the usual bureaucratic snail's pace. If the
report can put spurs to these efforts, all power to it. One
excellent recommendation is reducing the number of
Congressional committees, at present in the dozens, that
have oversight responsibilities with regard to
intelligence. The stated reason for the recommendation is
that the reduction will improve oversight. A better reason
is that with so many committees exercising oversight, our
senior intelligence and national security officials spend
too much of their time testifying.

The report's main proposal -- the one that has received the
most emphasis from the commissioners and has already been
endorsed in some version by both presidential candidates --
is for the appointment of a national intelligence director
who would knock heads together in an effort to overcome the
reluctance of the various intelligence agencies to share
information. Yet the report itself undermines this
proposal, in a section titled ''The Millennium Exception.''
''In the period between December 1999 and early January
2000,'' we read, ''information about terrorism flowed
widely and abundantly.'' Why? Mainly ''because everyone was
already on edge with the millennium and possible computer
programming glitches ('Y2K').'' Well, everyone is now on
edge because of 9/11. Indeed, the report suggests no
current impediments to the flow of information within and
among intelligence agencies concerning Islamist terrorism.
So sharing is not such a problem after all. And since the
tendency of a national intelligence director would be to
focus on the intelligence problem du jour, in this case
Islamist terrorism, centralization of the intelligence
function could well lead to overconcentration on a single

The commission thinks the reason the bits of information
that might have been assembled into a mosaic spelling 9/11
never came together in one place is that no one person was
in charge of intelligence. That is not the reason. The
reason or, rather, the reasons are, first, that the volume
of information is so vast that even with the continued
rapid advances in data processing it cannot be collected,
stored, retrieved and analyzed in a single database or even
network of linked databases. Second, legitimate security
concerns limit the degree to which confidential information
can safely be shared, especially given the ever-present
threat of moles like the infamous Aldrich Ames. And third,
the different intelligence services and the subunits of
each service tend, because information is power, to hoard
it. Efforts to centralize the intelligence function are
likely to lengthen the time it takes for intelligence
analyses to reach the president, reduce diversity and
competition in the gathering and analysis of intelligence
data, limit the number of threats given serious
consideration and deprive the president of a range of
alternative interpretations of ambiguous and incomplete
data -- and intelligence data will usually be ambiguous and

The proposal begins to seem almost absurd when one
considers the variety of our intelligence services. One of
them is concerned with designing and launching spy
satellites; another is the domestic intelligence branch of
the F.B.I.; others collect military intelligence for use in
our conflicts with state actors like North Korea. There are
15 in all. The national intelligence director would be in
continuous conflict with the attorney general, the
secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, the secretary of homeland security and the
president's national security adviser. He would have no
time to supervise the organizational reforms that the
commission deems urgent.

The report bolsters its proposal with the claim that our
intelligence apparatus was designed for fighting the cold
war and so can't be expected to be adequate to fighting
Islamist terrorism. The cold war is depicted as a
conventional military face-off between the United States
and the Soviet Union and hence a 20th-century relic (the
21st century is to be different, as if the calendar drove
history). That is not an accurate description. The Soviet
Union operated against the United States and our allies
mainly through subversion and sponsored insurgency, and it
is not obvious why the apparatus developed to deal with
that conduct should be thought maladapted for dealing with
our new enemy.

The report notes the success of efforts to centralize
command of the armed forces, and to reduce the lethal
rivalries among the military services. But there is no
suggestion that the national intelligence director is to
have command authority.

The central-planning bent of the commission is nowhere
better illustrated than by its proposal to shift the
C.I.A.'s paramilitary operations, despite their striking
success in the Afghanistan campaign, to the Defense
Department. The report points out that ''the C.I.A. has a
reputation for agility in operations,'' whereas the
reputation of the military is ''for being methodical and
cumbersome.'' Rather than conclude that we are lucky to
have both types of fighting capacity, the report disparages
''redundant, overlapping capabilities'' and urges that
''the C.I.A.'s experts should be integrated into the
military's training, exercises and planning.'' The effect
of such integration is likely to be the loss of the
''agility in operations'' that is the C.I.A.'s hallmark.
The claim that we ''cannot afford to build two separate
capabilities for carrying out secret military operations''
makes no sense. It is not a question of building; we
already have multiple such capabilities -- Delta Force,
Marine reconnaissance teams, Navy Seals, Army Rangers, the
C.I.A.'s Special Activities Division. Diversity of methods,
personnel and organizational culture is a strength in a
system of national security; it reduces risk and enhances

What is true is that 15 agencies engaged in intelligence
activities require coordination, notably in budgetary
allocations, to make sure that all bases are covered. Since
the Defense Department accounts for more than 80 percent of
the nation's overall intelligence budget, the C.I.A., with
its relatively small budget (12 percent of the total),
cannot be expected to control the entire national
intelligence budget. But to layer another official on top
of the director of central intelligence, one who would be
in a constant turf war with the secretary of defense, is
not an appealing solution. Since all executive power
emanates from the White House, the national security
adviser and his or her staff should be able to do the
necessary coordinating of the intelligence agencies. That
is the traditional pattern, and it is unlikely to be
bettered by a radically new table of organization.

So the report ends on a flat note. But one can sympathize
with the commission's problem. To conclude after a
protracted, expensive and much ballyhooed investigation
that there is really rather little that can be done to
reduce the likelihood of future terrorist attacks beyond
what is being done already, at least if the focus is on the
sort of terrorist attacks that have occurred in the past
rather than on the newer threats of bioterrorism and
cyberterrorism, would be a real downer -- even a tad
un-American. Americans are not fatalists. When a person
dies at the age of 95, his family is apt to ascribe his
death to a medical failure. When the nation experiences a
surprise attack, our instinctive reaction is not that we
were surprised by a clever adversary but that we had the
wrong strategies or structure and let's change them and
then we'll be safe. Actually, the strategies and structure
weren't so bad; they've been improved; further improvements
are likely to have only a marginal effect; and greater
dangers may be gathering of which we are unaware and
haven't a clue as to how to prevent.

Richard A. Posner is a judge on the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, a senior lecturer at the
University of Chicago Law School and the author of the
forthcoming book ''Catastrophe: Risk and Response.''

From nerdmann at Pravda:

al CIA-duh fronts for the BUSH CRIME FAMILY

I would probably need a link for the idea that they were manipulated by the US. The US doesnt have significant influence over ALQ last time I looked. It never did even during the Afghan war Bin Laden hated the US even while he took thier money via pakistan.

[B]I will ask nerdmann to enlighten you with that. Hopefully he will. It's 1.25 here now. I honestly can't stay with you any longer. ood night!~Vera

NERD: al CIA-duh has been fighting on the side of the US oligarchical interests the whole time, INCLUDING its participation in carrying out the 911 attacks.
BUSH BLOCKS PROBE OF BIN LADINS: enables them to carry out 911 attacks.
al CIA-duh has fought on our side SINCE 911 as well. they helped train the KLA to run poppy bush's opium out of afghanistan and into europe under clinton and have fought on the side of US oligarchical interests as recently as in 2002 and 2003 in macedonia.
MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY, of the university of ottawa, chief editor of GLOBAL OUTLOOK MAGAZINE, and director of the CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ON GLOBALISATION is featured in the second half hour of this interview. he cites the references here.
The Getaway by Seymour M. Hersh
Washington Behind Indo-Pakistan Conflict: How American Special Forces organised the evacuation of Al Qaeda and Pakistan ISI Forces to Kashmir. (and 'accidentally' paid them in gold bars.)


25 Things We Now Know Three Years After 9/11

August 31, 2004
By Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers

The Republican Party - in a shameless, all-too-obvious attempt to manipulate the tragedy of 9/11 for partisan ends - chose New York City for its nominating convention. Must have seemed like a great idea at the time.

Their coming to Manhattan not only infuriates New Yorkers, who were badly played by Bush&Co. after the attacks, but enables the rest of us in the country to use Ground Zero as the backdrop for examining the gross failures and crimes of the Bush Administration since that tragic day in September 2001.

So, here is an update* of things we've learned during the three years since 9/11 - documented mostly from government papers and respected journalistic accounts - about the Administration that rules in our names. If you find this compendium useful, you might want to make this list available to your friends and colleagues, especially to those still uncertain which presidential candidate they will vote for ten weeks from now.


1. Immediately after the destruction of the Twin Towers, Bush's Environmental Protection Agency tested the air in and around Ground Zero. Anxious Lower Manhattan residents, worried about possible airborne toxic particles affecting them and especially their children, were assured by the EPA on September 18 that the tests indicated it was safe for them to return to and live normal lives in their homes and apartments and businesses. It wasn't until two years later that the EPA admitted that they had lied to New Yorkers: The Bush Administration knew from their own test results that the toxicity revealed was way over the safe levels. Typical Bush&Co. pattern: secrecy, lies, denial, coverup.

2. There is no evidence that Bush&Co. ordered Osama bin Laden - who had been on the CIA payroll in Afghanistan when he and his forces were battling the Soviet occupiers - to launch terrorist attacks on the U.S. Resurgent radical Islam is a genuine phenomenon, with its own religious and political roots. There definitely are Bad Guys out there.

What is well-documented is that the highest circles around Bush were quite aware in the Summer of 2001 - as a result of fairly detailed intelligence frantically being passed on to them by other governments in the months and weeks before 9/11 - that a massive terrorist attack was in the works, which likely would involve hijacked airplanes aimed at icon American economic and political targets. (The August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing, entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," talked about al-Qaida wanting to strike the nation's capital, preparations for airline hijackings, casing of buildings in New York, terrorists in the U.S. with explosives, etc.) Bush went to ground in Texas, the FBI told Ashcroft to stop flying commercial jets, etc. The attacks finally came on 9/11.

Bush could have assumed command immediately; instead, 27 minutes went by while he sat in a schoolroom and then posed for photos. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, somewhere on the Pentagon premises, was strangely missing from action, uninvolved in defending the country until after the horrific events had unfolded. Even though the protocols were clear, NORAD could not reach Rumsfeld and did not scramble jets until long after the horrific mass-murder attacks were over. When Bush did emerge from the school, he claims he could not reach Cheney or the White House by phone. (Passengers using cell phones on the final doomed jet had no problems reaching their loved ones and emergency centers all around the country.)

In short, the key Administration officials responsible for protecting America, and coordinating its responses to attacks, were not available, either out of incompetence and confusion or out of more nefarious motives. As Nina Moliver, a 9/11 sleuth puts it, "On 9/11, there was a grand stall. A stall for time. I learned this from a glance at the findings of the 9/11 commission. How could ANYBODY miss it? Bush and Rumsfeld didn't 'fail' on Sept 11. They succeeded masterfully." A bit far out, to be sure, but if the Bush circle knew something was coming that morning - and numerous others did, including the mayor of San Francisco - it's certainly a theory that can't be ruled out.

3. We know that the future neo-conservative architects of Bush foreign/military policy, members of The Project for The New American Century (PNAC), knew that their ideas were too extreme for most Americans to swallow. They noted that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."

Again, there is no proof of coordination by the Bush Administration with the al-Qaida terrorists who carried out the terrorist attacks, but Bush/Cheney and their closest aides were aware on 9/11 that they now had the "Pearl Harbor" that would clear the way for their agenda to be realized.

4. We know that Bush and Cheney, early on, approached the leaders of the House and Senate and urged them not to investigate the pre-9/11 activities of the Administration, because of "national security." The coverup was beginning.

5. The 9/11 Commission examined how the intelligence community screwed up the pre-9/11 intelligence - thus effectively laying the blame on lower-level agents and officials - but says it won't issue its report on how the Bush Administration used or misused that information until after the election. The coverup continues. Many victims' families are furious.

6. We know that the Bush Administration has been able to obtain whatever legislation it needs in its self-proclaimed "war on terror" by utilizing, and hyping, the understandable fright of the American people. The USA PATRIOT Act - composed of many honorable initiatives, and many clearly unconstitutional provisions, cobbled together from those submitted over the years by GOP hardliners and rejected as too extreme by Congress - was presented almost immediately to a House and Senate frightened by the 9/11 attacks and by the anthrax introduced into their chambers by someone still not discovered. Ridge and Ashcroft emerge periodically to manipulate the public's fright by announcing another "terror" threat, based on "credible" but unverified evidence; these announcements can be correlated almost exactly to when Bush seems to need a headline to distract the public from yet another scandal or significant drop in the polls.


7. We know that a cabal of ideologically-motivated Bush officials, on the rightwing fringe of the Republican Party, were calling for a military takeover of Iraq as early as 1991. This elite group included Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Woolsey, Bolton, Khalizad and others, all of whom are now located in positions of power in the Pentagon and White House, and, to a lesser extent, State Department.

They were among the key founders of the Project for The New American Century (PNAC) in 1997; among their recommendations: "pre-emptively" attacking other countries devoid of imminent danger to the U.S., abrogating agreed-upon treaties when they conflict with U.S. goals, making sure no other country (or organization, such as the United Nations) can ever achieve parity with the U.S., installing U.S.-friendly governments to do America's will, using tactical nuclear weapons, and so on. In short, as they put it, the goal is "benevolent global hegemony" - or, in layman's English, a kind of neo-imperalism.

All of these extreme suggestions, once regarded as lunatic, are now enshrined as official U.S. policy in the National Security Strategy of the United States of America, published by the Bush Administration in late-2002.

8. We know that the Bush Administration was planning to attack Iraq long before 9/11, and that, even though Rumsfeld was told by his intelligence analysts that 9/11 was an al-Qaida operation, he began dragging an attack on Iraq - which had no significant contacts with bin Laden's network - into the war planning. When the traditional intelligence agencies couldn't, or wouldn't, furnish the White House with made-up "facts" to back up an attack on Iraq, Rumsfeld set up his own "intelligence" unit inside his office, the Office of Special Plans, staffed it with political PNAC appointees, and, lo and behold, got the justifications he wanted - which cooked-"intelligence" turned out to be the lies and deceptions that took the U.S. into Iraq.

Note: Rumsfeld's secretive Office of Special Plans, with direct access to the Secretary of Defense and thus to shaping policy toward Iraq and Iran, is implicated in the current, serious scandal involving possible treason (passing classified material to foreign countries, in this case maybe Israel and Iran), with potential links to the slimy double-agent Ahmad Chalabi and others.

9. We know that the Bush Administration felt that it could not get Congressional and public support for its plan to attack Iraq if the true reasons were revealed - to control the massive Iraqi oil reserves, to obtain a military staging base in the region, and to use a U.S.-friendly "democratic" government as a lever to alter the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and beyond. So, according to Wolfowitz, it settled on the one justification they thought would work: accusing Saddam Hussein of preparing to attack his neighbors and the United States with supposed massive stockpiles of "weapons of mass destruction." Senators were lied to by Administration briefers, who told them Iraqi drone planes could drop biochemical agents over American cities; Condoleezza Rice warned about "mushroom clouds" over New York and Washington.

Millions of citizens across the globe, and world leaders among our own allies, warned the Bush Administration that an attack on Iraq - a weak country, with no military power to speak of - was wrong, would backfire on the U.S. and world peace, would enrage the Islamic world and produce more terrorist recruits, and would lose America its reputation and its post-9/11 sympathy across the globe. But the Bush Administration had made the essential decision to go to war a year before the invasion ("Fuck Saddam," Bush told three U.S. Senators in March of 2002. "We're taking him out.") And, even though Saddam authorized the United Nations inspectors to return to Iraq to complete their weapons survey, Bush was determined to go to war. Secretary of State Powell was dispatched to the United Nations to outline the U.S. case and obtain authorization; his case was filled with laughably thin and phony intelligence, and the U.N. demurred. Bush launched his attack.

10. We know that no WMDs were discovered. No nuclear program. No missiles aimed at U.S. or British interests. No drone planes. No biochemical weaponry. Bush and his spokesmen then attempted to change the rationale for the war away from those scary WMDs to an implication that Saddam was part of the terrorist network that carried out the 9/11 attacks. There was no convincing proof offered, merely the constant repetition of the non-existent al-Qaida tie - so much so that the Big Lie technique worked early on as 70% of Americans thought there must have been some tie-in to 9/11. The 9/11 Commission verified that there was no such operative connection to al-Qaida. Bush publicly agreed, but Cheney and others even today continue to suggest otherwise. When the American public stopped believing in the al-Qaida/Iraq lie, the rationale for the war was switched again. Now the reason for the war was that Saddam Hussein was a terrible tyrant - an assertion everybody could agree on - though why we toppled this guy and not a half dozen other equally as bad dictators (some of them our close allies) was left unanswered.

We also know that the predictions of our key allies, and those millions in the streets who protested, have come true. The U.S., having had no "post-war" plan, is bogged down in Iraq, facing a nationalist insurgency, and a rebellious religious faction of fighters, with no end in sight; it has lost the countryside and is losing the cities as well. The U.S. has engineered an American-friendly interim government that is locked into the reconstruction contracts that permit huge American corporations such as Bechtel and Halliburton - who, quite by coincidence, of course, are huge financial backers of the Bush Administration - to make out like bandits in that country, often with no-bid contracts. The U.S. has at least 14 military bases in Iraq, which it intends to continue using as a military/political lever in reshaping the geopolitics of the Middle East - regardless of the costs in lives and treasure, and not caring that its policies with regard to the Palestinian/Israeli problem fan the flames of terrorism in that area of the world, and beyond.


11. We know that CIA Director George Tenet fell on his sword, taking the thrust of the bad-intel blame away from Bush. Other elements inside the agency, outraged by Bush&Co. using them as whipping-boys, then began leaking all sorts of damaging information about White House skulduggery. Elements in the State Department, appalled at the neo-cons in control of U.S. military policy at the Pentagon, likewise leaked information damaging to the extremists.

12. We know that once Bush assumed power, he moved to obtain immunity for U.S. officials and troops from international war-crimes prosecutions, pulling America out of the relevant treaties. We didn't know why at the time, but later, after our covert and overt behavior in Afghanistan and Iraq and the tortures scandal erupted, we figured it out.

13. We know that Bush lawyers in the White House and Pentagon (State Department attorneys did not agree) issued memorada that outlined how Bush and other key officials could avoid criminal prospecution for their wartime policies and for advocating use of "harsh interrogation methods" (read: torture) of suspected terrorists at Guantanamo, and in Afghanistan, Iraq and other U.S. facilities around the world. Ignoring the Founders' wise "separation of powers" - designed to keep any leader or branch of government from assuming total control of the levers of powers - the lawyers claimed that whenever Bush acts as "commander in chief" during "wartime," he is above the law. In common parlance, these are rationalizations for authoritarian rule, by dictatorial decrees.

14. We know that the Pentagon was well aware of the tortures at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere - key military reports had been submitted - but the issue was ignored until grisly photographs and videotapes surfaced in public media documenting the "harsh interrogation methods"; some of those methods resulted in a goodly number of deaths to prisoners under U.S. control. Several commissions reported that the rot came from the top at the Pentagon, including Rumsfeld, but, by and large, only lower-level troops and officers have been disciplined or charged. In the meantime, the humiliating and brutal treatment of Muslim men, women and children in U.S. custody has reverberated throughout the Islamic world, helping create more and more converts to terrorist organizations.


15. In two instances, the Bush Administration, for its own political reasons, compromised American national security by naming key intelligence operatives - one a CIA agent, Valerie Plame, with important contacts in the shadowy world of weapons of mass destruction (outed by two "senior Administration officials," apparently in retaliation for her husband's political comments); revealing the name of a CIA agent is a felony. The other, more recently (apparently to show off how successful they were in their anti-terrorism hunt), was a high-ranking mole close to bin Laden's inner circle, who could have kept the U.S. informed as ongoing and future plans of al-Qaida. That's our anti-terrorism government at work.

16. We know that Karl Rove - Bush's senior political advisor, who along with Dick Cheney, manipulates Bush's strings - has been instrumental in helping get the so-called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" off the ground. Longtime GOP operatives and major Bush donors supplied the money and organizing skill, and then let them loose with their lies - with precious little skepticism displayed by the corporate-owned mass-media. Apparently, at least initially, the Big Lie technique worked once again - though now polls show the smears being doubted - forcing Kerry to stop his attacks on Bush domestic policies and concentrate on damage control. The Kerry campaign took a while to rev up its counter-campaign, bringing in all sorts of eyewitnesses that documented the truth of his heroism in winning his Vietnam medals. Even slimier charges are expected at any moment about Kerry's post-discharge opposition to that war.


17. We know that even though several large states - among them, California and Ohio - have prohibited computer-voting machines from beng used in the November election, unless there is a voter-verified paper trail, most of the toss-up states will be using the touch-screen, unverified system. This would be suspicious if Democrats or Republicans were in charge of those machines, but in this election it's virtually all Republicans. The three largest makers of the machines are owned by far-right Republicans; those same companies tabulate the results. Republican-leaning companies also control the testing of those machines. In short, it smells rank - especially inasmuch as it's been demonstrated how easily the software can be manipulated, without anybody knowing - and definitely looks as if the fix is in. The CEO of one of the companies, a major "Pioneer" donor to the Bush campaign, promised Bush he would "deliver" his state to the GOP candidate, and Gov. Jeb Bush in Florida has quashed all attempts to stop or alter computer-voting in his state. (Note: The GOP has urged all its members in Florida to vote by absentee ballot, because the machines are "unreliable." Get the picture?)

18. We know that the GOP is trying, by hook or by crook, to lower the number of potential Democrat voters. Attempts have been made to remove thousands of African-American citizens from the rolls (reminiscent of Florida in 2000, where anywhere from 47,000 to 90,000 black voters where disenfranchised), police agents have visited numerous elderly black voters in their rural homes and warned them about possible violence at the polls, a GOP official in Michigan talked about the need to "discourage" the vote in largely-black Detroit, GOP "observers" will stand outside voting places in rural areas as possible intimidators of older black voters, GOP operatives registering new American citizens filled out the paperwork for them and signed them up as Republicans, and so on.

19. We know that Administration lawyers have issued memoranda making it possible for Bush to "postpone" the November election for "anti-terrorist" reasons - say, a major attack or "credible" threat of a major attack. (Note: There has never been a national election postponed, not even during the Civil War.)

20. We know that Administration attorneys have issued memoranda that would make it possible for Bush to be elected by partial voting. That is, he could be elected by voters supporting him, even if citizens in pro-Kerry states were prohibited from voting or having their votes counted. Again, the fig-leaf is "terrorism." If a "red alert" were to be issued for certain areas on November 2 - say, the West Coast and New England states - Bush could, under state-of-emergency declarations, "limit the movement" of citizens in those areas, while the election proceeded as normal elsewhere. A truncated election would be permitted, and, under this scheme, whoever had the most ballots would win.


21. We know that the Bush Administration paid off its backers (and itself) by giving humongous tax breaks, for 10 years out, to the already wealthy and to large corporations. This was done at a time when the U.S. economy was in recessionary doldrums and when the treasury deficit from those tax-breaks was growing even larger from Iraq war costs. So far as we know, the Bush Administration has no plans for how to retire that debt and no real plan (other than the discredited "trickle-down" theory) for restarting the economy and creating jobs. In 2004, it's clear that whatever positive "trickle-down" effect the tax refunds may have provided, that impact is no more, and the (jobless) "recovery" is slowing and starting to look recessional again. People need good-paying employment.

22. We know that the hard-right conservatives who control Bush policy don't really care what kind of debt and deficits his policies cause; in some ways, the more the better. They want to decimate and eviscerate popular social programs from the New Deal/Great Society eras, including, most visibly, Head Start, Social Security, Medicare (and real drug coverage for seniors), aspects of public education. Since these programs are so well-approved by the public, the destruction will be carried out stealthily with the magic words of "privatization," "deregulation," "choice" and so on, and by going to the public and saying that they'd love to keep the programs intact but they have no alternative but to cut them, given the deficit, weak economy and "anti-terrorist" wars abroad.

23. We know that Bush environmental policy - dealing with air and water pollution, national park systems, and so on - is an unmitigated disaster, more or less giving free rein to corporations whose bottom line does better when they don't have to pay attention to the public interest.

24. We know from "insider" memoirs and reports by former Bush Administration officials - Joseph DeIulio, Paul O'Neill, Richard Clarke, et al. - that the public interest plays little role in the formulation of policy inside the Bush Administration. The motivating factors are greed and control and remaining in political power. Further, they say, there is little or no curiosity to think outside the political box, or even to hear other opinions - in other words, don't bother me with facts, my mind's made up. Some of this non-curiosity may be based in fundamentalist religious, even Apocalyptic, beliefs.

25. Finally (although we could continue forever detailing the crimes and misdemeanors of this corrupt, incompetent Administration), we know that more and more, the permanent-war policy abroad and police-state tactics at home - with the shredding of Constitutional rights designed to protect citizens from a potential repressive government - are taking us into a kind of American fascism at home and an imperial foreign policy overseas.

As a result, we are beginning to see more alliances between liberal/left forces and libertarians traditional conservatives horrified that their party has been hijacked by extremei deologues. If Bush loses his bid for a second term, it will come less from what we progressives do and more from those moderate-to-conservative Republicans and Libertarians, who cannot abide what Bush&Co. have done to their party, their movement, and to this country.

Bernard Weiner, Ph.D in government, has taught at various universities, worked as a writer/editor for the San Francisco Chronicle, and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers. He is a contributing author to the recently-released Big Bush Lies book.

From:  "Jon Presco" <braskewitz@y...>
Date:  Wed Sep 1, 2004  9:14 am
Subject:  Shocking Poll

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, August 30, 2004
Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of
Impending 9-11 Attacks and "Consciously Failed" To Act; 66% Call For
New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York's Attorney
General, New Zogby International Poll Reveals

(Utica, NY) - On the eve of a Republican National Convention
invoking 9/11 symbols, sound bytes and imagery, half (49.3%) of New
York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that
some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or
around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act,"
according to the poll conducted by Zogby International. The poll of
New York residents was conducted from Tuesday August 24 through
Thursday August 26, 2004. Overall results have a margin of sampling
error of +/-3.5.

The poll is the first of its kind conducted in America that surveys
attitudes regarding US government complicity in the 9/11 tragedy.
Despite the acute legal and political implications of this
accusation, nearly 30% of registered Republicans and over 38% of
those who described themselves as "very conservative" supported the

The charge found very high support among adults under 30 (62.8%),
African-Americans (62.5%), Hispanics (60.1%), Asians (59.4%),
and "Born Again" Evangelical Christians (47.9%).

Less than two in five (36%) believe that the 9/11 Commission
had "answered all the important questions about what actually
happened on September 11th," and two in three (66%) New Yorkers (and
56.2% overall) called for another full investigation of the "still
unanswered questions" by Congress or Elliot Spitzer, New York's
Attorney General. Self-identified "very liberal" New Yorkers
supported a new inquiry by a margin of three to one, but so did half
(53%) of "very conservative" citizens across the state. The call for
a deeper probe was especially strong from Hispanics (75.6%), African-
Americans (75.3%) citizens with income from $15-25K (74.3%), women
(62%) and Evangelicals (59.9%).

W. David Kubiak, executive director of, the group that
commissioned the poll, expressed genuine surprise that New Yorkers'
belief in the administration's complicity is as high or higher than
that seen overseas. "We're familiar with high levels of 9/11
skepticism abroad where there has been open debate of the evidence
for US government complicity. On May 26th the Toronto Star reported
a national poll showing that 63% of Canadians are also convinced US
leaders had 'prior knowledge' of the attacks yet declined to act.
There was no US coverage of this startling poll or the facts
supporting the Canadians' conclusions, and there has been virtually
no debate on the victim families' scores of still unanswered
questions. I think these numbers show that most New Yorkers are now
fed up with the silence, and that politicians trying to exploit 9/11
do so at their peril. The 9/11 case is not closed and New York's
questions are not going away."

Nicholas Levis of, an advisor on the poll,
agrees, "The 9/11 Commission gave us a plenty of 'recommendations',
but far more plentiful were the discrepancies, gaps and omissions in
their supposedly 'final' report. How can proposals based on such
deficient findings ever make us safe? We think these poll numbers
are basically saying, 'Wait just a minute. What about the scores of
still outstanding questions? What about the unexplained collapses of
WTC 7, our air defenses, official accountability, the chain of
command on 9/11, the anthrax, insider trading & FBI field probes?
There's so much more to this story that we need to know about.' When
such a huge majority of New Yorkers want a new investigation, it
will be interesting to see how quickly Attorney General Spitzer and
our legislators respond."

SCOPE: The poll covered five areas of related interest: 1) Iraq - do
New Yorkers think that our leaders "deliberately misled" us before
the war (51.2% do); 2) the 9/11 Commission - did it answer all
the "important questions" (only 36% said yes); 3) the inexplicable
and largely unreported collapse of the third WTC skyscraper on 9/11 -
what was its number (28% of NYC area residents knew); 4) the
question on complicity; and 5) how many wanted a new 9/11 probe. All
inquiries about questions, responses and demographics should be
directed to Zogby International.

SPONSOR: is a coalition of researchers, journalists and
victim family members working to expose and resolve the hundreds of
critical questions still swirling around 9/11, especially the nearly
400 questions that the Family Steering Committee filed with the 9/11
Commission which they fought to create. Initially welcomed by the
commissioners as a "road map" for their inquiry, these queries cut
to the heart of 9/11 crimes and accountability. Specifically, they
raised the central issues of motive, means and cui bono (who
profited?). But the Commission ignored the majority of these
questions, opting only to explore system failures, miscommunications
and incompetence. The victim families' most incisive issues remain
unaddressed to this day. The Zogby International poll was also
cosponsored by Walden Three ( and 9/11 Citizens Watch
(, a watchdog group which has monitored the
Commission since its inception and will release its findings, "The
9/11 Omission Report," in several weeks.

On September 9th and 11th, will cosponsor two large
successive inquiries in New York, a preliminary 9/11 Citizens
Commission hearing and "Confronting the Evidence: 9/11 and the
Search for Truth," a research-focused evidentiary forum. These
inquiries will examine many of the 9/11 Commission-shunned questions
and discuss preparation of a probable cause complaint demanding a
grand jury and criminal investigation from the New York Attorney
General. Possible charges range from criminal negligence and gross
dereliction of duty to foreknowledge, complicity and subsequent
obstruction of justice. For details and developments, see For press info, contact Kyle Hence 212-243-7787

Zogby International conducted interviews of 808 adults chosen at
random in New York State. All calls were made from Zogby
International headquarters in Utica, N.Y., from 8/24/04 through
8/26/04. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points. Slight
weights were added to region, party, age, race, religion, and gender
to more accurately reflect the population. Margins of error are
higher in sub-groups.


Time to put the US media on trial for complicity in genocide?
Nigel Parry, The Electronic Intifada, 4 June 2004

Palestinian family members in the wake of Israel's "Operation Rainbow" in Rafah. (Johannes Abeling)

Following pressure from the Israeli public, international condemnations and a UN resolution, and a flurry of rare coverage of Rafah from American cable news networks, Israel's "Operation Rainbow" was 'concluded' in Rafah on 24 May 2004. According to Israel at least.

Since then, during a one week period in Rafah (27 May-2 June 2004), Israel destroyed another 39 Palestinian homes, leaving at least another 485 Palestinian civilians homeless, and razed another 24 dunums[1] of Palestinian land.

Google News continuously crawls more than 4,500 news sources from around the world, yet a search for the keyword "Rafah" shows that, beyond the Israeli press, supplementary news websites such as the Electronic Intifada, and a handful of US newspapers, coverage of the latest demolitions following "Operation Rainbow" has been minimal, particularly in the United States.

CNN's most recently published article on Rafah
"Israelis: IDF forces out of Rafah camp" is dated Monday 24 May 2004, and reads as if it were an Israeli government press release:

JERUSALEM (CNN) — Israeli military officials said Monday evening that all Israeli troops and tanks have withdrawn from Rafah refugee camp in southern Gaza, marking the end of Operation Rainbow.

The officials said that during the operation three arms-smuggling tunnels under the border into Egypt were found and destroyed, 40 armed militants were killed, and other wanted militants were arrested.

Twelve civilians were killed and 56 buildings were destroyed during the mission, according to the officials.

The article, credited to CNN's Jerusalem Bureau, is a good example of CNN's lack of credibility in covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The fact that this "It's all over in Rafah" article is the most recent article that's search engine or archive returns for the keyword "Rafah" — when the following week was characterised by massive Israeli violence against Palestinian civilians and their property — says much about CNN's priorities in covering stories in which Palestinians are the victims, and not Israelis.

One is left imagining that CNN's editors took the Israelis at their word, and ceased their Rafah coverage after being told it was 'all over'.

Jarringly, at no point in the article does CNN even consult any Palestinian sources for comment, only a variety of "Israeli military officials" and senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Ra'anan Gissin.

And then there's the problem with statistics.

The statistics

In the 24 May 2004 article, CNN's total reliance on Israeli military sources for the grim statistical tally of the human cost of "Operation Rainbow" is unacceptable for any international media organisation that claims balanced coverage.

Israel claims that during the 13–24 May 2004 "Operation Rainbow" (which saw a brief pause between May 15-17), that 40 "armed [Palestinian] militants" and 12 Palestinian civilians were killed, and 56 buildings were demolished. No figure for the number of injured Palestinians or land razed was given.

During the same period, fieldworkers from the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, based in Gaza, recorded that "56 Palestinians, 45 of whom are civilians, including 10 children, were killed and at least 200 others were injured"

PCHR continues to note that "220 houses were completely destroyed and 140 others were partially destroyed, leaving 4,847 people (821 families) homeless. 220 of these houses were destroyed in al-Brazil and al-Salam neighborhoods, 9 in Um al-Nasser village, north of Rafah, 15 in Qeshta and al-Sha'er neighborhoods and 128 in Tal al-Sultan neighborhood. At least 700 donums[1] of agricultural land were razed, and 46 shops, several civilian facilities, including a mosque and cemeteries, and the civilian infrastructure were destroyed."[2]


CNN vs. Reality: "Operation Rainbow" statistics
  Deaths (Civilians) Deaths ("armed militants") Buildings Demolished No. of Homeless Land Razed
Israel/CNN 12 40 56 No mention No mention
PCHR 45 11 220 homes (complete), 140 homes (partial), 46 shops 4,847 people 700 dunums[1]
Israel/CNN Disparity -33 +29 -350 -4,847 -700 dunums[1]

CNN's reliance on Israeli sources for what happened during "Operation Rainbow" and its lack of attention to what happened after the operation, convey a grossly misleading impression of recent events in Rafah. Regardless of how this came to be, CNN's selective coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict undeniably acts to obscure the true scale of Israel's genocidal policies in Rafah, just one Palestinian area among many that suffers ongoing Israeli attacks.

CNN's record

For years, EI team members and correspondents have approached CNN executives privately and in public action items with specific examples such as the one above, with no real improvement in the network's coverage. To date, CNN has been called on:


  • Describing periods in which many Palestinians but no Israelis were killed as "relative calm" or "comparative calm". (See FAIR's advisory about exactly the same issue during another period.)

  • Reporting on events in which Israelis were killed while ignoring simultaneous events in which Palestinians were killed

  • Misrepresenting the facts of where Israel's West Bank barrier runs, again and again

  • Using misleading terminology to describe Israel's West Bank barrier

  • Presenting attacks on Israeli military positions in occupied territory as if the the target was located inside Israel's borders

  • Failing to report that the Israeli cabinet formed by Ariel Sharon in February 2003 included parties with an ethnic cleansing platform

  • Falsely claiming that Al-Qaida was loose in Gaza

  • Falsely portraying an attack on Israeli soldiers in occupied Hebron as a massacre of "worshippers"

  • Claiming that two Palestinian children killed in an Israeli attack were "bodyguards"

  • Covering the 30th anniversary of the Munich Olympics massacre while ignoring the 20th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre

  • Describing lethal rubber-coated metal bullets with the diminutive term "rubber bullets"

  • Repeating Israeli claims that all Palestinians inside the Church of the Nativity during the siege were "armed"

  • Portraying a period of intense violence perpetrated by Jewish settlers as taking place by both sides

  • Under-reporting the number of Palestinians killed

  • Producing a lavish series and website on "Israeli victims of terror" without mentioning in either the killing of more than 1,000 Palestinian civilians, one quarter of them children, and the 19,452 Palestinians injured

  • Promoting misleading Israeli documents as proving a link between Arafat and suicide bombings

  • Correspondent Jerrold Kessel presenting the existence of the Israeli military occupation as a Palestinian 'point of view' and again

  • Referring to the West Bank and Gaza Strip as part of Israel

  • Misrepresenting the Nakba as an anti-Israeli protest instead of a Palestinian commemoration

  • Describing the occupied territories as "disputed territories", in defiance of their international legal status

    CNN: "jingoistic, amateurish, shallow, and speculation-crazy"

    In a
    13 January 2003 article entitled 'Lovely Outrage' on, award-winning journalist Russ Baker reported on a media training visit he made to Belgrade. Baker wrote:

    Vladimir Milic, a producer with Mreka, a news production company, expressed the group's disillusionment succinctly:

    "What a paradox: the United States is the global leader, yet you can't find information about the world your country controls."

    To Milic, local TV news programs — where statistics show most Americans get their "news" — came across as bewilderingly provincial. He swears he saw a segment labeled "international news" that featured a story on... Nevada.

    He's right, of course: Frontline aficionados to the contrary, most Americans today are woefully uninformed about the world in general compared to their Serbian counterparts — who know not only a lot about the United States, but about scores of other countries.

    Even CNN, America's premier showcase for international news, struck the Serbian journalists as jingoistic, amateurish, shallow, and speculation-crazy, especially when compared to the generally calm and thoughtful BBC. As for the Fox News Channel, its daily fare sounded suspiciously like the rabidly nationalistic, pro-Milosevic propaganda the Serbs are still trying to flush out of the system here.

    The unaccountability of the media

    Unlike the UK, which has a
    Press Complaints Commission, there is no ethics mechanism in the US through which inaccurate and distorted coverage can be challenged, beyond direct appeals to the media organisations to self-regulate or suing them in court (which is almost impossible due to a requirement that the media organisation's intent is proven to be "malicious").

    Palestinians and Israelis continue to die because citizens of the US — the country that intervenes more than any other to perpetuate the status quo on the ground — are offered a grossly distorted account of events on the ground that gives them no real sense of the imbalance of power between the two sides in the conflict, no idea of the extent of the US role in the conflict, and little impetus to call for a more even-handed US foreign policy in the Middle East.

    It is hard to quantify in absolute terms, but most regular readers of the extremely detailed Palestinian Center for Human Rights'
    Weekly Reports on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories would be willing to make a safe guess that somewhere in the region of 98% of the violence perpetrated against all civilians in the conflict is violence perpetrated by Israel against Palestinian civilians, their property, and their land.

    Consumers of the US media can be forgiven for concluding that the majority of violence is perpetuated by Palestinians against Israeli civilians, as this violence receives grossly disproportionate coverage.

    In the same way that Serbian state television was considered complicit in Serbian war crimes by communicating a distorted view to its people of the decade-ago conflict in the former Yugoslavia, it is time that people begin to consider the culpability of the US media.

    In the case of CNN's coverage of Palestine, the lie is one of omission. The effect of the majority of US news coverage is to promote an unbalanced view of who is perpetrating the violence, which has the potential to affect reality in disturbing ways.

    The effect

    Since the beginning of the Second Palestinian Intifada in 2000, American politicians, entertainers, and religious groups have gone on record calling for genocide of the Palestinian people[4]. On 18 October 2003, The Forward reported that:

    Thousands of Evangelical Christians waving Israeli flags cheered last week as Knesset member Benny Elon called for the "relocation" of Palestinians from the West Bank into Jordan.

    The enthusiastic crowd at the annual convention of the Christian Coalition in Washington also cheered House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, who urged activists to back pro-Israel candidates who "stand unashamedly for Jesus Christ."

    Elon, whose Moledet Party advocates the "transfer" of Palestinians to Arab countries,said that a "resettlement" of the Palestinians is prescribed by the Bible.[3]

    Similarly, on
    22 February 2002, EI reported that Emanuel A. Winston wrote an article in USA TODAY that expressed extreme racist sentiments towards Arabs and advocated the "resettlement" of Palestinians in Jordan.

    2 May 2002, EI reported how House Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) recommended the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land and endorsed Israel's illegal conquests of the occupied territories on MSNBC's Hardball programme.

    EI reported on
    28 August 2002 that a US tax-deductible charity was channeling funds to an Israeli political organisation that had published detailed plans for the "complete elimination of the Arab demographic threat to Israel."

    6 February 2003, EI reported that comedian Jackie Mason published an article in The Jewish Press stating "We will never win this war unless we immediately threaten to drive every Arab out of Israel if the killing doesn’t stop".

    All of these instances constitute public calls for genocide.[4]

    Hatred of Palestinians is apparently deeply rooted in some sectors of American society. After suicide attacks, EI's mailbox is typically flooded by people writing from US-based e-mail addresses, many "Christians", many calling for the genocide of Palestinians. Needless to say, there is no comparable response from the same people after events such as Israel's May 19th use

    The image formerly on the front of EI 2.0. Taken in Dheisheh Refugee Camp on 2 July 2002, this image is one of hundreds of images showing Palestinian children throwing stones at Israeli tanks that have appeared on the wire services. This image was featured in's well-known Week in Pictures feature for the week of June 27-July 4, 2002. (Musa Al-Shaer)

    of combat helicopters and battle tanks against a peaceful demonstration in Rafah, killing nine.

    The level of reflexive support for Israel is so entrenched in some minds that, during the period of a couple of months last year, EI received more than 5 e-mails from American supporters of Israel making the same claim — that the Agence Presse France/Musa Al-Shaer photo on the front of EI which depicted a Palestinian child throwing a stone at an Israeli tank was "faked", even though similar images of children confronting tanks can be found on the wire services every week.

    The shocking image contradicted their fundamental view of the conflict, a view in which Israel — while militarily occupying another people's land — is widely perceived to be under attack.


    When one is regularly treated to lavish on-the-spot coverage of suicide and car bombings by unelected Palestinian militant groups, while brutal Israeli military operations sanctioned by a 'democratic' state go completely unreported — such as last week's events in Rafah — it is understandable that people draw the distorted conclusion that Palestinians are the primary perpetrators of the current violence. After all, that's what it looks like on TV.

    Defendants and witnesses in US courts are asked to swear an oath to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." CNN's inability to tell "the whole truth" is historically and empirically demonstrable as in the case of last week in Rafah, the stunning litany of examples above (by no means a total analysis of all of CNN's Palestine coverage), and by the network's daily, studied avoidance of acknowledging the most obvious root of the conflict — Israel's military occupation.

    And CNN is just one of several American networks against which the same charges could be leveled — of grossly distorting the realities of an ethnic conflict in favour of the aggressor and therefore prolonging, thanks to our resulting ignorance, our societal apathy about the ongoing genocide[4].

    With no US ethical body to deal with the pervasive distortion, it is time for international legal experts to begin exploring ways to hold the US media legally accountable for its failure to report accurately from both sides of the conflict — specifically for the real-life implications of that failure. Freedom of information is fundamental to informed democratic choice, and lives on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict literally depend on it.

    Nigel Parry is one of the founders of the Electronic Intifada.

    Related Links

  • BY TOPIC: Israel's "Operation Rainbow" in Rafah, Gaza

    1. 1 dunum = ¼ acre= 1000m². An English transliteration from the Arabic, the area measurement is often spelt in a variety of ways, eg. dunum, dunom, donum, etc.
    Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories No. 20/2004, Palestinian Center for Human Rights, 20-26 May 2004.
    Christians Hail Rightist's Call To Oust Arabs, Forward Staff, 19 October 2002.
    4. It is a common fallacy that the word "genocide" only refers to mass killings of a group. For a discussion of the international legal definition and application of the term "genocide" -- which is under discussion in this article -- please see

    Latest articles on EI:

    Journalists in Danger: IPI criticises British journalist's treatment ( 2 September 2004)
    Human Rights: Prisoners adjourn hunger strike until Sunday ( 2 September 2004)
    Development: Interview with Palestinian Justice Minister Nahed al-Rayyes ( 2 September 2004)
    Diaries: Prisoner Stories: Rami Rizik Fadayel ( 2 September 2004)
    Multimedia: Ali Abunimah on Flashpoints ( 2 September 2004)
    Multimedia: CKUT Radio: Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike ( 2 September 2004)
    Diaries: Prisoner Stories: Mua'ath Mohammad Samarah ( 2 September 2004)
    Human Rights: Israel bars UN refugee agency head from leaving Gaza ( 1 September 2004)
  • Document Reveals Mr. Bush Took Aim at Iraqi Oil Before the 2000 Election

    Answers Why Mr. Cheney Has Fought So Hard to Keep Secrets

    August 28, 2004

     By Katherine Yurica

    [Editor's note: August 29, 2004. This article should be compared to the statements made by former Bush administration Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neil that the Bush administration began working on war with Iraq from day one of the administration, and with Neil McKay's article in the Sunday Herald, in which he stated Mr. Bush's cabinet voted to go to war with Iraq in April of 2001. For further details read Fraud Traced to the White House by Katherine Yurica.]

    In the battle over the release of Dick Cheney’s secret “energy policy” papers, a Department of Commerce numbered document (DOC-013-0056—0074), has come to light. It may explain why Mr. Cheney has fought so hard to keep his energy group’s records from the public. The policy paper dated September 29, 2000 begins to reveal the war against Iraq was carefully developed and planned in increments, including even the detail of introducing the term “weapons of mass destruction.” The document takes the reader back to the campaign of 2000. At stake was the presidency of the United States. During Mr. Bush’s campaigning, he and his team prepared a nineteen page position paper titled, “Comprehensive National Energy Policy.”

    So far, there’s nothing surprising in that. One would expect a candidate to address the nation’s energy policies. However, Mr. Bush set a different tone in the first paragraph of his executive summary: “Over the past seven and a half years, our international credibility has been diminished, and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq is now a major oil supplier to the U.S.”

    Mr. Bush blamed the Clinton administration for allowing the country to grow dependent upon foreign oil. He lamented that imports had gone from thirty-six percent in 1973 to a jump to fifty-six percent, “the highest percentage ever.” But his own figures show that under Mr. Clinton’s watch, the rise was only from fifty percent to fifty-six percent.

    The report keeps shaking the Saddam Hussein tree in an extremely familiar demonization dance. The document reflects a fixation on Iraq’s growing oil power, which in actual fact was really tiny in comparison to the established world markets. While many Americans would accept that dependence on foreign oil might not be in the best interests of the U.S., Mr. Bush blurred and smudged the statistics here and there, and only later in his report admitted that of all the oil imports only seven percent came from “Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.”

    Mr. Bush shows a real talent in his report to hang the necessity to tear up one of America’s most pristine wildlife refuge areas by attaching the whole project to an unrelated evil. He explained that he wanted to promote the development of U.S. oil and gas resources to meet the electricity needs of the new economy. In reaching his goal, Mr. Bush said that he would “open only eight percent of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge” to exploitation, which he indicated was exactly the amount needed to “replace the oil that the U.S. now imports from Iraq.” 

    Candidate Bush lamented that the Clinton-Gore administration had “squandered U.S. credibility with oil-producing nations in the Persian Gulf” and lost the power to influence OPEC policies. Mr. Bush tied Mr. Clinton’s “failure” to the “increased Iraqi leverage over the U.S. and international economies.” Then once again Mr. Bush turned his attention upon Saddam Hussein, declaring:

    “When the Clinton-Gore Administration took office in January of 1993, the Gulf War coalition was intact, economic sanctions were in place against Iraq, UN weapons inspectors were operating in Iraq, there was an active Iraqi opposition, and U.S. influence in the Gulf was at an all-time high. Almost eight years later, due to the failed leadership of the Administration:

    “The international coalition assembled during the Gulf War has come apart.

    “UN inspectors have not set foot in Iraq for almost two years, failing to monitor any attempts to produce weapons of mass destruction.

    “The Administration has spent only a negligible amount of the $97 million appropriated by Congress under the Iraq Liberation Act to support the Iraqi resistance.

    “U.S. credibility in the Gulf is so low that the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain—once critical members of the Gulf War coalition—recently restored full diplomatic relations with Iraq.

    “As U.S. influence in the Gulf has waned, Iraq’s relative influence as an oil supplier to U.S. and world markets has increased:

    “Iraq is now the fastest growing oil supplier to the United States, selling 850,000 barrels of crude oil a day to the United States...

    “As spare production capacity becomes tighter, Iraq is moving into a position to become an important “swing producer,” with an ability to single handedly impact and manipulate global markets.

    “Perhaps most ominously, Saddam Hussein is threatening to cut back production and is again claiming that Kuwait is stealing Iraq’s oil—the same claim Iraq made in 1990.”

    In actual fact, Mr. Bush’s words will miraculously reappear in the Baker Institute Report delivered to Mr. Cheney in April of 2001 by James Baker, III (the former Secretary of State and Bush family friend). Mr. Baker’s energy report is discussed in detail in my article, “Fraud Traced to the White House,” which was published at the Yurica Report web site in April of 2003. As one reads Mr. Bush’s report and then compares it to Mr. Baker’s, one soon finds identical phrases appearing in both documents. For instance, notice this sentence from Mr. Bush’s policy paper:

    “Iraq is moving into a position to become an important ‘swing producer,’ with an ability to single handedly impact and manipulate global markets.”

    Now compare that to this sentence from the later Baker Report:

    “Iraq has become a key ‘swing’ producer, posing a difficult situation for the U.S. government.”

    Or this sentence also from the Baker Report:

    “Over the past year, Iraq has effectively become a swing producer, turning its taps on and off when it has felt such action was in its strategic interest to do so.”

    Both documents focus on “weapons of mass destruction.” The Baker Report puts it this way in one of its references:

    “Sanctions that are not effective should be phased out and replaced with highly focused and enforced sanctions that target the regime’s ability to maintain and acquire weapons of mass destruction.”

    And the Baker Report advises: “The United States should conduct an immediate policy review toward Iraq, including military, energy, economic, and political/diplomatic assessments.”

    I think it’s safe to conclude that Mr. Bush’s policy paper is undoubtedly the precursor to the Baker Institute Report.

    There is another major discovery I noted from Mr. Bush’s energy policy paper. Here’s evidence that Governor Bush knew he was going to dump the Kyoto treaty while campaigning but managed to keep it a secret from American voters!  In his policy paper he wrote:

    “Excessive regulation is not the answer. A recent study by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) determined that the combined effect of Administration policies and implementation of the Kyoto global climate treaty would reduce electricity derived from coal in the U.S. from over fifty percent today to less than ten percent by 2020. As a result, electricity prices would increase fifty percent in real terms and a massive investment in natural gas infrastructure would be required to replace the lost coal capacity. EPRI found that substantial emission reductions could be more readily achieved by scheduling emission reductions to coincide with technological advances, but the [Clinton] administration is instead insisting upon substantial reductions before these advances can be reasonably deployed.”

    After a man has said that, why need we tend to anything else he should say ever again?

    Katherine Yurica was educated at East Los Angeles College, the University of Southern California and the USC school of law. She worked as a consultant for Los Angeles County and as a news correspondent for Christianity Today plus as a freelance investigative reporter. She is the author of three books. She is also the publisher of the Yurica Report.

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    Copyright © 2004 Yurica Report. All rights reserved.

    Now, the Precursor:

    Fraud Traced to the White House 

    How California’s energy scam was inextricably
    linked to a war for oil scheme


    By Katherine Yurica

    This story begins with the California energy crisis, which started in 2000 and continued through the early months of 2001, when electricity prices spiked to their highest levels. Prices went from $12 per megawatt hour in 1998 to $200 in December 2000 to $250 in January 2001, and at times a megawatt cost $1,000. 

    One event occurred earlier. On July 13, 1998, employees of one of the two power-marketing centers in California watched incredulously as the wholesale price of $1 a megawatt hour spiked to $9,999, stayed at that price for four hours, then dropped to a penny. Someone was testing the system to find the limits of market exploitation. This incident was the earliest indication that the people and the state could become victims of fraud. The Sacramento Bee broke the story three years later, on May 6, 2001. 

    Today, Californians are still paying the costs of the debacle while according to state officials the power companies who manipulated the energy markets reaped more than $7.5 billion in unfair profits.

    During those early months of the Bush administration, and even during the prior transition period, Dick Cheney was deeply involved in gathering information for a national energy policy. The intelligence he gathered would provide justification for a war against Iraq but would also place White House footprints all over a fraud scam. This is how it all happened.

    Enter the Lead Villain

    That Ken Lay, the former chairman of Enron, enjoyed a long and close relationship with George Bush senior is a well-known fact. What isn’t so well known is that George W. Bush also benefited from a close relationship with Lay. No one supported the younger Bush quite like Lay. Enron executives contributed more than $2 million to George W. Bush’s political campaigns since 1999, earning Lay an open door to the governor’s office. Lay was also Bush’s number one choice for Treasury Secretary. A study authorized by Rep. Henry Waxman reveals that Enron had 112 known contacts with the Bush administration in 2001. This figure does not include seventy-three disclosed contacts between former Army Secretary Thomas White and his former colleagues at Enron. (Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, recently fired White.)

    Significantly, Ken Lay was also a close friend to Dick Cheney who is a former Enron shareholder. It should come to no one’s surprise that given the relationships, Ken Lay was selected to work on the Bush energy transition team under the chairmanship of Cheney. Lay’s easiest assignment? He interviewed potential candidates for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an agency that would oversee his company (and months later lead a slow, long investigation into Enron’s role in the California energy debacle). The President picked Lay’s nominee, Pat Wood, to serve as chairman of the agency.

    Ken Lay was a very useful and a very knowledgeable man to have around. He knew, for instance, of the holes in the California power market that could be exploited. He tried to warn officials about the problem in 1994 when Enron testified at a Public Utility Commission hearing. Unfortunately his advice was ignored. Enron then went with the flow. It reversed itself, endorsed the system, and lauded the politicians for setting up what Enron knew was an exploitable and faulty infrastructure.

    As events would unfold, the dark side of Enron got part of its comeuppance when the Justice Department began investigations of Enron’s role in the California energy disaster.

    Along with Dynegy and other power brokering companies, Enron employees were subject to federal criminal charges. One Enron employee pleaded guilty to wire fraud while Dynegy agreed to pay $5 million in fines.

    Enter A Little Damning Document

    In April of 2001, Ken Lay handed Dick Cheney a two-page memorandum recommending national energy policy changes. The memo contained Enron’s positions on specific, rather technical issues, which were presented as a “fix” for the California crisis. (Enron brazenly advised the administration not to place price caps on energy, which would be precisely the request California officials made to the President, and which the President and the Vice President would just as brazenly deny until public pressure forced them to capitulate.)

    According to a special report prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman, over seventeen energy policies recommended by Enron made their way into the official White House National Energy Policy report.

    Congress awoke from its somnambulism, having become alarmed at Enron’s close association with the Bush administration. Congressional committees asked Dick Cheney for the names of those who advised him and the reports he relied upon in drafting the nation’s energy policy. Cheney bluntly and adamantly refused to reveal those facts. After months of standoff, the General Accounting Office (GAO) filed a suit against the Vice President in an effort to obtain the requested information. The White House then developed a fascinating legal strategy that helped them triumph over the legislative branch.

    Defense attorneys from the civil division of the Justice Department should have been assigned to the case. However, in an unprecedented move, the Bush administration required the services of the nation’s number-one-gun, Theodore Olson, the Solicitor General, who normally only makes appearances before the Supreme Court. Olson, his Assistant Solicitor General, and a handpicked group of Justice Department lawyers formed a special “trial defense task force” to defend the Vice President. This act telegraphed to the court, press, and public that this was no ordinary case. The move paid off, a federal judge found for Mr. Cheney and the GAO declined to file an appeal. That, more or less, marked the end of the story. But then something happened. 

    Enter Obscure News Article

    On October 6, 2002, a newspaper in the UK published a little known article about Mr. Cheney’s advisers. According to Neil Mackay, an award-winning journalist, writing for Scotland’s Sunday Herald, Dick Cheney commissioned an energy report from ex-Secretary of State, James Baker III. The time of this “commission” is not reported, but since the members of the appointed task force held three videoconferences and teleconferences in December, January, and February 2000-2001, Cheney therefore logically contacted Baker some time prior to the December 2000 meeting—during the presidential transition period.

    Enter the Man Who Gets Things Done

    James Baker was uniquely situated to fulfill Cheney’s commission, for among the many hats he wears, he is legal counsel to the Carlyle Group, one of the nation’s largest defense investment firms whose board consists of former high level government officials, including George Bush senior. Baker was also the “hired gun” for George W. Bush’s campaign in Florida, along with Karl Rove. But among the hats he wears, none is more valuable than his ability to become invisible and leave no fingerprints behind. James Baker courts the press and is hailed a statesman; he also serves as the honorary chairman of the James Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University, a think tank that was involved in aiding the George W. Bush presidential transition teams.

    Equally intriguing is the fact that Baker has ties with both the Bushes and Ken Lay. Years earlier, in 1993, after Baker stepped down from his stint as Secretary of State, he and Robert A. Mosbacher—Bush senior’s commerce secretary—signed a joint consulting and investing agreement with Enron. The two men began a lucrative career making joint global investments with Enron on natural gas projects. Baker Botts LLC, James Baker’s law firm, flourished in its specialty of international oil and gas counseling.

    Since Baker walked in their circles, when he set out to select an energy team to advise the White House, he filled it with leaders of the oil, gas, and power industries. Three appointees stand out: Kenneth Lay from Enron, who was working on the Bush Energy Transition team under Dick Cheney at the time; Chuck Watson, the then Chairman and CEO of Houston’s Dynegy Inc., and Dynegy’s General Counsel and Secretary, Kenneth Randolf. Both firms were deeply involved in illegally manipulating the California energy market at the time and eventually faced criminal investigations.

    The oilmen selected for the task force were Luis Giusti, a Shell non-executive director, formerly CEO of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.; John Manzoni, regional president of British Petroleum; David O’Reilly, Chief Executive of Chevron/Texaco; and Steven L. Miller, Board Chairman, CEO and President of Shell Oil.

    In his Sunday Herald article, Neil Mackay links another Fellow of the Baker Institute to the document, Sheikh Saud Al Nasser Al Sabah, the former Kuwaiti oil minister. The Baker Institute’s report on energy was funded through Khalid Al-Turki and the Arthur Ross Foundation.

    Sometimes a mystery is hidden in a loaded detail that most of us would rather skip over. A case in point is this: the Baker task force report shows a forty-one member task force, but the press release gives fifty-one as the number. This of course, could be just a typo. But when we look at the structure as revealed in the report, it shows the Baker energy task force team was divided into three separate groups. First came the names of the forty-one-all-star task force. Secondly, came the names of nine observers. And thirdly, there was an unknown number forming a group of “reviewers” whose identities were not disclosed, but who collectively had “broad academic, economic, and energy expertise.” According to the acknowledgements these “individuals reviewed drafts of the report at various stages and participated in the Task Force meetings.” Perhaps the most telling admission is that the final version was “greatly enhanced” by this shadowy group.

    Enter Major Document No. 1

    The Baker energy task force produced a report titled, Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century, dated April 2001. There is no mistaking the fact that reasonable, detailed and important expert advice is meted out to the new president. However, this amazing 107-page report strikes a drumbeat for action that grabs the reader as it propels a picture of a naked, energy-scarce nation, subject to energy shortages and price fluctuations, across its pages. Contrasting the state of what is, against what should be, and mercifully making powerful recommendations that will “save our economy,” it offers warnings such as: a sharp rise “in oil prices preceded every American recession since the late 1940s.”

    The California energy crisis is raised again and again, along with the prophecy that America can expect “more California-like incidents” in the future. There’s even a connection made between the California crisis and the Middle East, which according to the report, “will remain the world’s base-load supplier and least expensive source of oil for the foreseeable future.” With that prophetic utterance, the stage is now set for a new actor, a new villain, and a new energy policy.

    Enter Saddam Hussein

    According to the Baker report, Saddam Hussein became a swing oil producer by turning Iraq’s oil taps “on and off” whenever he felt that it was in his interest to do so. During these periods Saudi Arabia stepped up to the plate and provided replacement oil supplies to the market to keep California type “disruptions” and scarcity from occurring in America. Hussein, the report says, used his own “export program to manipulate oil markets.” The report’s implications are clear: the national energy security of the U.S. was now in the hands of an open adversary and the Saudis might not make up the difference in the future. The Baker report recommends: “The United States should conduct an immediate policy review of Iraq, including military, energy, economic and political/diplomatic assessments…. Sanctions that are not effective should be phased out and replaced with highly focused and enforced sanctions that target the regime’s ability to maintain and acquire weapons of mass destruction.” Military intervention is listed as a viable prospect.

    According to Neil Mackay in the Sunday Herald article, James Baker delivered the report to Dick Cheney in person in mid April 2001.

    The subsequent events of September 11, 2001 helped take the world’s eyes away from the notion that an invasion of Iraq is for oil, but according to Mackay’s sources, the Bush cabinet agreed to military intervention in Iraq six months earlier, in April of 2001.

    Enter Major Documents No. 2 and 3

    A haunting familiarity exists between the Baker energy report and another policy paper that could negatively impact the Bush administration. The style of the two reports is similar, particularly in discussions on national security; their task force methodologies are essentially the same; they share the repeated use of a relatively rare term; they share similarly constructed phrases; they both name Iraq as an adversary and they both attack problems in the same manner. There is a possibility that one writer served on both task forces.

    A little background is necessary: In June of 1997 a group of former republican administration officials launched The Project for the New American Century, a think tank offering research and analysis on a “revolution” in modern military methods and military objectives. Like the energy task force, the passionate neo-conservative authors endowed their Principles with hard-hitting force, calling for the necessity of “preserving and extending an international order friendly” to America’s “security, prosperity and principles.” The founders wrote: “The history of the 20th Century should have taught us that it is important to shape circumstances before crises emerge and to meet threats before they become dire.” In fact, on pages 51 and 67 of the institution’s intellectual centerpiece, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, the authors lament that the process of transforming the military would most likely be a long one, “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.” (How unfortunate for Americans, they got their needed event on September 11, 2001.)

    The signers to the “principles” read like a who’s who of the Bush administration plus a chorus line of supporters: Dick Cheney, I. Lewis Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Elliott Abrams, plus world famous: William Bennett, Jeb Bush, and Dan Quayle, among others.

    The signers endorsed two other dynamic enabling policies: increased military spending, and the necessity of challenging “regimes hostile to America’s interests and values.”

    The seventy-six-page Rebuilding America’s Defenses was published in 2000. With a lot of expositional swagger, the authors created not only the ideal military preparedness level for their goal of global domination, but they identified a new kind of warfare that requires far less “force” than the military was accustomed to accept. What’s more, they identified the “hostile regimes” mentioned in the “Principles” to be none other than Iraq, North Korea, Iran and Syria.

    The report credits Thomas Donnelly, a military writer, as “principal author,” and lists twenty-seven participants, some of whom contributed a “paper” to the discussion. The list of participants includes Dick Cheney’s present chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby as well as Paul Wolfowitz.

    The two documents clearly show that before George W. Bush took office, key officials of his future administration not only listed Iraq, Iran, and North Korea as “adversaries” who “are rushing to develop ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons as a deterrent to American intervention in regions they seek to dominate,” but endorsed an alien concept, the doctrine of pre-emptive strikes against those nations believed to have hostile intent against the U.S. before such intent is manifested.

    Enter Document No. 4

    On May 16, 2001, Dick Cheney officially handed the National Energy Policy (national report) to George W. Bush. Ostensibly the cabinet members that formed the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG) were its authors. But a careful study and comparison of the national report with the Baker report reveals the Baker report provided the skeleton framework upon which the national energy policy was hung. However, the skeleton was broken up into unrelated parts: the skull in the middle, the thigh bone on top.

    When it was all unraveled, almost every major policy action in the Baker report was incorporated into the national report. The tedious process of comparing the two reports with each other occasionally revealed a subtlety. For example, the Baker report says, “The U.S. must have a strategic energy policy based on energy security.” The national report subtly changes this to: “The NEPD Group recommends that the President make energy security a priority of our trade and foreign policy.” This foreign policy change led to the discovery that an important topic is missing from the national report.

    Although every other oil producing country was discussed in the national energy text, two countries were glaringly omitted from even a mention: Iraq and Iran. There’s an explanation for the omissions: First, in reading the Baker report one is struck by the strategic military information provided, which would be odd and inappropriate in a report on energy. Secondly, the Baker report is divided into two sections: the first part focuses on strategic steps the new administration should take immediately. The second part focuses on long-range energy policy. “Taking care of Iraq” is listed as an immediate step in the Baker report. The national report, however, focuses solely on long-range policy. 

    Enter Incriminating Statements

    One of the most striking facts about the national report is that it makes 110 references to California’s energy crisis, which was ninety-nine more than the Baker report makes. Clearly, someone in the White House needed an impressive energy crisis to tout. How unfortunate that the crisis cited was fraudulently induced. Like the Baker report, the national report states, “The California experience demonstrates the crippling effect that electricity shortages and black outs can have on a state or region.” Warnings abound: “America in the year 2001 faces the most serious energy shortage since the oil embargoes of the 1970s.” The 110 repetitions of the word “California” linked with words like “energy crisis,” and “energy shortages and price spikes,” could turn the national energy report into an ad man’s prized primer.

    Notwithstanding its importance as an example of what could happen to other states, the author of a passage (at page 5-12) of the national report suddenly yields to an impulse to relate what really happened in California. In doing so, he completely contradicts at least 105 references to California throughout the report. The significance of this contradictory entry into the National Energy Policy must not be underestimated.

    In the process of reversing the carefully construed “California experience,” the author’s grasp exceeds his knowledge in that his understanding of the events in California go beyond what he should have reasonably known at the time of its writing. For he wrote, “The risk that the California experience will repeat itself is low, since other states have not modeled their retail competition plans on California’s plan.” This is an astounding statement. If the California crisis was caused by a supply shortage as the author claims a line above this sentence, surely other states could suffer similar shortages. But no, the author is actually making an admission here: he is admitting the energy crisis in California can’t be replicated in other states because certain market means do not exist in the other states. How could the author know this? The writer of that sentence would have to be someone intimately involved in the California system; know the real cause of the state’s crisis; and be familiar with all the other state rules and market infrastructures.

    But our knowledgeable author is not done. In trying to amplify what he just revealed, he tried to hide the true actors in the next sentence by misdirecting the reader away from the culprits to blame the state. This is a formula for incoherence. Nonetheless, the writer’s sentence found its way into the national energy report where it spoke for the Bush administration: “California’s failure to reform flawed regulatory rules affecting the market drove up wholesale prices.” If this sentence is read literally, it asks the reader to believe that a state’s experience of failure to amend its rules, along with the flawed rules themselves, somehow had an independent power to “drive up wholesale prices,” without an intervening acting agent. The only sensible reading left to us is that the flawed rules allowed power brokers to manipulate the system. But how could our author and his administration editors know this to be true without being in collusion with the wrongdoers? If they were not in collusion they would have reported the crime. But if they remained silent when they had a duty to report or stop the commission of a crime, they became accessories.

    Continuing his unexpected analysis, the author tells us, “Actions such as forcing utilities to purchase all their power through volatile spot markets, imposing a single-price auction system, and barring bilateral contracts all contributed to the problems that California now faces.” This is nothing more than the author, and through him the White House, attempting to throw responsibility for any wrongdoing by energy companies in California squarely at the feet of the state.

    Many people were blaming the state at the time, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The Hoover Institution jumped into the fray and released a book by James L. Sweeney, The California Electricity Crisis, which promotes and assigns blame like this: “After political leaders mismanaged the electricity crisis, California now faces an electricity blight while it struggles to recover from its self-imposed wounds.”

    Not until the Sacramento Bee broke its story, “How Californians got burned” on May 6, 2001—ten days before the national report was released—did the public receive the first concrete signs the crisis may have been caused by manipulation. There was finger pointing in the media at the time, and accusations, but there was simply no proof. But after criminal convictions for federal wire fraud came thundering down, everything changed.

    Enter the Federal Regulators

    Following a two-year staff investigation, on March 26, 2003, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released findings that impacted this article in the above “Incriminating Statements” section. FERC’s latest investigation was to determine whether Enron or any other sellers manipulated the electricity and natural gas markets in California. In its report, “Price Manipulation in Western Markets” (Findings at a Glance) the FERC made the following finding:

    “Staff concludes that supply-demand imbalance, flawed market design and inconsistent rules made possible significant market manipulations as delineated in final investigation report. Without underlying market dysfunction, attempts to manipulate the market would not be successful.”

    Amazingly, the finding eerily echoes our unknown author’s statements published in the National Energy Policy document (the national report) at page 5-12. The questions I raised above are even more significant now: How could the author and the editors have inserted an accurate assessment of the causes of the California energy fraud in May 2001 without having inside knowledge and or without being part of the scam, when it took the FERC two years of investigation to release virtually the same findings as those published in the national energy report?

    Enter the Question, “Who Done It?” 

    In a letter to the Vice President dated January 25, 2002, Rep. Henry Waxman outlined the information he gathered on how the National Energy Policy was written: passages not included in the draft of the national report, appear to have been added to the plan during the final revisions made under the direction of the White House. The White House energy plan was first drafted, Waxman says, by a “workgroup composed of staff from various agencies led by the Executive Director, Andrew Lundquist,” of Dick Cheny’s staff. Each chapter, according to Waxman, “was drafted by one of the participating agencies,” and those copies “were then circulated among all of the workgroup members.” The workgroup then met to discuss each agency’s comments before submitting the drafts to the White House.

    Waxman wrote, “Any further changes in the plan were made under the direction of the White House. No subsequent versions of the White House energy plan were circulated to the interagency workgroup.” Assuming this description of the process applied to all the chapters of the national report, it appears the White House had the final word and made the final insertions and changes to the report.

    In trying to answer the question, “Who done it?” our Sherlock Holmes people will have to look at the top levels of the White House and the Bush administration, and ask, “Who had sufficient knowledge of electricity markets in California and other states to have written the incriminating statements?”

    Few if any names come to mind. Secretary of Energy, Spenser Abraham just doesn’t fit the profile. He was a one-term defeated junior senator from Michigan who is mainly known for never missing a roll-call vote and for his support of abolishing the same Department of Energy he now heads. Many people held the belief that Abraham’s appointment was a clear signal that Bush and Cheney would make all the energy decisions.

    Andrew Lundquist, however, is another cup of tea. He was formerly the chief of staff for the Senate Energy Committee where he served brilliantly. Bush appointed him to be the Executive Director of the NEPD Group, chaired by Dick Cheney; however, he may never have seen the final changes.

    Beyond Cheney and Lundquist and perhaps I. Lewis Libby, Cheney’s chief of staff, or perhaps Pat Wood, Chairman of FERC, who may fit the profile, one runs out of names.

    However, another player does come to mind: he was a lone outsider who insinuated himself into a position of power in Bush’s White House. He is one man who by far is the most knowledgeable and capable power-market-man in the country, and he also happened to know how the marketing system in California could be rigged. His name is Kenneth Lay, the former chairman of Enron.

    Enter Ken Lay Act Two

    Indeed, Rep. Henry Waxman’s Minority report on Enron found more instances of Ken Lay’s input transferred into recommendations to the President on pages 5-11 and 5-12 than any other portion of the national report. However, the recommendations don’t show the style and form of a contributing writer.

    So the question is, are there any correlations between relevant passages in the text with other documents written by Ken Lay?

    In a comparison of the two-page memo we know Lay submitted to Cheney, the passages attributed to the unknown author reveal similarities of vocabulary, including the identical use of words, a similar style of writing, and a correspondence of ideas expressed. It appears that Ken Lay may have written more of the national report than was previously suspected. So what about Dick Cheney as a suspect?

    Although Mary Matalin, who was then serving as an adviser to the vice president, told a San Francisco Chronicle reporter that Cheney’s energy plan included input from many sources, “Just because some of the things are included in the plan doesn’t mean they were from the talks between Cheney and Lay.”

    However, Mary Matalin may not have known what we now know: She apparently did not know that Ken Lay wrote his memo down on paper and submitted it to the Vice President. In fact, there may have been more than one memo submitted by Lay to Cheney, which might explain why the vice president went to such extremes to keep congress from viewing those documents.

    It’s shocking to realize that at the same time the author’s incriminating admissions were being submitted to Dick Cheney, then read, edited and approved for publication by the White House, the fraudulent acts they referenced were being executed. This fact may have serious criminal justice implications for the White House. For in the spring of 2001, California was reeling from rolling blackouts and brownouts and the price of electricity was breaking through the sky like a con trail from a speeding jet.

    It may be time to paraphrase Senator Howard Baker’s famous questions during the Watergate hearings, “What did the President and Vice President know and when did they know it?” At the very least, congress and the people of this country need to know who wrote the incriminating passages and who read them.

    Enter Documents No. 5, 6 and 7

    The New American Century Project’s writings were not the only brainy papers that were read and studied by conservatives before George W. Bush gained the presidency. We know the Baker Report went directly to Cheney. But other reports from Conservative think tanks like Stanford’s Hoover Institution, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Heritage Foundation had the ears of the group of neo-conservatives who favored using America’s great military power to not only carve out an empire but to set America on a course to global domination. One report, “Using Power and Diplomacy to Deal With Rogue States,” written in the mid 90’s by Thomas H. Henriksen, a senior fellow and associate director of the Hoover Institute is an analysis of the world following the end of the cold war. The report favors power over diplomacy. What is so striking about the paper is its wild-west, tough cowboy style.

    Henriksen was worried about a few countries, “If left unchecked, rogue states like Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya, and others will threaten innocent populations, undermine international norms, and spawn other pariah regimes, as the global order becomes tolerant of this political malignancy.”

    His solution? “America must act not like a policeman but like a sheriff in the old Western frontier towns, acting alone on occasion, relying on deputies or long-standing allies, or looking for a posse among regional partners. . .[America] cannot allow desperadoes to run loose without encouraging other outlaws to test the limits of law and order.” (Surely, given the president’s performance in his first two years in office, this sentence must have been inserted into George W. Bush’s play book.)

    Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House and the then-soon- to-be-appointed member of the National Defense Policy Board echoes this simple, lone star imagery, in an address to the Overseers Meeting of the Hoover Institution. “Somebody on horseback with a satellite phone and a laser designator connected directly with a B-2 bomber or a B-52 with smart weapons has a level of power unthinkable ever before in human history.”

    Then there are the sensible folks of the Council on Foreign Relations, advising the new president in June of 2001, “Saddam Hussein and his regime pose a growing danger to the Middle East and the United States. The regime cannot be rehabilitated. Therefore, the goal of regime replacement should remain a fundamental tenet of U.S. policy options.”

    The paper, written by Geoffrey Kemp and Morton H. Halperin, with sixteen other participants, advises the president there are three red lines describing actions that Saddam Hussein might possibly take. If he crosses any one of the three, the report states, we will gain the support of the Arabs and the Turks against him:

    “First, Iraqi military threats or attacks on allied forces.

    Second, Iraqi threats or attacks on neighboring states.

    Third, Iraqi acquisition and deployment of weapons of mass
    destruction or their use, including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.”

    Note the tense of the third sentence: it is present or future tense as opposed to the past tense. Judging from the subsequent actions and words of the president, it appears that the third red line in Kemp-Halperin paper may have played a large role in the administration’s attempts to gain allies in its war against Iraq.

    Newt Gingrich’s address before the Hoover Board of Overseers was titled, “National Security Initiative, the Transformation of National Security,” and was an attempt to describe a new kind of military that called for a new kind of military education. He advised dropping the “concept of exit strategies,” which he said was a “fetish that grew out of the Vietnam War.” As for Saddam Hussein, Gingrich said, “We need to immediately replace him.”

    Pulling his words out carefully, Gingrich revealed a stunning use of psychological intimidation and warfare. He elevated coercive verbal bullying to weaponry status. He said, “You cannot change Saudi Arabia as much as we need to change Saudi Arabia until you have an Iraq which is an American ally. And you need an Iraq that’s an American ally [because] it has a larger oil reserve than Saudi Arabia does.”

    Gingrich unveiled how coercive a threat an American-Iraqi friendship would have over the Saudis: the bi-national friendship would destroy the Saudi’s sense of their reality that they alone are the one single source for the world’s reserve supply of oil. “The morning they see that we are that serious and we are that determined, they will negotiate with us in a very different way.” In other words, once there are two sources of cheap oil, it isn’t likely the Saudis will thumb their noses at a U.S. president’s offer to buy reserve oil at two dollars a barrel. It’s either two dollars a barrel or it’s nothing. (Since this speech, Gingrich has become an adviser to Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense.)

    Enter Document No. 8

    By December of 2002, “an Independent Working Group” led by two Ambassadors, Edward P. Djerejian and Frank G. Wisner, wrote a report for the president to guide him on what comes after the war. They created a “perfect” war on paper: The war was presumed to have occurred. It was a fast, smooth war. It ended nicely. There were no complications. The report does not address the problems of a war that bogs down in urban street fighting or in mass demonstrations against the United States or any other messy possibility.

    Titled, “Guiding Principles for U.S. Post-Conflict Policy in Iraq,” the report is cosponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University.

    The President and his advisers are greeted with constraints such as “uphold the territorial integrity of Iraq.”

    Addressing the motives of the U.S., the report tells the president, “Western anti-war activists, the Arab public, average Iraqis and international media have all accused the United States of planning an attack on Iraq not to dismantle weapons of mass destruction but as a camouflaged plan to ‘steal’ Iraq’s oil for the sake of American oil interests.” The solution: any repairs, future investments, oil exports and sales of oil must be made transparent and involve both international and Iraqi oversight.

    The report gets most interesting when it talks about oil—the lure and the reality. While there is great potential, “it will require massive investment.” ($28 billion.) The president is told, “Iraq has the second largest proven oil reserves in the world (behind Saudi Arabia) estimated at 112 billion barrels with as many as 220 billion barrels of resources deemed probable. Of Iraq’s 74 discovered and evaluated oil fields, only 15 have been developed.” In the western desert “there are 526 known structures that have been discovered, delineated, mapped, and classified as potential prospects in Iraq of which only 125 have been drilled.” It must be very difficult for some individuals and nations to let go of such a vision. We know the president and his men could not.

    Enter Painful Conclusion

    When John DiIulio, a high-level Bush administration official, left his job at the White House, he sent a letter to Ron Suskind at Esquire, describing his experiences working in the administration. DiIulio gave the world an insider’s view into the secret center of power. “There is no precedent in any modern White House for what is going on in this one: a complete lack of a policy apparatus.”

    DiIulio wrote, “The Clinton administration drowned in policy intellectuals and teemed with knowledgeable people interested in making government work.” DiIulio said simply that intellectual work wasn’t “Bush’s style.”

    In “eight months,” DiIulio continued, “I heard many, many staff discussions, but not three meaningful, substantive policy discussions. There were no actual policy white papers on domestic issues.”

    What Mr. DiIulio may not have known is what the Yurica Report discovered: the policy papers were written for this administration—and not by this administration. The National Energy Policy like the Baker report drills into the reader’s mind that devastating “California-like” crises can and will be repeated unless the administration and congress choose to take prescribed steps to regain control over energy supply-lines. Control or insurance is spelled out as w-a-r against Iraq. Something intervened, however, that made energy crises unnecessary as a justification tool for war. That something was another Pearl Harbor on September 11, 2001.

    This story ends as it began: with unrequited lies, deception and fraud. Three sentences inserted into the National Energy Policy report reveal: 1) the White House knew the California crisis was man-made; 2) knew the power companies were manipulating the market in California; 3) and knew these facts at the time the people of California were being fleeced by the scam; 4) yet the Bush White House did nothing to stop the fraud.

    A special prosecutor should be appointed by Congress to investigate this whole matter as well as what Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney knew and when they knew it.


    Documentation & Links

    1. San Francisco Chronicle, “Memos show makings of power crisis,” May 10, 2002.

     2. The Sacramento Bee, Special Report: “How Californians got burned” May 6, 2001.

    3. The two page Ken Lay Memo (Go to this page and click on the "Memo" photo-icon at the top of the article):San Francisco Chronicle, “The Enron Collapse”, January 30, 2002.

    4. Bush Administration Contacts with Enron, Prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman by the Minority Staff Special Investigations Division Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives.

    5. How the White House Energy Plan Benefited Enron Prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman by the Minority Staff Committee on Government Reform.

    6. Neil Mackay’s article in the Sunday Herald:

    7. The Baker Report Press Release:

    Editor's Note: The Yurica Report has learned that the Baker Institute at Rice University has removed the Press release from their web site. For those interested for research and vital information purposes, we have placed a copy on our web site at:: Task Force Issues Recommendations for Energy Policy.

    8. Document No. 1: The Baker Report, Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century:

    Editor's Note: You may also read the report from our PDF file linked here.

    9. Document No. 2: Project for the New American Century “Principles”:

    10. Document No. 3: Rebuilding America’s Defenses

    11. Document No. 4: National Energy Policy report:

    12. FERC Findings and Report:

    13. San Francisco Chronicle, “The Enron Collapse”, January 30, 2002.

    14. Letter from Rep. Waxman to Dick Cheney, dated January 25, 2002.

    15. Document No. 5: Using Power and Diplomacy to Deal With Rogue States:

    16. Document No. 6: Newt Gingrich, “National Security Initiative, The Transformation of National Security.” A speech to the Board of Overseers Meeting, Hoover Institution, July 18, 2002.

    17. Document No. 7: A Report on U.S. Policy Options Towards Iraq by Geoffrey Kemp, Morton H. Halperin, Council on Foreign Relations:

    18. Document No. 8: Guiding Principles for U.S. Post-Conflict Policy in Iraq Edward P. Djerejian and Frank G. Wisner, Co-Chairs

    19. Esquire,  “Why Are These Men Laughing?” January, 2003. “The DiIulio Letter” October 24, 2002,

    Katherine Yurica was educated at East Los Angeles College, U.S.C. and the USC school of law. She worked as a consultant for Los Angeles County and as a news correspondent for Christianity Today plus as a freelance investigative reporter. She is the author of three books. She is also the publisher of the Yurica Report.

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    Sunday Herald - 06 October 2002
    Official: US oil at the heart of Iraq crisis

    President Bush's Cabinet agreed in April 2001 that 'Iraq remains a destabilising influence to the flow of oil to international markets from the Middle East' and because this is an unacceptable risk to the US 'military intervention' is necessary.

    Vice-president Dick Cheney, who chairs the White House Energy Policy Development Group, commissioned a report on 'energy security' from the Baker Institute for Public Policy, a think-tank set up by James Baker, the former US secretary of state under George Bush Snr.

    The report, Strategic Energy Policy Challenges For The 21st Century, concludes: 'The United States remains a prisoner of its energy dilemma. Iraq remains a de- stabilising influence to ... the flow of oil to international markets from the Middle East. Saddam Hussein has also demonstrated a willingness to threaten to use the oil weapon and to use his own export programme to manipulate oil markets. Therefore the US should conduct an immediate policy review toward Iraq including military, energy, economic and political/ diplomatic assessments.

    'The United States should then develop an integrated strategy with key allies in Europe and Asia, and with key countries in the Middle East, to restate goals with respect to Iraqi policy and to restore a cohesive coalition of key allies.'

    Baker who delivered the recommendations to Cheney, the former chief executive of Texas oil firm Halliburton, was advised by Kenneth Lay, the disgraced former chief executive of Enron, the US energy giant which went bankrupt after carrying out massive accountancy fraud.

    The other advisers to Baker were: Luis Giusti, a Shell non-executive director; John Manzoni, regional president of BP and David O'Reilly, chief executive of ChevronTexaco. Another name linked to the document is Sheikh Saud Al Nasser Al Sabah, the former Kuwaiti oil minister and a fellow of the Baker Institute.

    President Bush also has strong connections to the US oil industry and once owned the oil company Spectrum 7.

    The Baker report highlights massive shortages in world oil supplies which now leave the US facing 'unprecedented energy price volatility' and has led to recurring electricity black-outs in areas such as California.

    The report refers to the impact of fuel shortages on voters. It recommends a 'new and viable US energy policy central to America's domestic economy and to [the] nation's security and foreign policy'.

    Iraq, the report says, 'turns its taps on and off when it has felt such action was in its strategic interest to do so', adding that there is a 'possibility that Saddam Hussein may remove Iraqi oil from the market for an extended period of time' in order to damage prices.

    The report also says that Cheney should integrate energy and security to stop 'manipulations of markets by any state', and suggests that Cheney's Energy Policy Group includes 'representation from the Department of Defence'.

    'Unless the United States assumes a leadership role in the formation of new rules of the game,' the report says, 'US firms, US consumers and the US government [will be left] in a weaker position.'

    Web report: Iraq

    Copyright © 2002 smg sunday newspapers ltd. no.176088
    Posted on Sun, Sep. 05, 2004


    Graham book: Inquiry into 9/11, Saudi ties blocked


    Two of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers had a support network in the United States that included agents of the Saudi government, and the Bush administration and FBI blocked a congressional investigation into that relationship, Sen. Bob Graham wrote in a book to be released Tuesday.

    The discovery of the financial backing of the two hijackers ''would draw a direct line between the terrorists and the government of Saudi Arabia, and trigger an attempted coverup by the Bush administration,'' the Florida Democrat wrote.

    And in Graham's book, Intelligence Matters, obtained by The Herald Saturday, he makes clear that some details of that financial support from Saudi Arabia were in the 27 pages of the congressional inquiry's final report that were blocked from release by the administration, despite the pleas of leaders of both parties on the House and Senate intelligence committees.

    Graham also revealed that Gen. Tommy Franks told him on Feb. 19, 2002, just four months after the invasion of Afghanistan, that many important resources -- including the Predator drone aircraft crucial to the search for Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda leaders -- were being shifted to prepare for a war against Iraq.

    Graham recalled this conversation at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa with Franks, then head of Central Command, who was ``looking troubled'':

    ``Senator, we are not engaged in a war in Afghanistan.''

    ''Excuse me?'' I asked.

    ''Military and intelligence personnel are being redeployed to prepare for an action in Iraq,'' he continued.

    Graham concluded: 'Gen. Franks' mission -- which, as a good soldier, he was loyally carrying out -- was being downgraded from a war to a manhunt.''

    Graham, who was chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee from June 2001 through the buildup to the Iraq war, voted against the war resolution in October 2002 because he saw Iraq as a diversion that would hinder the fight against al Qaeda terrorism.

    He oversaw the Sept. 11 investigation on Capitol Hill with Rep. Porter Goss, nominated last month to be the next CIA director. According to Graham, the FBI and the White House blocked efforts to investigate the extent of official Saudi connections to two hijackers.

    Graham wrote that the staff of the congressional inquiry concluded that two Saudis in the San Diego area, Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Bassan, who gave significant financial support to two hijackers, were working for the Saudi government.

    Al-Bayoumi received a monthly allowance from a contractor for Saudi Civil Aviation that jumped from $465 to $3,700 in March 2000, after he helped Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhdar -- two of the Sept. 11 hijackers -- find apartments and make contacts in San Diego, just before they began pilot training.

    When the staff tried to conduct interviews in that investigation, and with an FBI informant, Abdussattar Shaikh, who also helped the eventual hijackers, they were blocked by the FBI and the administration, Graham wrote.

    The administration and CIA also insisted that the details about the Saudi support network that benefited two hijackers be left out of the final congressional report, Graham complained.

    Bush had concluded that ''a nation-state that had aided the terrorists should not be held publicly to account,'' Graham wrote. ``It was as if the president's loyalty lay more with Saudi Arabia than with America's safety.''

    Saudi officials have vociferously denied any ties to the hijackers or al Qaeda plots to attack the United States.

    Graham ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination and then decided not to seek reelection to the Senate this year. He has said he hopes his book will illuminate FBI and CIA failures in the war on terrorism and he also offers recommendations on ways to reform the intelligence community.

    On Iraq, Graham said the administration and CIA consistently overplayed its estimates of Saddam Hussein's threat in its public statements and declassified reports, while its secret reports contained warnings that the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction was not conclusive.

    In October 2002, Tenet told Graham that ''there were 550 sites where weapons of mass destruction were either produced or stored'' in Iraq.

    ''It was, in short, a vivid and terrifying case for war. The problem was it did not accurately represent the classified estimate we had received just days earlier,'' Graham wrote. ``It was two different messages, directed at two different audiences. I was outraged.''

    In his book, Graham is especially critical of the FBI for its inability to track al Qaeda operatives in the United States and blasts the CIA for ``politicizing intelligence.''

    He reserves his harshest criticism for Bush.

    Graham found the president had ''an unforgivable level of intellectual -- and even common sense -- indifference'' toward analyzing the comparative threats posed by Iraq and al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

    When the weapons were not found, one year after the invasion of Iraq, Bush attended a black-tie dinner in Washington, Graham recalled. Bush gave a humorous speech with slides, showing him looking under White House furniture and joking, ``Nope, no WMDs there.''

    Graham wrote: ``It was one of the most offensive things I have witnessed. Having recently attended the funeral of an American soldier killed in Iraq, who left behind a young wife and two preschool-age children, I found nothing funny about a deceitful justification for war.''

    From: "emet_usa" <emetsocal@a...>
    Date: Mon Sep 6, 2004 7:02 am
    Subject: Kerry urges inquiry of Bush protection of Saudis in 9/11

    Kerry urges inquiry into senator's allegation of 9/11 muzzle

    By Mark Silva
    Washington Bureau Chicago Tribune
    Published September 6, 2004

    WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry called
    Sunday for an investigation of a fellow senator's claim that the
    Bush administration blocked an inquiry into allegations that Saudi
    Arabian government agents aided two of the hijackers involved in the
    Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

    Referring to allegations in a new book by Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.),
    Kerry said, "These are serious allegations being made by a well-
    respected and informed leader. If the White House and the FBI did in
    fact block an investigation into the ties between the Saudi
    government and the 9/11 hijackers, then this would be a massive
    abuse of power."

    Graham is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

    Graham said the FBI would not let his congressional investigators
    interview two alleged Saudi agents. But a non-partisan commission
    that investigated the attacks reportedly was able to interview one
    of the alleged agents, and the commission said it had not found any
    connection between the Saudi government and the hijackers.

    The Bush campaign was quick to criticize Kerry for seizing on the
    charges by Graham, who also sought the Democratic presidential

    "John Kerry is flailing about, making baseless attacks grounded on
    the discredited assertions of a former presidential candidate," Bush
    campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel said Sunday. "The Kerry campaign
    has added a lot of new people lately. I wonder if ["Fahrenheit 9/11"
    filmmaker] Michael Moore is their new foreign policy adviser."

    Graham, who was co-chairman of joint Senate and House inquiry into
    the Sept. 11 attacks, maintains the Bush administration and FBI
    prevented the investigation's staffers from pursuing allegations
    about a link between Saudi agents in San Diego and two Sept. 11

    The connection "would draw a direct line between the terrorists and
    the government of Saudi Arabia,"' Graham writes in his
    book, "Intelligence Matters," to be released Tuesday.

    Graham's book, alleging "an attempted cover-up by the Bush
    administration," maintains that mention of the ties between Saudi
    agents and the Al Qaeda hijackers are contained in 27 pages of the
    congressional investigation's report kept secret by the White House.

    Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudis.

    An official of the non-partisan commission has told Newsweek that
    his staff was able to interview one of the men who Graham complains
    was off-limits to his investigators, Omar Al-Bayoumi.

    Philip Zelikow, commission staff director, told Newsweek the
    commission had access to more material than Graham's investigators
    had, and the commission concluded that there was no connection
    between Al-Bayoumi and the hijackers.

    The Kerry campaign said Bush should show more interest in resolving
    the question than in questioning Graham's motives for raising it.

    "Once again, the Bush campaign's approach is playing attack-dog
    politics," said Kerry aide Phil Singer, "when it should be concerned
    about getting to the bottom of whether the Saudi government played a
    role in helping the 9/11 hijackers."

    Graham also maintains in his book that Gen. Tommy Franks, former
    head of the U.S. Central Command, told him over a year before the
    invasion of Iraq that resources were being shifted from Afghanistan
    in preparation for an invasion of Iraq.

    "He laid out a very precise strategy for fighting the war on
    terror," Graham said of Franks on NBC's "Meet the Press." "First, we
    should win the war in Afghanistan . . . and that we should be very
    careful about Iraq because our intelligence was so weak."

    Graham was among 23 senators who voted against authorizing the Iraq
    invasion. Kerry voted to authorize the war.

    The Democrats will attempt to take the offensive on domestic issues
    this week. Terry McAuliffe, Democratic National Committee chairman,
    said Sunday that the party will stage "Front Porch" events in 21
    battleground states.

    The focus will change each day: On Tuesday, it will be out-sourcing
    of jobs to other countries; Wednesday, fiscal responsibility; and
    Thursday and Friday, health care.

    For his part, Bush made a repeat campaign trip Sunday to one of his
    favorite battleground states, West Virginia, where he will return
    later this week.

    "Seems like I'm making a habit of coming here," Bush said in
    Parkersburg, commending the area's "beautiful scenery, good hunting
    and fishing

    Sen. Graham: Bush Covered Up Saudi Involvement in 9/11
        By Mary Jacoby

        Wednesday 08 September 2004

    The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee tells Salon that the White House has suppressed convincing evidence that the Saudi royal family supported at least two of the hijackers.

        As the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman during the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks and the run-up to the Iraq war, Sen. Bob Graham tried to expose what he came to believe were national security coverups and manipulations by the Bush administration. But he discovered that it was hard to reveal a coverup playing by the rules. Much of the evidence the Florida Democrat needed to buttress his arguments was being locked away, he found, under the veil of politically motivated classification.

        Now, as he prepares to retire after 18 years in the Senate, the normally cautious former governor of Florida is unleashing himself in a new book, "Intelligence Matters: The CIA, the FBI, Saudi Arabia and the Failure of America's War on Terror."

        In his book, Graham asserts that the White House blocked investigations into Saudi Arabian government support for the 9/11 plot, in part because of the Bush family's close ties to the Saudi royal family and wealthy Saudis like the bin Ladens. Behind the White House's insistence on classifying 27 pages detailing the Saudi links in a report issued by a joint House-Senate intelligence panel co-chaired by Graham in 2002 lay the desire to hide the administration's deficiencies and protect its Saudi allies, according to Graham.

        Graham's allegations - supported by the Republican vice chairman of the House-Senate 9/11 investigation, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, but not his co-chairman, Rep. Porter Goss, Bush's nominee to become director of the CIA - are not new. But his book states them more forcefully than before, even as Graham adds new insight into Bush's decision to invade Iraq, made apparently well before the president asserted he had exhausted all options.

        In February 2002, Graham writes, Gen. Tommy Franks, then conducting the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan (and later to speak in prime time on behalf of Bush's candidacy at the Republican National Convention in New York), pulled the senator aside to explain that important resources in the hunt for Osama bin Laden, such as Predator drones, were being quietly redeployed to Iraq. "He told me that the decision to go to war in Iraq had been made at least 14 months before we actually went into Iraq, long before there was authorization from Congress and long before the United Nations was sought out for a resolution of support," Graham tells Salon.

        Graham voted against the congressional war resolution authorizing force to topple Saddam Hussein. In 2003 he briefly ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, arguing that Bush had diverted resources from the hunt for America's real enemies with his joy ride in Iraq. (Graham dropped out before the primaries.)

        Graham's book is being embraced by the John Kerry campaign, which arranged for him to discuss his conclusions with reporters in a conference call Tuesday. Dozens of journalists called in. This past Sunday, Graham appeared on "Meet the Press," and afterward Kerry issued a statement: "These are serious allegations being made by a well-respected and informed leader. If the White House and the FBI did in fact block an investigation into the ties between the Saudi government and the 9/11 hijackers, then this would be a massive abuse of power."

        Salon spoke with the senator by telephone on Tuesday, his voice already growing hoarse on the first day of a heavy book promotion tour.

        You write about the Bush administration's suppression of the joint House-Senate intelligence panel's findings on Saudi Arabian links to 9/11. What exactly was suppressed, and why? Or at least tell us what you can, given that the information is still classified.

        In general terms it included the details of why we [on the committee] had raised suspicion that the Saudi government and various representatives of Saudi interests had supported some of the hijackers - and might have supported all of them. My own personal conclusion was that the evidence of official Saudi support for at least two of the terrorists in San Diego was, as one CIA agent said, incontrovertible. That led us to another question: Why would the Saudis have provided that level of assistance to two of the 19 [hijackers] and not the other 17? There wasn't an adequate attempt to answer that question. My feeling was there wasn't anything to justify that discrepancy, and so there was a strong possibility that such assistance had been provided to others of the terrorists, but we didn't know about it. Then there's another question: If there was this infrastructure in place that was accessed by the terrorists, did it disappear as soon as 9/11 was completed? There's no reason to believe that it did.

        Your investigation in Congress focused on a Saudi national named Omar al-Bayoumi, who had provided extensive assistance to two of the 9/11 hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, when they lived in San Diego. You say al-Bayoumi was apparently a covert agent of the Saudi government, and from that you conclude there was official Saudi support for the plot. Yet the independent 9/11 commission came to a different conclusion. Its executive director, Philip Zelikow, has said his investigation had more access to information than yours - including the opportunity to interview al-Bayoumi. And the commission concluded he had nothing to do with the attacks, that his contacts with the hijackers were coincidental.

        Let me say that what we know about this comes primarily from FBI and CIA reports that were in the file in San Diego. And in those files, FBI agents referred to Bayoumi as being a Saudi Arabian agent or Saudi Arabian spy. In the summer of 2002, a CIA agent filed a report that said it was "incontrovertible" that terrorists were receiving assistance, financial and otherwise, from Saudis in San Diego. No. 2: Bayoumi was supposed to be working for a firm that was a subcontractor for the Saudi civil aviation authority. Yet he never showed up for work. His boss tried to fire him, and he received a letter from the Saudi civil aviation authority demanding that he be retained on their payroll despite the fact he wasn't performing any services. And the subcontracting company that employed Bayoumi was owned by a Saudi national who, according to documents seized in Bosnia, was an early financial backer of al-Qaida. Now, that's rather suspicious.

        Also suspicious is the number of telephone conversations between Bayoumi and Saudi government representatives. It was a very substantial number that remains classified. Then, the event that really raised our suspicions was that shortly after Alhazmi and Almihdhar flew from Bangkok [Thailand] to Los Angeles [after attending an al-Qaida conference in Malaysia that resulted in their being added to a CIA watch list], Bayoumi tells various persons that he was going to Los Angeles to "pick up some visitors." He drives from San Diego to Los Angeles with a friend. His first stop in Los Angeles was at the consulate of the Saudi government, where he stays for an hour and meets with a diplomat named Fahad al-Thumairy, who subsequently was deported for terrorist-related activities.

        After that one-hour meeting, he and that companion go to a Middle Eastern restaurant in Los Angeles to have lunch. They overhear Arabic being spoken at a nearby table. They invite the two young men who are at that table to come and join them. It turns out those two young men are Alhazmi and Almihdhar, two of the 9/11 terrorists. When I asked the staff director of the 9/11 commission about this, he thought it was just a coincidence that they met at this restaurant. I did some independent research. There are at least 134 Middle Eastern restaurants in Los Angeles. So the statistical odds of these two groups meeting at the same Middle Eastern restaurant at the same time are staggering.

        You don't believe the meeting was a coincidence?

        I'm almost certain this was a prearranged meeting. Later, Bayoumi takes the two terrorists to San Diego, where he introduces them to people who arrange for them to obtain [phony] Social Security cards and flying lessons.

        Did the White House specifically request classification of the section on the Saudis?

        Technically, it was done by the CIA, but it was at the direction of the White House. I cannot tell you with 100 percent certainty, but I am 90 percent sure that was the case. The White House played a heavy role throughout not only our investigation but the investigation of the 9/11 commission.

        You obviously don't believe the Bush administration was justified in classifying the 27 pages.

        No. Sen. Shelby, who was the vice chairman of the [Senate intelligence] committee and who is a Republican, reread those pages shortly after they were classified. And I also reread them. Independently, we both came to the same assessment that 95 percent of the material that had been classified could have been released to the public. It did not represent concealment of national secrets or of sources and methods by which information is obtained.

        Why do you think the White House is so intent on keeping that information from the public?

        I think there are several possible reasons. One is that it did not want the public to be aware of the degree of Saudi involvement in supporting the 9/11 terrorists. Second, it was embarrassing that that support took place literally under the nose of the FBI, to the point where one of the terrorists in San Diego was living at the house of a paid FBI informant. Third, there has been a long-term special relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia, and that relationship has probably reached a new high under the George W. Bush administration, in part because of the long and close family relationship that the Bushes have had with the Saudi royal family.

        In the book, you describe being furious with the FBI for blocking your committee's attempts to interview that paid FBI informant. You write that the panel needed the bureau to deliver a congressional subpoena to the informant because he was in the FBI's protective custody and could not be located without the bureau's cooperation. But the FBI refused to help. What happened? And what do you think the bureau was trying to hide?

        We had just finished a hearing and had asked various representatives of the FBI to come into a conference room and discuss our strong interest in being able to interview the San Diego informant. It was clear that the FBI representatives were not going to voluntarily allow that to happen, and we had already prepared a subpoena, which I had in my coat pocket. I walked over to the principal representative for the FBI, Ken Wainstein, and I was approaching him with this subpoena, he clasped his hands tightly behind his back. I tried to hand him the subpoena, but he acted as if it were radioactive. Finally he said he didn't want to take the subpoena, but he would get back to us on the following Monday. Well, nobody ever got back to us. It was the only time in my senatorial experience that the FBI has refused to deliver a legally issued congressional subpoena.

        Later, the FBI congressional affairs officer sent a letter to [co-chairman] Porter Goss and me, saying, "The administration would not sanction a staff interview with the source, nor did the administration agree to allow the FBI to serve a subpoena on the source." What that tells me is the FBI wasn't acting on its own but had been directed by the White House not to cooperate.

        Did the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, play any role in what you describe as the support network for these two hijackers? As you know, Bandar is a great friend of the Bush family.

        Most of the things that he did are, frankly, still classified. But he has clearly demonstrated that he has a close relationship with President Bush. You have no doubt seen that famous picture of the two of them together at the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas. And then there's the fact that within a few hours after 9/11, Prince Bandar was able to gain access to the president to make the case for why 140 or so Saudis should be given permission to leave the United States immediately.

        Did the Saudi Embassy play a role?

        I'm going to have to defer answering that question. Those things that still have not been made available to the public, such as this issue of what Prince Bandar's participation was, I did not include in the book.

        It sounds then as if the role of Bandar and the Saudi Embassy is addressed in those 27 classified pages of the panel's report?

        Most of it would be addressed there, yes.

        Most of it? That implies you know other relevant information that's not in the classified report.

        Yes. Some information came to our attention too late to be included in the report, or it was not directly related to the events of 9/11.

        Let's move from 9/11 and the Saudis to the invasion of Iraq. Do you believe the president misled the American public about the justification for the invasion and the urgency of the security threat?

        If he believed the evidence that was being presented to him - that there were 550 sites in Iraq where weapons of mass destruction were being either produced or stored - then he was very noncurious about finding out what the basis of that information was. He should have pursued the credibility of the intelligence before he committed us to taking one of the most serious actions any country can take. The user of intelligence has the responsibility to challenge the credibility of the intelligence. When [then CIA director] George Tenet said it was a slam-dunk that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the president supinely accepted that.

        But a lot of people who were opposed to the war on the grounds that Saddam was already contained did believe there were probably weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. What did you believe?

        I was suspicious [about the intelligence], but I was prepared to accept the word of the president of the United States. But my reason for voting against the war was really a more strategic one: that al-Qaida was a greater threat to Americans than was Saddam Hussein, and that we should stay on the task of al-Qaida until we had finished it. I didn't think we should get into a situation where our prestige and reputation would suffer in the entire Middle East and into what now appears to be a quagmire which has no end in sight.

        Along those lines, you said that in a meeting at the U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Fla., in February 2002, Gen. Tommy Franks, who was then conducting the war in Afghanistan, told you that resources were already being shifted quietly to Iraq. Additionally, you write that Franks told you that Somalia and Yemen, not Iraq, were the next logical targets in any action to combat terrorism.

        Yes. I had just received a briefing on Afghanistan when Gen. Franks invited me to come into his office, just the two of us. He told me that military and intelligence resources were being redeployed from Afghanistan to Iraq. What that suggested to me was [first] that the decision to go to war in Iraq had been made at least 14 months before we actually went to Iraq, and long before there was authorization from Congress and long before the United Nations was sought out for a resolution of support. Secondly, it suggested we couldn't fight the two wars concurrently to victory, but that it would take redeployment of personnel from Afghanistan to Iraq to make that a successful invasion. Third, it suggested that somebody - I assume the president - had decided that Iraq was a higher priority for the United States than was completing the war in Afghanistan.

        Why do you think Franks told you this?

        I don't know what his motivation was, but we had just heard a report on the status of the war in Afghanistan, which was very upbeat, [saying] we were making a lot of progress. So one motivation may have been to caution me that things in reality weren't necessarily what they appeared to be.

        Do you believe the White House manipulated the intelligence to persuade the public to back the invasion? "Manipulate" may be too strong a word for you. But it took a request from you and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., to get the intelligence community to produce a National Intelligence Estimate on the danger posed by Iraq, a step that would seem an obvious one to take, considering the stakes to the nation.

        I am comfortable with the word "manipulate." There was a chapter that did not become known until three or four months ago that occurred in May 2002. Various leaders of the CIA were called down to the White House and told that the White House wanted to have a public document that could be released under the CIA's label but which would make the case for going to war with Iraq. I think one of the reasons they didn't want to do a formal National Intelligence Estimate was because it would be done not by the CIA alone but by all of the members of the intelligence community, and it was likely to reach a different conclusion. At least it would contain dissenting opinions and caveats that wouldn't be in a CIA public document.

        This description of the CIA is one that is under the complete control of the White House, an agency that is not independent but highly politicized.

        That's right. It is the expression of the leadership of the intelligence agencies, trying to placate their masters in the administration.

        A later inquiry conducted by the Senate intelligence committee under your successor as chairman, Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., looked at the quality of intelligence on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and concluded that it was execrable. Yet the Republicans on the panel blocked any probe of whether the administration pressured the intelligence agencies to manufacture the conclusions it sought to justify a war that it had already decided to wage. If you had still been the top Democrat on the committee, would you have insisted that the White House and the agencies be included in that probe?

        I think Sen. Jay Rockefeller [D-W.Va.], who is the vice chairman of the committee, did insist, and the effect of that was to make clear to him that there would be no investigation of anything if he persisted. I think he decided the better course was to agree to just do the first component if there was a commitment to do the rest at a reasonably close later date.

        You retire at the end of this year. What's next for you?

        First, I'll be working on letting the American people know about the opportunity they have to better understand the intelligence matters of the United States by buying this book. (Laughs.) Then, I'll teach at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard for a year and after that come back to Florida to establish a policy center at one or more universities in Florida.

    From:  big brother <bigbrother_circa2004@y...>
    Date:  Wed Sep 8, 2004  8:55 am
    Subject:  Senator Bob Graham's new book on 9/11..and Laura sells weed

    This book the Junior Blow Boy Bush team will try to keep out of the media publicity cycle. Pass the word...oh, yeah, and let everyone know that Junior Blow Boy Bush not only did lots of coke, Laura Bush sold weed in college to pay her tuition....bigbro
    Image: Rep. Porter Goss and Sen. Bob Graham
    Ken Lambert / AP
    Rep. Porter Goss (left) and Sen. Bob Graham, both of Florida, led a joint inquiry into intelligence failures leading up the September 11 attacks

    Sept. 13 issue - In the summer of 2002, congressional investigators probing the September 11 terror attacks made a startling discovery. A college professor and longtime FBI informant in San Diego had dealt extensively with two of the 9/11 hijackers. The informant became close to the future terrorists after he'd rented them rooms in his house. The connection raised plenty of questions: What did the informant know about the activities of his housemates? And why hadn't the FBI said anything about the connection?
    The discovery led to a closed-door confrontation between the FBI and Florida Sen. Bob Graham, co-chair of the joint House-Senate panel investigating 9/11. Convinced that the bureau was stonewalling, Graham tried to slap the FBI's chief counsel with a subpoena to produce the informant. "With the subpoena still in hand, I approached him, holding it inches from his chest," Graham writes in his new book, "Intelligence Matters," which deals with his efforts to get to the bottom of the 9/11 attacks. "He leaned back from the subpoena as it if were radioactive." The FBI counsel asked for extra time to see if something could be worked out. In the end, the FBI refused to allow Graham and his colleagues to question a crucial witness.

    The discovery led to a closed-door confrontation between the FBI and Florida Sen. Bob Graham, co-chair of the joint House-Senate panel investigating 9/11. Convinced that the bureau was stonewalling, Graham tried to slap the FBI's chief counsel with a subpoena to produce the informant. "With the subpoena still in hand, I approached him, holding it inches from his chest," Graham writes in his new book, "Intelligence Matters," which deals with his efforts to get to the bottom of the 9/11 attacks. "He leaned back from the subpoena as it if were radioactive." The FBI counsel asked for extra time to see if something could be worked out. In the end, the FBI refused to allow Graham and his colleagues to question a crucial witness.

    The congressional inquiry—which was underway long before the 9/11 Commission began its work—was a contentious investigation that led to repeated clashes with the FBI and the Bush White House. Graham and others charged that the administration was engaged in a "cover-up" to protect a key ally, Saudi Arabia.

    In his new book, Graham claims the president coddled the Saudis and pursued a war against Saddam Hussein that only diverted resources from the more important fight against Al Qaeda. Graham was furious when the White House blacked out 28 pages of the inquiry's final report that dealt with purported Saudi links to the 9/11 plot. Graham says much of the deleted evidence centered around the activities of a mysterious Saudi then living in San Diego named Omar al-Bayoumi, whom Graham calls a Saudi government "spy." Al-Bayoumi befriended two of the key 9/11 hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, when they first arrived in the country.

    Graham notes that al-Bayoumi was essentially a "ghost employee" of a Saudi contracting firm called Ercan, whose owner was an alleged early supporter of Osama bin Laden. He also had repeated contacts with a Saudi diplomat in Los Angeles who was later thrown out of the United States on suspicion of terrorist ties. But Graham's conclusions about al-Bayoumi conflict with the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission report. Philip Zelikow, the staff director of the commission, noted that his panel had access to more material than Graham did and ultimately got the chance to question al-Bayoumi. They concluded that he had no connection to 9/11. "We've spent hours and hours with Bob on this," says Zelikow, who believes Graham doesn't seem open to new evidence. "He's got all these details. But it's like they're frozen in amber."

    Yet even Zelikow acknowledges that Graham may be right when he says the FBI never fully unraveled a Qaeda support network that helped the hijackers—and that still may be out there. One ominous new sign was the recent arrest in Britain of an Indian-born jihadi, Dhiren Barot, who was suspected of conducting the surveillance of financial buildings in New York and Washington, D.C.—prompting last month's Orange alert. According to the recent report by the 9/11 Commission, Barot—identified there as Issa al-Britani—had been dispatched more than three years ago by terror mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and ordered to case financial and "Jewish" targets inside the United States. He had also flown to Malaysia just before a crucial Qaeda planning meeting in January 2000, where he passed along the names of potential contacts living in America. Who were the contacts? To this day, the FBI admits it doesn't know for sure—ample evidence, in Graham's mind, that his fears and criticisms remain as valid as ever.

    © 2004 Newsweek, Inc.
    America and the Saudis: Ties That Bind

    An overview of the deep ties between the United States, Saudi Arabia and the bin Laden family that has lasted over 60 years.






    From:  Annie <smilingmoon14@y...>
    Date:  Thu Sep 9, 2004  7:40 am
    Subject:  PLEASE READ/// Arrest the President Now! By John Kaminski

    I have in my possession the documentary video "In Plane Site"......This video proves what has been said here ...using original news footage from all the new TV stations.....I will be burning several copies and sending them out.....
    WE NEED to get this message OUT!!!  Before it is too late.
    Please take the time to fully read the below article.  It is the TRUTH!!! 
    Then...please forward it to EVERYONE.....These guys do not deserve one more minute of our time....ruining this country!  The are planning a coup for stay in power and completely destroy our country!
    With Love,

    Milo <> wrote:

    Subject: [openmindandcodenews] Arrest the President Now! By John Kaminski

    Arrest the President Now!
    By John Kaminski

    Enough 9/11 evidence exists to hang Bush, imprison thousands.

    On September 11, 2001, the most infamous day in American history, the tallest buildings in New York were not knocked down by airplanes hijacked by Arabs — they were destroyed by demolition charges.

    This is no longer wild conspiracy theory — it is a series of provable facts, deftly presented on a website that every American should not only read but possibly memorize, so they can repeat it verbatim to every law enforcement officer in the country. The web site is located here:

    The site outlines a terrifying proposition:  If the collapse of the Twin Towers were caused by demolition the entire official story about that sad day collapses like the house of evil cards so many Americans and people around the world already suspect it is.

    The site,, backs up its conclusions with a devastating play-by-play of what actually happened on 9/11, and what could not possibly have happened according to universally accepted engineering principles.

    The official story collapses under scrutiny, the site insists. It lists five stunning assertions:

    1. Fires have never destroyed steel buildings.
    2. The collapses were not investigated.
    3. The physical evidence was destroyed.
    4. The official explanations are ludicrous.
    5. The evidence indicates demolition.
    6. Demolition is provable.

    No steel high-rise building has ever collapsed due to fire, the site insists. And on 9/11, three of them collapsed in a matter of hours at the World Trade Center complex.

    The total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 were (based on the official story) the three largest engineering failures in the history of the world, yet no federal investigation was ever funded.

    The evidence of the collapses was quickly destroyed. A series of explanations was promoted to explain the collapses, but each is ridiculed and debunked on the site, including killer fires, column failure, and truss failure. The site's conclusion: official explanations cannot explain any kind of total collapse.

    Other curious phenomena examined were that the fires burned for 100 days, that the concrete was curiously pulverized in mid-air, and that the buildings fell so quickly despite following the path of most resistance, among other suspicious aspects.

    After presenting its evidence, the site concludes the towers were deliberately demolished. Which means the disaster could not possibly have been the work of Osama bin Laden.

    The implications of the story on this site are enormous. They mean that the official story told by George W. Bush's American government is a total fabrication. There is no evidence against Osama bin Laden if the buildings were demolished. It has all been a lie.

    What this means is that George W. Bush is guilty of complicity in the most heinous crime in American history, the willful murder of more than 3,000 people and the destruction of a significant part of America's biggest city. And of course treason. There is no space to delineate here all the other charges of mass murder and obstruction of justice against this vain little demagogue who stole the U.S. presidency and now is raping the world.

    Also guilty are Vice President Cheney and the entire Cabinet, the chiefs of staff of the armed forces, and many other members of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the government, plus many other federal and military employees, plus many state and federal regulatory officials and private citizens who were either friends of the Bush conspiracy or conspired in its coverup.

    And perhaps the biggest problem is that also guilty of complicity in this tangled mess is the federal Justice Department, whose leader John Ashcroft was appointed by the principal defendant in this case.

    America and the world have never faced such a colossal crisis, and that is no overstatement.

    The entire American government is now a criminal defendant in the mass murder of its own citizens at the very moment the entire world is cringing in fear at America's new policy of preemptive war that threatens every sovereign nation on the planet.

    It's true, my friends, although it's something you already knew — outlaws rule the world, and they own the cops, the army and the courts, not to mention all the legislatures.

    How can America and the world possibly deal with this?

    Well, for starters, the state of New York must assume the lead role, because all federal agencies, including the FBI, CIA and FEMA, are now all possible defendants in what will be the most amazing trial in history. Of course, state officials are as likely to be corrupted as federal officials, but this still seems to be the logical solution, at least to begin with.

    What is at stake here, among so many other items, is the relationship of the states to the federal government. To say this is a profound Constitutional crisis is a severe understatement.

    And the larger question becomes, can the people ever trust its government again. The quick answer, at least, is ... not this government — ever again.

    But first, everyone must get the word out. Every American, or as many possible who aren't immediately felled by terminal apoplexy as they confront this material, should read the sequence of events as presented on this site.

    Then, responsible people in many professions should confer as to the best way to deal with prosecutions on these charges, including how to suspend the functional legal legitimacy of the Bush adminstration, especially since this group seems intent on blowing up the world. Then it will have to be one step at a time with some sort of calmly constructed provisional government, with the current Congress most likely having absolutely no role in its creation.

    This is a great and necessary opportunity for the individual states to regain some of the power that has been usurped by Washington when they create a new federal government without any help from the old one.

    OK. I know this is all mind-boggling. Unfortunately for all of us, it happens to be reality. Shake off your stunned silence and incredulity. We have to deal with it, and we have to deal with it now.

    Proper articulation of the offenses, machinery to effect remedies and prosecutions — and doing both of things in the proper venues — are of critical importance at this moment. Not being a lawyer, I don't know what they are. Somebody knows. That person or persons needs to speak, and soon.

    Because if Bush knows his crimes are exposed and he is allowed to remain in power, God knows what will happen.

    I know you've taken in a crushing amount of information just now, but I would beg you to try and digest a little bit more, this time from the mind of Kent State professor Walter Davis, who has articulated in a very coherent way the argument against George W. Bush continuing as the commander of the most deadly arsenal ever seen on this planet.

    Read the whole piece at some point at

    It's entitled "September 11th And The Bush Administration: Compelling Evidence for Complicity". Davis points out that the government has tried to cop a plea of ineptitude in failing to prevent the 9/11 disaster, but the professor concludes this excuse is "not consistent with the known facts."

    With flawless logic and perfect professorial prose, Davis outlines and elaborates 22 reasons why he thinks Bush not only knew but helped plan and execute the tragic 9/11 deception. Davis's items range from the fact that the entire U.S. intelligence community knew the attack was going to happen and the American air defenses were "stood down" ... to historical precedents of leaders who lied about attacks in history. In between is the definitive version of the charges that should be laid upon Bush and all the criminal functionaries who participated in this profound crime against the American people.

    I seldom say things are a "must read," but this is one of them, simply for its articulation of the basic crimes of 9/11 and the completeness of the magnitude of the atrocity and its implications. Read the damn thing. Try not to cry.

    OK, OK, enough data. It's almost 4 a.m. and I've been up since 7 a.m. after being up til 3 a.m. the night before dealing with my e-mail, from all of you, my lovelies, who are getting this one.

    I'm running out of time, as some of you know, and may not be able to do too many more of these missives. But this one is important, so I'm going to stay up til dawn punching in the addresses. Because you're running out of time, too. We're all running out of time, and we better do something fast.

    The information contained in here is a critical step in the right direction. Take it and run with it.

    Fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen. As you probably already know, with the Saudis reportedly aiming weapons at Israel, and China and Russia viewing the pathetic U.S. military performance in Iraq and Afghanistan with an eye toward maybe taking a cheap but well-deserved shot at the U.S. for its insane and murderous policies of late, all of us are going to be in for a very rough ride. In fact, you can be assured that many of us are not going to make it through these next few months and years, but we have no choice but to try and fix this problem as best we can if anybody is to have any hope of surviving.


    John Kaminski ( is the author of America's Autopsy Report, a collection of his Internet essays. For more information on how to purchase this book go to

    September 10, 2004


    Ghosts of 9/11
    They haunt us still


    by Justin Raimondo


    The third anniversary of 9/11 reveals nothing but our continued ignorance of the circumstances surrounding that event, which seems ever more shrouded in mystery. This in spite of the plethora of official reports, issued by the Senate, various congressional committees, and an official U.S. government commission devoted to the subject, which held public hearings, and published its report. The recommendations in that document are even now being signed into law. Yet our understanding of why and how it happened, obscured by myth and the tricks of memory, seems less than when smoke was still pouring out of the twin towers. This seems distinctly odd, but what is odder still is the development of two parallel theories of what really happened on 9/11 that both point to our two best ostensible friends in the Middle East as complicit in, if not the source, of the terror.

    The first suspect is Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of oil, where billionaire sheiks wearing funny red-and-white-checkered headgear live in incredibly decadent luxury while preaching and subsidizing the austere puritanism of Wahhabist Islam. An entire school of thought has grown up on the right as well as the left, positing a Saudi connection to the 9/11 hijackers that has never been proved. The best the Saudi conspiracy theorists can come up with is the 27 redacted pages of the Senate Report on 9/11, the sort of "evidence" that leaves far too much to the imagination. The first 15 minutes of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 – replete with lurid images of sinister-looking Saudis in flowing robes – is the purest and crudest distillation of this theory. Moore, like many on the pro-war right, reiterates the anti-Saudi mantra, reminding viewers that 17 out of 19 of the hijackers were Saudi. Whether or how this means that they were acting on orders from Riyadh is never elaborated on.

    There is a purely right-wing version of this theory, without the Bush-bashing, emanating from American Likudnik circles. Adherents of this approach tried to link the hijackers to a friend of a friend of a friend of a third cousin of someone assisted financially by Princess Haifa, wife of Saudi ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar, but nothing ever came of it. The leftist version, however, involves the president and his close advisors as the central co-conspirators: this is the "they bombed themselves" school of thought, which somehow manages to drag in the CIA and any number of top U.S. government officials, all supposedly in on a plan to utilize the attacks as the basis of a coup. The methodology of this school is to ask: Cui bono? Who benefits? And they stop there. Because, after all, what more do we need to know?

    Well, a few facts would help. But all we get is the redacted pages of the Senate's 9/11 report and the hazy, fact-free innuendo of books like Forbidden Truth, which posits a conspiracy by an unholy trinity of the Saudi princes, the all-powerful Carlyle Group, and the Bush family.

    On the other hand, Senator Bob Graham has written an entire book based on the accusation that the Bush administration deliberately covered up the involvement of Saudi agents with two of the 9/11 conspirators living in San Diego. Graham, the former head of the Senate intelligence committee, and a rather quixotic presidential candidate, avers there is not only "a compelling case that there was Saudi assistance," but also points the finger at President Bush, who supposedly ordered the FBI "to restrain and obfuscate" the 9/11 investigation.

    While Senator Graham's foreign policy views are light years away from my own, I credit him with more than a little inside knowledge of the inner workings of the intelligence community. In a PBS interview with Gwen Ifill, the senator was asked if there were certain facts in the Senate committee report "which are classified that Americans should know about but can't?" Graham's reply merited mile-high headlines:

    "Yes, going back to your question about what was the greatest surprise. I agree with what Senator Shelby said, the degree to which the agencies were not coordinating was certainly a surprise: but also I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States."

    I cite Graham's comments in my book, The Terror Enigma: 9/11 and the Israeli Connection, because he goes on to make clear that he means more than one foreign government was involved in the events leading up to 9/11. They had some degree of foreknowledge if not outright complicity – and they aren't through with us yet. Graham continues:

    "I am stunned that we have not done a better job of pursuing that to determine if other terrorists received similar supports, and even more important, if the infrastructure of a foreign government assisting terrorists still exists for the current generation of terrorists who are planing the next plots. To me that is an extremely significant issue and most of that information is classified. I think overly classified."

    Graham's lament brings to mind the remark of a government spokesman to Carl Cameron, of Fox News, who reported the following in December 2001:

    "There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are 'tie-ins.' But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, 'evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information.'"

    Now we branch off into the alternate theory, far more controversial than the Saudi conspiracy, which posits that the hijackers were being watched by an extensive Israeli intelligence network operating on U.S. soil. Cameron's four-part series, broadcast in that bitter winter of 2001, caused a sensation – and then dropped into the black hole of journalistic memory, enjoying a periodic revival as various other aspects of the story came out in dribs and drabs.

    Salon reported on a mysterious outbreak of suspicious incidents, in the months prior to 9/11, involving young Israelis who claimed to be "art students," and who made it a habit to approach government facilities as if they were casing the joint. An interagency report was leaked, that documented the activities of this group, which obviously had more to do with the art of intelligence-gathering than with painting. Even more ominously, the young Israelis, in some instances, would approach government employees at home, and clearly had access to information they shouldn't have.

    The Salon piece, by Christopher Ketcham, theorized that the purpose of the "art students" operation might have been to divert attention away from something, to blow a lot of smoke and blind intelligence agencies to activities that were going on right under their noses.

    Le Monde followed up with reporting on the geographical synchronicity of the hijackers' odyssey though America and the location of the various colonies of Israeli "art students," as if the former were being shadowed by the latter:

    "More than a third of these 'students,' who, according to the report, moved in at least 42 American cities, stated they resided in Florida. Five at least were intercepted in Hollywood, and two in Fort Lauderdale. Hollywood is a town of 25,000 inhabitants to the north of Miami, close to Fort Lauderdale. At least 10 of the 19 terrorists of 9/11 were residing in Florida.

    "Four of the five members of the group that diverted American Airlines flight number 11 – Mohammed Atta, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, Walid and Waïl Al-Shehri, as well as one of the five terrorists of United flight 175, Marwan Al-Shehhi – resided all at various times in... Hollywood, Florida. As for Ahmed Fayez, Ahmed and Hamza Al-Ghamdi and Mohand Al-Shehri, who took over United flight 75, like Saïd Al-Ghamdi, Ahmed Al-Haznawi and Ahmed Al-Nami, of United flight 93 which crashed September 11 in Pennsylvania, and Nawaq Al-Hamzi, of AA flight 77 (crashed into the Pentagon), they all at one time resided at Delray Beach, north of Fort Lauderdale.

    "This convergence is, inter alia, the origin of the American conviction that one of the tasks of the Israeli "students" would have been to track the Al-Qaida terrorists on their territory, without informing the federal authorities of the existence of the plot."

    The Israelis, a silent omnipresent bodyguard, encircled Mohammed Atta and his cohorts, watching, and waiting – for 9/11, the catalytic event that would trigger a war binding the U.S. and Israel closer than ever before, a war that would not end even with the American occupation of Iraq – and would redound mostly to the advantage of the Israelis.

    Finally, the respected German weekly Die Zeit capped these revelations with a story entitled "Next Door to Mohammed Atta," which cited French intelligence and focused on the close proximity of the "art students" and the hijackers in the south Florida town of Hollywood, and environs:

    "Not until after the attacks of September 11 did the consequences of the spy ring become clear. Apparently the agents were not interested in military or industrial facilities, but were shadowing a number of suspects, who were later involved in the terrorist attacks against the US. According to a report of the French intelligence agency that Die Zeit examined, 'according to the FBI, Arab terrorists and suspected terror cells lived in Phoenix, Arizona, as well as in Miami and Hollywood, Florida from December 2000 to April 2001 in direct proximity to the Israeli spy cells.'

    "According to the report, the Mossad agents were interested in the leader of the terrorists, Mohammed Atta and his key accomplice, Marwan al-Shehi. Both lived in Hamburg before they settled in Hollywood, Florida in order to plan the attacks. A Mossad team was also operating in the same town. The leader, Hanan Serfati, had rented several dwellings. … Everything indicates that the terrorists were constantly observed by the Israelis. The chief Israeli agent was staying right near the post office where the terrorists had a mailbox. The Mossad also had its sights on Atta's accomplice Khalid al-Midhar, with whom the CIA was also familiar, but allowed to run free.'"

    I cover this material, and more, in The Terror Enigma, but the sequel is being written in today's headlines. As news of an Israeli spy ring in the Pentagon roils the political waters and causes us to rethink just who our friends and enemies really are, let us pause to consider how we got to where we are today.

    And where is that? Hip-deep in Iraq, and in danger of going in over our heads, mired down in a ceaseless war that threatens to expand and has had the exact opposite of its intended result, swelling the ranks of terrorist groups worldwide. As bin Laden and his lieutenants strike from Spain to Russia to Baghdad in a triangle of death spanning two continents, the third anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity only brings the promise of more to come. The project to "democratize" the Middle East has only succeeded in pulverizing it. We have passed the thousand mark in the number of American deaths, but the Iraqis have suffered ten times that in Baghdad alone. Their relatives, loved ones, neighbors and friends will hate us as long as they live, and, in the dark recesses of a cave somewhere, Osama bin Laden is smiling.

    But so is Ariel Sharon. The Likudnik dream of a Greater Israel is making important advances: new settlements, along with a new American acquiescence in the face of Israeli aggression, have emboldened and empowered the increasingly militant Israelis. The extremists have won: so much so that Sharon is now considered a "moderate."

    The revelation that the FBI has been investigating the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for over two years, conducting a counterintelligence investigation into Israeli penetration of U.S. Government agencies and the commission of possible illegal acts, including espionage, sheds new light on Israel's secret war against America, the so far hidden aspect of what we call the war on terrorism. The sheer scope of this investigation, in terms of manpower and other resources, suggests an Israeli covert operation much as Cameron described it: extensive, multi-leveled, and aggressive.

    I would urge you to pick up a copy of The Terror Enigma, of course, but I want to stress that it is hardly the last word on the subject. The mystery of 9/11 is a long way from being solved, and today, on this somber anniversary, we seem far from dispersing the murk and myth that obfuscates its true origins. We know that al-Qaeda and ultimately bin Laden conceived the plot, but how did they carry it off without at least some state assistance, however passive and indirect?

    The answer, it seems safe to say, is that they didn't: the Israelis, in my view, had some fair amount of foreknowledge, based on the above evidence, and neglected to let us in on the secret until it was far too late. I am also fully prepared to believe that Senator Graham's theory has some validity, and that the hijackers were aided by a faction of the Saudi royal family. The two theories, it seems to me, are not mutually exclusive. It wouldn't be the first time two mortal enemies moved in tandem to their mutual advantage.

    If Graham can point to the redacted pages of the Senate committee's 9/11 report to bolster the link to the Saudis, then the adherents of the Israeli complicity theory can point to the news that the White House is pressuring the Justice Department to quash the investigation into Israel's spy nest in the Pentagon. As the Financial Times reports:

    "An FBI investigation into suspected security breaches involving Pentagon officials and Israel is unlikely to result in prosecution of senior figures following pressure from the White House, according to people familiar with the case…. Analysts said that although the neoconservative proponents of regime change in Iraq and Iran had fallen out of favour with the White House, the presidential election in November still afforded them protection.

    "… Sources familiar with the investigation said the White House and John Ashcroft, the US attorney-general, had intervened to apply the brakes. 'The White House is leaning on the FBI. Some people in the FBI are very upset, they think Ashcroft is playing politics with this,'" a former intelligence official said.

    "Paul McNulty, the Virginia district attorney in charge of the probe, had been told to slow down, the sources said. Asked for comment, Mr McNulty's office would only say that the investigation was continuing."

    In the act of covering up, the government admits more than it cares to, fueling what the mandarins of the conventional wisdom deride as "conspiracy theories." But the story of 9/11 is about a conspiracy if it is about anything at all. Three years later, one of the few certainties we have about it is that we have yet to unlock its mysteries.

    – Justin Raimondo

    Friday, September 10, 2004
    E-Mail Article
    Printer Friendly Version
    by Greg Palast

    On November 9, 2001, when you could still choke on the dust in the air near Ground Zero, BBC Television received a call in London from a top-level US intelligence agent. He was not happy. Shortly after George W. Bush took office, he told us reluctantly, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the FBI, "were told to back off the Saudis."

    We knew that. In the newsroom, we had a document already in hand, marked, "SECRET" across the top and "199-I" - meaning this was a national security matter.

    The secret memo released agents to hunt down two members of the bin Laden family operating a "suspected terrorist organization" in the USA. It was dated September 13, 2001 -- two days too late for too many. What the memo indicates, corroborated by other sources, was that the agents had long wanted to question these characters ... but could not until after the attack. By that time, these bin Laden birds had flown their American nest.


    Back to the high-level agent. I pressed him to tell me exactly which investigations were spiked. None of this interview dance was easy, requiring switching to untraceable phones. Ultimately, the insider said, "Khan Labs." At the time, our intelligence agencies were on the trail of Pakistan's Dr. Strangelove, A.Q. Khan, who built Pakistan's bomb and was selling its secrets to the Libyans. But once Bush and Condoleeza Rice's team took over, the source told us, agents were forced to let a hot trail go cold. Specifically, there were limits on tracing the Saudi money behind this "Islamic bomb."

    Then we made another call, this time to an arms dealer in the Mideast. He confirmed that his partner attended a meeting in 1995 at the 5-star Hotel Royale Monceau in Paris where, allegedly, Saudi billionaires agreed to fund Al Qaeda fanatics. We understood it to be protection money, not really a sign of support for their attacks. Nevertheless, rule number one of investigation is "follow the money" -- but the sheiks' piggy banks were effectively off-limits to the US agents during the Bush years. One of the men in the posh hotel's meeting of vipers happens to have been a Bush family business associate.

    Before you jump to the wrong conclusion, let me tell you that we found no evidence -- none, zero, no kidding -- that George Bush knew about Al Qaeda's plan to attack on September 11. Indeed, the grim joke at BBC is that anyone accusing George Bush of knowing anything at all must have solid evidence. This is not a story of what George Bush knew but rather of his very-unfunny ignorance. And it was not stupidity, but policy: no asking Saudis uncomfortable questions about their paying off roving packs of killers, especially when those Saudis are so generous to Bush family businesses.

    Yes, Bill Clinton was also a bit too tender toward the oil men of Arabia. But this you should know: In his last year in office, Clinton sent two delegations to the Gulf to suggest that the Royal family crack down on "charitable donations" from their kingdom to the guys who blew up our embassies.

    But when a failed Texas oil man took over the White House in January 2001, demands on the Saudis to cut off terror funding simply stopped.

    And what about the bin Laden "suspected terrorist organization"? Called the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, the group sponsors soccer teams and summer camps in Florida. BBC obtained a video of one camp activity, a speech exhorting kids on the heroism of suicide bombings and hostage takings. While WAMY draws membership with wholesome activities, it has also acted as a cover or front, say the Dutch, Indian and Bosnian governments, for the recruitment of jihadi killers.

    Certainly, it was worth asking the bin Laden boys a few questions. But the FBI agents couldn't, until it was too late.

    In November 2001, when BBC ran the report on the spike of investigations of Saudi funding of terror, the Bush defenders whom we'd invited to respond on air dismissed the concerns of lower level FBI agents who'd passed over the WAMY documents. No action was taken on the group headed by the bin Ladens.

    Then, in May this year, fifty FBI agents surrounded, invaded and sealed off WAMY's Virginia office. It was like a bad scene out of the 'Untouchables.' The raid took place three years after our report and long after the bin Ladens had waved bye-bye. It is not surprising that the feds seized mostly empty files and a lot of soccer balls.

    Why now this belated move on the bin Laden's former operation? Why not right after the September 11 attack? This year's FBI raid occurred just days after an Islamist terror assault in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Apparently, messin' with the oil sheiks gets this Administration's attention. Falling towers in New York are only for Republican convention photo ops.

    The 199-I memo was passed to BBC television by the gumshoes at the National Security News Service in Washington. We authenticated it, added in our own sleuthing, then gave the FBI its say, expecting the usual, "It's baloney, a fake." But we didn't get the usual response. Rather, FBI headquarters said, "There are lots of things the intelligence community knows and other people ought not to know."

    Ought not to know?

    What else ought we not to know, Mr. President? And when are we supposed to forget it?

    Greg Palast's reports for BBC Television Newsnight and The Guardian paper of Britain (with David Pallister) on White House interference in the investigation of terrorism won a 2002 California State University Journalism School 'Project Censored' Award.

    The BBC television reports, expanded and updated, will be released this month in the USA as a DVD, "Bush Family Fortunes," produced by BBC's Meirion Jones. View a 2-minute preview at

    The film will be premiered in 21 cities beginning on September 11, sponsored by Democracy for America. 

    Sign up for Greg Palast's investigative reports at

    Agency to join 9/11 lawsuit against Saudis

    By Larry Neumeister, Associated Press Writer  |  September 10, 2004

    NEW YORK -- The government agency that owns the World Trade Center site said Friday it intends to hold Saudi Arabia and nearly 100 other defendants liable for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people and destroyed the complex.

    The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced that it planned to join late Friday as a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed a week ago by Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, a bond trading firm that lost two-thirds of its workers in the trade center attack.

    A Port Authority spokesman said shortly before 6 p.m. that the government agency had not yet filed its papers joining the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, but that it planned to do so before midnight in an after-hours box at the court.

    The Cantor Fitzgerald lawsuit named as defendants Saudi Arabia, al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and other accused terrorists, along with financial institutions and charitable organizations that allegedly raised money for terrorism efforts.

    In a statement, the Port Authority said it had "an obligation to preserve its legal options at this time" because a three-year statute of limitations was about to expire.

    "We also have a responsibility to the millions of people who live and work in the region as well as to our bondholders to pursue every legal avenue to recover the losses we sustained on Sept. 11," according to the Port Authority, which lost 84 of its employees in the 2001 attacks.

    The Cantor Fitzgerald lawsuit sought $7 billion in damages.

    Although Saudi Arabia had been named as a defendant in similar lawsuits, the Cantor Fitzgerald action was particularly pointed in its criticism, accusing Saudi Arabia of supporting al-Qaida with money, safe houses, weapons and money laundering.

    It said Saudi Arabia engaged in a pattern of racketeering as it participated directly or indirectly in al-Qaida's work through its "alter-ego" charities and relief organizations, which it funded and controlled.

    Cantor Fitzgerald lost 658 of its 1,050 employees on Sept. 11, 2001, and now has offices in midtown Manhattan.

    Saudi Arabia last month defended itself as a loyal ally in the fight against terrorism, citing the Sept. 11 Commission's conclusion that the Saudi government did not fund al-Qaida.

    Saudi embassy spokesman Nail al-Jubeir said the ads tell Americans "these are the facts that your own independent commission has said about Saudi Arabia. You make up your mind."

    The commission had also criticized Saudi Arabia, calling it "a problematic ally in combating Islamic extremism." It said Saudi-funded Islamic schools have been exploited by extremists and, while Saudi cooperation against terrorism improved after the Sept. 11 attacks, "significant problems remained."

    Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of bin Laden and 15 of the 19 hijackers. 

    Cantor Fitzgerald Sues Al Qaeda Over 9/11
    Fri Sep 3, 2004 06:05 PM ET


    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Cantor Fitzgerald, the bond brokerage that suffered more deaths in the Sept. 11 attacks than any other company, on Friday sued al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and dozens of foreign companies seeking damages related to the attacks on the World Trade Center.

    The suit, filed as the three-year anniversary of the airplane attacks that killed about 3,000 people approaches, is the latest filed in New York federal court against al Qaeda, including one last year by a group of insurance companies.

    It seeks billions of dollars in damages, charging that the al Qaeda carried off the attacks with the aid of foreign governments and corporations.

    The attacks, according to the suit, "could not have been accomplished without the knowing and intentional financial support lent al Qaeda and its leaders by a global network of banks, financial institutions, charities, relief organizations, businesses, individual financiers, foreign governments and foreign governmental officials."

    Cantor Fitzgerald, which said it lost 658 employees in the attacks, is seeking to join the previous lawsuit filed by insurance companies, saying in court papers it would conserve time and resources.

    © Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.

    If I Were a Dictator...
        by GEORGE W. BUSH

    If I Were a Dictator... George W. Bush has stated he'd prefer to be a dictator at least three times, according to

    "You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier." Describing what it's like to be governor of Texas.(Governing Magazine 7/98)
    -- From Paul Begala's "Is Our Children Learning?"

    "I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked.
    --, December 18, 2000

    "A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it, " [Bush] said.
    -- Business Week, July 30, 2001

    From:  Zoltan Abraham <zsazle@y...>
    Date:  Sat Sep 11, 2004  9:53 am
    Subject:  The Truth About Bush and 9/11

    Please circulate far and wide:

    The Truth About Bush and 9/11

    At the Republican National Convention, President George W. Bush tried to turn
    the mass-slaughter of American civilians into election poll percentage points
    for his campaign. But what is the truth about how George W. Bush handled the
    9/11 tragedy?

    President Bush had substantial warnings from all US intelligence channels about
    the 9/11 attacks on the United States. He was either asleep at the wheel and
    failed to do his job, or he deliberately allowed the attacks to occur in order
    to use the tragedy to his political gain. In fact, 49% of New Yorkers suspect
    that he knew about the attacks in advance and decided not to stop them. 66% of
    New Yorkers want a new criminal investigation into the attacks.

    When George W. Bush was informed about the second plane hitting the World Trade
    Center, he was sitting in a Florida elementary classroom, listening to children
    read. Instead of getting up and assuming command, as the Commander-in-Chief
    would be expected to do, he sat for seven minutes, staring blankly.

    After leaving the school, George W. Bush flew into hiding, instead of returning
    to D.C. and taking charge of the situation. Many have wondered why he fled.
    According to the official story, Airforce One was also known to be a terrorist
    target, and therefore had to be whisked away. However, this story was later

    Although Osama bin Laden was soon suspected to be the mastermind of the 9/11
    attacks, George W. Bush allowed members of the bin Laden family staying in the
    United States to fly out of the country while the no-fly order was still in
    effect for private planes and commercial planes carrying passengers. The bin
    Ladens were not questioned extensively about their knowledge of Osama bin Laden
    or the 9/11 attacks, even though the FBI had insisted that they should be.

    After promising federal aid for New York, George W. Bush was very slow to allow
    the city to receive any funds. To this day, more than half of the injury claims
    from Ground Zero volunteer workers have not been resolved.

    The Bush administration dismissed grave concerns about the environmental
    contamination caused by the collapse of the Twin Towers. Many experts are
    convinced that the air in the city has become dangerously polluted, leading to
    wide-scale health damage. By dismissing such concerns out of hand, the Bush
    administration has made it impossible for people who have gotten sick from the
    pollution to receive federal funding for their medical needs.

    Days after both Pearl Harbor and the assassination of President Kennedy, an
    independent commission was set up to investigate each tragedy. However, George
    W. Bush refused to permit the formation of an independent commission to examine
    the 9/11 attacks.

    After a congressional inquiry was held to look into 9/11, George W. Bush ordered
    28 pages of the final repot to be censored. Sources knowledgeable with the
    contents of the report say that the blacked-out pages deal with the role of
    Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks. Former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman
    Bob Graham, who had co-chaired the congressional inquiry, has stated that the
    Bush administration is trying to cover up the connections between the Saudi
    Arabian government and the 9/11 hijackers.

    When family members of the 9/11 victims sued Saudi Arabia for its role in the
    attacks, the law firm hired by the Saudi government for its defense was none
    other than the firm of James Baker, former Secretary of State under Bush I, and
    a Bush family friend. Baker himself was given an office in the White House as he
    was defending the interests of Saudi Arabia against the grievances of American

    In time, George W. Bush was forced to give in to public pressure and allow for
    the creation of a commission to investigate 9/11. However, he still refused to
    permit the formation of an independent commission. Instead, he hand-picked the
    commission members, thereby guaranteeing a favorable final report.

    In the course of the 9/11 Commission’s work, George W. Bush sought to thwart
    their progress systematically by refusing to release key documents and by not
    collaborating with their requests for interviews. He made it clear that he would
    not testify under oath, that he would appear only together with Vice President
    Dick Cheney, that he would talk only with the co-chairs of the commission, and
    then only for one hour. Later, he relented about the one hour restriction, but
    the other conditions stayed in place. Also, he initially refused to allow
    Condolezza Rice to testify, though he was eventually forced to backtrack on
    this, due to enormous public pressure.

    Given the hand-picked, Bush-friendly make-up of the 9/11 Commission, the final
    report predictably exonerated George W. Bush from any wrong-doing or
    short-comings with regard to the tragic attacks. However, a great many observers
    consider the 9/11 Commission to have been no more than a carefully orchestrated
    whitewash, and call for the formation of a new, truly independent commission.
    After all, Bill Clinton was investigated tirelessly for his Whitewater real
    estate deals (which proved to involve no wrong-doing) and for his relationship
    with Monika Lewinsky. Only $3 million were spent investigating 9/11; whereas $70
    million were spend investigating Whitewater and Monika.

    In the three years since 9/11, a great many conspiracy theories have circulated
    with regard to the attacks. Many people are of the opinion that the Pentagon was
    not attacked with a commercial airplane, but with a missile, citing photographic
    evidence. Questions have also been raised about whether or not the planes flying
    into the Twin Towers were really two hijacked commercial planes, and whether or
    not the buildings collapsed because of the crashes, or because of demolition
    explosives already hidden in the building. Are any of these theories true? We
    need an in-depth investigation to answer that question definitively. Conspiracy
    theories like these should be easy to disprove. Why does the Bush administration
    refuse to allow such an investigation to take place?

    George W. Bush used the tragedy of 9/11 as an excuse to roll back civil
    liberties in the United States. He falsely claimed that Iraq had aided the 9/11
    terrorists and used this lie as a justification for his invasion of Iraq.

    Now Vice President Dick Cheney claims that if the nation chooses John Kerry on
    November 2, the United States will be attacked again. Such fear-mongering is a
    standard tactic of the Republican leadership – though Cheney’s comments are low
    even for them. However, Dick Cheney seems to forget that the worst terrorist
    attack against the United States happened under the watch of George W. Bush. He
    didn’t protect us the first time. He didn’t do much to help the victims of the
    attacks. He used the tragedy for his own political gain. Why should we trust him
    with the leadership of this nation again?

    Colin Powell in four-letter neo-con 'crazies' row

    Martin Bright
    Sunday September 12, 2004
    The Observer

    A furious row has broken out over claims in a new book by BBC broadcaster James Naughtie that US Secretary of State Colin Powell described neo-conservatives in the Bush administration as 'fucking crazies' during the build-up to war in Iraq.

    Powell's extraordinary outburst is alleged to have taken place during a telephone conversation with Foreign Secretary Jack Straw. The two became close friends during the intense negotiations in the summer of 2002 to build an international coalition for intervention via the United Nations. The 'crazies' are said to be Vice-President Dick Cheney, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz.

    Last week, the offices of Powell and Straw contacted Public Affairs, the US publishers of Naughtie's book, to say they would vigorously deny the claims if publication went ahead. But as no legal action was threatened, the US launch of the book, The Accidental American: Tony Blair and the Presidency, will proceed as planned this week.

    Naughtie stands by his claims and is said to be privately delighted that Powell and Straw have reacted so violently to the suggestion that the former US general had fallen out with the 'neo-cons'.

    Provocatively, the phrase 'fucking crazies' will be quoted on the jacket of the book, according to a source at the publisher. 'We were surprised to receive calls from the offices of Jack Straw and Colin Powell within 24 hours of each other,' the source said.

    Naughtie claims that Powell and Straw spoke on an almost daily basis. Powell's concerns were said to have chimed with Straw's and those of Blair himself - that if America acted without UN sanction, allies would be lost.

    Cheney and his allies were preparing for a spring war and did not wish to be deflected by the UN inspection process. Powell is thought to have been terrified that the strategy of the 'crazies' would alienate the Blair government, which believed it needed UN backing to win over Parliament and the British public.

    John Kampfner, political editor of the New Statesman and author of Blair's Wars, said Naughtie's characterisation of the feverish political atmosphere of the summer of 2002 was entirely accurate. 'The British government saw Powell as the most significant voice of sanity in the US administration. At different times during this very difficult period, the Brits used Powell to get across their point of view to the White House. But, bizarrely, Powell sometimes also used Blair to pass messages to Bush.'

    Kampfner's book, which covers the Blair government's military adventures in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and Afghanistan, as well as Iraq, reported that in July 2002 Blair sent his foreign policy adviser David Manning on a secret mission to Washington to deliver a letter hinting that, without a second UN resolution, Britain would not be able to join a war in Iraq.

    Bush: The Real Saudi Ties are U.S. Ties
    Posted by: electrostatic on Oct 21, 2003 - 08:34 PM
    Legacy "If Saudi ties find their knot in the U.S. then all current questions must be changed. No longer do we ask why the Saudi information is still classified, but which Saudi ties can be traced back to the United States? And who forced the classification? Who are these suspects President Bush is so scared to have mentioned?"

    The Real Saudi Ties are U.S. Ties
    By Ewing 2001 -

    On Monday, President Bush acted against the wishes of Saudi Arabia and a number of U.S. lawmakers, deciding not to declassify the now notorious missing 28 pages in the 9/11 Report.

    "It would reveal sources and methods" (President Bush)

    It is believed these pages might point to specific foreign sponsorship of the September 11th, 2001 attacks.

    Bush seems to be less concerned with national security--the only legitimate reason for censorship--and more concerned with not providing lawmakers and journalists information that might lead them to a sobering question: What if the "Saudi ties" are in reality homegrown?

    If Saudi ties find their knot in the U.S. then all current questions must be changed. No longer do we ask why the Saudi information is still classified, but which Saudi ties can be traced back to the United States? And who forced the classification? Who are these suspects President Bush is so scared to have mentioned?

    Maybe they haven't been blacked out in the 9/11 Report, but "somewhere" else?

    Here are some suggestions of which "Saudi" suspects should be asked first....


    "It is important for us to hold this information close so that those who are being investigated aren’t alerted." (President Bush)

    Vinnell, owned by the Carlyle Group (which has long-time ties to the Bush Family), this Virginia-based private military firm trains and advises the Saudi National Guard. Many of the 1,400 employees are ex-US Special Forces.

    Vinell is working as a consultant with Advisory and Training.

    The Saudi National Guard is connected with Vinnell since 1975..

    In May 2003, the WP reported, said that Saudi authorities are investigating, "suspected illegal arms sales by members of the country's national guard to al Qaeda operatives in the country".

    Vinnell is a subsidiary of TRW/Northrop Grumman. In 1992, Vinnell was taken over by the Carlyle Group, whose chairman was Ronald Reagan's former Defence Secretary, Frank Carlucci.

    The question to the US President should be, how much does Vinnell know about these problems within the Saudi National Guard?


    "There is a threat to the United States"(President Bush)

    BDM (Falls Church, Virginia) provides logistics, training and intelligence to the Saudi Army and Air Force. BDM is yet another private defense contractor where the Carlyle Group had a major stake in. In 1998, Carlyle sold its controlling interest in BDM to TRW.

    On the board of TRW is former CIA director Robert M. Gates and Michael H. Armacost, who served as Undersecretary of State under President Reagan and as Ambassador to Japan for former President Bush. Their influence in blocking embarrassing questions is pretty obvious.

    According to a Boston Herald article from December 2001, in 1996 and 2000, BDM Federal won two contracts:

    One, a $44.4 million deal to build housing at the Khamis Mushayt Military Base in Saudi Arabia, and the other, a $65 million contract to provide 845 personnel for maintenance of Saudi Arabia's fleet of U.S.-made F-15 fighter jets.

    Booz-Allen Hamilton

    "We’re doing a better job of sharing intelligence and collecting data, so we’re able to find, you know, able to anticipate" (President Bush)

    Booz-Allen Hamilton (BAH), another global leader in strategy and technology consulting, runs the Military Staff College of Saudi Arabia. But BAH has its corporate headquarters in McLean, Virginia.

    On August 15th, 2002, Dale Watson, former FBIHQ, went to work for Booz. No one ever complained that it was Watson who was unwilling to connect the dots during the increased warnings on a pending attack against America in Summer, 2001, and it is clear why: Watson formerly worked for the CIA and seems to have political support from their headquarter.

    Booz Allen is also supported by ex-CIA director James Woolsey, who became Vice President of BAH on July 15th, 2002.

    In May 2003, Consultant News and Navy Weeks reports, that the government of Saudi Arabia, awarded Booz Allen Hamilton with a sole-source contract for naval consulting work worth $7.9 million with options that could take it to $95.3 million.

    Financial interests win out over political embarrassment. Getting Booz Allen Hamiliton involved in an investigation, seems more unrealistic than ever.

    Shea + Gardner

    "It would show people how we collect information and on whom we’re collecting information" (President Bush)

    Through their website, law firm Shea & Gardner, they represented "a key United Technologies employee in a criminal investigation of alleged improper payments to members of the Saudi Arabian royal family"

    Shea & Gardner was also James Woolsey's first business of choice after he left the CIA in 1995.

    Current Deputy National Security Adviser, Stephen J. Hadley, was a partner there prior to joining the Bush Administration. The ties between Shea & Gardner and the US Government are strong and obvious.

    Interestingly, Shea & Gardner is registered as a "Foreign Agent" for the Iraqi National Congress.

    Among their current clients are Bank of America, Boeing Company, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, CSX, Dana Corporation, Ernst & Young, General Electric, ITT Industries, Janus, Lockheed Martin, Rockwell Automation, SAKS, United States Aviation Underwriters and Veriz.

    Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld

    "If people are being investigated, it doesn't make sense for us to let them know who they are." (President Bush)

    Akin/Gump is another US law firm, who represents Saudi businessmen. Here we find arguably the most embarrassing U.S. connection, which the Bush Administration covers up under the pretext of a “pending investigation." Bush washes this over, stating that the “enemy” need not know what is classified. But who is the enemy?

    Akin/Gump represents at least two suspects mentioned in pending lawsuits filed by family members of the victims of 9/11:

    Former director of BCCI, Khalid bin Mahfouz, and Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi .

    Khalid bin Mahfouz’s’ sister, Kaleda, is one of Osama bin Laden's wives.

    More embarrassingly, bin Mahfouz (formerly connected with Bush’s first company, Arbusto) also had stakes in Tom Kean’s company Amarada Hess. Kean is current head of the 9/11 Commission.

    In addition, Akin/Gump represents the largest Islamic charity in the United States, Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, based in Richmond, Texas. The FBI had been investigating this charity, when its efforts were suddenly blocked by an as yet undisclosed governmental power.

    Partners at Akin Gump include one of President Bush's closest Texas friends, James C. Langdon, and George R. Salem, a Bush fundraiser.


    "It would help the enemy if they knew our sources"(President Bush)

    SAIC is the nation's largest employee-owned research and engineering company, providing information technology, systems integration and eBusiness products and services to commercial and government customers. SAIC is not only working as a private military contractor for the Pentagon, but also for the CIA. SAIC supports the navy and air defenses of Saudi Arabia (C4 systems for the Royal Saudi Naval Forces program).

    SAIC and its subsidiaries, including Telcordia Technologies, have more than 41,000 employees at offices in more than 150 cities worldwide.

    American Consulate in Jeddah

    "Perhaps we can put out the document" (President Bush)

    According to J. Michael Springmann , former chief of the visa section at the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Consulate was mainly controlled by the CIA. Springmann complained about intelligence officers, who regularly expedited U.S. visa applications from Saudi applicants. It is now public knowledge that 15 of the 19 hijackers obtained their visas from Saudi Arabia, most of them in Jeddah, yet the 9/11 Report remains silent on this issue.

    Regardless, the original visa applications are available online and have been featured in the pages of the conservative paper, National Review.

    Al-Bayoumi and Osama Basnan

    The 9/11 Report mentions that two of the official hijackers, Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi received money from Saudi Arabia's royal family through two Saudis: Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Basnan. What the report fails to point out is that Al-Bayoumi was assistant to the Director of Finance for Dallah Avco, a US company that worked with the Saudi aviation authority. This is relevant because Al-Bayoumi was accused of being an agent for Saudi Intelligence.

    As for Osama Basnan, he was living in California when the Saudi Embassy sent him $15,000 to pay a “surgical bill” for his wife.

    The terrorist financial ties tracing back to United States are countless. But since we’re here, we might as well keep counting….

    Kroll O’Gara Hess + Eisenhardt

    Kroll O’ Gara Eisenhardt is one of the oldest security companies in the United States and, some say, responsible for every U.S. President since the end of WW2. What does an upstanding, powerful company like Kroll do in its spare time? Why it trains local forces in Saudi Arabia, of course!

    One partner of Kroll, Cable & Wireless provides training in Counter-Terrorism and Urban Warfare in Saudi Arabia. In August 2001, former Kroll employee, Jerome Hauer, arranged a security job in the Twin Towers for FBI Agent John O’Neill. At the time, O’Neill had been investigating ENRON’s business deals with the Taliban and was subsequently pulled from that investigation. Neither Kroll nor Hauer was asked to testify about this coincidence.

    Prince Turki al Faisal

    Former Saudi Intelligence Head, Prince Turki al Faisal, who resigned only a few days before September 11th, is another shady character who has yet to testify. Al Faisal is known for having had close relations with Osama bin Laden.

    It is interesting to note the endless conflict within the Saudi family. The family breaks down into two general factions:

    1) The al-Sudairy faction led by King Fahd and Defense Minister Sultan. It is they who profit and gain power from the Saudi alliance with the United States.

    2) The religious coalition of half-brothers led by the aging Crown Prince Abdullah, whose piety is backed by alliances with Wahhabi religious leaders.

    Prince Turki worked with the Argentine oil company Bridas, while Prince Abdullah worked with the Saudi company Delta Oil, part of the US-backed consortium headed up by Unocal.

    Finally, the involvement of private U.S. military contractors (passively or actively) with terrorists can no longer be ignored. The most popular private military contractors are MPRI, Halliburton Brown + Root, L3, and DynCorp, all of which had contracts with Saudi Arabia.

    All of the preceding information can be found in the news archives of various internet sites. It is public knowledge and none of it risks national security. In a move that would make Monty Python blush, President Bush decided not to declassify information that is already available to the average sleuth. The result is, the mainstream media will not pick up on any of this “classified” information and the majority of Americans not inclined to research anything on their own will eat the spoon-fed spin of their favorite networks. You can look for that spin to go something like this:

    Saudi Arabia is a base for Al-Quaeda. We thought they were our friends but they said one thing in our language and another thing in their own. The major financiers of terrorism reside in Saudi Arabia.

    Once this becomes doctrine, the PNAC cabal headed by Douglas Feith, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz will start promoting their biggest dream: a winner-takes-all invasion of Saudi Arabia. This is a dream wet in oil and blood.

    Also see:

    9-11, John Deutch, Mitre Corp., and the NRO

    Geopolitical Weapon Mujahadeen Al CIAda Al Queda

    Ra Energy Fdn.
    Raleigh Myers
    Worksheet bio

    "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
     They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people,
     and neither do we."  
    George W.Bush and he was not kidding

    Geopolitical Weapon Mujahadeen Al CIAda Al Queda

    Brzezinski wrote the Grand Chessboard pointing out the need for oil in the Fascist portfolio.

    That morphed into the PNAC. The PNAC is the strategy for the Fascists or Neo Cons as they are sometimes called, to continue their quixotic exercise.

    Le Nouvel Observateur's Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski,
    Published 15-21 January 1998
    Translated by Jean Martineau

    Comment: The US & European States are still using Brzezinski's Muslim terrorist strategy!
    by Jared Israel

    Interview with Brzezinski

    Mujahadeen Al CIAda Al Queda or Farcy sting? Connecting the dots.

    DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in song is the first step to a fascism free planet

    IMAGINE: WE are children of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; WE ALL have a right to be here

    This would get some air time if we did it at GOP campaign events even in congress this Summer and fall and beyond after all it is the anthem of the Age of Aquarius no. We suggested that "THIS LAND" be the Global Village Planetary anthem at Woodies celebration in San Francisco at the Geary Theater in 1967. It was seconded by three ambassadors and has become the second third fourth etc. anthems to many countries.

    FOLKSAY(people say) ............ has become Our defacto Global Village Planetary anthem and in essence we voted for citizen empowerment as we sung it. Now let's get it officially on record by singing it everywhere as direct democracy.
            THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS is the reality at hand! The children of the universe, the right to be here generation _ the meek taking their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy.

    Ra Energy Fdn.
    Raleigh Myers

    Worksheet bio

    Newsgroups beginning in the eighties

    Call to Action blog

    "Raleigh Myers" web

    "Raleigh Myers" groups sort by date also

    raenergy web

    raenergy groups sort by date also

    From Spookie

    I sure hope Randi will talk about this one. It seems very big to me. From the Miami Herald:


    Posted on Sun, Sep. 05, 2004

    Graham book: Inquiry into 9/11, Saudi ties blocked


    WASHINGTON - Two of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers had a support network in the United States that included agents of the Saudi government, and the Bush administration and FBI blocked a congressional investigation into that relationship, Sen. Bob Graham wrote in a book to be released Tuesday.

    The discovery of the financial backing of the two hijackers ''would draw a direct line between the terrorists and the government of Saudi Arabia, and trigger an attempted coverup by the Bush administration,'' the Florida Democrat wrote.

    And in Graham's book, Intelligence Matters, obtained by The Herald Saturday, he makes clear that some details of that financial support from Saudi Arabia were in the 27 pages of the congressional inquiry's final report that were blocked from release by the administration, despite the pleas of leaders of both parties on the House and Senate intelligence committees.

    Graham also revealed that Gen. Tommy Franks told him on Feb. 19, 2002, just four months after the invasion of Afghanistan, that many important resources -- including the Predator drone aircraft crucial to the search for Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda leaders -- were being shifted to prepare for a war against Iraq.

    Graham recalled this conversation at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa with Franks, then head of Central Command, who was ``looking troubled'':

    ``Senator, we are not engaged in a war in Afghanistan.''

    ''Excuse me?'' I asked.

    ''Military and intelligence personnel are being redeployed to prepare for an action in Iraq,'' he continued.

    Graham concluded: 'Gen. Franks' mission -- which, as a good soldier, he was loyally carrying out -- was being downgraded from a war to a manhunt.''

    Graham, who was chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee from June 2001 through the buildup to the Iraq war, voted against the war resolution in October 2002 because he saw Iraq as a diversion that would hinder the fight against al Qaeda terrorism.

    He oversaw the Sept. 11 investigation on Capitol Hill with Rep. Porter Goss, nominated last month to be the next CIA director. According to Graham, the FBI and the White House blocked efforts to investigate the extent of official Saudi connections to two hijackers.

    Graham wrote that the staff of the congressional inquiry concluded that two Saudis in the San Diego area, Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Bassan, who gave significant financial support to two hijackers, were working for the Saudi government.

    Al-Bayoumi received a monthly allowance from a contractor for Saudi Civil Aviation that jumped from $465 to $3,700 in March 2000, after he helped Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhdar -- two of the Sept. 11 hijackers -- find apartments and make contacts in San Diego, just before they began pilot training.

    When the staff tried to conduct interviews in that investigation, and with an FBI informant, Abdussattar Shaikh, who also helped the eventual hijackers, they were blocked by the FBI and the administration, Graham wrote.

    The administration and CIA also insisted that the details about the Saudi support network that benefited two hijackers be left out of the final congressional report, Graham complained.

    Bush had concluded that ''a nation-state that had aided the terrorists should not be held publicly to account,'' Graham wrote. ``It was as if the president's loyalty lay more with Saudi Arabia than with America's safety.''

    Saudi officials have vociferously denied any ties to the hijackers or al Qaeda plots to attack the United States.

    Graham ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination and then decided not to seek reelection to the Senate this year. He has said he hopes his book will illuminate FBI and CIA failures in the war on terrorism and he also offers recommendations on ways to reform the intelligence community.

    On Iraq, Graham said the administration and CIA consistently overplayed its estimates of Saddam Hussein's threat in its public statements and declassified reports, while its secret reports contained warnings that the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction was not conclusive.

    In October 2002, Tenet told Graham that ''there were 550 sites where weapons of mass destruction were either produced or stored'' in Iraq.

    ''It was, in short, a vivid and terrifying case for war. The problem was it did not accurately represent the classified estimate we had received just days earlier,'' Graham wrote. ``It was two different messages, directed at two different audiences. I was outraged.''

    In his book, Graham is especially critical of the FBI for its inability to track al Qaeda operatives in the United States and blasts the CIA for ``politicizing intelligence.''

    He reserves his harshest criticism for Bush.

    Graham found the president had ''an unforgivable level of intellectual -- and even common sense -- indifference'' toward analyzing the comparative threats posed by Iraq and al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

    When the weapons were not found, one year after the invasion of Iraq, Bush attended a black-tie dinner in Washington, Graham recalled. Bush gave a humorous speech with slides, showing him looking under White House furniture and joking, ``Nope, no WMDs there.''

    Graham wrote: ``It was one of the most offensive things I have witnessed. Having recently attended the funeral of an American soldier killed in Iraq, who left behind a young wife and two preschool-age children, I found nothing funny about a deceitful justification for war.''


    © 2004 and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.

    The Plan
    Were Neo-Conservatives’ 1998 Memos a Blueprint for Iraq War?

    March 10 — Years before George W. Bush entered the White House, and years before the Sept. 11 attacks set the direction of his presidency, a group of influential neo-conservatives hatched a plan to get Saddam Hussein out of power.
    The group, the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, was founded in 1997. Among its supporters were three Republican former officials who were sitting out the Democratic presidency of Bill Clinton: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz.

    In open letters to Clinton and GOP congressional leaders the next year, the group called for "the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power" and a shift toward a more assertive U.S. policy in the Middle East, including the use of force if necessary to unseat Saddam.

    And in a report just before the 2000 election that would bring Bush to power, the group predicted that the shift would come about slowly, unless there were "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."

    That event came on Sept. 11, 2001. By that time, Cheney was vice president, Rumsfeld was secretary of defense, and Wolfowitz his deputy at the Pentagon.

    The next morning — before it was even clear who was behind the attacks — Rumsfeld insisted at a Cabinet meeting that Saddam's Iraq should be "a principal target of the first round of terrorism," according to Bob Woodward's book Bush At War.

    What started as a theory in 1997 was now on its way to becoming official U.S. foreign policy.


    Links to Bush Administration

    Some critics of the Bush administration's foreign policy, especially in Europe, have portrayed PNAC as, in the words of Scotland's Sunday Herald, "a secret blueprint for U.S. global domination."

    The group was never secret about its aims. In its 1998 open letter to Clinton, the group openly advocated unilateral U.S. action against Iraq because "we can no longer depend on our partners in the Gulf War coalition" to enforce the inspections regime.

    "The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction. In the near term, this means a willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from power," they wrote, foreshadowing the debate currently under way in the United Nations.

    Of the 18 people who signed the letter, 10 are now in the Bush administration. As well as Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, they include Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage; John Bolton, who is undersecretary of state for disarmament; and Zalmay Khalilzad, the White House liaison to the Iraqi opposition. Other signatories include William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, and Richard Perle, chairman of the advisory Defense Science Board.

    According to Kristol, the group's thinking stemmed from the principles of Ronald Reagan: "A strong America. A morally grounded foreign policy ... that defended American security and American interests. And understanding that American leadership was key to not only world stability, but any hope for spreading democracy and freedom around the world."


    Pushing for a More Assertive Foreign Policy

    After the 1991 Gulf War ended with Saddam still in position as a potential threat, Kristol told Nightline, he and the others had a sense that "lots of terrible things were really being loosed upon the world because America was being too timid, and too weak, and too unassertive in the post-Cold War era." In reports, speeches, papers and books, they pushed for an aggressive foreign policy to defend U.S. interests around the globe.

    Clinton did order airstrikes against Iraq in 1998, but through the rest of his presidency and the beginning of Bush's, America's "containment" policy for Saddam lay dormant — until September 2001.

    "Before 9/11, this group ... could not win over the president to this extravagant image of what foreign policy required," said Ian Lustick, a Middle East expert at the University of Pennsylvania. "After 9/11, it was able to benefit from the gigantic eruption of political capital, combined with the supply of military preponderance in the hands of the president. And this small group, therefore, was able to gain direct contact and even control, now, of the White House."

    Like other critics, Lustick paints PNAC in conspiratorial tones: "This group, what I call the tom-tom beaters, have set an agenda and have made the president feel that he has to live up to their definitions of manliness, their definitions of success and fear, their definitions of failure."

    Kristol dismisses the allegations of conspiracy, but said the group redoubled its efforts after 9/11 to get its message out. "We made it very public that we thought that one consequence the president should draw from 9/11 is that it was unacceptable to sit back and let either terrorist groups or dictators developing weapons of mass destruction strike first, at us," he said.


    Predicting Vindication

    Now that American bombs could soon be falling on Iraq, Kristol admits to feeling "some sense of responsibility" for pushing for a war that will cost human lives. But, he said, he would also feel responsible if "something terrible" happened because of U.S. inaction.

    Kristol expressed regret that so many of America's traditional allies oppose military action against Iraq, but said the United States has no choice. "I think what we've learned over the last 10 years is that America has to lead. Other countries won't act. They will follow us, but they won't do it on their own," he said.

    Kristol believes the United States will be "vindicated when we discover the weapons of mass destruction and when we liberate the people of Iraq." He predicts that many of the allies who have been reluctant to join the war effort would participate in efforts to rebuild and democratize Iraq.

    This report originally aired on Nightline on March 5, 2003.

    September 11, 2004
    Deconstructing the Neocons
    by Alan Bock
    The war in Iraq is coming to resemble the War on Drugs in this narrow sense: if it were simply a matter of having enough persuasive, well-written, well-researched and responsible books out there critiquing the war from different perspectives, the war would have been ended some time ago. Unfortunately, while whatever intellectually defensible justifications for both wars might once have existed have long since crumbled, emotional support is still fairly strong. And certain deeply entrenched interests still see themselves as benefiting from both.

    One of the more persuasive critiques of the war from a generally conservative perspective is America Alone: The Neoconservatives and the Global Order (Cambridge University Press, 369 pp.) by Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke. The authors are both veteran cold warriors with long-term diplomatic experience. Stefan Halper, now a fellow of Magdalene College at Cambridge, was a White House and State Department official in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations, and is a contributing editor at the American Spectator. Jonathan Clarke, now at the Cato Institute, served in the British Foreign Service, with assignments in Germany, Zimbabwe and the United States.

    The two argue that part of the reason the West prevailed in the Cold War was that the United States, for the most part, retained superior moral authority vis-à-vis the Soviet empire. In the post-Soviet era, however, "its moral authority is at risk. That is because the policies adopted in response to the catastrophic horror of Sept. 11, 2001 have rested on a series of critically flawed premises, namely that the challenges we face are essentially military in character and that military power alone can deliver victory. And while that may be true when barbarian fights barbarian for strips of territory, it is a profound mistake when civilization hopes to emerge triumphant."

    The Militarization of Politics

    Noting the profound changes that have taken place in American society since 9/11 – "troops in combat fatigues patrolling public places … concrete barriers around government buildings and synagogues; the drastic changes to air travel; flashing highway signs urging drivers to report suspicious behavior;" the conversion of global sympathy after 9/11 to widespread anti-Americanism, not to mention the rising federal and state deficits and clogging of international intercourse in people, goods, services and capital – they see the most remarkable change in the insertion of the military front-and-center into more aspects of American life:

    "A decade ago, it was a proud Washington boast that well-fashioned American policy toward Latin America had moderated that region's love affair with its generals and returned the military to its barracks. Today, the trend in America is in the opposite direction. Few political rallies or speeches are complete without a military accent. The only extraordinary aspect of this is how ordinary it now seems to us, persuaded as we have been to forget that one of the unifying threads of our political culture, exemplified by Washington's resignation of his commission in 1783, has been an avoidance of military intrusion into politics. But now times have changed so that we observe passively when, in defiance of the underlying grain of the American political ethos, movement is in the direction of tighter central control. …

    "The greatest change is psychological. Today we have convinced ourselves (with a massive assist from cable news and talk radio) that, as Americans, our natural state is war – war that has no dimensions, with elusive enemies who may be equally residents of Damascus or Detroit and with no definition of what constitutes victory and thus with no end in sight. Having absorbed a siege mentality, we live our lives in crisis mode. 'It's the terror, stupid,' is the defining political slogan. Yet we are left with a stark paradox. Despite the massive application of American firepower overseas and an equally massive diversion of resources toward homeland security, Americans feel not a whit more secure – quite the opposite. Poll after poll shows Americans feeling more personally threatened than at any time in their history."

    The Neoconservative Contribution

    How did this country come to such a pretty pass? I resist the temptation simply to say that American foreign policy has been hijacked by a cabal of neoconservatives, for Halper and Clarke's analysis is much more subtle, fair-minded and balanced than that. Nonetheless, they do argue that "the neoconservatives have taken American international relations on an unfortunate detour, veering away from the balanced, consensus-building, and resource-husbanding approach that has characterized traditional Republican internationalism – exemplified today by Secretary of State Colin Powell – and acted more as a special interest focused on its particular agenda."

    The two go back to the origins of the neoconservative movement or persuasion in the 1960s, when various often left-leaning intellectuals – Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Daniel Bell, Daniel Moynihan, Midge Decter, Michael Novak, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Peter Berger and others – struggled to come to terms with the cultural revolution of the 1960s twinned with a willingness to apologize for communism verging sometimes on knee-jerk anti-Americanism that characterized many sectors of American intellectual life. Many of these writers did important work in a variety of fields, from criticizing the shortcomings of the welfare state to trying to define the role of religion in an essentially secular society that continued to value religious freedom.

    Over time, perhaps driven by a conviction that protection of the state of Israel is a preeminent concern, neoconservatives narrowed their range of interests, coming to focus on foreign policy. However, "Even on foreign policy, modern neoconservatism focuses narrowly. It pays scant attention to the world beyond defense budgets and select areas of the world where its ideology is applicable." What began as a relatively intellectually adventurous and sometimes even transgressive – at least in terms of the U.S. academy persuasion – has yielded to a situation where today's exemplars "give the appearance of having been born intellectually middle-aged."

    Halper and Clarke devote careful attention to Albert Wohlstetter, who taught political science at the University of Chicago, was quietly but deeply influential in developing the U.S. strategic approach to the Soviet Union (especially the importance of high technology) and was something of a mentor to Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. Wohlstetter and Allan Bloom were in turn influenced by the German-born political scientist Leo Strauss, whose advocacy of classical political thought and the importance of religion to maintaining virtue in a decent society led to profound disillusionment with modernism and secularism (although having read his book on natural rights I'm not sure just how personally religious he was or whether he cherished religion mainly for its utility in advancing what he saw as the good society). Strauss, of course, also influenced Claremont's Harry Jaffa and the school of thought idealizing Lincoln as the preeminent American statesman and democratic exemplar.

    All of this discussion bears no resemblance to the gotcha sometimes out-of-context quote-mongering that sometimes characterizes dissections of neoconservatism. It is sober and intellectually responsible, but more than forthright about the areas where the authors have disagreements, especially with the modern, foreign-policy-focused and perhaps surprisingly military-fascinated version of neoconservatism

    Neoconservatives and Reagan

    When Ronald Reagan died recently, inspiring a rather surprising and widespread effusion of affection and perhaps nostalgia, today's neoconservatives were among those in the forefront of trying to claim the mantle of Reagan to bless their current policy preferences. It is therefore useful that this book includes a chapter, tellingly titled "The False History," that details Reagan's actual policies and the often troubled relationship between the Reagan administration and the neocons, and between the neocons and other elements of the traditional conservative coalition.

    It is true that Reagan appointed prominent neoconservatives like William Bennett, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Richard Perle, Eugene Rostow, Carnes Lord, Elliott Abrams and others to positions of prominence, "but they never joined the inner sanctum." Our authors note that for all his rhetorical flourish about the "evil empire" and his unabashedly conservative approach to the world, "Reagan's approach to the world may, in its basic philosophical instincts, have had something in common with neoconservatism, but the pragmatism of its execution set it a universe away from today's inflexible neoconservative designs. The severe neoconservative critique of Reagan's foreign policy that emerged from the early 1980s made this clear."

    As Halper and Clarke note, an early honeymoon with Reagan was quickly followed by neoconservative disenchantment. "Within four years, [Norman] Podhoretz had published articles with such titles as 'The Reagan Road to Détente,' 'The Neoconservative Anguish over Reagan's Foreign Policy,' and 'Mistaken Identity.' Irving Kristol had written, 'The Muddle in Foreign Policy,' and Robert Tucker had published 'The Middle East: Carterism without Carter.' These articles made clear that the president had fallen out of favor with the neoconservatives."

    Essentially, while Reagan talked tough about the Soviets, when the circumstances seemed to warrant it he acted with relative moderation. His three acts of foreign intervention, in Beirut in 1982, in Grenada in 1983, and bombing Libya in 1986, were of limited goals and duration, and calculated not to create a confrontation with the Soviet Union. This disappointed the neocons, as did his relatively limited response to the imposition of martial law in Poland and the banning of Solidarity in 1981.

    As for Israel, while supporting Israel as "an accomplished fact," he rejected the idea of Israel incorporating Gaza and the West Bank and called for a freeze on Israeli West Bank settlements. He supported the UN declaration denouncing the de facto annexation of the Golan Heights as illegal. Commentary magazine complained that the administration "becomes ever more accustomed to playing the role of supplicant to the rulers of Arabia." And Norman Podhoretz claimed to see a "continuing tilt in American policy toward the enemies of Israel in the Middle East."

    The neocons also saw Reagan as soft on mainland China.

    Halper and Clarke say that, "Although Reagan's approach to the world was undoubtedly based on challenging Soviet expansionism and the decline of American influence, it was never predicated – in the neoconservative manner – on the unilateral deployment of U.S. military power. Consequently, Norman Podhoretz spoke for many neoconservatives, when he wrote, 'the President's warmest friends and his most virulent enemies imagined that they had found in him a champion of the old conservative dream of going beyond the containment of Communism to the "rollback" of Communist influence and power and the "liberation" of the Soviet empire. The truth, however, is that Mr. Reagan as President has never shown the slightest inclination to pursue such an ambitious strategy.'"

    Perhaps the most important distinction between Reagan and the neoconservatives is in psychology or temperament. Reagan was an optimist, generally appealing to the best in people and confident that freedom would triumph eventually. The neoconservative impulse, by contrast, is deeply pessimistic, "centered around Hobbes's doomsday vision of man in his primitive state," and seeing dire threats wherever they turn, whether from Woodstock, multiculturalism, a nation under siege from jihadists, and American young people hopelessly lax and inclined toward being corrupted, all of which must be met with firm action by the powerful state they see as the only hope for preserving even a modest semblance of civilized life.

    The Iraq Deception

    America Alone includes an excellent chapter on how neoconservatives captured the public discourse in the wake of the 9/11 attack to conjure a connection between that attack by a non-state organization based in Afghanistan and cyberspace and the perceived need to invade the nation-state of Iraq. Among their advantages were the fact that neocons had been making the case for invading Iraq since 1992, with the Wolfowitz-Cheney-Libby draft defense posture paper, and the Project for the New American Century position paper in 1997. So they didn't have to develop a position; it was already formed, and ready to be sold to the Bush administration, which was already salted with neocons in influential positions.

    They also cite a study, based on seven different polls between January and September 2003 that showed significant numbers of Americans believed in three misconceptions crucial to selling the Iraq war: that Iraq had played a role in the 9/11 attack and that Iraq and al-Qaeda were closely, even operationally linked; that weapons of mass destruction had actually been found after the war; and that world opinion in general approved of America's going to war. Interestingly (although on reflection perhaps not surprisingly), these attitudes arose not from paying too little attention to the news but from paying too much attention to certain news outlets. In sum, "those who principally watched Fox News were far more likely to have these misperceptions than those who did not." At a more detailed level, "Fox News watchers were by far the most likely to hold these [three mistaken] views and were three times more likely to hold all three." How significant is it, however, that while 80 percent of Fox viewers held at least one of these mistaken notions, fully 71 percent of CBS viewers also did, compared to 55 percent for NBC and CNN?

    Halper and Clarke are understated: "That those with higher exposure to Fox News and CBS News were more likely to misperceive and support the war in Iraq is a telling commentary on how little these networks concentrated on the objective provision of information."

    If this book has a shortcoming, it is a failure to offer much more of a policy framework for the future than a return to traditional conservative internationalism, with a proper balance among diplomacy, trade, alliances, multilateral or unilateral actions as appropriate, and military action as a last resort, only when all other means have clearly failed. The authors also believe that "the neoconservatives have had their moment" and their influence is bound to fade as the tragic results of their policy preferences become increasingly clear. I suspect they are more persistent and the American media and public less attentive than that.


    The Real Reason We're In Iraq

    Monday, September 13, 2004

    Harley Sorensen, Special to SF Gate

    We should get out of Iraq immediately. Let me explain ...

    But, first, bear in mind why we're in Iraq. It has nothing to do with
    weapons of mass destruction, and it has nothing to do with the brutal
    dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.

    It has a lot to do with ambition.

    Before we invaded Iraq, our politicians told us that Iraq had weapons of
    mass destruction in great quantities. Secretary of State Colin Powell even
    went to the United Nations and described Iraq's cache in detail, down to the
    pound of certain weapons.

    Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told us that not only did Iraq have
    these weapons but he knew exactly where they were.

    This is why I seriously doubted that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
    What our government told us defied logic and common sense.

    The United Nations had inspectors in Iraq looking for weapons. They couldn't
    find any. Logic and common sense, then, would have dictated that our
    government tell those inspectors where to look. After all, if we knew, why
    wouldn't we share our knowledge with the inspectors?

    We wouldn't, of course, because we didn't know. Our government explained its
    unwillingness to help by explaining that it didn't want to compromise
    confidential sources.

    How much sense does that make? Saddam has enough weaponry to attack the
    western world, and we can't lead the UN inspectors to it because we don't
    want Saddam to know how we got the information? Give me a break!

    (As a footnote, it should be noted that a favorite trick of pathological
    liars is to "protect" their nonexistent sources of information.)

    We now know for certain that Saddam did not have the weapons we used to go
    to war against Iraq.

    And common sense tells that we didn't attack Iraq because Saddam is a brutal
    dictator. He was a brutal dictator back in the days when we played footsie
    with him as he fought Iran. (Do a Google image search for Rumsfeld and
    Saddam, and you'll find pictures of Rummy and Saddam shaking hands.)

    Historically, the United States has always been friendly with brutal
    dictators if it's to our financial advantage. Currently, there are other
    dictators afoot; Saddam wasn't the only one.

    And anyone who can read knows that Saddam had nothing whatsoever to do with
    the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    So why did we go to war with Iraq?

    The short answer is "oil." But that's not the whole story.

    Briefly, we went to war with Iraq because an influential group of
    conservatives (now known as "neo-cons") convinced President George W. Bush
    that it was in America's best interests to conquer Iraq as a first step
    toward dominating the oil-producing nations in the Middle East and
    eventually the world.

    Not insignificantly, these same neo-cons wanted to eliminate Iraq as a
    threat to their darling ally, Israel.

    Their plan is laid out in detail on the Web at

    So we invaded Iraq not to save ourselves from weapons of mass destruction,
    not to rid the world of a brutal dictator and not to avenge the murders of
    Sept. 11. We invaded Iraq because Bush and his pals think America should
    rule the world.

    That's why we can't win. The rest of the world isn't going to let us win.
    The rest of the world might admire us, but they do not want to be dominated
    by us.

    And that's why we should get out of Iraq today. Not tomorrow, not next week,
    not a year from now, but today.

    Try as we may, we are not going to turn Iraq into a model democracy. The
    Sunnis don't want democracy. The Shiites don't want a democracy. The Kurds
    don't want a democracy.

    The Saudis do not want a new democracy as a neighbor. Nor do the Kuwaitis.
    Nor do the Syrians. None of the countries in that region with despotic
    rulers want us to succeed. And don't think for a moment they're above
    slipping terrorists into Iraq to kill Americans.

    The plan to conquer Iraq was half-baked from the start. Our troops were not
    properly trained or equipped to do the job given them. (Sent to the desert
    in jungle fatigues? Not given body armor? Completely untrained in handling

    There was no "exit plan" because we never intended to exit. The plan was,
    and is, to build military bases in Iraq and stay there forever as cock of
    the walk in the Middle East.

    Many of our European friends, who have a sense of history, knew better than
    to get involved in such a fool's mission.

    Bush may be the idealist other people think he is, but his grandiose plan
    for controlling the world has at least one fatal flaw: it depends,
    childlike, on the good will of all involved.

    Yet, not even the U.S., the alleged "good guy" in this mess, has
    demonstrated purity. Our leaders see Iraq as a place to make money. So Bush
    & Co. have set up their friends to cash in on the rebuilding of Iraq, a job
    that should be done (for pay) by the people who built it in the first place:

    We can't win in Iraq. Hardly anybody wants us to. The longer we stay there,
    the more Iraqi children end up maimed or dead, the more of our young men and
    women die.

    Clearly, our government lied to us, and to the world, to get us into this
    war. That alone should tell us it's wrong.

    Several years ago, George W. Bush made a decision to quit drinking. As one
    of my e-mailers suggests, we would have been better off if he had decided,
    instead, to quit lying.

    It's not too late, George.

    Harley Sorensen is a longtime journalist. His column appears Mondays. E-mail
    him at harleysorensen@y....

    ©2004 SF Gate

    September 14, 2004

    The Problem of Chechnya

    European Islam & the Caucasian "War on Terrorism"


    Europe (Europe proper, the geographer's Europe) is an odd thing, curiously shaped and conceptualized since Herodotus invented it as the object of Persian invasion 2500 years ago. As the concept grew, Europe came to extend from Viking-settled Iceland in the mid-Atlantic (to the northwest); to the Iberian peninsula (abutting Africa in the southwest); and from the Kara Sea and the upper extremity of the Urals (in the northeast), down the mountain range to the Ural River, which avoiding all but a small slice of (Asian) Kazakhstan, defines Europe to the Caspian Sea. Thence the borderline straddles the Caucasus Mountains, from Baku on the Caspian to the Black Sea coast and onto the Crimean Peninsula, making the Caucasus the southeastern corner of the European continent, at least the European continent of the stickler academic. (Some place the Caucasian countries in the Middle East as well as Europe, rather like geographers count Vietnam alternately as an East Asian and Southeast Asian country.)

    Actually, no Europe makes sense as a "continent," if the latter term is to claim any consistency or analytical utility. Europe is not surrounded by oceans, as are normal continents (Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica)---and as Asia would be if we simply included Europe, as Nietzsche once suggested, "as a peninsula of the greater Eurasian super-continent." Continental Europe is the invention of people who wanted to be as special, and separate as oceans can make you, but lacking the eastern ocean which ought to be there to validate continental pretensions. South Asia (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh), surrounded by the Indian Ocean and Himalayas, could make an equally valid case for continent-hood. The concept is ultimately arbitrary.

    But back to the southeastern corner of this imagined Eurocontinent: the Caucasus. "Caucasian" is of course often used as a synonym for "white" (as in white people), and has been used in that sense since pioneer ethnologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, in 1775, pronounced Caucasians (supposedly descended from Noah's son Japeth after the Ark landed on Mt. Ararat following the Flood) the "most beautiful race of menthe primeval type [from which] others divergewhite in color, which we may fairly assume to be the primitive color of mankind" But white folks flattered by Blumenbach's pseudo-science, and folks in general outside the region, have little knowledge of this part of Europe. I can think of various reasons why this unawareness is unfortunate:

    (1) the Caucasus is a key site of Russian-U.S. contention concerning the construction of oil pipelines from the Caspian oilfields (in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan) to Black Sea and Mediterranean ports;

    (2) it is a maze of new, weak nations with vigorous secessionist movements;

    (3) it is a region of centuries-old Muslim communities, from which some "Islamic extremist" trends have emerged;

    (4) it has, since the deployment of U.S. forces in the Pankisi Gorge of Georgia in 2002, and the announcement of Russian President Vladimir Putin around the same time that Chechen rebels are al-Qaeda-like terrorists, been posited as a major theater in the "War on Terror;" and

    (5) given its record, the U.S. government might do something very brutal and very stupid in the region. So one should pay attention. To understand "ethnic conflict" in this area in the context of big-power rivalry, one should brief oneself on the basics.


    Compare the Balkans

    The Caucasus embraces southern Russia (referring to the zone between the Black and Caspian Seas), and the three nations of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. This region is culturally linked to the west and north by Orthodox Christianity (kindred Russian, Georgian and Armenian varieties), and to the east by Islam (a legacy of past encounters between Persians and Turks and the local peoples). In this mix the Caucasus resembles the Balkans, where you have one more or less Muslim nation (Albania, where religious practice was banned for decades but which is officially now 70% Muslim); an unusually-constructed Bosnia-Herzegovina in which about 40% of the population (not all the Bosniaks) embrace Islam with varying degrees of interest; and the de facto NATO protectorate of Kosovo, which is about 90% Albanian Muslim. There are also longstanding Muslim minorities in Macedonia (29%), Bulgaria (12%) and elsewhere in the Balkans. The collapse of the Soviet bloc, the implosion of neutral "socialist" Yugoslavia involving catastrophic ethno-religious strife, and fall of the idiosyncratic Hoxhaite regime in Albania brought Balkan Muslims onto the world stage, as recipients of religious proselytization (by Arab "Wahhabis" in particular, backed up by Saudi largesse) and as the beneficiaries (at least short term) of US-NATO protection against the vilified Serbs and Croatians.

    In the Balkans, Washington postures as the great friend of the Muslim Bosnians and Kosovars, although its position is fraught with contradictions. U.S. acquiescence to Helmut Kohl's reunited Germany, which unlike the U.S. State Department championed an independent Slovenia in 1990, contributed to the disastrous dismantling of the Yugoslav state. (This produced much ethnic conflict, including what some term the "Bosnian holocaust.") The U.S., having labeled the Kosovo Liberation Army "terrorists" in 1999, made common cause with the Kosovar Albanians against a Serbian foe whose atrocities were wantonly exaggerated to justify the bombing of Milocevic's Yugoslavia. The Russians meanwhile posture as friends of the Serbs and other Slavs aggrieved by Washington policy.

    Across the Black Sea from the Balkans, in the Caucasus, we find Armenia, ethnically homogeneous but abetting an Armenian secessionist movement within the Armenian-peopled Nagorno-Karabakh region of neighboring Azerbaijan. Armenia has occupied 16% of Azeri territory since 1994. 94% of the population of Azerbaijan are Azeri, a Muslim Turkish people. (That's seven million Muslims, double the number of Albanian Muslims; hence if Azerbaijan is in Europe, it is the largest European Muslim country.) Fellow Azeris live across the border with Georgia; 5.7% of Georgia's 4.69 million people (668,000) live in the Adhzaria region. In Abkhazia, in the north along the Black Sea, live an additional 85,000 to 100,000 Muslims speaking a Causasian language distantly related to Georgian. Altogether 11% of Georgia's population (over half a million) is Muslim. About 4% of the population of Armenia are Kurds, mostly adherents of the Yezidi faith, which reveres the Prophet Mohammed but is not commonly regarded as an Islamic sect. So within the southern Caucasus, we have Azerbaijan, Adhzaria, and Abkhazia as Muslim zones. In the northern (Russian) Caucasus, we have in addition, lined up westward from the Caspian coast, Daghestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia, three republics in the Russian Federation with predominantly Muslim populations. Daghestan has about two and a half million people, of whom at least 90% are Muslim. There aren't good current figures for Chechnya and Ingushetia, but in 1989, when they were united in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic, there were 735,000 Muslim Chechens and 164,000 Muslim Ingush, together 71% of the republic's population (the rest being mostly Russian).

    Bordering Ingushetia is North Ossetia, a predominantly (80%) Christian republic in the Russian Federation, with an Ingush minority. (Among the ethnic Ossetians themselves, some 20% practice Sunni Islam.) Then to the west, bordering Georgia, are the predominantly Muslim republics of Kabardino-Balkaria (Kabardins mostly Sunni Muslims, Balkarians mostly Orthodox Christian) and Karachayevo-Cherkessia, whose Muslim populations together number maybe a million. In other words, in the Caucasus you have in addition to the seven or eight million Azeri Muslims, four or five million other Muslims, living in historically Muslim districts in the Christian-majority behemoth that is Russia, and in the ancient Christian land of Georgia.

    Some of these Muslims, since the breakup of the Soviet Union, have become involved in violent secessionist movements. Moscow and Tblisi, who have differences between themselves, have both become inclined since 9-11 to depict their response to such movements as counter-terrorist in character, to represent the secessionists as ideological soul-mates of al-Qaeda, and to manipulate the "War on Terror" paradigm to justify their repressive measures and to even threaten "pre-emptive" actions. Putin like Bush vows to strike at terrorists "wherever they may be" (which might mean, say, striking at Chechens in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia). Thus in the Caucasus, the implosion of the USSR, like the implosion of Yugoslavia in the Balkans, produces a welter of nationalist strivings, coupled with long-dormant religious sensibilities, that both the hyperpuissance U.S. and the weakened regional hegemon Russia seek to exploit. They do so now in the context of Bush's eternal war project, which exploits anti-Islamic sentiment in the U.S. (drawing especially on the most ignorant varieties of Christian fundamentalist intolerance), even as the administration insists before the global audience that the U.S. respects Islam as "a religion of peace." Putin, powerless to prevent the U.S.'s projection of power into formerly Soviet territory from Central Asia to Georgia, applies an "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" policy, depicting his own measures against unruly Muslims in Russia as part of the global Terror War.



    Of Muslims seeking independence from Russia, the Chechens receive the most attention. Their secessionist movement has been the bloodiest in the region, and exacted a most grotesque toll on Russians, in particular, from the Caucasus to Moscow. The small Chechen homeland has had a very bad press, internationally, and most Americans who've heard of Chechnya no doubt by this point associate its people with Islamic terrorism. The recent school hostage episode in Beslan, in Russia's North Ossetia, presented the world with the most nightmarish spectacle: a school commandeered, children specifically targeted, seized, terrified, shot in the back as they attempted to escape. About 330 Christians, half of them kids, killed by Muslims from Chechya, and the adjoining Muslim republic of Ingushetia, and (if one believes an early Russian report uncorroborated by reporters) Muslim Arabs. (I seriously doubt any Arab participation, simply because it too obviously serves Putin's wish to depict his repression of the Chechen independence movement as part of the global Bush-war project targeting Arabs.) Anyway, a horrible, unforgivable scenario, which some may see as Russia's 9-11.

    One might suppose that, as Putin seeks to link Chechen rebels to al-Qaeda, the U.S. would support the Russian leader in his moves against Chechen separatism, rather as it endorses every single move the Likud regime in Israel takes against the cause of the Palestinians (a "terrorist" cause to the Likudists in the Bush administration), or that President Arroyo in the Philippines takes against the Moro. But no, not quite. Just as Washington found it useful to validate Bosnian and Kosovar nationalism in the Balkans (entrenching its expanding NATO-self into what was once proudly non-aligned European territory), so it has (under the Clinton and Bush administrations alike) found it useful to promote Muslim separatisms in southern Russia, to better destabilize the Russian Federation. Why? Because Russia seeks to thwart U.S. oil pipeline ambitions and the U.S.'s general pursuit of geopolitical advantage in the Caucasus. Ruling circles in both the U.S. and Russia are acting rationally in pursuit of their ends. Those anti-people ends are the problem.

    As the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, Chechens, having resented Russian domination for a century and a half, under the leadership of air force general Dzhokar Dudayev declared independence. Russian President Boris Yeltsin refused to grant this, and Russian forces invaded in 1994 to reestablish central government authority. The invasion met with fierce resistance, prompting a withdrawal in 1996 and a peace agreement in 1997. A new Chechen government, headed by Aslan Maskhadov, failed to acquire international recognition, or to contain rampant crime, corruption, and warlordism. "Islamic extremism" flourished and spread into neighboring Ingushetia and elsewhere. In October 1992, Ingush militias clashed with Russian-backed North Ossetian security forces, paramilitaries and army troops in the disputed region of Prigorodnyi. This is 978 square kilometers of once-Ingush land given North Ossetia during the Stalin years. This land dispute is at the heart of Christian Ossetian-Muslim Ingush animosity, and the Ingush and Chechens, whose languages are mutually comprehensible, identify with one anothers' struggles. (The Beslan school seizure was a joint operation involving Chechens and Ingush militants.)

    Thousands of Ingush homes were destroyed in 1992, and the bulk of the Ingush population in North Ossetia (46,000 by official Russian count) displaced. Complicating matters, South Ossetia, in the Republic of Georgia, attempted to succeed from Georgia and unite with North Ossetia. In response, the new Georgian government sent in troops, leveling 100 Ossetian villages and producing 100,000 refugees, many of whom wound up in Prigordnyi, seizing Ingush homes. (Tit for tat, Moscow tilted towards Abkhazia as fighting there killed 16,000 and drove 300,000 ethnic Georgians from their homes.)

    Following bombings in North Ossetia that killed 53, an attack on a Russian military barracks in Daghestan, and the bombing of two Moscow apartment buildings in1999 that killed over 300, the government of President Putin resumed the war with Chechnya, forcing Maskhadov underground. Moscow blamed Chechens for the Moscow attacks, although rebel leader Shamil Basayev disclaimed responsibility, and skeptics claim the attacks were staged to justify renewed Russian intervention. When Putin succeeded Yeltsin as Russian president on December 31, 1999, his military was bogged down in an unwinnable guerrilla war in Chechnya, and cutting its losses, the Putin administration simply proclaimed victory, turning over power to a Chechen puppet (recently assassinated) in 2002. Russian troops remain, harassed by forces loyal to Basayev, whom Moscow says it knows "for certain" was behind the Beslan school attack. (A Russian daily has claimed that in a message signed by Basayev, he demanded an end to the war in Chechnya, the withdrawal of Russian troops, autonomy for Chechnya within the Commonwealth of Independent States, Chechnya's continued inclusion in the ruble zone, and CIS peacekeepers for the region.) Some of Basayev's forces, Moscow claims, operate out of bases in Georgia, and since 2002 Russia has threatened to take action against Chechen militants in that country. Washington warns against this.


    The Neocons' Role

    For over a decade, U.S. policy has been to criticize Russian actions against Chechen and Ingush rebels, while discouraging Russian support for all three separatist movements in Georgia. In 1999, many key players in the current administration formed an "American Committee for Peace in Chechnya" (ACPC), whose membership roster includes omnipresent neocon operator Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Elliot Cohen, Midge Decter, Frank Gaffney, Glen Howard, Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Michael Ledeen, Bruce Jackson, James Woolsey, and Caspar Weinberger. Since 9-11, while insisting on al-Qaeda links to Muslim terrorism everywhere else (from the Philippines to Palestine), they have pronounced any Chechen-al-Qaeda link "overstated." ACPC has successfully campaigned for the U.S. to provide political asylum to Ilyas Akhmadov, foreign minister in Maskhadov's toppled regime and considered a terrorist by Moscow. Bush policy was expressed by Steven Pifer, deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, in an appearance before the Congressional Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 2003: "[We] do not share the Russian assessment that the Chechen conflict is simply and solely a counterterrorism effort. . . . While there are terrorist elements fighting in Chechnya, we do not agree that all separatists can be equated as terrorists." According to John Laughland in the Guardian (Sept. 8), "US pressure will now increase on Moscow to achieve a political, rather than military, solution - in other words to negotiate with terrorists, a policy the US resolutely rejects elsewhere." Putin's Chechnya war, that is to say, is not, as the Russian leader wants to paint it, part and parcel of the global War on Terrorism initially focused on al-Qaeda. It is an ongoing statement of Russia's still-brutal, dictatorial character, and hence an encouragement for the Caucasian nations to strengthen ties with the U.S.

    While seeking regime change throughout the Muslim Middle East, inventing facts to achieve that end, the Bush administration (pleased with the new U.S.-educated president Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia, which it helped place in power; pleased to have military forces training troops in Azerbaijan; grateful to Armenia for its 50 troops in Iraq; planning on bringing these all into NATO) wants the status quo in the southern Caucasus (except for the remaining Russian bases in Georgia, which it wants to replace with its own). It also desires the advance of Muslim separatism in the northern (Russian) Caucasus. Should southern Russia decompose into a series of small, weak nations (from Daghestan to Karachayevo-Cherkessia), this part of Muslim Europe will fall firmly into the U.S. lap, terrorizing nobody and happily cooperating with U.S. energy corporations. This, at least, is the neocon hope, which is why they so embrace, even after the Beslan attack, what they imagine to be the Chechen cause. Meanwhile Moscow, repressing Muslim separatism at home, courts Muslim separatists in Georgia's Adzharia and Abhkazia. Thus the main issue in the Caucasus is not Islam, or Chechen terrorism, but geopolitical control, with the U.S. and Russia competing to depict their competition as a War on Terror.

    To this the world should simply say, with Bertolt Brecht, "The valley to the waterers, that it yield fruit." (Caucasian Chalk Circle, Act V)

    Gary Leupp is Professor of History at Tufts University, and Adjunct Professor of Comparative Religion. He is the author of Servants, Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa Japan; Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's merciless chronicle of the wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, Imperial Crusades.

    He can be reached at:

    From:  Aaron@L...
    Date:  Sat Sep 18, 2004  2:26 pm
    Subject:  Re: Bush Authorized 911 Attacks??!!?!!!!!

    From: MLN00P@a...
    Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 13:28:49 EDT
    Subject: Re: Bush Authorized 911 Attacks??!!?

    This is a lot of material. I printed it out and read the hard copy. Apparently Stanley Hilton knew Wofowitz and others at the University of Chicago in the 60s. The Neocons talked about manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor back then. There goal was to make a one party dictatorship. Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former chief of staff is suing the government for 7 billion dollars for carrying out 9/11. Bush, according to Stanley Hilton, apparently ordered 9/11 to happen.]

    Government Insider Says Bush
    Authorized 911 Attacks

    From Thomas Buyea

    Keep in mind when reading this, that the man being interviewed is no two-bit internet conspiracy buff.
    Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people.
    The following is from his latest visit to Alex Jones' radio show.
    Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA): Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.
    Note: All honor to Stanley Hilton for risking his life so that we may know the truth of 9/11.
    The Bush Junta Unmasked
    "This (9/11) was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder." --Stanley Hilton
    Alex Jones interview of Stanley Hilton, attorney for 911 taxpayers' lawsuit
    Alex Jones Radio Show September 10, 2004 Transcription by 'RatCat'
    AJ: He is back with us. He is former Bob Dole's chief of staff, very successful counselor, lawyer. He represents hundreds of the victims families of 9/11. He is suing Bush for involvement in 9/11. Now a major Zogby poll out - half of New Yorkers think the government was involved in 9/11. And joining us for the next 35 minutes, into the next hour, is Stanley Hilton. Stanley, it's great to have you on with us.
    SH: Glad to be on.
    AJ: We'll have to recap this when we start the next hour, but just in a nutshell, you have a lawsuit going, you've deposed a lot of military officers. You know the truth of 9/11. Just in a nutshell, what is your case alleging?
    SH: Our case is alleging that Bush and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and so forth, Tenet, were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen. Bush personally ordered it to happen. We have some very incriminating documents as well as eye-witnesses, that Bush personally ordered this event to happen in order to gain political advantage, to pursue a bogus political agenda on behalf of the neocons and their deluded thinking in the Middle East. I also wanted to point out that, just quickly, I went to school with some of these neocons. At the University of Chicago, in the late 60s with Wolfowitz and Feith and several of the others and so I know these people personally. And we used to talk about this stuff all of the time. And I did my senior thesis on this very subject - how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years.
    AJ: That's right. They were all Straussian followers of a Nazi-like professor. And now they are setting it up here in America. Stanley, I know you deposed a lot of people and you've got your $7 million dollar lawsuit with hundreds of the victim's families involved.
    SH: 7 billion, 7 billion
    AJ: Yeah, 7 billion. Can you go over some of the new and incriminating evidence you've got of them ordering the attack?
    SH: Yes, let me just say that this is a taxpayers' class action lawsuit as well as a suit on behalf of the families and the basic three arguments are they violated the Constitution by ordering this event. And secondly that they [garbled] fraudulent Federal Claims Act, Title 31 of the U.S. Code in which Bush presented false and fraudulent evidence to Congress to get the Iraq war authorization. And, of course, he related it to 9/11 and claimed that Saddam was involved with that, and all these lies.
    AJ: Tell you what, stay there. Stanley, we've got to break. Let's come back and get into the evidence. BREAK
    AJ: All right my friends, second hour, September 10th, 2004, the anniversary of the globalist attack coming up tomorrow. It's an amazing individual we have on the line. Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, a lawyer, he went to school with Rumsfeld and others, he wrote his thesis about how to turn America into a dictatorship using a fake Pearl Harbor attack. He's suing the U.S. government for carrying out 9/11. He has hundreds of the victims' families signing onto it - it's a $7 billion lawsuit. And he is Stanley Hilton. I know that a lot of stations just joined us in Los Angeles and Rhode Island and Missouri and Florida and all over. Please sir, recap what you were just stating and then let's get into the new evidence. And then we'll get into why you are being harassed by the FBI, as other FBI people are being harassed who have been blowing the whistle on this. So, this is really getting serious. Stanley, tell us all about it.
    SH: Yeah, we are suing Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Mueller, etc. for complicity in personally not only allowing 9/11 to happen but in ordering it. The hijackers we retained and we had a witness who is married to one of them. The hijackers were U.S. undercover agents. They were double agents, paid by the FBI and the CIA to spy on Arab groups in this country. They were controlled. Their landlord was an FBI informant in San Diego and other places. And this was a direct, covert operation ordered, personally ordered by George W. Bush. Personally ordered. We have incriminating evidence, documents as well as witnesses, to this effect. It's not just incompetence - in spite of the fact that he is incompetent. The fact is he personally ordered this, knew about it. He, at one point, there were rehearsals of this. The reason why he appeared to be uninterested and nonchalant on September 11th - when those videos showed that Andrew Card whispered in his ear the [garbled] words about this he listened to kids reading the pet goat story, is that he thought this was another rehearsal. These people had dress-rehearsed this many times. He had seen simulated videos of this. In fact, he even made a Freudian slip a few months later at a California press conference when he said he had, quote, "seen on television the first plane attack the first tower." And that could not be possible because there was no video. What it was was the simulated video that he had gone over. So this was a personally government-ordered thing. We are suing them under the Constitution for violating Americans' rights, as well as under the federal Fraudulent Claims Act, for presenting a fraudulent claim to Congress to justify the bogus Iraq boondoggle war, for political gains. And also, under the RICO statute, under the Racketeering Corrupt Organization Act, for being a corrupt entity. And I've been harassed personally by the chief judge of the federal court who is instructing me personally to drop this suit, threatened to kick me off the court, after 30 years on the court. I've been harassed by the FBI. My staff has been harassed and threatened. My office has been broken into and this is the kind of government we are dealing with.
    AJ: Absolutely and now it has come out - five separate drills of flying hijacked jets into buildings that morning - which you told us about before it even broke in the Associated Press. They were trying to get out ahead of you. You talked about how you interviewed military people who were told it was a drill that morning. Then to get out ahead of that, the news finally reported on it. Now, we've learned that all these operations - I want to get into that, I want to talk about the new incriminating evidence of ordering it and how they had drilled on this, how Cheney was in the bunker controlling this. That has even come out in the mainstream news but they won't release the details of that, Stanley. But what type of FBI harassment are you going through? SH: First of all, my office was burglarized in San Francisco several months ago. Files were gone through and some files were seized - particularly the ones dealing with the lady that was married to one of the hijackers. Fortunately, I had spare copies in a hidden place so nothing disappeared permanently. But more significantly, FBI agents have been harassing one of my staff members and threatening them with vague but frightening threats of indicting them. And it's just total harassment. They have planted a spy, an undercover agent, in my organization, as we just recently discovered. In other words, these are Nazi Germany tactics. This is the kind of government you have in this country. This is what Bush is all about.
    AJ: Stay there, Stanley, Bob Dole's former chief of staff. We'll come back after this quick break. Please stay with us. BREAK
    AJ: All right, eight minutes, 25 seconds into the second hour. Stanley Hilton, political scientist, lawyer, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, is suing the government for 7 billion dollars for carrying out 9/11 and for racketeering. And he joins us now. During the break, I first really did the big interview with Stanley Hilton after I saw him attacked on Fox News. And that interview got massive attention. And then he kind of went underground for a while because a judge, we're going to talk about that, ordered him to not do any more interviews. And now he's back doing interviews. He's had his office broken into, FBI threats and harassment. Bottom line, he has deposed military individuals, wives of hijackers, you name it, it was a government operation. It has even come out in mainstream news, a piece here, a piece there. They had drills on 9/11, that's why NORAD stood down. Cheney was in control of the whole thing. Stanley Hilton has now gotten documents about how Bush ordered the whole operation. And I'll tell you right now, his life is in danger, folks. And he's got so much courage. He went to school with these neocons at the University of Chicago. He wrote his thesis on how the government could use terrorist attacks to set up martial law. He is the man for the time and folks wondered why he disappeared for a while and just did his lawsuit and wasn't doing interviews, it was because he was ordered to. Stanley, can you get into that for us?
    SH: I did an interview with you, Alex, back in March of 2003, about a year and a half ago, and literally two weeks after that, I was contacted by the emissary of the chief judge of the federal court where I have the lawsuit. And I was warned not to publicize it but to keep it quiet and threatened with discipline. And it remained quiet until a couple of months ago and then I got on the air on some programs and some publicity and July 1st, I was threatened directly by the chief judge here, threatened with court discipline. This particular judge has been circulating communiqués to the other federal judges seeking anything negative she can get against me to try and discipline me after I've been on the court here for 30 years with no disciplinary problems at all. This is suddenly happening. And her assistants who are on the committee of the court met with me on July 1st in Palo Alto, California, and threatened me directly. They handed me a copy of the lawsuit and said that the judge wants me to dismiss this. What's this? She doesn't like the content of it. This is politically incorrect. This is outside the norm. I said I represented more than 400 plaintiffs, how am I going to dismiss this case? And they threatened me directly and they said, "the next time you'll be disciplined." And also they've threatened me not to go public, etc. And this is just outrageous.
    AJ: It's all color of law. No direct orders, just all in your face.
    SH: They sent a letter out, and of course they deny it's because of the political content of the suit but they told me directly on the phone that it is because of this suit and this judge is very, very angry, apparently has been in contact with Ashcroft's Justice Department. I got a call from Ashcroft's Justice Department a few months ago about this, demanding that I drop the suit, threatening sanctions and all kinds of things. I refused to drop it. AJ: Now let's go back over, you had them break into your office, harassment. Let's go over that in detail.
    SH: My office was broken into about 6 months ago. The file cabinets - it was obvious they had been rifled through. Files were stolen. Files dealing with this particular case and particularly with the documents I had regarding the fact that the - some of these hijackers, at least some of them were on the payroll of the U.S. government as undercover FBI, CIA, double agents. They are spying on Arab groups in the U.S. And, in effect, all this led up to the effect that al Qaeda is a creation of the George Bush administration, basically. That the entity that he called al Qaeda is directly linked to George Bush. And all this stuff was stolen. Fortunately, I had copies. But this was just part of the harassment. The FBI has also been harassing some of my assistants and has planted a spy in our midst. And it is just outrageous that these Nazi tactics are being used - and the obstruction of justice, these people are criminals. And that's what's happening under the tremendous pressure here to just drop it. Or to shut up now and just go away.
    AJ: Now, let's talk about what they want you to drop. Let's talk about, without giving names, the people you deposed, what really happened, the picture you've got. You said earlier that Bush ordered this, they were simulating this which they now admit there were simulations on that morning. Let's go over what they don't want you to talk about, Stanley.
    SH: We have evidence both documentary as well as witness sworn statements from undercover former FBI agents, FBI informants, etc., that other officials in the Pentagon and the military and the Air Force that deal with the fact that there were many drills, many rehearsals for 9/11 before it happened. Bush had seen this simulated on TV many times. He blurted this out at a press conference in California a few months after 9/11 where he said he had, quote, seen the first plane hit the first building on the video. And that's not possible because there was no official video of that. There was one of the second plane not the first one. He had seen the first one. We do have some incriminating documents that Bush personally ordered 9/11 events. It was well planned. A FEMA official has admitted on tape that he was there the night before - September 10th, that is
    AJ: And now Mayor Giuliani, a few months ago in the 911 Commission, admitted that - Tripod II. They had their whole command post already moved out of Building 7. Now, this is very, very important. This is a key area of this whole event. You said months before it came out on the CIA's own website and the Associated Press, you said I deposed people. They said there were drills that morning and exactly what happened, happening - that was the smoke-screen for the stand-down. And then to get out ahead of it, the CIA comes out and said yeah we were running a drill that morning. Now, we've learned that five, possibly six, were confirmed. Five of these - one drill with the exact same thing happening that actually happened, at the exact same time in the morning. That's why NORAD stood down with 24 different blips on the screen. You've said this. You brought this up first. Now, I know you can't get too much into detail but can you tell us how you learned of this?
    SH: I have interviewed individuals in NORAD and the Air Force. I personally toured NORAD many years ago around the time that I worked for Dole. I'm very familiar with the operations at Cheyenne Mountain at Colorado Springs, where NORAD is. Individuals that work in NORAD as well as the Air Force have stated this, off the record, but the point is, yes, this was not just five drills but at least 35 drills over at least two months before September 11th. Everything was planned, the exact location
    AJ: But five drills that day.
    SH: That day, that day, and Bush thought it was a drill. That's the only explanation for why he appeared nonchalant
    AJ: We also had NORAD officers and civilian air traffic controllers going, "Is this part of the exercise? Is this a drill?"
    SH: Yes.
    AJ: On the tapes and in TV interviews, they thought it was, quote, a drill.
    SH: That's right. That's exactly what I said long before it became public. I've known about this since earlier in March of '03, as I stated before. This was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder. And now, obstruction of justice by attempting to use a federal judge and FBI agents to inhibit a legitimate civil lawsuit in this country, in federal court. Even a chief judge in this court tried to harass and threaten me personally for representing legitimate plaintiffs. And they got Clinton for allegedly lying under oath about Paula Jones and now - look what's happening now. And Ken Starr used to be across from me in Duke Law School in the early `70s and it´s interesting that he got away with trying to get Clinton impeached, so we have a far worse criminal sitting in the oval office today - somebody guilty of mass murder as well as obstruction of justice.
    AJ: Well, I mean look, they say they never heard of a plan to fly planes into buildings - said it all over television - Rice, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft. And then we find out they were running all these drills that morning. Even if they weren't involved, that proves they were liars about ever hearing of such a plan.
    SH: Well, I'm trying to take their depositions - I've been trying to take their depositions for months. They've been trying to object to it. They will have to admit they were either lying then or now. It's clearly perjury either way. They are liars and perjurers; that's what they are. These are the people that we have running this government and, of course, they knew about it. How are they going to claim now that they didn't know about these drills? Their idea is that nobody knew anything. It's the old know-nothing mentality. And how anybody considers this believable is beyond me.
    AJ: All right, now people ask how could a huge organization, how could the AWACs, how could the military let this happen; whereas before, if your Cessna got off course for five minutes, they would launch F-16s on you. It's real simple. It's what Stanley Hilton said here a year and a half ago. It's what came out in the news after that. The military, good people, were told this was all a drill. And it was not a drill. And ABC News admits that Cheney was in control of [?] out of the White House [?] and that he ordered the military to quote "do something." Our inside sources from Hilton and others say it was a stand down and they admit they will not release that under national security. Stanley?
    SH: Well they are going to admit it, they're going to release it in the court case because if you demand it under subpoena powers and they must release it. And part of our lawsuit is brought in the name of the U.S. because under the federal fraudulent [Claims Act], we accuse the Bush Administration of presenting a fraudulent claim to Congress. And under the statutes of Title 31 of the U.S. code, they must release this information. That's why they are trying to threaten me, harass me, invade my office, steal my files, commit blatant obstruction of justice and other crimes to try and prevent a legitimate civil suit from exposing these criminals and their acts of treason and mass murder.
    AJ: I think you need to publicly tell folks that you are not planning suicide. Would you like to tell folks that?
    SH: (laughs) I'm not planning suicide. I've got family and I'm not planning that but I don't like the threats I'm under - but I can tell you this, it's taking a toll emotionally on me and my staff. And particularly, when you get a threat from the chief judge of your own court.
    AJ: Why have you decided to go public again after a year of being under the radar? SH: Because the more and more evidence that I've been adducing over a year and a half has made it so obvious to me that this was now without any doubt a government operation and that it amounts to the biggest act of treason and mass murder in American history. I mean George Bush makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot. He makes Benedict Arnold look like George Washington. I mean that's what we have - a criminal and a traitor sitting in the White House pretending he's a patriot, wrapping himself in the flag. And it's pretty disgusting because the other side of the so-called opposition, the Kerry camp is just saying nothing because they're afraid to speak.
    AJ: Stay right there. We'll be right back.
    AJ: Stanley Hilton will be with us for another 15 or 16 minutes. Then he's got to go into court. Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, lawyer, represents 400 plus plaintiffs - most of them victims of 9/11. When I was in New York last week, everybody I was talking to, I mean 90 plus percent of them at ground zero - "I had family, I worked in the buildings, my son's a Navy Seal - he called the night before and said don't go to work." You know, all of this, and then now they never had any idea - and it turns out they had all these drills - and one drill of hijacked jets flying into the World Trade Center and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning. That morning - come on people! And Stanley Hilton brought all this out on this show before it was in the mainstream news. And I was talking to him during the break. I mean, the harassment, the moles, the threatening of his staff, the judge threatening him. Stanley, let's get specifically into the documents that you have now got that they have now been robbing you for, that you luckily, thank God had copies. Specifically, Bush ordering this. Can you get into that for us - ordering 9/11? SH: National Security Council classified documents which [garbled] and it's was part of a series of documents that were involved with the drill documents. This was all planned - they had it on videotape. These planes were controlled by remote control, as I stated previously a year and a half ago, there's a system called Cyclops. There is a computer chip in the nose of the plane and it enables the ground control, the military ground control, to disable the pilot's control of the plane and to control it and to fly it directly into those towers. That's what happened. It's also a technology used on what's called the Global Hawk, which is an aircraft drone - a remote- controlled aircraft. And they were doing it. We are talking about National Security Council classified documents that clearly indicated that [garbled] had a green light to order this to go and this is no drill. These drills that were running were clearly a dress rehearsal and this was a government operation. You wonder why these people are trying to threaten people and trying to intimidate people who have written this suit, I guess if you murdered 3000 of your own citizens, in conjunction with the corrupt Royal family of Saudi Arabia as Bush did. And if you then waste billions more on a worthless garbage war in Iraq, I guess you've got something to worry about and you want to threaten people to prevent it from coming out.
    AJ: I mean let's look at this. Not only are there dress rehearsals, they are smoke screens so the good military stands down and doesn't know what's happening. But it's now coming out, even in mainstream news, that yes these drills were going on. Yes, and some of these drills, quote, passenger-type jets were under remote control - this is decades old technology. In 1958, NORAD was [ ] old jets and using them for target practice. Decades ago they flew jumbo jets from LA to Sidney Australia. So since that's going on, everybody knows that. And it's the same MO. Just like the first World Trade Center [bombing] where they get two retarded men who followed this blind sheik who had a tiny mosque above a pizza parlor. And they set them up as the patsies. Then the FBI cooks the bomb, trains the drivers. This informant goes, "You're not going to bomb the building? They go "Yeah, we're letting it go forward." He tapes them to protect themselves. The two retarded gentlemen, thank God, didn't park it up against the column, as the FBI instructed them to do, so it didn't bring down the tower - because you have to be right up against the column. That doesn't happen. Yet, it's the same thing with 9/11. You've got these CIA agents, these Arabs, who were trained at U.S. military bases, Pensacola Naval Air Station - mainstream media, out creating their legends for this background. They're on board the aircraft. My military sources say nerve gas kills everybody on board the plane - nerve gas packets. Then they fly the planes into buildings. From your inside sources, is that accurate?
    SH: It's one of the things that we are looking into - that nerve gas or something else disabled people. It's possible. I can't say for sure to be honest with you
    AJ: All you know is they were government agents and they were on board and the planes were remote controlled.
    SH: Yeah, it was basically a smokescreen. I mean, the events of the hijackings, how someone snuck in those cutters, it was a plant. It was like a classic decoy. I've got some military background. And it's called decoy. It's a decoy operation. You make the people focus on the decoy to avoid looking at the real criminals. So they are focusing on these so-called nineteen hijackers and saying, "Oh, it must have been these Arabs. When, in fact, the guilty person is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - sitting in the oval office. That's the guilty person. That's the one who authorized it. There is only one man who could have authorized this operation and that's Bush. And anyone at NORAD will tell you as I have been told personally at NORAD in the war control room, there is only one man who has the power to do this kind of thing and that's Bush. Even though many believe he's a puppet. And I think in many ways he is. The fact of the matter is where was [ ] Cheney, Rumsfeld and these other traitors. The fact is Bush personally ordered and he's guilty and liable and he's going to be re-elected apparently because the media's asleep and [garbled] for Bush. AJ: Well, the media is owned by the same military industrial complex that carried out the attacks.
    SH: Yeah, the media is only interested in maintaining the official government fantasy that this was a little lone Arab. These Arabs couldn't even steer that plane down a runway.
    AJ: Stay there Stanley, final segment coming up. BREAK
    AJ: Mr. Hilton, when you talk to these FBI agents, when you talk to these military men and women, what's their attitude? They've got to be pretty freaked out to have the big picture and know what actually happened on 9/11.
    SH: Yes, you know it's like clouds just before a thunderstorm in the sense that they are sort of pregnant with rage. They are just enraged at the criminal politicians who have perverted and misused the government to murder its own citizens and pursue these dubious political ends. And many of them, in increasing numbers, are willing to talk and will talk under subpoena - but only under subpoena because the official party line of the government is shut up and don't talk to the trial lawyer. But more and more, they are very outraged that part of the government has done this to its own people, to its own people. I mean you have to go back to Stalin to see something - not even Hitler did this to his own people. You have to look at Stalin who murdered the Kulaks, the Russians for his own dubious gains. Also we've got - we have a Stalinist mentality in this country. And, if these people pose as patriots and wrap themselves in the flag, it's disgusting. I wanted also to point out that the Japanese television network, Asahi, is going to be airing a special on primetime tomorrow, on September 11th. They interviewed me for eight hours a couple of weeks ago. I'll be on that. I wish - of course, the America media don't care so they are not going to care. But in Japan, people are very serious in interviewing me and others. And we have a website now, called, if more people are interested: But the other thing, I just wanted to say that if anything happens to me - and I don't know why - because I'm being threatened here now. And it seems you can't bring a case in this country anymore against criminals in power without being threatened. And this is how they operate. The stakes are pretty high when you've got a world historical level of treason and fraud by this government against it's own people. I guess this is what you have to expect.
    AJ: Stanley, the globalists, the new world order crowd, definitely intend to carry out more terror attacks. I know they would have carried out more attacks if we wouldn't have done what we've been up to, if you wouldn't have been out there boldly speaking out and many others. And then their electronic Berlin wall has a bunch of cracks in it now. Thanks to good people like yourself and many others who are speaking out and telling the truth. But do you think that they may carry out what they've been hyping - a suitcase nuke attack, a biological release to try to smokescreen all of this? I know it's a catch 22, you've got to expose the murderers. We've got to get the word out on this but some government people that I've talk to say, "Yeah, but if you do that, they are going to go even more hard core and must totally try to take over." But I say regardless, they are already doing that. So what do you say to that?
    SH: Well, yeah, I think they have an agenda. They have contingency plans. I think they are laying low now because there are an increasing number of people, like myself, who are openly challenging them and accusing them of criminal conduct. I think they would have done it again if we had not spoken up. I think they're planning, what they would like to do is silence any dissenters. That's why we are trying to get the Patriot Act declared unconstitutional in this lawsuit also.
    AJ: Let's talk about polls. In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot. You are one of those guys who hit the barbwire for us, or figuratively jumped on the hand grenade for America. But when you've got a Zogby poll, who is highly respected, half of New Yorkers believe that the government was involved. When you have a Canadian poll, 63% on average believe that the U.S. government was involved. And some groups, as high as 76% in polls believe the government was involved. European polls, two- thirds show the same thing. We have German defense ministers and technology ministers and another member of their government now, three of them going public, known conservatives, and progressives. You have an environment minister, Michael Meacher, saying that if they didn't do it, they sure as hell knew what was going on. Look, if anybody who is a thinking person looks at the evidence, their official story is impossible. Then you investigate and they are involved in it. Comments to this massive awakening and what's happening.
    SH: Well, I think that's why they want the Patriot Act to suppress political dissent. They have to, they're anticipating, they are not dumb individuals. I know these people personally, Wolfowitz. These are criminal individuals but they are smart and so they anticipated political dissent. And that's why, like the Nazis, their forebears, and their blood brothers, the Nazis and the Stalinists, they're all for political repression. Every corrupt and criminal government has done this - they suppress their own people: Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Mao Tse-Tung, that's why we have the Patriot Act. So it's hand in hand. They had it planned to go right up to September 11th, this was all part of the plan. You have to do it. It was part of my senior thesis. You must follow through the terrorists attacks with a political suppression mechanism in the law. And that's why they want Patriot I and Patriot II and their plans are to continue launching more terrorist attacks to justify even more repression. The goal is to make this a one party dictatorship in this country, to pursue their dubious ends with their blood brothers like the Saudi Royal family. And also, historical blood brothers, such as the Nazi Germany and the Communist Russian. That's the goal
    AJ: You've got to go in just a minute or two. But I wanted to also tell you about New York. Sound cannons that are used in Iraq, they're against us. Men in black ski masks. 41,000 police, accredited media being arrested randomly. Children being arrested, people in wheelchairs, 2000 plus people put in a camp with barbwire fences inside with no bathrooms. You had to have permission to go to the porta-potties. Police screaming at you. It had nothing to do with terrorism. They are openly setting the precedent for martial law.
    SH: Well, that's right, the word terrorist is now being overly broad and overly defined [garbled] and also, you know, it's like the word communist was used for anything during the McCarthy witch hunt. And anybody can be called a terrorist by Bush's definition. But the irony is that the number one terrorist in the world is living at the White House at the oval office today. That's the real irony. For sheer hypocrisy, I think he deserves the world prize and ought to be in the Ripley book, Believe It or Not, and the Guinness book of world records for sheer brazen chicanery and fraud.
    AJ: Let me ask you a question on this because this is the experience that I had. Watching television, watching the killers, watching those that are guilty, stand up there as our saviors is incredibly painful. It's like watching Ted Bundy being the judge at his own trial. I mean it is just painful to know who these people are. To see them putting America in a shredder. Now we are going to have forced psychological testing of every American, forced drugging, you know Pan-American unions, I mean it's just all happening, it's in our face, Stanley.
    SH: Yeah, it's very disturbing and as one who has studied the theory and concept of dictatorships, I personally interviewed Albert Speer, who was Hitler's armaments minister. I interviewed him in 1981 in Munich. And I've studied the psychology and history of totalitarianism and there is no question that it's very frightening. And it has, today, with high technology, albeit for the first time in history, the chance of having a world empire dominated by corrupt, technologically oriented government - an elite government. And they've got now what people like Napoleon and Hitler didn't have, which is the technological means to dominate not only their own country but others - the world.
    AJ: The answer is to expose them as the terrorists, to show how PNAC [Project for the New American Century] said we need helpful Pearl Harbor events, to show how Northwoods called for the exact 9/11-style attacks, to show their own plans. And to force people to face this horror. What are they going to do in a year or two when 80% of us, not half of us, know the truth?
    SH: Well, that's why they want repression and, then again, the ancient old diversion, launch another terrorist attack to get people to pitch it away. I mean who knows what they'll do next. I mean their capacity for ingenious creation of these events is sort of unraveled. I mean there is no limit. My guess is they are going to try another stunt - maybe a stunt just before the election to justify getting Bush reelected. Although it seems like he is running against a straw man or a ghost right now, anyway. But, my guess is they'll try some other tactic to get people's attention away from 9/11 if it gets to be too much attention. What you really want is for the public to just lose interest because the public - and it's like remember the Alamo, you know, people don't forget things like that. To me it's like the Alamo, remember 9/11, that ought to be the slogan for this outrageous act of treason. That's what it is. It's not
    AJ: We are at a crossroads, I don't think they anticipated this much resistance, Stanley.
    SH: Yeah, I hope they are truly wrong and as incompetent as they are corrupt and guilty. That means their incompetence is exceeded only by their corruption and their guilt. And eventually, if enough people are going to get outraged enough, these people in the bureaucracy and in the civil service and our military, and eventually we can get people under subpoena these individuals will be exposed.
    AJ: Stanley, their whole operation hinges on us being naïve and not recognizing evil. This is what they got with Hitler and others. People couldn't recognize evil so they continued to repeat succumbing to it. We are recognizing it this time. We are putting our lives, our treasure, our future on the line for freedom because we cannot let these blood-thirsty control freak terrorists capture us and use us and turn us into the empire and have a draft and use us as their slaves to invade the planet. And that's their PNAC plan. Stanley Hilton, I know you've got to get to court. God bless you. I want to thank you for being here with us today. Can we get you back on next week?
    SH: Sure, just give me a call.
    AJ: God bless you my friend. Any closing comments?
    SH: My closing comments would be, I think people ought to just think about the consequence of having someone like Bush in the White House and the danger for the future that these sorts of individuals pose. This is not just a historical event of the past. This is part of the plan and the camera is still rolling. They have an agenda. These individuals are extremely dangerous. They are armed and dangerous. They pose a clear and dangerous threat to every freedom-loving person not only American but in the whole world.
    AJ: You are absolutely right Stanley Hilton. They have captured the government. They have not captured the peoples' minds and they are counting on us not facing up to it.
    SH: And they are counting on the repressive Patriot Act and threats and chief judges and FBI agents threatening people who are exposing them. That's what they are counting on.
    AJ: But you're not backing down are you, my friend.
    SH: No, I'm not
    AJ: Well, we all stand with you, my brother, and God bless you.
    SH: All right. Thank you.
    To hear Alex's interview with Stanley Hilton -


    Former CIA agent says Bush to blame for 9/11

    By Chris Gardner
    September 22, 2004


    Former CIA agent Ray McGovern went over what he considers the failures of the intelligence community and current administration over the past few years. He has 27 years of experience as a CIA analyst to draw upon and has dealt with every administration from Kennedy to Bush Sr.

    "It's difficult for people to learn the truth about things like Iraq," said McGovern, a member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), which is comprised of more than 40 former employees of agencies such as the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Army Intelligence, the FBI and the National Security Agency.

    "We have hundreds of years worth of experience in government service and intelligence to draw on so we feel a civic responsibility to do our best to spread as much truth as we can this fall," McGovern said.

    He began his lecture by describing the CIA. He explained that the agency is supposed to be the one place in government with no political agenda, and could be very disastrous if it obtains one.

    McGovern told a story about CIA officials who gave false information about enemy troop numbers in Vietnam to President Johnson. The lie led to a surprise of U.S. forces by the Tet Offensive in 1968. In this war of attrition, the agency wanted to make it look like the United States was doing better than it really was, McGovern said.

    "Picture the Vietnam Memorial in Washington; it's a big 'V' shape. Now picture it with just one side of the 'V'. It might have been that way if some people had told the truth," McGovern said.

    He also criticized the 9/11 Commission's final report, saying the committee was comprised of political extremists who couldn't reach a consensus.

    "It wasn't a bipartisan commission; it was more like a bipolar commission," McGovern said. "To say that no one could prevent 9/11 was a bold-faced lie. It basically let the president and everyone responsible off the hook."

    He went on to talk about the faulty intelligence attorney general John Ashcroft used when he announced that terrorist attacks may occur before or around election time, saying that elections might have to be postponed if the United States is attacked.

    "There might be a real or staged terrorist attack in order to postpone the elections," McGovern said. "This might seem outlandish; I hope it is."

    He mentioned how the Bush administration wanted to involve the country with the war in Iraq for certain reasons other than fear of weapons of mass destruction, which was just a more media-friendly explanation for the war.

    "I have initials for why I think we went to war in Iraq," McGovern said. "O.I.L. O-I-L, O is for oil, I is for Israel and L is for logistics, as in when we have Iraq we have a foothold and a number of bases strategically placed in the Middle East so we can be in control over there and also to protect Israel."

    Next he brought up civil liberties in the United States and how they have declined in the past few years.

    "I used to say when I was a kid growing up when someone told me not to do something, 'It's a free country,'" McGovern said. "I ask you to think about it now."

    In the audience was Nahla al-Arian, wife of imprisoned former professor Sami al-Arian. She explained to McGovern how she and her husband came to America to be free and described their current situation. Then she asked him why the government would target Palestinian activists.

    His initial response was just, "I'm sorry," then he paused to collect his thoughts and said that things like that come all the way from the top down.

    McGovern had a speaking engagement at the University of Florida later in the afternoon, and will also be lecturing at UCF soon on his and the VIPS's quest to spread the truth.

    "No one has a corner on the truth. We don't have a corner on the truth, but it is certain that Fox News does not," McGovern said. "That most people get their 'news' from Fox News is extremely troubling." end of article

    From:  Alex Constantine <alexx33@s...>
    Date:  Sat Oct 2, 2004  1:04 am
    Subject:  Saudi Entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi Linked to the 911 Terrorists, Part I
    To:  Brian <bsalter@g...>

    Saudi Entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi
    Linked to 911 Terrorists, Part I

    By Alex Constantine

    Decades before burning skyscrapers, codified torture, secret trials and mass
    detentions, there was Barrick Gold, a mining concern in Canada with roots in
    the American intelligence establishment. It is fitting that gold, the
    seductive but dead heart of world capitalism, should christen a story about
    the most unconscionable event in Wall Street history: 911.

    Barrick¹s incorporation is obscure. Most accounts claim that the firm was
    founded by Peter Munk, a former radio manufacturer who made a splash in the
    Canadian press when he disposed of his shares in the company shortly before
    it was declared insolvent, a golden parachute paid for by investors and the
    Canadian taxpayer. His name was instantly mud in the investment community,
    but fortunately for Munk, no indictment was ever brought against him.

    Today, his overall worth is estimated at $350 million.1 Munk¹s redemption
    was the work of Saudi entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi, who would go on to
    notoriety as an Ollie North intermediary in the Iran-Contra affair.
    Khashoggi and Munk kicked off their partnership with a series of hotel
    investments. In 1983, the Saudi entrepeneur raided his fat cash reserves to
    purchase Barrick. Munk was installed as chairman.

    Khashoggi distanced himself from Barrick shortly after the Iran-Contra
    scandal broke (but held onto his stock, tied up as collateral for North¹s
    arms transfers to Iran in 1985), notes Observer reporter Gregg Palast in a
    book on the 2000 presidential election, before Bush was invited in. That was
    in 1995: ³Munk's reputation was restored, at least in his own mind, in part
    by massive donations to the University of Toronto. Following this act of
    philanthropy, the university awarded Munk­adviser Bush an honorary degree.
    Several students were arrested protesting what appeared to them as a
    cash-for-honors deal.²2

    The bonds were positively Sicilian. in 1986, Khashoggi was was arrested for
    fraud and held in a New York prison. Munk paid his $4 million bail.3

    Financial researcher Lois Battuello was Palast¹s key source of information
    concerning Barrick. It was Battuello who gave Palast a file on Barrick
    Resources International (BRI), the nascent firm founded two years before
    Barrick Gold, a spin-off, by the Central Intelligence Agency¹s Kermit
    Roosevelt to serve as a dummy business front.

    This was roughly the same time that Roosevelt cemented relations with
    Khashoggi, who brought Munk along, on behalf of the CIA. In 1983, Battuello
    says, the disgraced entrepeneur ³picked up the mantle of this clandestine
    front (read looted taxpayer dollars) in Toronto as though it was his
    operation. It was simply put together with Œevil money,¹ and it gave Adnan
    Khashoggi an excuse to be visible in Toronto, where he established yet more
    businesses and outposts.²4 The offshore division of Khashoggi's Barrick
    Resources, for instance, controlled Jetborne, Inc., a company in Toronto
    used by Khashoggi to ship arms to Iran under the direction of Reagan¹s NSC.5

    Khashoggi¹s empire, raised on a bed of gold, metastisized rapidly. In 1973,
    he dropped in his burgeoning portfolio a company in possession of nearly two
    million acres of prime real estate, the Arizona-Colorado Land & Cattle
    Company -- not far from the 100,000 acre Paloma Ranch near Gila Bend, deeded
    to the CIA¹s Kermit Roosevelt and John B. Anderson.6

    Two years later, in cahoots with Sheik Kamal Adham -- then director of Saudi
    intelligence (1963-79), brother-in-law of King Faisal and the CIA¹s key
    liaison to the Arab world -- Khashoggi founded Oryx.

    But the Saudi Sheik¹s thieving bonds with Khashoggi and the CIA were forged
    decades earlier, with the incorporation of Barrick. The company¹s seed
    investors were Saudis with Agency ties, including Shiek Kamal Adham, Adnan
    Khashoggi, and Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz (a major investor in Barrick,
    code-named ³Tumbleweed² by his CIA contacts).7 By 1978, Adham was worth
    roughly $134 million.

    It was but two years earlier that the son of Prescott Bush, a well-heeled
    CIA director, struck up an alliance with Saudi Arabia and Iran under the
    Shah. George H.W. Bush¹s left-hand man at Langley was Kamal Adham. After
    leaving the CIA in January, 1977, Bush was appointed to the executive
    committee chair of First International Bancshares (FIB), the largest bank in
    the District of Columbia. (In the 1980s, the Shiek and Abdul Khalil
    ((Adham¹s successor as Saudi intelligence director)), then officers of BCCI,
    were implicated in a hostile bid for FIB, by this time transmorgrified into
    a dummy front for its scandal-infested parent, BCCI.)

    Raymond Close, another revolving-door, covert dervish, CIA station chief in
    Saudi Arabia, took arms from the Saudis and gave them to Pakistan, and in
    Œ70s left the Agency and went to work for BCCI director Kamal Adham.

    Majority shares in Capcom, a BCCI susidiary, were held by Saudi spooks Adham
    and Khalil. Capcom sidelines included money laundering and drug
    trafficking.8 Adham was eventually prosecuted for fraud in the BCCI case and
    paid a $100 million fine.

    Oryx, the demonic corporate brat of Khashoggi and Adham, has recently been
    linked by investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker (Welcome to Terrorland) to
    Wallace Hilliard, proprietor of Huffman Aviation in Florida, where Mohammed
    Atta¹s suicide cult trained in aero-terrorism.

    Of the 220 flight schools in Florida, Atta had to pick Huffman.

    Wallace Hilliard, Khashoggi¹s lackey, bought Huffman Aviation in 1999, and
    hired Rudi Dekkers, a Dutchman, to run it. The following year, Hilliard¹s
    LearJet was stopped on the runway at Orlando Executive Airport by armed DEA

    At Huffman, too, the CIA was a silent partner. Sander Hickes, a reporter for
    the Long Island Press, found that Hilliard ³did business with Myron Du Bain,
    who worked alongside late ex-CIA director John McCone on the boards of
    several banks. Du Bain was chairman of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company
    in 1981 when the company announced plans to acquire Employers Health, an
    insurance company cofounded by Hilliard.²9

    In July, Daniel Hopsicker, after a two-year investigation into Huffman
    Aviation, offered from his MadCowMorningNews web soapbox the suggestion
    that Mohammed Atta had been engaged ³in a lucrative drug trafficking
    operation which linked Osama bin Laden's thugs and drug lieutenants to their
    equally-thuggish American counterparts. This places the two terrorists at
    the same airport where DEA agents brandishing submachine guns seized a Lear
    jet belonging to the owner of the flight school [Hilliard] where Atta and
    Al-shehhi were taking lessons ... at that very moment.²

    DEA agents, Hopsicker wrote, ³discovered 43 pounds of heroin aboard
    Hilliard¹s Lear. The Orlando Sentinel hailed the bust as Œthe largest
    seizure in Central Florida's history.¹ After we'd learned the whole story,
    we discovered the bust had been an accident, carried out by low-level DEA
    operatives not clued-in to the protected nature of the trade. Nor was this
    the only time Hilliard's name came up in connection with narcotics

    Likewise, Hilliard¹s Saudi boss would soon be immersed in criminal activity
    of his own -- with direct ties to terrorism -- in Armenia. Banking fraud was
    rampant there, Global News Wire reported in August, 2004, ³thanks to the
    Arab millionaire Adnan Khashoggi -- an active partner of Armenian
    businessmen in the illicit drug and arms trades.² Khashoggi¹s first
    bucket-shop banking operation was a branch of the Caucasus Investment Bank
    in Susa. In quick succession, with the assistance of Abu Muslum, an Arab
    businessman, he opened the Hamaz and Beit ul-Muqaddas banks.

    Rovsan Novruzoglu, a political scientist and director of the International
    Strategic Research Center in Azerbaijan, observes that Adnan Khashoggi¹s
    banks ³played a big part in the formation of terrorist camps and in the
    opening of laboratories for developing chemical and bacteriological weapons
    in Nagornyy Karabakh.²11

    Back home, Hilliard's flight school, as Hopsicker reported, ³was training
    dozens of terrorists to fly -- including both pilots crashing into the World
    Trade Center.² ...

    1) Greg Palast, ³Poppy Strikes Gold,² excerpt from The Best Democracy Money
    Can Buy,²

    2) Ibid.

    3) Greg Palast, ³Best democracy money can buy: Gregory Palast examines the
    sources of the $500m that boosted Bush's bid for the White House,² Observer,
    November 26, 2000.

    4) Lois Ann Battuello, e-mail exchange with author, October 1, 2004.

    5) Ibid. Today, Khashoggi has interests in some 1500 companies, and indirect
    involvement in others. The second largest shareholder in Ruppert Murdoch¹s
    News Corp., for instance, is Prince Walid bin Talal bin Abdulaziz as Saud
    (Prince Alwaleed), a Khashoggi colleague.

    6) Ibid.

    7) Jay Taylor, ³Jay Taylor: J. Taylor's Gold and Technology Stocks² (Volume
    22 No. 15), January 3 2004.

    8) Martin J. Rivers, ³A Wolf in Sheikhs Clothing: Bush Business Deals with 9
    Partners of bin Laden¹s Banker,² Geocities, March 15, 2004.

    9) Sander Hicks, ³No Easy Answer - Heroin, Al Qaeda And The Florida Flight
    School,² Long Island Press, February 19, 2004.

    10) Daniel Hopsicker, ³9/11's Big Dirty Secret,² MadCowMorningNews, July 19

    11) M. Macidli, ³Azerbaijani Daily Outlines Activities of International
    Armenian Haybun Organization,² Global News Wire, August 27, 2003.

    From:  "D. Cinelli" <d.cinelli@v...>
    Date:  Sat Oct 2, 2004  8:55 pm
    Subject:  Fw: whoever planned 911......

    Whoever planned 9-11......

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so when a consortium of international companies
    had been planning an oil pipeline across

    Whoever planned 9-11 did so just one year prior to 9/11 Bayer Corp.
    filing for a patent for CIPRO antibiotic as a treatment
    for inhalation anthrax.

    Whoever planned 9-11 did so when the Saudi Binladin Group domain name on
    the worldwide web
    ( was preset to expire on Sept. 11, 2001.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so just months following author James Bamford's
    new book BODY OF SECRETS revealed how
    the Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up and approved plans in the 1960s to
    launch terrorist attacks against the US to incite public
    sentiment against Cuba.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so three years to the day after the US Chemical
    Biological Incidence Force conducted a practice
    drill on 9/11/1998 to simulate a terrorist attack. The force had
    already been nicknamed "911 Response Force". The main
    point here is that the US Military was using the 9/11 date rather than
    any known Arab or terrorist force.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so when Deputy Director of the FBI John O'Neill
    resigned over White House obstruction of
    investigations involving Osama bin Laden. O'Neill later accepted a
    position as security chief of the World Trade Center and
    was killed on Sept. 11, 2001.

    Whoever planned 9/11 scheduled the attack 10 months after Bruce Hoffman,
    director of the Rand Institute in Washington DC,
    indicated the next President will have to face up to the growing threat
    of Islamic terrorism. If so, why was 9/11 described as
    a surprise attack?

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so when the US Government had already planned a
    cabinet level position to combat terrorism, the
    Secretary of Homeland Security Agency.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so at an uncanny time when Miramax Films
    announced acquisition of the film rights to Andy
    McNabb's novel "CRISIS FOUR" featuring a plot in which Osama bin Laden
    aims to blow up the White House. The books
    were written in 1999.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so at the same time Hollywood movie producers
    were writing scripts and filming
    war films, such as "Black Hawk Down, "Behind Enemy Lines," and "We Were
    Soldiers. Actors in one of  the movies trained at Army bases. How would Hollywood know in advance
    of an upcoming war?

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so about a month prior to CNN airing a
    documentary entitled BENEATH THE VEIL, which called
    attention to the mistreatment of females in Afghanistan. (A propaganda
    movie, made to soften up the public for post 9/11
    war with Afghanistan?)

    Whoever planned 9/11, which was portrayed as a surprise attack, managed
    to pick a date two weeks after the FAA issue
    warned airlines and airports that terrorist groups were planning to fly
    on US airlines. The FBI denies it had prior
    knowledge of the airborne attack against the WTC. Yet the owner of a
    pilot training school in Illinois indicates FBI agents had
    visited his business a month prior to investigate some of the alleged
    terrorists. Actor James Woods reports in the NY Times
    that he was on a flight in August from Boston to Los Angeles, sitting in
    1st class with the only other passengers in the section
    being four Middle Eastern-looking men who only talked in whispers and
    did not read or sleep. Woods called the FBI on Sept.
    12 to tell the FBI of his experience, but he had reported the incident
    to airline and ground authorities when he landed in

    Whoever planned 9/11 knew to place options on United Airlines stocks 5
    days prior to 9/11 that profited them an estimated
    $5 million in profits.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so with surprising timing, just 3 days after
    the Inova Fairfax Hospital in Northern Virginia
    practiced a response to a mock terrorist attack that included anthrax.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so 4 days after the State Department issued a
    memo stating Americans "may be the target of a
    terrorist threat."

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so one day after a group of top Pentagon
    officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next
    morning due to security concerns.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so on the very day that Simon & Schuster
    released a book entitled BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so one day prior to a disaster preparedness
    drill that had been scheduled for New York City.
    FEMA personnel reported to Dan Rather on CBS News that they were on
    the ground Monday night, September 10.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so when military training exercises (Operation
    Northern Vigilance) were underway where NORAD
    radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airlines at the same time,
    and NORAD couldn't determine the real from the
    simulated aircraft. A NORAD operator asked Is this real world, or
    an exercise.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so without detection while the evening of
    September 11 CNN aired a live news report from Kabul,
    Afghanistan concerning the killing of an Afghan leader who opposed the
    Taliban. Why was CNN reporting on otherwise
    unrelated events in Afghanistan when no one knew at this early time who
    actually had hijacked the airplanes? An early link
    was being made for TV viewers between the WTC attack and the ruling
    Taliban in Afghanistan, long before US intelligence
    agencies could confirm the identities of the airborne hijackers and
    their alleged association with Osama bin Laden.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so after Pakistani authorities had wired
    $100,000 to WTC hijacker Mohammed
    Atta. Why was Afghanistan fingered as the target for the war against
    terrorism when Pakistan apparently was
    complicit in the funding of 9/11?

    Whoever planned 9/11 released the anthrax mail within days of British
    Foreign Secretary Jack Strawâs announcement that
    Britain must prepare itself for a terrorist attack that included
    biological weapons.

    Whoever planned 9/11 timed their attack against the WTC two months after
    Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani foreign secretary,
    said he was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military
    action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the
    middle of October.

    Whoever planned 9/11 did so when a bomb had been planted in the World
    Trade Center. Louis Cacchioli, a firefighter with
    engine company 47, said: "We were the first ones in the second tower
    after the plane struck. On the last trip up a bomb went
    off. We think there was a bomb set in the building."

    Whoever planned 9/11 apparently released anthrax in letters mailed to an
    office in Florida, which killed a man on October 5.
    Envelopes with anthrax were also sent to Senator Tom Daschles office,
    the leader of the opposing political party, and
    Tom Brokaw, a reporter for NBC television, as if to send a message to
    silence any opposition to the reigning political party
    and the news media.

    Whoever planned 9/11 fooled President Bush, who announced a campaign to
    "drive terrorists out of their hidden caves and
    bring them to justice." But a report in National Geographic says there
    are few caves in Afghanistan. Limestone, the rock in
    which most caves form, is found in only two small areas of Afghanistan.

    Whoever planned 9/11 fooled American anti-terrorist forces, who
    originally targeted Osama bin Laden as the planner of 9/11,
    but by November, for unexplained reasons, shifted the blame to the

    Whoever planned 9/11 fooled President Bush, who initially likened 9/11
    to a surprise attack (This war came oh so
    suddenly,--- statement made on board the USS Enterprise on Pearl
    Harbor Day, Dec. 7, 2001), but then later Bush
    admitted drawing up plans to attack Afghanistan prior to Sept. 11 and
    admits he was briefed by the CIA in August of 2001
    regarding possible terrorist attacks involving hijacked commercial

    Whoever planned 9/11 never could have dreamed that Building 7 in the
    World Trade Center complex, a 47-story structure,
    collapsed without being hit by aircraft.

    Whoever planned 9/11 and released the anthrax letters used the Ames
    strain of this bacterium that was likely acquired from
    the US Army Medical Research Institute at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

    Whoever is alleged to have planned 9/11 in Afghanistan was able to
    escape detection. The FBI admits that among
    thousands of documents discovered in Afghanistan produced by al-Qaida,
    "not a single sheet of paper--- not even one
    computer entry --- mentions any aspect of the Sept. 11 terrorist

    Who could have such power, such intelligence gathering, such unusual
    timing, such stealth ability to fool all the
    security agencies of the world, coerce all the news media, in order to
    plan and implement an attack on 9/11/2001.

    Carol Brouillet <> wrote:
    I would encourage you to share whatever you learn- anything I say to you.  It was when I learned about the $100,000 and the meetings between the ISI's Mahmoud Ahmad and top US officials in September 2001, that I became convinced, and that's when I began organizing the meeting with our Senator's staff in November 2001...   As people realize the truth about 9-11- I'm sure the movement will continue to grow... this was my latest published article-

    The 9-11 Truth Movement

         Cheney believes, “You don’t have to suppress the truth forever, just until it doesn’t matter anymore.”
         9-11 is the defining crime of the century, the pretext for wars, the gutting of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the justification for “Homeland Security,” and, now, sweeping legislation designed to expand “the National Security State,”( the CIA) into a “Global Security State.”
         People were shocked, terrified, traumatized, by 9-11, but many, now believe, the attacks were a “false flag operation” designed to gain public support for wars, for geopolitical reasons, including control over the flow of oil and drugs.
         The Project for a New American Century stated their desire for imperial world hegemony and said, "The process of [military] transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor." Dick Cheney and the neo-conservative cabal who seized power in 2000, authored the doctrine of “Pre-Emptive War.”
         Activists demanded a Congressional Investigation of 9-11 in January 2002. Bush and Cheney, then asked Daschle to limit the official Inquiry, which was overseen by the CIA, and the men who should have been investigated for their own role in 9-11- Senator Bob Graham and Congressman Porter Goss.
    Graham and Goss breakfasted on Sept. 11 with "the money man behind 9-11," (Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistani's ISI, who had $100,000 wired to Mohammed Atta, identified by the FBI as the lead hijacker in the attacks). The choice of Kissinger to head the Commission was another clue that a high level Cover-Up was taking place.
         The 9-11 Truth Alliance was born in cyberspace. They devised tools to bypass media censorship. Over four million Deception Dollars, featuring key 9-11 websites and brilliant art were distributed; magazines, books, videos, DVDs, helped fund research, and public events- premieres of Guerrilla News Networks’s documentary, Aftermath- Unanswered Questions from 9-11, and The San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11.
         Citizen Inquiries in San Francisco, Toronto, and New York, brought together filmmakers, researchers, and activists who condemned the “Cover-Up Commission” for its’ conflicts of interest, and failure to ask key questions -
    Why was the money man behind 9-11, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, meeting with top U.S. officials from September 4th through September 13th?
    Why did the Bush Administration seek Pakistan's cooperation' in the "war on terrorism," despite the fact that the ISI was financing and abetting the 9-11 terrorists?
    Why did the military fail to intercept the hijacked planes on September 11th, in violation of the most standard operating procedures?
    Why did officials react in such a bizarre manner to news of the attack, with Bush, Rumsfeld, and Myers carrying on as if nothing unusual was occurring?
    Why were the men most responsible for the military failure on 9-11 rewarded with promotions and increased budgets?
         Michel Chossudovsky’s research shows that Al Qaeda is a joint creation of the CIA and Saudi Arabia through Pakistan’s ISI; on the surface Al Qaeda is the outside enemy to justify military actions, beneath the surface Al Qaeda has been a CIA asset.
         The historical evidence, the failure of the military to defend New York and Washington DC on September 11th, the blatant lies, destruction of evidence, the Cover-Up, indicate official complicity in the attacks.
         In August, Michael C. Ruppert, spoke, detailing key points in his new book- Crossing the Rubicon- The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil:
    “I will name Vice President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the FAA, the Pentagon, or the White House Situation Room;
    “I will establish conclusively that in May of 2001, by presidential order, Richard Cheney was put in direct command and control of all wargame and field exercise training and scheduling through several agencies, especially FEMA. This also extended to all of the conflicting and overlapping NORAD drills -- some involving hijack simulations -- taking place on that day.”
         A recent Zogby poll showed that half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall said that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act."
         On the third anniversary of the attacks, thousands attended 9-11 educational events, including the New York- 9/11 Omission Hearings, and premieres of Barrie Zwicker’s excellent new documentary- The Great Conspiracy-The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw. 
          “Blow the Whistle on Cheney, the 9-11 Cover-Up! No to the Global Police State!” was the theme of a rally and march to the 6th Annual 9-11 Power to the Peaceful Concert in Golden Gate Park.
         While Cheney tries to terrorize the population with the threat of another 9-11 should Bush lose the election, the truth is beginning to emerge through the countless efforts of millions of people.  We can’t wait fifty years to unmask the real perpetrators of this crime.  The truth matters now.
    Carol Brouillet
    Organizer of the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11

    Date:  Thu Oct 7, 2004  5:43 pm
    Subject:  911--a Hoax?


    The time has come to stop using the flag as a blindfold, to stop waving our guns and our gods at each other, to take a close look at the facts which have emerged from the attacks on the World Trade Towers and to recognize the very real possibility, indeed probability, that We The People are the victims of a gigantic and deadly hoax.

    In a normal terrorist event, the terrorists cannot wait to take credit, in order to link the violence to the socio-political intent of the terrorist organization. Yet the prime suspect in the New York Towers case, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden (whose brother was one of George W. Bush's Texas business partners), has issued only two statements regarding the September 11th attacks, and both of those are denials of any involvement.

    Huge problems are emerging in the official view of events. It's known that the United States was planning an invasion of Afghanistan long before the attacks on the World Trade Towers. Indeed the attacks on the World Trade Towers perfectly fit the timetable of an invasion by October stated by US officials just last summer.

    The 19 names of suspected hijackers released by the FBI don't point to Afghanistan. They come from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates; all across the middle east without a focus in any one region. Indeed, even as the FBI was admitting that its list of 19 names was based solely on identifications thought to have been forged, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saudi Al-Faisal insisted that an investigation in Saudi Arabia showed that the 5 Saudi men were not aboard the four jet liners that crashed in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11. "It was proved that five of the names included in the FBI list had nothing to do with what happened," Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press in Washington after meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House. A sixth identified hijacker is also reported to still be alive in Tunisia, while a 7th named man died two years ago!

    The 19 names of suspected hijackers released by the FBI don't even appear on the passenger lists of the hijacked planes. Check it out for yourself - here's the full list of alleged hijackers along with the passenger manifests.

    CNN reported that the men who hijacked those aircraft were using phony IDs, using the names of real people still living in Arab nations in the middle east.

    In another development, the BBC is reporting that the transcript of a phone call made by Flight Attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston air traffic controls shows that the flight attendant gave the seat numbers occupied by the hijackers, seat numbers which were NOT the seats of the men the FBI claimed were responsible for the hijacking!

    FBI Chief Robert Mueller admitted on September 20 and on September 27 that at this time the FBI has no legal proof to prove the true identities of the suicidal hijackers. Yet in the haste to move forward on the already planned war in Afghanistan, our government and the FBI (which does not have the best record for honesty in investigations to begin with, having been caught rigging lab tests, manufacturing testimony in the Vincent Foster affair, and illegally withholding/destroying evidence in the Oklahoma Bombing case) are not taking too close a look at evidence that points away from the designated suspect, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden.

    In particular, the FBI, too busy harassing political dissenters to find spies in its midst, the long rumored mole inside the White House, or plug leaks in high-tech flowing to foreign nations, has willfully and criminally ignored the implications of some vital pieces of information the FBI is itself waving around at the public.

    We are being told that this crack team of terrorists, able to breeze past airport security as if it wasn't there, wound up leaving so much evidence in its wake that the bumbling Inspector Clouseau (or the FBI) could not fail to stumble over it. The locations where the terrorists supposedly stayed are so overloaded with damning materials that they resemble less a crimes scene, and more a "B" detective movie set, with vital clues always on prominent display for the cameras.

    Yet another problem lies with the described actions of the hijackers themselves. We are being told on the one hand that these men were such fanatical devotees of their faith that they willingly crashed the jets they were flying into buildings. Yet on the other hand, we are being told that these same men spent the night before their planned visit to Allah drinking in strip bars, committing not just one, but two mortal sins which would keep them out of Paradise no matter what else they did. Truly devout Muslims would spend the day before a suicide attack fasting and praying. Not only does the drinking in strip bars not fit the profile of a fanatically religious Muslim willing to die for his cause, but the witness reports of the men in the bars are of men going out of their way to be noticed and remembered, while waving around phony identifications.

    Because of the facts of the phony identifications, we don't really know who was on those planes. What we do know is that the men on those planes went to a great deal of trouble to steal the identities of Muslims, and to make sure those identities were seen and remembered, then to leave a plethora of planted clues around, such as crop dusting manuals, and letters in checked baggage (why does a terrorist about to die need to check baggage?) that "somehow" didn't get on the final, fatal, flight.

    Fake terror is nothing new. According to recently released files, our government planned Operation NORTHWOODS to stage phony terror attacks against American citizens in the wake of the Bay Of Pigs, to anger Americans into support for a second invasion of Cuba. The plan was spiked by JFK. If our government has ever actually carried out such plans to stage phony terror attacks, the documents have remained classified. But given the reality of Operation NORTHWOODS, or the manner in which FDR maneuvered Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor, one cannot rule out the possibility that, once again, the people of the United States are being lied to by their own government, to manufacture consent for a war of invasion already being discussed with other nations the previous summer.

    It is also quite possible, indeed likely, that the United States is being spoofed by a third party to trigger a war. It has happened before. According to Victor Ostrovsky, a defector from Israel's secret service, Mossad, Israel decided to mount a false flag operation designed to further discredit Libya, and provoke the US to attack an Arab nation. A transmitter loaded with pre-recorded messages was planted in Tripoli, Libya, by a Mossad team.

    The `Trojan Horse' beamed out fake messages about Libyan-authorized bombings and planned attacks that were immediately intercepted by US electronic monitoring. Convinced by this disinformation that Libya was behind the 1986 bombing of a Berlin disco in which a US soldier died, President Ronald Reagan ordered massive air attacks on Libya, including an obvious- and illegal (under US law) attempt to assassinate Qadaffi himself. Some 100 Libyan civilians were killed, including Qadaffi's two year old daughter. Libyan officials had no idea why they were attacked.

    It is worth remembering the motto of the Mossad is, "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."

    Whether they were involved in the attacks or not, it cannot be doubted that Israel has benefited from the attacks in New York. While world attention is focused on what the US will do in Afghanistan, Israel has escalated its attacks against Palestinians towns. Israel has repeatedly tried to claim that Palestinians were involved in the New York attacks, hoping to bury the Palestinian cause under the rubble of the World Trade Towers.

    Because of the faked IDs and stolen identities, we don't really know who planned the World Trade Towers attacks. We only know who they wanted us to blame.

    And we know that the United States has been tricked in the past into bombing someone who did not deserve the attack, and that those who were bombed then embarked on what from their point of view was justified retaliation that culminated over Lockerbie. And while bombs were falling and planes were crashing, Israel was laughing at us that we had been so easily fooled into bombing Israel's targets for them.

    Are we being hoaxed again, by Israel, or by our own government, or by both? It's impossible to rule that out. Right now there are a lot of people who want war. Oil companies want Afghanistan's petroleum products. Our corporations want "friendlier" markets. The CIA wants all that opium. And all those war-mongers, with all their greed and agendas, will not hesitate in the least to pour your tax dollars and your children's blood all over Afghanistan, to get those "friendlier" markets, oil, and opium.

    Because of the vested interests at work here, American citizens must, more than at any other time in recent history, rely on themselves to decide what is happening in our nation. Too many of those who purport to report the "truth" to us are eager to grab more tax money and more children to pour into a war of invasion, poised at a region which has swallowed up every army that has tried to conquer it since the time of Alexander The Great.

    And one more thing. Take a good look at the map of Eurasia and plot out where the United States has military deployments. They march in a straight line through the middle of Eurasia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan.

    The United States is prepared to cut the Russian Federation off from the oil rich middle east, and to control transportation routes from China and India into the Middle East. When Russia realizes that this is the real agenda, that's when "Dubya Dubya Three" will really get going!

    POSTSCRIPT: Looks like the cat is out of the bag. See

    Logo of the Mossad

    Logo of the Mossad.

    Top: "kee betachbulot ta'ase lecha milchama"
    Translation: "By way of deception thou shalt do war"

    Bottom: "Ha'Mossad Le'modiein"
    Translation: "The institute for the collection of Information"

    1 (one) Israeli Memorialized as Victim of 9/11 Disaster !!!
    Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets?
    HOME RUN: Electronic Hijacking WTC Attack Aircraft
    Global Hawk
    Global Hawk
    Ghost Riders in the Sky
    Pipelineistan, Part 1: The rules of the game
    Pipelineistan, Part 2: The games nations play
    The Lies About Taliban Heroin
    Taliban's heroin 'double-cross'
    Al-Qaeda Not Involved
    Afghanistan, the Taliban and the United States
    Bush's Faustian Deal With The Taliban
    Bush and Cheny in intimate business contact with real prime suspects of WTC/Pentagon crashbombing frame-up
    Bin Laden Video: US urged to detail origin of tape: As Muslim doubts grow over authenticity, special effects experts say fake would be relatively easy to make
    Evidence Planted?
    Pakistan ex-Spy Chief Blames Mossad
    5 Israelis detained for `puzzling behavior' after WTC tragedy
    Osama not behind US attacks, says Saranjam
    bin Laden Says Israel Masterminded 9-11 Attacks
    9/11 Cover-Up?
    US, France Expose Israel's 9-11 Connection
    Feds Holding 60 Israelis in Connection with 9/11 - Why?
    Who Benefits? The question no one dares to ask!
    Israel and 9/11
    Is Israel Blackmailing America?
    'What tiger?'
    Massive Spy Ring Linked to Sept. 11
    The Israeli Spy Ring Scandal
    Fox News Series on Israeli Spying in the US
    Bush Policy Hints: 'Israel a Suspect'
    U.S. Police and Intelligence Hit by Spy Network
    U.S. investigating Israel as behind the WTC and Pentagon attacks?
    The Stories of 9/11 the American Media Hopes You Forget
    Instant Messages To Israel Warned of WTC Attack
    Intel Expert Says 9-11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show
    Israeli Lobby Planted Story About Palestinian "Celebration"
    Some Got rich off Tragedy
    Crash of Flight 587
    Mystery of Flight 587
    'Team-B' Targets Bush-Powell
    'Wolfowitz Cabal' Is an Enemy Within U.S.
    Can the Brzezinski-Wolfowitz Cabal's War Game Be Stopped?
    911 News & Anaylsis
    The Truth About 9-11
    FBI Admits: No Evidence Links 'Hijackers' to 9-11
    Who Really Controls International Terrorism?

    What Really Happened



    Here is a partial list of war criminals that should be tried for war crimes!:

    George Walker Bush, aka George Herbert Hoover Bush, Jr., aka George Heinrich Himmler Bush, Jr., aka George Benedict Arnold Bush, Jr.

    Dick Cheney

    Haliburton, Inc.

    Kellogg, Brown, and Root, Inc.

    Karl Rove

    Donald Rumsfeld

    Paul Wolfowitz

    I. Lewis Libby

    Condaleeza Rice

    General Ralph Elberhart

    General Richard Meyers

    General Thomas Franks

    Robert Mueller

    George Tenet

    John Asscrotch

    Rudolph Giuliani

    Colin Powell

    Mikey Powell

    William A. Rehnquist

    Sandra Day O'Connor

    Antonin Scalia

    Anthony M. Kennedy

    Clarence Thomas

    Elliott Abrams

    Gary Bauer

    William J. Bennett

    Eliot A. Cohen

    Midge Decter

    Paula Dobriansky

    Steve Forbes

    Aaron Friedberg

    Francis Fukuyama

    Frank Gaffney

    Fred C. Ikle

    Donald Kagan

    Zalmay Khalilzad

    Norman Podhoretz

    Dan Quayle

    Peter W. Rodman

    Stephen P. Rosen

    Henry S. Rowen

    Vin Weber

    George Weigel

    William Kristol

    Ahmad Chalibi

    Salem Chalibi

    Iraqi National Congress

    Paul Bremmer

    John Negroponte

    Arturo Gonzalez

    Jay S. Bybee

    George Herbert Walker Bush, aka George Herbert Hoover Bush, Sr.

    Frank L. Carlucci

    James A. Baker, III

    Richard Darman

    Fidel Ramos

    John Major

    Hamad Kharzai

    Unocal Corp.

    Prince Bandar

    King Faud

    Ariel Sharon

    Tony Blair

    Jeb Bush

    Cunthrine Harris

    Teresa Lepore

    Ralph Nader

    Patrick J. Buchanan

    Ruppert Murdoch

    Lowery Mays

    Mikey Eisner

    Rushed Limburger

    Bill O'Liely

    Shaun Insanity

    Alan Numb Nut Combs

    Geraldo Rivera

    Michael Weinerbitch

    Robert Novak

    Michael Medved

    Dennis Prager

    Hugh Hewitt

    Laura Ingraham

    Ann Cuntner

    Bill Handel

    Dr. Laura Schlesinger

    John Noballs

    Ken Shampoopoo

    Phil Hendrie

    Jim/Jack Zigler

    Art Bell

    George Noory

    Gay Walter Wintchell Drudge

    Lou Dobbs

    Joe Scuzborough

    Dan Abrams

    These war criminals belong into several classes: 1) Those who directly perpetrated the attacks, 2) The planners at the Dan Quayle Memorial Project for a New American Empire and Dictatorship ("PNAC"), 3) Those who allowed Bush to be President without any constitutional fashion, and in fact denied the people of Florida their due process and equal protection rights, 4) The people who are behind the Carlyle Group, and their financial backers, 5) Allies of US terror, and 6) Propagandists who spread propaganda on behalf of the Bush Administration.

            We need to have those impeachable impeached and try all of them for war crimes, crimes against the peace, and crimes against humanity.
            Michael Moore had the premise that Bush, et al., allowed this to happen. Well, David Ray Griffin and now, Michael Ruppert have disclosed to the American Public that the US Government actually attacked us. Now, this does not let Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda off the hook. It could be proven that they did the actual work, but who paid and recruited them to do this? The Saudi Royal Family. Who worked with the Saudi Royal Family? Bush, the Neocons, and the Carlyle Group. Why? Oil in Iraq, and elsewhere! THAT'S WHY? The last so-called reason to fight Iraq, the evil Sadaam Hussein? Well he was our "slave" between 1980 and August 2, 1990, so NONE of Bush's reasons to go to war are any valid! OSAMA WAS IN AFGHANISTAN, but to Bush, that does not count since Bush conspired to stage a Pearl Harbor-style attack to get us in Iraq and other places as described by Griffin, Ruppert, and the PNAC's own conspiratorial report!
            Ruppert's speech before the Commonwealth Club is here. You need to download the Adobe Reader to view each of the .pdf files.
    Questions from ranger 116:
    From:  ranger116@w...
    Date:  Wed Sep 22, 2004  5:23 pm
    Subject:  9/11: All In One Chunk 9/11 Basic Questions + WRH 9/11 Index + Questions
    9/11: All In One Chunk

    9/11 Basic Questions + WRH 9/11 Index + Questions for Michael Moore
    9/11 - The Basic Questions

    1. Why didn't jets intercept the airliners
    since they had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks?

    2. Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial airlines, citing an
    unidentified "threat" in July 2001?

    3. Why did FEMA lie about their presence in New York on 9/11?

    4. Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom?

    5. Why did George H.W. Bush meet bin Laden's brother on 9/11?

    6. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the flights all use the
    term boxcutters?

    7. Where are the flight recorders?

    8. Why were the FISA warrants

    9. How did Bush see the first plane crash
    on live camera?

    10 Why was security meeting scheduled for 9/11 cancelled by WTC
    management on 9/10?

    11. How did they come up with the "culprits" so quickly?

    12. How did they find the terrorist's cars at the airports so quickly?

    13. Why did Shrub dissolve the Bin Laden
    Task Force?

    14. Why the strange pattern of debris from Flight 93?

    15. How extensive was the relationship between the Taliban, the ISI and
    the CIA?

    16. What exactly was the role of Henry Kissinger at UNOCAL?

    17. When was it decided to cancel building a pipeline from Turkmenistan
    through Afghanistan to Pakistan?

    18. Why did the FBI in 1996 close the files to investigate Osama bin
    Laden's relatives in Washington?

    19. Why did .Bush stop inquiries into terrorist connections of the Bin
    Laden family in early 2001?

    20. Who made the decision to have John O'Neill stop investigating

    21. Who gave the decision to give him a security job at the World Trade

    22. Did John O'Neill meet anyone of the
    FEMA in the night of September 10th?

    23. What about media reports that
    hijackers bought tickets for flights
    scheduled after Sept. 11?

    24. Why did none of the 19 hijackers appear on the passenger lists?

    25. Why would devout Muslims frequent bars, drink alcoholic beverages
    and leave their bibles?
    26. Why would the hijackers use credit cards and allow drivers licenses
    with photos to be zeroxed?
    27. Why did the hijackers force passengers to call relatives?
    28. How did the hijackers change the flight plan without law enforcement
    or the military try to stop them?
    29. How did a hijackers passport miraculously appear near the WTC? Who
    found it and what time?
    30. How could the FBI distinguish between "regular" Muslims and hijacker
    Muslims on those flights?
    31. Why was there not one "innocent" Muslim on board any of these
    32. Did someone go through the passenger lists looking for Muslim names
    and label them as hijackers?
    33. Did the Florida police provide information that Atta was searched
    because of 1) an expired Visa, 2) driving a car without a license, 3)
    because of an incident at Miami Airport?
    34. Why did Atta leave his bag at the airport and the employees didn't
    put it on board?
    35. Who found his bag? How can we be sure it it was his bag?
    36. Why did Atta place a video "how to fly planes", a uniform and his
    last will into his bag, knowing that he would commit suicide?
    37. Why did Atta leave his drivers license in a rental car?
    38. When did Atta train on a flight simulator?
    39. Did Atta leave the US while in training and then return?
    40. Why did Atta decide to study at Opa Locka, a famous hub of 6 Navy
    training bases and includes government partners like U.S. Coast Guard
    Air Station, Police (Miami-Dade) Aviation Unit?
    41. Why was Atta allowed to study since he was stopped by the police for
    driving without a license and also for violating his visa?
    42. Why were the Black Boxes never recovered ?
    43. Why didn't the FBI release the air traffic controller's protocols?
    44. Why did the FBI not release the Flight Data Recorder info?
    45. How did the FBI receive a tip from a passenger who boarded a
    different plane and reached his destination safely that he had a
    confrontation with two ME men at the Logan airport in Boston?
    46. Who tipped the FBI to storm the Westin Hotel in Boston on September
    47. Where did the photos of all 19 hijackers come from?
    48. How were all hijackers identified just 2 days after the attack?
    9/11 Related WRH Articles
    Rahm Emmanuel, former Clinton adviser, current congressman from
    Illinois, staunch supporter of Israel, and suspected by many of being
    "Mega", the Mossad mole in the Clinton White House, has a brother, Ari
    Emmanuel, who just happens to be Michael Moore's agent.
    Questions for Michael Moore
    "Fahrenheit 9/11" is a powerful antiwar statement and needs to be
    supported for that reason. However, I would like to ask Michael Moore a
    few questions regarding his implication that Saudi Arabia was behind
    The Part of the Story Michael Moore Missed
    Let's take a look at the idea of Saudi Arabia as the perpetrator of
    9-11. Why would they do it? What would they gain?
    9/11 - A Moment of Reflection
    Written shortly after the attacks.
    World Trade Center Attack: Unanswered Questions
    My take? Americans are not very bright. Americans don't think. They
    accept what they are told. They don't TEST what they are told.
    President Bush's Visit to Booker Elementary School on 9/11
    Why was Bush allowed to attend the school? Why did he lie about seeing
    the first WTC impact at the school? Why did he stay in the school after
    being told of the second WTC impact? The video of his visit provides
    some answers.
    The WTC Collapses - An Audio/Video Analysis
    Where were the infernos? Why did people including firefighters report
    explosions before the WTC collapses? Why did the ground shake before the
    collapse of WTC 1? Why did the collapse of WTC 1 start from above the
    aircraft impact level? WTC 7 may provide some answers.
    The 1993 WTC bombing was allowed to happen
    Law-enforcement officials knew terrorists were building a bomb to blow
    up the WTC, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly
    substituting harmless powder for the explosives. An informer was to have
    helped build the bomb and supply fake powder, but the plan was called
    off by an F.B.I. supervisor.
    The Oklahoma City Bombing
    A trial run for 9/11?
    The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9/11
    Why was a Mossad surveillance team dancing with joy as the WTC burned?
    Why did bomb sniffing dogs react to their van when they were arrested?
    Why was another Israeli van 'packed with tonnes of explosives' stopped
    in New York on 9/11? Why were these men merely deported? Why did one of
    the men arrested say on his return home 'Our purpose was to document the
    Urban Moving Systems and Detained Israelis
    Inspection of the tractor-trailer's contents revealed a load
    three-quarters full containing household items, including furniture and
    boxes. Among the items in the truck was a Sony video camera. Plymouth
    Police Officer David McCann reviewed the tape found inside the camera.
    The tape had video footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots of the Sears
    Tower, according to police.
    FBI Fury As Men With Nuke Plans, Valid Israeli Passports Escape
    The men were searched and questioned and the state officers discovered
    detailed plans and photographs of a nuclear power plant in Florida,
    along with box cutters-the weapons used in the September 11 attacks- and
    other equipment. The men, who appeared to be of Middle Eastern origin
    and held Israeli passports, were then interviewed by immigration
    The Israeli Spy Ring
    "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
    you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
    -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli
    spy ring and its connections to 9/11.
    Cover-Up Alleged in Probe of USS Liberty
    Evidence that Israel has previously attacked Americans with impunity.
    At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive
    The FBI says there is no evidence to link the alleged 9/11 hijackers to
    the hijackings, so who really flew the planes?
    The Fatal Flaw in the 9/11 Coverup
    After two and half years, with the whole world knowing that eight of the
    19 names on the hijacker list are fraudulent, the FBI has made no
    attempt to substitute new names. And why is that? Because the identities
    of the hijackers were constructed with mostly stolen papers, for some of
    the patsies designed to take the heat. In any case, and whoever they
    were, there is no evidence they ever got on the planes.
    Flight 77 Hijacker Hani Hanjour: 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire
    How did Hani Hanjour, a pilot who could barely fly a Cessna, handle a
    Boeing 757 with the expertise of a fighter pilot?
    "Project Achilles" Finds 9/11 Cellphone Calls 'Impossible'
    Reports of cellphone calls from terrified passengers and crew members
    were a crucial element of the 'official version' of the events of
    '9/11', as they corroborated claims that all four planes were hijacked
    by Arab terrorists. If, as experiments indicate, the cellphone calls
    were not possible, the entire 'official version' of events is open to
    The 9/11 USAF Stand Down
    What happened to the USAF on 9/11?
    The Smoke and Explosion on Flight 93
    A passenger reports hearing an explosion and seeing white smoke in the
    cabin of the aircraft while it is still flying. This directly
    contradicts the official story of the crash.
    The 9/11 Hijackings - An Inside Job?
    Marvin Bush was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided
    security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles
    International Airport. All 9/11 airports were serviced by one Israeli
    The Pre-9/11 Shut Down of Arab Muslim Web Sites
    If you are going to frame someone, you have to make certain they cannot
    speak in their own defense.
    9/11 - Pure Coincidences?
    FEMA were in New York the Night Before 9/11
    An internet rumor has been validated by former New York City Mayor
    Rudolph Giuliani, so why did FEMA deny being in New York prior to 9/11?
    Foreign Currency Traders Profit from the WTC Collapses
    Shortly before fleeing the World Trade Center on September 11th, foreign
    currency managers of First Equity Enterprises made themselves richer by
    100 million dollars.
    9/11 Inside Trades Lead to the CIA
    One wonders how much damning evidence is necessary to respond to what is
    now irrefutable proof that CIA knew about the attacks and did not stop
    them. Whatever our government is doing, whatever the CIA is doing, it is
    clearly NOT in the interests of the American people, especially those
    who died on September 11.
    9/11 - What did the government know, and when did it know it?
    Bush and company are struggling to reaffirm the official story, that the
    US was caught by surprise, and the same Air Force that was able to
    intercept Payne Stewart's plane just couldn't get off the ground while
    four hijacked planes wandered out to Ohio before heading back to hit
    their targets on the East Coast, and all this was the work of a tiny
    group of Arab fanatics. If you believe that, I have a watch to sell you.
    The Complete 9/11 Timeline
    Like his father, Bush tries to keep a daily diary of his thoughts and
    observations. That night, he dictated:
    "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today." [Washington
    Pearl Harbor - The Mother of all Conspiracies
    "...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the
    United States..."
    ARMY BOARD, 1944
    9/11 and Anthrax: Framing Arabs
    The letters with the Anthrax came from inside the United States.
    Congress got their Anthrax letters just in time for the vote on the
    disingenuously named USA Patriot Act (aka the anti-terror bill) which
    the terrorized Senators voted into law without bothering to read. How
    convenient for the bill's sponsors that there was a terror attack on the
    Congress just when Congress was about to vote on the anti-terror bill.
    The Hidden Anthrax Suspect
    Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was
    observed entering the lab building at night was Langford's predecessor,
    Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick.
    A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan.
    23, 1992, apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close
    friend of Zack's, according to a report filed by a security guard.
    The Great Anthrax Stock Swindle
    At the time this article was written the same amount of the Anthrax
    treatment Cipro which sold for $20 in India sold for $690 in the US.
    The Mysterious Deaths of Top Microbiologists
    What were these scientists able to do? Maybe blow the whistle if an
    artificially created disease was about to be used in a manner those who
    created it did not approve of. Regardless of the exact reason, there
    does seem to be a clear pattern of targeted microbiologists, and paired
    with it, an obvious government disinterest in the matter. I leave it to
    you to figure out why.
    Is 'Al Qaeda' the Modern Incarnation of 'Emmanuel Goldstein'?
    The US government needed a new enemy. PNAC needed a new Pearl Harbor. On
    9/11 they both got their wishes. Complete coincidence?
    The Point of No Return
    As Bush himself said, you are either with him or against him, and unless
    you are actively against him and his war machine, then he wins by
    default. Unless you stop them now, sooner or later, Bush and the NeoCons
    will succeed in turning this nation into the 21st century version of
    Nazi Germany, powered by fanatics so afraid to look in a mirror that
    they will inflict any pain on any people, rather than do so.
    49. Why did all 19 names not appear on the passenger list 2 days after
    the hijacker list was released?
    50. Why do none of the names appear on the passenger lists UA and AA
    gave to CNN?
    51. How could the hijackers disable the defense systems?
    52. Why did the FBI ignore Bin Laden's family, who left the United
    States without further investigation?
    53. What about the supposed hijackers who are still alive?
    54. Was there a reason to change the list of the original 19 hijackers?
    55. What happened to Ayub Ali Khan and Mohammed Jaweed Azmath, who have
    been in jail since September 2001, because of possession of box cutters
    on a train? Who gave the tip to arrest them?
    56. Why did it take 4 months before Ramsi Binalschibhs name was
    mentioned, since he was a good friend of Mohammad Atta and lived in his
    apartment in Hamburg?
    57. Why did it take 4 months until December 11 to charge Zacarias
    Moussaoui for the 9/11 attacks when his case was known worldwide for
    months, but not mentioned in the American media?
    58. Whatever happened with Lotfi Raissi, who was arrested in UK for
    teaching the terrorist pilots?
    59. What is the current status of the investigation of Mamoun Darkazanli
    Import-Export-Company in Hamburg and Al Taqwa Management Organisation in
    60. Why was Richard Reid able to enter the Paris airport twice and who
    paid for his hotel?
    61. Who hired Zacarias Massoui to learn how to fly passenger jets in the
    United States?
    62. Why did the FBI or CIA fail to interrogate him between August and
    December 2001?
    63. Did the CIA monitor Bin Laden in 1998 with the help of 15 Afghan
    agents, paid $1,000/ month?
    64. Where are these agents? Was Johnny "Mike" Spann one? Was John Walker
    Lindh one?
    65. Is an Afghan agent a member of the ISI? Is an Afghan agent working
    for Bin Laden?
    66. When was the first time Tenet mentioned the Al-Qaeda group to any
    member of the Senate?
    67. Why did the Pentagon release a new video version or translation of
    the Bin Laden Home video?
    68. Why it was released only 8 hours after translation by the German
    magazine MONITOR on December ?
    69. Why were the four translators prior US-Government workers?
    70. When was the Bin Laden Home Video found and who found it?
    71. Who found the video if Northern Alliance and US troops had not yet
    arrived in Kandahar or Jahalabad?
    72. Does the timestamp on the Bin Laden video indicate that it was found
    two weeks after it was produced?
    73. Why was the public not informed who found the video and when?
    74. Why according to MONITOR magazine, were the most controversial
    statements translated incorrectly?
    75. Why was the video released?
    76. Who gave the final decision to release it?
    77. Why is the Bin Laden video of June 2001 in which he praised the
    attack, available on the Internet?
    78. What about Bin Laden's statements on Al-Jazeera in June 2001 about
    the bombing of USS Cole, which are similar to the statements on the
    November 2001 home video?
    79. Why did Bin Laden state in Umman Magazine in Sept. 2001, that he was
    not involved in the WTC?
    80. Is Bin Laden still on the payroll of the CIA or ISI?
    81. Did the Bin Laden Group Inc. help build ToraBora with the CIA?
    82. What was the purpose of the meeting with General Pervez Musharraf in
    May 2001?
    83. Why was a statement released that Al-Khalifa bin Laden, who is not
    the mother of Bin Laden, had a telephone call with Bin Laden on
    September 9, rather than Alia Ghanem, his mother? Why did Alia Ghanem
    say she did not believe he planned the attack?
    100. What happened on September 18th, when an employee of Batelle
    Memorial Institute was involved in a so-called anthrax hoax on that day?
    Was he arrested?
    101. Why did the investigation of that case begin in December 2001?
    102. What was in the memo of Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a public health
    consumer advocate and author of "Death in the Air" on October 1, 2001,
    almost two weeks before the first anthrax letter was sent from Trenton
    to the American media building in Boca Raton?
    103.What about his letter of Nov. 13 in which he claimed that BAYER is
    behind the anthrax infections?
    104. Did US BioDefense laboratories send the anthrax-laced letters to
    get a new budget for research?
    105. What about the statement of former UN-weapons inspector of Iraq,
    Richard Spertzel, who told ABC, "...he knows only five scientists in the
    USA who would be in the situation to produce such a fine, highly
    developed spore material"?
    106. Why did it take 48 hours to inform Bob Stevens that he had anthrax?
    107. Why were envelopes never found near Bob Stevens, Amelie Lundgren
    and Mia Nguyen?
    108. How come Microsoft got a hoax anthrax letter from Malaysia on the
    same day that President Bush said Malaysia might be one of the next
    targets of the United States?
    109. Why did the FBI never investigate the case Don Wiley, a
    Bioscientist who disappeared 11/13/01?
    110. Why did the FBI begin to investigate after his body was found on
    December 22, 300 miles away? Was there an investigation at the military
    hydro plant where workers found him? Why did the media write different
    versions about how, when and where he was found? Why did the police
    report change 2 months later from suicide to an accident?
    111. What was the goal of Bioport in 1997?
    112.Did development of anti-anthrax vaccines begin in 1998?
    113.When did Bioport decide to produce anthrax vaccines?
    114. Was it before or after Sept. 1998 that Admiral Crowe was put in
    charge of investigations of the August 7, 1998 bombings of Embassy
    Nairobi and Embassy Dar Es Salaam?
    115. Did the schedule for developing anti-anthrax vaccines begin
    starting in 1998?
    116. When did the US Government ask Bayer for help in developing a
    117. When did Bayer start sending the vaccines to the U.S.?
    118. When did Bayer double production of the vaccines?
    119. Was the death of Vladimir Pasechnik investigated? He was former
    director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations of the
    Soviet bio-warfare establishment Biopreparat in November 2001?
    120. How are the deaths of scientists Robert M. Schwartz, Dr. Benito Que
    and Set Van Nguyen explained since all occurred in the same month? Is
    Set van Nguyen related to the anthrax victim Mia Nguyen?
    121. What about the death of Nancy Sonnenfeld (FEMA-Wife)?
    122. Why was the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife examining Anthrax in
    August 2000?
    123. Do any employees in Trenton have the same handwriting as printed on
    the Anthrax envelopes?
    124. Is it just a coincidence that the laboratory is also based in
    125. Did the FBI ever ask Fort Detrick to examine anthrax spores?
    126. What about the list of 15-20 labs (maintained by Barbara
    Rosenzweig) who used Fort Detrick spores?
    127. Does the CIA have spores different from those at Fort Detrick?
    128. Why did Tommy Thompson, The Secretary of the Department of Health
    and Human Services, and other Bush cabinet members meet secretly (i.e.
    illegally) in Oct. 2001 with officials of the Pharmaceutical Research
    and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to develop plans for their
    Emergency Preparedness Task Force?
    129. Why did he decide on October 25, 2001 to ask Congress for another
    $500 million to produce Acambis's smallpox vaccine?
    130. Why did it take 4.5 hours until Jean Marie Malecki , Director Palm
    Beach County Health Department, picked up the phone for employees of the
    AMI-Building, Boca Raton. This is where editor Bob Stevens got anthrax.
    Why did she wait two days before she visited that building again?
    131. Did Walter Gilbert, Director Myriad Genetics ever get official
    permission from relatives of those killed at WTC to examine their DNA?
    150. Why did General Mahmud Ahmad, former head of the ISI quit his
    151. Why did retaliation against the Taliban begin the day he stepped
    152. Who in the ISI paid $100.000 to Mohammad Atta?
    153. Why does Ahmad think that another secret service was involved in
    the WTC attack? Which Secret Service was he referring to? Did other ISI
    official's believe that? Did officials of the CIA believe that? Did some
    officials of the Mossad believe that?
    154. What was the purpose of Ahmad's visit to Washington on 9/11?
    155. Who told Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov to abort an air strike
    against Afghanistan in May 2000?
    156. Did Russian intelligence notify the CIA in 2001 that 25 terrorist
    pilots had been training for suicide missions, as reported in the
    Russian press?
    1. What did Kissinger mean that an "outside threat from beyond", a
    "world government" and "individual rights" who are "willingly
    relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted", what you
    mentioned in 1991 on a Bilderberg Conference?
    2. What was his role at UNOCAL?
    3. What did he discuss at the Bilderberg meeting last year in May 2001?
    4. What was the purpose of his meeting with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov in
    July 2001?
    5. Why does he write in "Toward a New Diplomacy for the 21st Century"
    that America doesn't need a Foreign Policy?
    6. When was the last time Henry Kissinger met US-Ambassador in Pakistan,
    Robert Oakley?
    1. Is it true that the CIA is in possession of PROMIS software?
    2. What is the purpose of PROMIS?
    3. Did A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, CIA, own any stocks of United Airlines,
    American Airlines, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re (insurance)
    which owns 25% of American Airlines, and Munich Re.?
    4. What is his connection to Alex Brown, Deutsche Bank?
    5. Did he give any insider information about to George Tenet, CIA?
    6. Who was the investor who purchased 2,000 UAL put options between
    August and September 11, 2001?
    7. Did Deutsche Bank-Alex Brown own any stocks of UA, AA, Merrill Lynch,
    Morgan Stanley, AXA Re (insurance) which owns 25% of American Airlines,
    and Munich Re?
    8. What about the 2,500 UA-contracts which were "split into 500 chunks
    each, directing each order to different U.S. exchanges around the
    country simultaneously." on August 10, 2001?
    9. Did Deutsche purchase UAL options in August 2001?
    10. Why did DB-AB purchase 4,744 put options on United Air Lines stock
    as opposed to only 396 call s on September 6-7? What was the purpose of
    doing that?
    11. What is the connection to Wally Kromgaard?
    12. Did Deutsche Bank or Wally Kromgaard purchase 4,516 put options on
    American Airlines as compared to 748 call options on September 10?
    13. What was the reason of Mayo Shattuck III re-asssignment on September
    1. When was the last time they met any representatives of the
    2. What was the purpose of these meetings?
    3. Did the Taliban know Karl E. Inderfurth and State Department
    counterterrorism chief Michael Sheehan?
    4. Do they know which US-Representative said in February 2001: "Either
    you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet
    of bombs"?
    5. When was the last time the Taliban was in touch with this
    6. Did Abdul Haq, the former Mujahedin leader executed Sept 2001 by the
    Taliban, decide in Winter 2000 to attack the Taliban?
    7. Did production of opium in Afghanistan fall from 3276 tonnes in 2000
    to 185 tonnes in 2001?
    1. Was Global Hawk technology able to remotelycontrol unmanned planes in
    1999 for 27 hours?
    2. Did Northrop-Grumman use Global Hawk technology in the war in
    Afghanistan since October 2001?
    3. What is the purpose of unmanned technology?
    4. Is Northrup in contact with any engineers of Boeing?
    5. Did Northrup install Global Hawk technology in a commercial airplane?
    1. Did two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive in the Gulf of Arabia just
    off the Pakistani coast before 9/11?
    2. Did 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for
    Operation 'Bright Star' on 9/11? What was the purpose of both of these
    1. When did Tommy Franks learn that he would use Thermobarics in
    2. Does he know if it had been tested on December 12 in Nevada?
    3. Who told Franks that Bin Laden might hide in ToraBora?
    4. Is the main purpose of Thermobarics to destroy buried bio and
    chemical stocks?
    5. When was the first time Franks used Thermobarics? Was it before or
    after the announcement of the end of ABM Treaty on December 11?
    6. When did the US decide to use B61-11, the "nuclear version" of its
    "conventional" BLU-113 counterpart?
    7. Why has the NSA destroyed data collected on Americans or US companies
    since the Sept. 11 attacks?
    1. Why did Clinton abort an attack on Bin Laden in October 1999?
    2. Who was responsible for that operation?
    3. Why was the operation put on hold?
    4. Why did Musharraf halt a covert operation to attack Bin Laden in
    October 1999?
    5. Why did the GOP in Congress stop almost every move Clinton made
    against terrorism? They refused to believe reports and pass necessary
    legislation. In 1996 Clinton proposed a very extensive anti-terrorism
    1. Who hired Richard Reid to threaten a passenger plane in Paris?
    2. Who did he send an email to in Pakistan?
    3. Has he ever been in touch with the ISI or CIA?
    4. Did he know the difference between an explosive and a detonator?
    5. How many ounces did he have in his shoes?
    6. What size are his shoes?
    7. Who build or prepared his shoes?
    1. Has John Walker Lindh ever been in touch with the CIA?
    2. Did he ever work for the CIA?
    3. Who arrested him in 2001?
    4. Why didn't he escape in the tumult to nearby Masar-e-Sharif?
    5. Who hired his lawyer, Richard Brohanan? Who paid his lawyer?
    6. Why didn't he go to Guantanamo Bay?
    1. When did Cheney stop working for Halliburton?
    2. Is he still in possession of any Halliburton stock?
    3. Is he still in contact with Halliburton?
    4. Was Halliburton invited to an oil conference in May 2002?
    5. Does Cheney know when that meeting was planned?
    6. Did Cheney have influence concerning Halliburton contracts with the
    7. What exactly did Cheney decide to do on September 11th?
    8. Did he speak with an Air Force Commander or Lt. Gen. Charles F. Wald
    on that day?
    9. When did he inform the president about the hijacked airplanes on
    September 11?
    10. Who called the White House on September 11 at 9:30 AM about a
    possible threat?
    11. Why was no air security at the White House or the Pentagon at 9:30
    12. When and who gave the approval to evacuate the White House at 9:45
    13. What was the purpose of a meeting with Indian opposition leader
    Sonia Gandhi in June 2001 about a multimillion-dollar debt owed to Enron
    from a major energy project in Indian Power Plants?
    14. When was the last time Cheney spoke with anyone from ENRON?
    1. What was the role of Colin Powell?
    2. Who decided to give $43 million in aid to the Taliban regime in May
    3. Did he know that production of opium in Afghanistan fell from 3276
    tonnes in 2000 to 185 in 2001?
    4. What was the purpose of his decision to treat the Taliban prisoners
    as War Prisoners? Is this decision in any way related to media reports 2
    days earlier that Powell may have been involved in negotiations with
    Indian Power Plants?
    5. What was the purpose of his short trip to Latin America on September
    6. Who decided that he fly to Latin America on that day?
    7. Why would someone threaten him in Afghanistan on January 17, 2002 as
    Newsweek reported?
    8. What was the purpose of Powell meeting with India's foreign minister
    on April 6, 2001?
    9. Did Enron or Cheney ask Powell to help collect a $64 million debt on
    an Indian plant project?
    1. When was the last time George H.W. Bush traveled to South Arabia on
    behalf of the Carlyle Group?
    2. What was the purpose of that meeting?
    1. Is Thomas White still in contact with ENRON?
    2. Did his contact at anytime influence his decisions?
    3. Does he still own ENRON stocks?
    1. Did Vreeland warn Canadian Intelligence in May 2001 about possible
    terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon?
    2. Did he place the warning in an envelope while in prison in Toronto,
    3. Where did he get his information?
    4. Whom did he give the envelope to?
    5. Why was he placed in jail?
    1.Was the domain created on September 11th, 2000?
    2. Who paid for that domain?
    3. Are they also owners of Iridium Satellites?
    4. When did they end contact with relatives of the Bush family?
    1. When was the last time George H.W. Bush traveled to Saudi Arabia on
    behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense
    contractor in the U.S.?
    2. What was the purpose of that meeting?
    3. When did he resign from Carlyle Group?
    4. Is he still in touch with any of their representatives?
    STEPHEN LANDER, Director MI5
    1. Did Lander monitor a phone conversation between Zacarias Moussaoui
    and Richard Reid in Dec. 2000?
    2. What did Lander tell representatives of the CIA about Zacarias
    3. Why did he stop monitoring Djamel Beghal, member of Takfir-wal-Hijra
    (financed by Osama bin Laden) in August 2001?
    1. Did Bin Laden in July 2001 enter an American hospital in Dubai?
    2. Did he arrive on July 4, 2001 on a flight from Qetta, Pakistan to
    American Hospital?
    3. Was he at the hospital July 4-11, 2001?
    4. Did Bernard Koval, CEO of American Hospital, ever speak with Doctor
    Terry Callaway about that visit?
    5. Why did he change his statements about this story not being true and
    that he "asked around"?
    6. What is the difference between Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal
    Dialysis and Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis?
    7. Did Koval know Larry Stevens?
    8. Can Koval explain why Richard Labeviere, author of "Terror Dollars"
    (about illegal Al-Qaeda accounts), wrote the story about Osama Bin
    Laden's kidney operation?
    1. What exactly happened on September 11 and at what time was President
    Bush informed?
    2. Why was President Bush scheduled to visit a school in Florida?
    3. Who scheduled the time of the visit?
    4. When exactly did Bush learn about the first crash into the WTC?
    5. How could he have seen that on TV?
    6. Why didn't he interrupt his school meeting as soon as he learned of
    the first plane crash?
    7. Did Bush ever wonder how Bin Laden was able to hear the first plane
    crash live on the radio?
    8. Which radio station he was listening to?
    9. Can Bush explain how Bin Laden's Home Video was found only two weeks
    after it was produced?
    10. Why did Bush decide to release Bin Laden's Home Video?
    11. What is the purpose of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
    Cooperation (WHISC) in Fort Benning, Georgia, where terrorists have been
    trained for undercover agents in South America? Bush stated "if any
    government sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocents, they have
    become outlaws and murderers themselves". So what does he think about
    Fort Benning?
    12. What is the role of Zalmay Khalilzad (former UNOCAL) in the National
    Security Council ?
    13. What is the current role of Zalmay Khalilzad (former UNOCAL) in
    14. When was Bush's last contact with anyone from ENRON?
    15. Why was China admitted to the WTO on September 13 after 15 years of
    unsuccessful attempts?
    16. Why did Bush postpone the release of Ronald Reagan's records?
    17. How does Bush feel about the need to investigate the CIA's mistakes?
    18. Does Bush agree with senators John McCain, Joseph I. Lieberman,
    Porter J. Goss, former C.I.A. clandestine case officer and a Florida
    Republican, Richard C. Shelby and Ron Paul, US Congressman, who want an
    investigation and have said "Secret government is winning out over open
    19. Why did Bush continue to sit in that classroom reading to children
    when he should have been conferring with his advisors?
    20. Why did Bush say that he and Card initially thought it was an
    accident involving a small plane?
    21. Given all the information sources available to the POTUS and his
    staff how could his people not have known the kind of plane involved?
    22. Why didn't they know at this point, as did the FAA and NORAD, that
    aircraft were hijacked? The Batallion Chief in the 9/11 video was seen
    and heard asking for military backup immediately after the building was
    23. How come the NYFD knew it was terrorism right away but the POTUS and
    his aides just calmly went about their business?
    1. Were 25,000 British troops and the largest British Armada since the
    Falkland Islands War, part of Operation 'Essential Harvest'
    pre-positioned in Oman, the closest point on the Arabian Peninsula to
    Pakistan before September 11, 2001?
    2. When did he begin to place SIS-Special Forces in Afghanistan? Why?
    1. Did Gloria Irish own unit 1504 at the Delray Racquet Club, 755
    2. Did she rent that property to Hamza Alghamdi in August 2001?
    3. Why did the media not report about a connection of the Sun-Sentinel
    and the hijackers?
    4. Why did it first appear that the hijackers had something to do with
    the anthrax attacks?
    5. Why has this connection or coincidence never appeared in the media
    6. What was the connection between husband Michael Irish (SunSentinel)
    and Bob Stevens (who died from Anthrax)?
    1. When did Vladimir Putin warn the CIA about a possible terrorist
    attack and what was their reaction?
    2. What was the purpose of the meeting between Christina Rocca, director
    of Asian affairs at the State Department and the Taliban ambassador
    Mollah Abdul Salam Zaeef in Islamabad in August 2001?
    3. Why did she oversee the delivery of Stinger missiles in the 80s to
    Afghan mujaheddin?
    4. Did Walid Arkeh in Seminole County jail inform the FBI in August 2001
    about an attack on America? What was the reaction of the FBI?
    5. Why did Dr. Jeffrey Starr, U.S. department of defense, visit
    Tajikistan in Jan 2001?
    6. When did Jean-Claude Cousseran, Director DGSE , French Secret Service
    inform the CIA about terrorist attacks on America? What was their
    7. What does he know about the monitoring of Djamel Beghal, member of
    Takfir-wal-Hijra (financed by Osama bin Laden) and Kamel Daoudi? Did he
    ever inform the CIA about that? And when?
    8. When did Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini inform the CIA
    about a possible attack on the American president "with the use of an
    airplane"? What was their reaction?
    9. When did President Mubarak, Egypt, inform the CIA about a possible
    attack on America with an "airplane stuffed with explosives"? What was
    their reaction?
    10. When did Efraim Halevy , Director of Mossad since 1998 (unconfirmed)
    inform the CIA about a possible attack with "200 terrorists" on America?
    What was their reaction?
    11. Is it true he warned Ariel Sharon not to travel to New York on
    September 11 to speak at a festival?
    12. Did a caller to Loxley Banks, Director Radio Cayman Islands talk
    show, give several warnings of an imminent attack on the U.S on Sept. 3
    13. The London Times reported that someone from the FAA warned Salman
    Rushdie not to travel to the United States on September 3rd? If this is
    true, who was it?
    14. Did the FBI investigate the two men who met Mohamed Atta and Marwan
    Al-Shehhi in Harry's Bar at the Helmsley Hotel in Manhattan on September
    8, 2001?
    15. Who does Abdullah Abdullah (Northern Alliance) believe killed
    Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud on September 9, 2001?
    16. When and why did he decide to attack Kabul on September 11 at 5:30
    17. When did he decide to invade Masar-i-Scharif
    18. Did the CIA helped him provoke a tumult?
    19. Did he ever meet John Walker Lindh?
    20. Why was Major John Kenny, Commander Wright Patterson Air Base,
    Dayton placed on high alert on September 10? Did he inform companies in
    Dayton to shutdown their offices?
    21. Why was Colonel William M. Dietrick , Commander Defense Language
    Institute in Garrison, Monterey on high alert on September 10?
    22. Why did one of Kenneth (Ken) Weinbrecht (President SAMS ) executives
    say on September 10, that he was a 'Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has
    capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab
    23. Did Jean-Louis Bruguiere, French anti-terrorism, inform the CIA on
    September 10 about a possible terrorist attack? If so, what was their
    24. Why did Atta and hijacker Abdulaziz Alomari check into a Portland,
    Maine motel (unidentified) on September 10?
    25. Why was the Portland, Airport, according to eye-witnesses, in full
    charge of more military officials and soldiers than usual, weeks before
    September 11, 2001?
    26. Why, as the San Francisco Chronicle reported, was Mayor Brown warned
    to be "cautious in your travel" the night of September 10? Who warned
    27. Why did Alex Diamandis, Odigo Vice President of Sales and Marketing,
    receive a warning on his messenger service about a possible attack on
    America on September 11, 2001? At which time?
    28. When did Dr.August Hanning , President BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst
    Germany) inform the CIA that "Middle Eastern terrorists are 'planning to
    hijack commercial aircraft ?" What was their reaction? Did he allow an
    Iranian prisoner in Hamburg call to the CIA in Summer 2001 about an
    attack on America? What was their reaction?
    1. Why did Kenneth Waldie, Stanley Hall, Herbert Homer and Peter Gay of
    Raytheon travel on Sept. 11?
    2. Can Global Hawk technology be used for at least 27 hours?
    3. Is Global Hawk technology used in commercial airplanes?
    4. Did Danielle O'Brien, air traffic controller, inform another air
    traffic control center about a plane traveling fast southwest of Dulles
    after spotting it 8:18 AM on September 11?
    5. Who was informed and what happened?
    1. Why didn't Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary of the Air Force try to
    reach the airplanes in NYC (7 minutes time for McGuire AFB in New Jersey
    ) and at the Pentagon (10 minutes time)?
    2. Did Roche ever try to shutdown the plane in Pennsylvania?
    3. Can Roche explain why magazines of that plane were found 20 miles
    away from the crash? Andrews AFB is 13 miles away. He had one hour and
    fifteen minutes to respond to the plane that hit the Pentagon. What
    happened during that time?
    4. Can he explain why many ear and eye witnesses, including workers of
    the road construction company New Enterprise saw or heard F-16 jets?
    5. Why did President Bush say only one week later that he tried to
    shutdown that plane?
    6. Who gave that decision?
    1. Why did George Bush leave Barksdale Air Force Base aboard Air Force
    One and flew to an Air Force base in Nebraska on 1:48 PM on September 11
    and returned to Washington at 4:30 PM?
    2. What exactly did Donald Rumsfeld do that day before he arrived at the
    Pentagon around 3:55 PM?
    3. How did Rumsfeld know at 5:30 PM on September 11 that the plane in
    Pennsylvania could have been headed for one of three possible targets:
    Camp David, the White House or the U.S. Capitol building?
    4. Can he explain why early media reports told us that no squadrons of
    combat-ready fighter jets have been at Andrews and later changed their
    reports that they haven't been on high alert only?
    5. Why was Air Force Lt. Col. Vic Warzinski, another Pentagon spokesman,
    so sure on September 11 that aircraft was coming your way?
    6. What did the D.C. Air National Guard in Washington do on September
    7. Can he explain what those 3 fighters did from 9:40AM until 9:55AM
    when they finally turned towards Flight 93 and were 60 miles out at
    8. Can he explain why Air Traffic Controllers in a Nashua Telegraph
    article did report an F-16 was circling Flight 93 and was in visual
    range at the time of crash?
    9. Can he confirm a witness report that National Guard F-16's have been
    at Hancock field in Syracuse NY in the air early that morning before
    10. How could the hijackers know how to disable defense systems?
    11. What was the official reason that fighters of the 305th Air Wing,
    McGuire Air Force Base, NJ did not intercept the 2nd hijacked plane in
    NYC? This would have been possible within 7 minutes after 8:48 AM.
    12. Why did none of the 459th Aircraft Squadron (Andrews AFB) fighters
    intercept the plane which crashed into the Pentagon? Andrews AFB is 10
    miles from Washington DC.
    13. Col. Ken McClellan, Air Force spokesman said on September 11, that
    Mohammad Atta attended the International Officer's School at
    Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, and was seen by
    eye-witnesses? What was McClellan doing there? Why did he later deny the
    14. Why did he decide not to shutdown ECHELON base Bad Aibling in
    Germany as planned for 2002?
    15. What is the reason that none of any Air Force fighters reached the
    hijacked plane in time?
    16. Many ear and eye witnesses think that the plane in Pennsylvania was
    shot down. What is the scientific explanation why the magazine of the
    airplane was found many miles away?
    17. Why did Jack Kelly,, inform USA Today only 12 minutes
    after the first crash (8:48AM), that terror groups using Web encryption
    may have been responsible? And why was he so sure before the second
    crash at 9:03 PM?
    18. Did Kelly serve with the U.S. government where he managed several
    significant programs for the information warfare and intelligence
    19. Did Joseph J. Esposito, Chief of NYPD try to contact the Pentagon at
    9:06 AM on September 11? What was their reaction?
    20. Why didn't General Elwood "Pete" Quesada of the FAA inform President
    Bush between 8:15 and 9:05 about four simultaneously hijacked planes?
    Who did he inform and what was their reaction?
    1. What does Nicholas Scoppetta of FDNY know about the latest reports of
    the WTC destruction?
    2. Can he explain why many witnesses saw and heard more than two
    explosions in the WTC?
    3. Can he explain why both Twin Towers and Building 7 collapsed in that
    4. Can he explain why a gas tank was in Building 7?
    5. Can he explain why there were no passengers in the subway under the
    6. Can he explain why there was no guard at the gold reservoir under the
    7. Why did Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, Director CDC prepare, as CNN reported,
    emergency-response teams on September 11 at 11:16 PM?
    1. When did Dr.August Hanning , President BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst
    Germany) inform the CIA that "Middle Eastern terrorists are 'planning to
    hijack commercial aircraft ?" What was their reaction? Did he allow an
    Iranian prisoner in Hamburg call to the CIA in Summer 2001 about an
    attack on America? What was their reaction?
    2. When did Tayseer Allouni , Kabul correspondent Al-Jazeera, receive
    his first video from Bin Laden? Can he explain why the first video on
    October 7 2001, the day of the retaliation, looked like it was recorded
    in the morning?
    3. Did Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth
    (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian affairs) and Lee
    Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia) decide or
    announce in a July 2001 meeting that an attack was planned on the
    Taliban in October 2001?
    4. Why did Ms. Barbara Bodine, US ambassador to Yemen stop John O'Neill
    from investigating Al-Quaeda accounts in July 2001?
    5. Did Niaz Niak, former Pakistani Foreign Secretary say in mid July
    2001 that the USA planned military action against Osama Bin Laden and
    the Taliban?
    6. Did Hameed Gul, retired Pakistani general of Pakistan's Inter
    Services Intelligence, say that a secret service was involved in the
    attack on America?
    7. Why did Tommy Thompson, The Secretary of the Department of Health and
    Human Services, and other Bush cabinet members meet secretly (i.e.
    illegally) in Oct. 2001 with officials of the Pharmaceutical Research
    and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to develop plans for their
    Emergency Preparedness Task Force? Why did he decide on October 25, 2001
    to ask Congress for another $500 million to produce Acambis's smallpox
    8. Why did it take 4.5 hours until Jean Marie Malecki , Director Palm
    Beach County Health Department, picked up the phone for employees of the
    AMI-Building, Boca Raton. This is where editor Bob Stevens got anthrax.
    Why did she wait two days before she visited that building again?
    9. Why did Mayor Guilani sell WTC rubble to India for recycling and also
    China? Who made that decision?
    10. What was the purpose of U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain's phone
    call on October 10, 2001 to the Pakistani oil minister? Why was she sure
    that a previously abandoned Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan across
    Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast for the purpose of selling oil and
    gas to China, was back on the table in view of recent geopolitical
    11. What exactly was found on Z. Moussaoui's computer after 9/11, when
    local agents were given a Federal Intelligence Security Act (FISA)
    warrant, which they had requested six weeks previously? This ties
    directly into the question of the administration's dealings with the
    Taliban, its reluctance to investigate Saudi nationals, etc.
    12. Why the attack on Cynthia McKinney for asking: 1) why has there been
    no investigation of the 9-11 attack? and 2) did Bush/CIA/NSA know of it
    beforehand, and allow it to happen?
    13. Why is the Bush administration so strongly against a real
    investigation into the events of 9-11?
    14. Why did the US give 43 million dollars to Afghanistan back in May or
    June of 2001
    15. Why did Bush toss the Hart-Rudman terror security study (developed
    over a 2 year period) and instead assign responsibility to Cheney and
    16. Why did Ashcroft stops flying commercial, citing an unidentified
    "threat" in July 2001? Why did the FBI and Justice not identify the
    form, origin and time of the threat?
    17. Why did Bush stay in Texas for the month of August and Cheney in
    18. Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom a
    half-second after Andy Card told him, "Mr. pResident, the nation is
    under attack"?
    19. Why did they leave him exposed to danger for two and a half minutes
    in the classroom and another half-hour in the school before he returned
    to the relative safety of Air Force One?
    20. Where was George H. W. Bush at the time of the attacks?
    21. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the flights tell
    people on the ground that the highjackers had "box cutters"?
    22. Where are the flight recorders?
    23. How did they find a passport that just "happens" to belong to one of
    the hijackers in the WTC rubble and they can't locate even ONE flight
    24. Why no investigative reporting of the Pentagon scene? The photos do
    not show much, but then photographers were not allowed, initially, to
    photograph the scene, if I remember correctly.
    25. Why was the series of recommendations Al Gore also put together in
    1996 on airport security called by Republican congress "paranoid" and
    too harsh. Why did the airline industry, lobbying against it, consider
    it too expensive and impractical.
    26. Why was the Hart-Rudman report on the potential dangers of terrorism
    in the homeland. The results of the research ignored by Bush?
    27. Why were FISA warrants disallowed by Bush?
    28. Why did the US pull the plug on Muslim websites Monday September 10,
    29. Why did the Saudi bin-Laden-group have a website with a PRE-SET
    expiration date of Sept. 11, 2001?
    30. Why were the bin Ladens flown out of the U.S. on private jets the
    day after the 9/11?
    31. Why did Cheney say that everyone in the White House started taking
    Cipro on September 12 when the first anthrax letter wasn't postmarked
    until September 18?
    32. Why did Bush dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force? What would have
    happened had this focused and knowledgeable group been in place 9 months
    before 911?
    33. Why was metallic debris found 8 miles from the crash site of the
    plane that went down in Penn? They said it went straight down and left a
    small hole in the ground. If they found metallic debris from the plane 8
    miles away it was either shot down or a bomb exploded in the plane.
    34. Why did they not let the media or any reporters take video or photos
    of the crash site?
    What Really Happened

    We also have the following links for you to do research on the 9-11 attacks and the Iraqi War:


    Yes, you can read David Ray Griffin's book online but you need to download the Adobe Reader to view each of the .pdf files.

    The Dan Quayle Memorial Project for a New American Empire and Dictatorship

    It also requires the Adobe Reader to view the site. Please see page 51. The war criminals urge for a "new Pearl Harbor".

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