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Upside Down

 DISCOVERY of Little Known "HIDDEN FACTOR" Turns MLM Industry
 by Professor Lon Lindsey. . .MLM Program Analyst

This Report will expose a MLM "Hidden Factor" that will give you the ability to be SUCCESSFUL in Multi-Level Marketing. It has been said that an extra $300.00 a month family income will make a difference, but an extra $2,000 to $4,000 monthly will totally change one's life! This report is going to tell you about a hidden MLM factor that, when you put it to use, will give you the ability to earn as much as $3,200 a month and more. Making money in MLM is what many people strive for, but making LOTS of money in MLM is what people really want and they want it FAST! Actually, the hidden factor isn't hidden at all. It's so obvious, people simply don't see it. Before I reveal this not so hidden factor, I want to show you why so many people are lead astray and lose sight of this strong money-making discovery. When you combine what I am about to show you with the right program, along with an EASY, SIMPLE, AUTOMATIC TURN-KEY SPONSORING SYSTEM that you can plug into IMMEDIATELY, you will be on your way to a lucrative monthly income! 


Most MLM programs talk in terms of their distributors building a huge organization that increases exponentially over several levels of depth. For example, a program may talk about a marketing plan that pays commissions through 7 levels (based on the sale of product). If that program has a 3X forced matrix, that means the first level has three people; second level has nine people and then 27, 81, 243, 729, 2,187 for a total of 3,279 people. If the program pays out $2.00 per person per level, your monthly income would be $6,558.00. Those are impressive figures, especially for a newcomer. I saw a program that was set up on a 4X7 basis (4 wide, 7 deep) which paid out $7.00 per person per level. Their figures showed a person could make over $152,000 monthly . . . quite impressive to say the least. Such large numbers cause newcomers to lose sight of a very basic factor and one must ask . . . 

Most companies develop a marketing plan that is "company friendly" or "heavy hitter friendly". These big-time, experienced recruiters will bring in their huge following of people. This allows the company to talk about all the money people are making. But it's only a few people who are making the big money.  In many instances, they actually fly these people in, before the program has even been launched, giving them an added advantage. They have first access to any other heavy hitters and bring them in before finally announcing a pre-launch. Then they make it known to the public. I'm not saying this is not a smart marketing strategy . . . in fact, it is a very good approach from the company's standpoint. But for an "average MLMer", he/she will find it almost impossible to build a huge "deep" organization. Also, keep in mind that, If a company does not have distributors in the lower levels of the network, that is money they are able to pocket for themselves. What tends to happen is "heavy hitters" join because they can instantly create a huge downline and make large amounts of money. The "little guy" or "newcomer" comes in . . . tries it for a month or two . . . drops out  and then moves on to another program. The result is no one . . . I say, NO ONE EVER FILLS A DEEP TYPE MATRIX. IT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN. The heavy hitter  enjoys success for a few months and then he/she moves on to another program and repeats the process .. I am not faulting the heavy hitters, nor am I faulting the companies. I state this as a matter of fact as they are simply utilizing what they know best to make money for themselves. 

Before I divulge the "hidden factor," I want to first tell you why the hidden factor is so important to the MLM newcomer and average MLMer. Once you understand what I am about to tell you, SUCCESS will become easy for you because you will know what to do, how to do it, when to do it and where to do it. The one thing that "heavy hitters" have that the average MLMer doesn't have is people. That's right . . . People! The heavy hitter has established himself over a period of time and has established his credibility with his people. This is a credit to the heavy hitter because one will never become a "heavy hitter" until he/she has people who believe in him/her and will follow him/her into whatever program he/she chooses to work. This usually takes years to do, but once "heavy hitter" status is reached, building MLM organizations becomes easy. It's almost as easy as turning on a light switch. That is why the heavy hitters like programs that pay many levels deep. They make three or four phone calls to their key people and then they watch their organization grow on its own. They get paid huge sums of money, especially from the lower levels of their organization because that is where so many of their people are and in many instances companies pay LARGER SUMS AT LOWER LEVELS . A good heavy hitter, in a sense, becomes a trainer rather than a recruiter and if he does it correctly he adds to his credibility causing additional people to follow him/her to the next program. 


The problem lies with the new MLMer or the MLMer who has yet to build a following of people. What are they to do? They must begin the process of building their own downline. That is fine and is probably the way it should be when one is starting out, but *THE ANSWER FOR SUCCESS* lies with the *MARKETING PLAN & THE PAYOUT SCHEDULE* (which contains what I consider "THE HIDDEN FACTOR."). Also required is an AUTOMATIC DUPLICATABLE SPONSORING SYSTEM


The answer is a simple solution for both the average MLMer and the newcomer to MLM. It's really no secret to those of us who have been in MLM for a long time. It's something we have known all along, but most refuse to admit it. The answer revolves around three things; (1) The simplicity of the company's pay plan; (2) The percentage the company pays out; (3) The focus level of the payout. When a company has a SIMPLE PAY PLAN that pays out "HEFTY" COMMISSIONS, you have the beginnings of a huge money-making plan, but when you add a lucrative "FOCUS LEVEL" . . . one that is reachable by everyone . . . you have a marketing plan that truly makes a difference. The hidden factor is the "FOCUS LEVEL"! -Go To Top of Column


The focus level is the level where the largest payout is made. With most companies, the focus level is five to eight levels deep. This is where they can show the largest income potential. That's fine, but there is one problem. 99% of the networkers never build their organization down to that level. Yes, the heavy hitters do, but not the average MLMer and certainly not the newcomer. What does that mean for you? If you are a newcomer into MLM or if you don't already have 500 or 1,000 people ready to follow your lead, then you need a program that will put good money in your pocket with as few people as possible. You need a program that has a FOCUS LEVEL UP TOWARD THE TOP OF THE PAY PLAN where you are working. In other words, you need to get paid directly for your efforts and the efforts of the people you bring into the business. That is where the action is for you if you don't already have a huge following of people. To repeat: The "HIDDEN FACTOR" is the FOCUS LEVEL in a Simple Pay Plan with a High Percentage Pay Out.


The above sounds simple enough, but you must take it a step further . . beyond only what the beginner needs because for a beginner to be successful, he needs to find some strong networkers in the process. Because of the need for both beginners to participate and strong proven networkers to join,  there is a right place for the focus level.  Having the focus level on the first level defeats the idea of network marketing.  Having the focus level on the second level is better because you have your first level people working for you, BUT THE BEST PLACEMENT FOR THE FOCUS LEVEL IS THE THIRD LEVEL.  Let me explain.  I've already mentioned why having a focus level too deep in the matrix is not good for the beginner so that is understandable, but why would a focus level at the third level be better than one at the second level?  There are two reasons (1) It is reachable for the beginner and at the same time you have two complete levels of people working for you; (2) A third level focus level will still attract strong networkers.  Remember, mentioned that heavy hitters may shy away from programs that don't pay deep for reasons I mentioned above, but with a strong third level focus level, that kind of pay plan can also attract the proven strong networkers.. 

Now . . . let me take it a step further.  If you are fortunate enough to find a program that has a high focus level AND at the same time will bay deep without pricing the product(s) out of the market and without taking the emphasis off the large payout at the focus level, then you will have a powerful compensation plan, indeed.  This combination, however is an industry rarity!

THIS IS IT . . .
You must come to grips with the fact that the only way you are going to become successful in MLM is to start at the beginning and work your way to success. SUCCESS is being in the right *TYPE* of plan and developing people that will stay with you and follow you. They will stay with you IF *THEY* are successful. They will be successful because you have brought them into the RIGHT *TYPE* of PLAN. Now it is time for me to show you the kind of marketing plan that will allow you success as a beginner and at the same time begin developing credibility with the people you bring into the business.  Additionally I want to show you the type plan that is BOTH beginner friendly AND heavy hitter friendly. The marketing plan must have a *FOCUS LEVEL* that is at the TOP of the pay plan (on the third level). This is for the MLM beginner or average MLMer. You have to be able to make money quickly and you must be able to do it where you are working (that's at the top). You see, MLM is nothing more than direct sales, but through a process of networking we work smarter rather than harder. We make a few direct sales for yourself and show those people how to do the same (duplication) and then we collect residuals based upon our efforts and the efforts of the people we sell to. MLM is simply the next level beyond direct selling, but with many more benefits. I do want to clarify myself at this point. I am NOT saying that you should never go into a program that pays commissions over several levels. I'm saying you need to wait until you have a following of people so you can immediately be in profit when you join a program like that. Your goal should be to be able to enter a multi-level paying program that pays several levels deep, BUT DO IT WHEN YOU ARE READY! 

That is all well and fine for the beginner, but the beginner and average MLMer MUST be able to attract the heavy hitter to the program as well. The goal of any networker is to sponsor a "heavy hitter" into the business that he is working.  This is done by having a "heavy hitter friendly" pay plan . . thus one that goes several levels in depth.  Now . . . with a high focus level along with a deep pay plan, you will have a compensation plan for everyone.  The beginner or average MLMer can make money due to the high focus level and the heavy hitter is attracted due to the high focus level AND the deep payout.  When all these factors are combined, you truly have a powerful income-generating compensation plan. 

The PRODUCT has to be something you feel you will benefit from. Besides making money, you must feel you are getting a product you can use. Of course, the best product is one that will be valuable to you in building 

your business, but other products are acceptable as well.   When one believes in the product and believes in the compensation plan, excitement is generated which causes sponsoring to take place. Next is YOUR SPONSORING TEAM! Your sponsoring team is your direct sponsor and any people your sponsor is associated with. This is vitally important because it is your sponsoring team which guides you toward your goal of making big money as quickly as possible. What's even better is a TEAM APPROACH. Through a team approach, people receive the benefits of several people working together, not only for themselves, but for others. That translates into your being able to utilize special marketing tools and techniques the whole group can use causing your performance to be easier and more productive. 

Go To Next Step
Your next step is to be on the lookout for a company/program that has the "hidden factor" in place in their compensation plan.  That means a company/program that pays a large percentage of their commissions at the top . . .preferably on the third level, but if you also find a company that pays deeper keeping the focus level at the top, you should really consider getting involved..  These companies/programs are hard to find because of reasons I stated above, but they do appear from time to time.
 Talking about good news!  I've got it!  What if I can show you a company that pays out over 77% in commissions?  What if I can show you a company that has such a  needed and wanted product that people reorder again and again . . . month after month just to have this product?  What if I can show you a company that has a product so affordable, you would order the product even if you didn't participate in the business opportunity? Suppose I can show you a company that has a FOCUS LEVEL on the third level of the compensation plan that pays a whopping $25.00  to its distributors . . . and what if I can show you a company that pays deep without compromising the focus level?   If that isn't enough, what if I can show you an upline with a turn-key . . automatic business-building system already in place that will make building this business as simple as handing out or mailing out a professional looking and informative brochure an ad sign-up form all in one start-up kit . . .and a online team approach and strategy that is as easy as having your own "Power Team" web page and a FREE Hidden Factor web page where you can send people to for reading this report on your behalf? 

I have been analyzing programs in the networking industry now for over thirteen years and never before have I seen such an incredible number of "success factors" put into one program and one upline!  I have never had the opportunity to lead people to such a tremendous income-generating program as this.   Consider the income potential when you can have an unlimited number of distributors on your third level generating $25.00 each for you month after month.  Consider what your profit potential is when you have a product that is reasonable priced and shipped right to your door!  Consider the simplicity and duplicatiblility that you are provided with when you join with The Master Networker Power Team! 

Please don't delay because an opportunity like this comes maybe only once in a lifetime.  I would hate for you to miss out simply because you failed to review what has surfaced in this industry.   It is time for me to help you utilize and take advantage of this report  so that YOU will make big money quickly.  Let me take you by the  hand, give you your own Hidden Factor personalized web page, and get you started in your own business so you can start making the money you deserve.  Here is what you need to do: 

1.  Mailto: Denis Marcotte 
 2.  Request access to my personal web page by asking that I send you 
     the  URL address of my "Master Networker Power Team" web pages. 
3.  Include your name and email address AND the name of the person 
     or email ad

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