About Direct Homepage Design
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Direct Homepage Design started back in the summer of 1996 when I realized how easy it was to design webpages and was designing pages for friends and family. It started out as a free service, but when college started in the Fall of 1998, I started charging relatively low and reasonable prices for designing pages and creating custom graphics. Fall of 2000 has brought about my first price increase as I realized my services are more valuble, however my prices are still below what professional companies charge because I am a college student doing this on a freelance basis.

About the Designer
My name is Grace Snoke, but if you email me, please call me Grace. I am 21 years old and a college student seeking a degree in Broadcasting. I am married and have one son. I am what is called a freelance designer in this job field. I not only design pages but I also design graphics. I do not have a degree in web design. However, I started designing page before any such degree exsisted. I am taking and plan on taking computer graphics courses while in college. Before you decide for or against me, look at some of the sites I have designed in my Portfolio, then be the judge. For more about me click here: About Grace To read about my family, go here

My Philosphy on Design
I try to make my customer happy by doing what they ask me to do with their site. I'm not happy if you aren't happy and if you're not happy I loose future business because you won't recommend me to someone else.

I don't believe in flashy pages, nor do I believe on having a ton of good overactive items on a page just because they all look cool. I am, and always will be concerned with the look of the page as well as the download time. A page that has a long download time will never be visited again.

Many things have changed since the beginning of web design. Many sites use Flash to make pages snappy and cool, others use just as good programs such as Real Time or Java Script. But the most important part is for the site to be informative, unique and navigational. If its not, then people will not come back to your site again. I promise to try to make your site look good and to attract visitors back again and again.

Contact Information
Grace Snoke
hp_designer@hotmail.com (this is best way to get in contact with me)
402-438-0436 (leave a message)

FAQ Web Design Graphics
Portfolio Links to Other Sites Affiliate Programs I'm a Part of
