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Use the following links to navigate through my graphics portion of Direct Homepage Design. These same links will be at the bottom of every graphics page so that you can navigate through the graphics section easier. Also, if you want to return to this page click the picture like the one above on whatever page you are on. Be patient when downloading pages. They may take time to download depending on your server speed as well as your computer speed. Please do not link pictures directly from this page to your homepage. If you do so, you are stealing bandwith, which is unfair to Angelfire and myself, and you wont get the graphic you are wanting.

Some of these graphics have been made at the request of clients, but I retain the right to them. If you have any questions, or are looking for a CD of my graphics, one will be available shortly.

If you want me to try to design some graphics for you, please email me a description of what you are looking for. If you have any questions, please check out the FAQ section.

Links to My Graphics
Animated GIFS
Button Sets
3D Graphics
Clip Art
Lines and Bars
Other Dividers
Icons, Balls, Squares, Etc.
Unclassified Graphics

FAQ Web Design Portfolio
About DHD Links to Other Sites Affiliate Programs I'm a Part of