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Educational and Behavioral Goals

We provide services beneficial to the growth and advancement of education for teenage girls and for self development and the benefit of the community by promoting family values.

The Program is to give teenage girls an alternative to street gang activities and juvenile delinquency. The goals that we have set forth to accomplish this are:

We provide a structured living and learning environment focusing on family life and family values, which are necessary for the growth and development of teenage girls.

Family Values

Indian Trails promotes and teaches family values in all of its programs. The atmosphere in the home setting is loving, caring, and highly structured. The teaching goals are:

Indian Trail's main purpose is to return the student home, not institutionalized, and not psychosaturated, but as a well adjusted young adult. By focusing on teaching family values and consequential thinking, our success rate is higher than in conventional therapeutic treatment facilities.

Indian Trails
W. 4204 Osage Way
Spokane, WA. 99208

(509) 459-HUGS Phone
(509) 1-800-678-1363 Ext. 8938 Emergency Pager
Email: Indian Trails

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