Indian Trails
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Welcome to Indian Trails. We would like to introduce ourselves. We operate a private alternative placement home in an upper middle class neighborhood in the city of Spokane, Washington. Our home is primarily for teen age girls. However, in the past we have accepted girls as young as 8 years old.

We have been parents for 34 years and we have been licensed by the state of Washington for the last twelve years. Our home life is very structured and family oriented. The girls are placed on a Token Economy System™ and this has made our program very much in demand. We offer effective programs beneficial in reuniting families in crisis as with a failing adoption and for young ladies considered out of control.

When the girls first arrive here, they are on a 60 day period of assessment. During that time they are medically examined by a physician, they are also psychologically evaluated by our licensed clinical psychologist, and placed into counseling. She will be on the Token Economy System™ and acquainted with the rules and regulations of Indian Trails*. Also during this time we will have her school records evaluated for her scholastic needs. After this assessment period, she will then be enrolled as a full time resident/student of Indian Trails*.

We offer programs for girls and their parents who may wish to continue on in our home and to attend college while participating in our Independent Living Program. We have also accepted girls who are expecting or have just delivered and we have been able to accomodate all their needs.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.


Michael & Jeanne Young

Indian Trails
W. 4204 Osage Way
Spokane, WA. 99208

(509) 459-HUGS Phone
(509) 1-800-678-1363 Ext. 8938 Emergency Pager
Email: Indian Trails

* Indian Trails is managed and directed by
Kids Education and Kare - A Non-Profit Organization.
Copyright © 1997 Kid's Education and Kare
A Non-Profit Organization

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