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Graphics Solutions Picture

Io Development are involved in professional graphic solutions in a variety of areas. We will create any graphics solution for you, suitable for any event, publication, exposition or presentation. This covers still images, animations, slide shows, photos and multimedia.


Services in 2D and 3D graphics



Below are samples of graphics produced by Io Development, including stills from .avi movie animations.

Image manipulation and modification
The Unusual Suspects All of these images were created from a single image (bottom-left).

No graphic designers were harmed in the making of this website.


3D Graphics and logo designs
Wireframe Io Logo Rocky Io Logo
Robot foot Robot foot Robot foot Robot foot Robot foot Insignia of the SAS

The wireframe mesh rendition of the Io Development logo was produced from the flat version of the logo, by copying specific points from the outline of the 2D image into a 3D graphics package, then producing 3D models based on the flat polygons.

The cyborg leg skeleton is part of a project which is still in development. The SAS insignia is a reproduction of a badge of the same design.


Composition graphic design

Profile Contacts Application Developer Control Application Logos Invaders 3D Title Screen

All of our graphics are carefully designed with the final purpose in mind. The top right-hand picture shows that graphics need not be extravagant, realistic or complex in order to get the point across to the target audience.


3D Graphic design and animation (screenshots)
Aquatank yellow submarine cockpit ATC intro video screenshot Aquatank yellow submarine Aquatank silver surfer submarine Aquatank UFO side Aquatank UFO front

The pictures above are stills from Io Development's up and coming release ATC (Aquatic Tank Combat). Developed using state-of-the-art 3D graphics software, all of the animations and in-game graphics will look and feel realistic.

Such effects can also be applied to an ordinary logo or picture to add that extra sharp edge to the overall presentation.


If you require our design expertise or have any queries, feel free to contact us.

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