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Welcome to my beloved native country
Puerto Rico
Say NO to sell the Telephone Company
Don't allow the government to hand me to private interest, because I contribute no less than $ 20,000,000.00 dollars yearly to the education of our children's.
From 1992 to 1995, I contributed $ 221.7 million dollars to Puerto Rico's Public School System.
My contribution make possible the approval of one line of credit with
200 millions for the Department of Education.
If they sell me my contribution yearly will disappear for the education of our children's.
To justify the sell of the telephone company, the government say the competition will bring below prices ¡ Ummmmmm !, to hard.
In United States the Telephone Company's are totally en private hands, the telephones rates begin to enhance after the adjustment of the telecommunications.
There are no competition in United State instead the telecommunications are concentrate in a few enterprises, because the biggest corporations are swallowing the small ones.
¡ Ummmmmm ! to another dog with that collar
¡ Say No to sell the Telephone Company !
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