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pentru aprobarea Normelor Metodologice privind privatizarea societatilor cu capital de stat si vanzarea de active precum si Regulamentul de functionare a Fondului Proprietatii de Stat
Government Decision no. 55  for approval of Methodological Norms regarding privatization of companies and sale of assets, as well as Regulation for organization and operations of State Ownership Fund
ANNEX no. 1 Methodological Norms regarding privatization of companies and sale of assets 
TITLE I General Provisions, Definitions
TITLE II Sale of Shares 
Chapter I External Acquisitions
Section 1 Public Offering
Section 2 Sale of Shares and Social Parts through Direct Negotiation
Section 3 General Provisions Pertaining to the Sale of Shares through Public Auction 
Chapter II Internal Acquisitions
TITLE III Sale of Assets
Chapter 1 Sale of Assets with Entire Payment
Chapter 2 Sale of Assets with Payment by Installments 
Chapter 3 Sale of Assets when the Leasing Contracts Terminate
Chapter 4 Common Provisions pertaining to the Sale of Assets
TITLE IV Evaluation of Shares and Assets
TITLE V  Procedure for Dealing with the Environmental Requirements
Chapter 1 Criteria to Start the Procedure for Dealing with the Environmental Requirements in the case of Sale of Shares and Assets
Chapter 2 Requirements for Drafting the Environmental Survey
Chapter 3 Special Contractual Provisions
TITLE VI Sanctions
ANNEX no. 1.1.A By-law of the Association (model)
ANNEX no. 1.1.B Application for buying shares
ANNEX no. 1.2.A Environmental Objectives Type A
ANNEX no. 1.2.B Model of Minimum Accepted Environmental Objectives
ANNEX no. 1.2.C List of the Prospective Liabilities Related to Environment and Identifiable Outside the Balance Sheet 
ANNEX no. 1.2.D  Categories of Environmental Objectives Type B
ANNEX no. 2 Regulations for the Organization and Operations of the State Ownership Fund 
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Chapter 2 Assets of the State Ownership Fund
Chapter 3 Object of Activity of the State Ownership Fund
Chapter 4 Board of Administration
Chapter 5 Auditors 
Chapter 6 State Ownership Fund Branches 
Chapter 7 Salaries, Remuneration and Other Financial Benefits
Chapter 8 Transitory and Final Provisions
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