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Registration procedure of a commercial company with foreign capital participation 
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  Necessary documents 
Romanian Development Agency

 Letter of intention of foreign investor regarding Investment in Romania
State Ownership Fund

  •  Letter of intention of foreign investor regarding Investment in Romania
  •  Protocol signed between foreign investor and Romanian legal person
    Private Ownership Fund

  •  Letter of intention of foreign investor regarding Investment in Romania
  •  Protocol signed between foreign investor and Romanian legal person
    Romanian Development Agency
    getting RDA copnfirmation for investment recording
    State Ownership Fund 
    getting approval from the State Ownership Fund 
    Private Ownership Fund 
    getting approval from the Private Ownership Fund 

    Application for confirmation RDA form
  •  Partnership Agreement (copy) 
  •  Partnership statute 
  •  Annex presenting contribution in kind (copy) 
  •  Quality and guarantee certificate (original) 
  •  Evaluation report (copy) 
  •  Fesability studies (Business plan included) 
  •  Approval from General Assembly of Shareholders on setting up a company with foreign capital participation (official report AGA) 
  •  Certification of incomes and profits in lei (for foreign investor) 
  • FOREIGN INVESTOR - company 

  •  Registration certificate from the country of origine (copy) 
  •  Letter of solvency on the last balance sheet (copy) 
  •  Authorization of the foreign investor representative 
  • FOREIGN INVESTOR - private person 

  •  Criminal record issued by competent authorities from the country of residence (original) 
  •  Criminal record issued by competent authorities in Romania for more than 30 days of residence in the last 12 months 
  •  Passport copy (pages: photo, address, valididy, visa)
    Public Attorney Office
    Cerifying company's agreement/statute

  •  Partnership Agreement (original) 
  •  Company's statute (original)
    Opening a banking account in the company's name and capital deposit according to foundation documents

  •  Certified Partnership Agreement (copy) 
  •  Certified Company's Statute (copy)
    Local Court
    getting Court's decision for authorising company's foundation

    Application for authorisation
  •  Partnership agreement (copy) 
  •  Certified Partnership Agreement (original and copy) 
  •  Certified company's statute (original and copy) 
  •  Certificate for the deposit subscribed capital in Bank  (copy) 
  •  Documents certifying contribution in kind (certified copy) 
  •  Letter of banking solvency 
  • Confirmation of Romanian Development Agency 
  • Certificate for the existence of social headquarter's 
  •  Certificate for the stamp tax payment
    Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR)
    getting CCIR's approval

  •  Partnership Agreement (copy) 
  •  Certified Partnership Agreement (copy) 
  •  Certified Company's Statute (copy) 
  •  Certifying payment of stamp tax(copy) 
  •  Confirmation of Romanian Development Agency (copy) 
  •  Criminal Record - for Romanian natural person (original and copy)
    The Official Gazette
    publishing Court's decision for authorising the company's foundation

  • Court's decision for authorising the company's foundation
    Register of Commerce
    enroll the company becoming

    Enrolling applications
  •  Certified Partnership Agreement (original and copy) 
  •  Certified Company's Statute (original and copy) 
  •  Court's decision (original and copy) 
  •  Certificate for the capital bank deposit 
  •  Documents certifying contribution in kind (certified  (copy) 
  •  RDA's confirmation (copy) 
  •  Certificate for the existence of social headquarter's copy) 
  •  Certificate for the stamp fee payment 
  •  Certificate for the Court's decision publishing in the Official Gazette (copy) 
  • Certificate for the registration fee payment on the Register of Commerce Office
    Tax Office
    company's enrolling to the Tax Office and getting the fiscal code

  •  Certified Partnership Agreement (copy) 
  •  Certified Company's Statute (copy) 
  •  Court's decision (copy) 
  •  Registration certificate in the Register of Commerce (original and copy) 
  •  Certificate for the capital bank deposit (original) 
  •  Certificate for the existence of social headquarter's (copy) 
  •  Certificate for the capital bank deposit (copy) 
  •  Confirmation of Romanian Development Agency (copy)
    Romanian Development Agency
    getting the investor certificate 

    Application for investor certificate (RDA form)
  •  Certified Partnership Agreement (copy) 
  •  Certified Company's Statute (copy) 
  •  Application for enquiry RDA (copy) 
  •  Court's decision (copy) 
  •  Enrolling certifiate on the Register of Commerce and application for enrolling(copy) 
  •  Application for recording mentions (by case) 
  •  Certificate for the capital deposit according to provisions of agreement/statute 
  •  Certifying foreign investor's residence abroad for - natural person - Romanian citizen
  • E-mail me --  Romanian Connection Mailing List
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    Last modified on Saturday, 30-May-1998 21:23:45 EDT