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Knite Enterprises Newsletter: IP protection in this Millennium

Learn How To Protect Your Own Invention

Learn to protect your own IP in this Millennium...Its your Destiny!
Issue 1, January 01, 2000
To Order your IP Protection Kit!

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1. Welcome from the Publisher
2. Biz Tips by Dr. Kevin Nunley
3. Three Sure-Fire Ways to Get 1,000s in FREE Media Coverage for Your Business
4. The News Digest
5. This Week's Web Sites Picks
6. Classified Ads
7. Subscription Management
8. Contact Information
1. Welcome from the Publisher
Welcome to Knite Enterprises LLC's News Letter. You will find our news letter to be informative, sometimes opinionated and easy to understand.

Many of us through life's frustrations leave the circumstances of our destiny in the hands of misplaced values, dreams and arbitrary hopes. For example-In NYC: The Millennium Ball Lottery Game became such a hope for many.

To win one had to beat odds that were astronomically stacked against them. The odds in this game was a frustrating - 53 Million to 1. You had better odds of being struck by lightening. But just before 6PM (5:45PM) in 15 minutes on December 31, 1999 10 Million dollars worth of tickets were sold-which comes out to about 5 Million people.

So, out of 5 Million people, 4.999999 people wasted their time and their money and had to acknowledge (privately to themselves of course) that they were losers. I know,... "you gotta be in it to win it" as my editorial colleagues pointedly reminded me. But "in what" - hoplessness? A waste of time and money? I know what you are saying... its your time and its your money! True, but time is money and money is time and life is too short to waste either one...unless you are a wealthy IMMORTAL!

Some of us understand that the decisions that we make in life will determine the life that we lead. We believe that if people would focus there hope on themselves that there would be an even greater benefit. What do we mean? That instead of playing games of chance with their lives, focus on ones innate ability to problem solve. The average working Man or Woman problem solves on a daily basis under all types of circumstances.

But if they would develop those skills one step further and focus on problem solving on a social/societal basis they would understand how inventors think. Trust me inventors do not succeed by chance. They evaluate the odds, and if favorable they then evaluate its (marketability, plausibilty, feasibility) and if favorable then they invest money and time.

We also believe that everyone should benefit from the fruits of the INVENTION ARENA not just those who have unlimited budgets.

So, our point is, that for the cost of your -say, 6 months- lottery ticket budget you can learn to protect your own invention. Then once protected the odds of theft are greatly decreased, then you can approach outside help with confidence.

This alternative to the PTO process is not meant to replace PTO registration but to add an extra measure of security to the inventors portfolio. However, the inventor could bypass the PTO and negotiate with a buyer and let them deal with the PTO process. Its a win win situation. They have your invention in a full disclosure agreement and you have your financial freedom.

We have found that most people do not follow up on there ideas for two main reasons:

(1) the unavailability funding needed to pursue the Patent Application process and;

(2) the red tape - psychological, financial hurdles required - by the patent pending application procedures from the Patent Trademark Office.

We offer the independent inventor a vehicle utilized daily by corporate entities to protect their interests in an invention until it is ready to be patented. Once the invention is developed and deemed ready by Corporate Officers the patent application is then submitted to the the USPTO.

We offer the independent inventor an alternative option by which they can protect their own ideas, innovation and concepts PRIOR to disclosure of its secrets. The cost of our instruction kit is a fraction of the cost associated with patenting and invention. Our position is that between the date of conception and the final stage development the inventor is volunerable to scams and the unscrupulous. It is our belief that there is a need to have the idea protected before one approaches anyone requiring the inventor to give a full disclosure. Whether that disclosure be for prototype model, draftmen, advertisement, marketing, etc.

Don't leave your DESTINY to CHANCE!

2. Biz Tips by Dr. Kevin Nunley
Dr. Nunley's Biz-Tips by Kevin Nunley

Turn Visitors Into Buyers

One of the downsides of the Net is how hard it is to get visitors to buy what you're selling. Typically 1% or fewer visitors buy. The percentage of visitors that buy is called your "conversion rate."

Imagine if Kmart or Sears got only got one buyer for every 1,000 people who came through the store. Because you don't have to drive across town to get from one web site to the next, consumers are far less likely feel committed to placing an order.

Increase your orders by showing visitors what a great VALUE your product or service is. List lots of benefits the customer will get when they buy. Tell them how your product or service will make their lives better.

Put a link to your order page near the top of your sales copy and another at the bottom. Make sure people always know where to click at the moment they get the urge to buy.

Get Kevin's NEW 49 Lesson E-Business Course. Comes with FREE secure shopping cart, FREE web builder, and FREE hosting. All for just . Affiliate program pays you for every sale. Just released! See
By Earl B.

Media advertising can be expensive. Radio ads cost hundreds, TV spots run into the thousands, and a big newspaper ad can eat up two month's pay in a hurry.

Should your small business give up on ever getting promoted by big media? Absolutely not! housands of media firms are looking for businesses to promote for free. Everyone from major news magazines to your local radio station to your industry's newsletter are looking for good stories to tell.

Here are three of the top ways to get this free advertising for your business.

1. Send out a press release with tips or helpful information that the media audience will appreciate. Editors can't resist good info they know their readers will love. In exchange for you letting them use your good ideas, media will mention your business in the story.

The best way to get this kind of coverage is to send out your own press release. Put your contact info at the top followed by a headline that tells editors what the release covers and why they should read it.

2. Create a VISUAL event TV news won't be able to resist. Use a giant check to donate funds to a local charity. Have customers wrestle in a pool of Jell-O for the key to a free car. TV uses pictures to tell its stories. Express your story in a very visual way and you will immediately interest TV producers. Send your press release to local stations. Call the newsroom with info on your upcoming visual event.

3. Get on radio talk shows. There are thousands of local and national talk shows that are constantly looking for people who can entertain their audiences with good information.

If your area of expertise matches a topic that is in the news, you can easily be a guest on a talk show. Send radio your press release along with a sample list of questions to ask you.

You can stage your own national talk show tour using the telephone in your office.

Earl B. Hall is an expert on using press releases to get free media coverage. Use his NetPower Media Magnet to send your release to 11,000 media contacts. It takes just minutes to insure your business gets in the news and stays there. See In a hurry? Discover the latest tips and trends of web marketing with a FREE subscription to his "NetPower New-World Gazette".

4. News Digest
-> Global Surveyor video sends you sailing over Red Planet. Take a virtual flight over Mars.

-> Little boy with big gun robs bank.Workers were shocked when they realized they'd been terrorized by a child.

-> Clinton to rejoin Israel-Syria talks. Discussions to continue at least until Sunday.

->Arrests follow ruling on Cuban boy. Cuban Americans in Miami on Thursday marched in protest of the Immigration and Naturalization Service ruling to return Elian Gonzales to his father in Cuba.

-> Audible deals with electronics firms will put spoken word on new devices.

-> E-commerce firms start to rethink opposition to privacy regulation.

-> New flu drugs a hit this winter. Experts warn Relenza and Tamiflu don’t replace shots.

5. This Week's Web Site Pick
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makes It Easy to Recover Damaged Word and Excel Files
Concept Data has launched, a website that provides new, effective solutions for restoring damaged Word and Excel files. When valuable Office files become corrupted, Word Recovery version 1.0 and Excel Recovery version 2.1 will recover the maximum amount of lost information with a single click.

6. Classified Ads

Welcome to Knite Enterprises LLC

We offer the independent inventor an alternative option by which they can protect their own ideas, innovation and concepts PRIOR to disclosure of its secrets.

Our instructions booklet is based on years of hands-on experience and will PROVE true ownership. Our web site is very informative and will answer any question that you may have about us.

Please visit us online at the below URL. There is only a ONE time fee of $49.99 + $7.50 S/H ( Regularly $99.99). We accept most major credit cards, send personal checks and money orders payable to Knite Enterprises LLC - 1008 Baker road Va Bch VA 23455 or 194-23 109th road Hollis NY 11412. This is our introductory price and will expires soon. Save money order your IP Protection Kit now!

7. Subscription Management
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For more information you may contact Knite Enterprises LLC by sending email to: Clyde Knight Jr. Exec., Dir.
8. Contact Information
Thanks for your interest.

Warmest regards,

Clyde Knight Jr., Exec., Dir.,

Knite Enterprises LLC

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KE EZince copyrighted January 01 2000

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