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Soul Function
The human soul or the invisible immaterial part of the dichotomy of the human essence is often misunderstood and ignored. The soul like most everything in reality has a function and structure. It has order or logical sequential mechanics enabling it to function. The souls function is to enable us as humans to interpret our reality and to make decisions taking into account the responsibilites and consequences of those decisions. The normal function of the soul whether its mentality is sane or insane is : Thought, Motivaton, Decision and Action. Once an individual is taught to think in there native language(s) the processing of there external and internal environmental stimuli occurs in the order listed above.

The structure of the soul is logical...

1. The soul first starts with the conscience. This is the idioplasma - or id (or ego) as it is referred to by most people. It is also known as the self conscience. The self conscience is the awareness of the soul and body as one entity interpreting and processing environmental stimuli. Idioplasma is the fundamental mass of life tendencies of ones own experiences.

2. The second part of the soul is known as the decision maker or volition. This is where everything that the person has as knowledge and information (thought) on a particular subject or viewpoint (motivation) in life is applied (decision) to there experience (action). Once the mentality evaluates that information according to the norms and standards stored in the conscience then the volition makes a determination on a decision and then an action.

The next part of the soul is divided into two parts - one for extrapulation (a higher form of learning or perception) and the other for normal learning or perception. This part of the soul is known as the mentality of the soul. The mentality of the human soul has several parts or chambers.

3. Left Lobe - Staging area for academically understood information.

4. Right Lobe - Memory center, Viewpoint, Categorical and vocabulary storage areas, Norms and Standards, and a Port for application of viewpoint as Wisdom to our experience.

Now these two lobe of the human mentalty are designed to interpret two types of information. The left lobe of the soul (which corresponds to the left hemisphere of the brain) is for the factual data storage basically (academic understanding)and the right is for creative abstract thoughts. The left lobe of the soul is for information interpreted through empericism or rationalism. The right lobe is for information that is beyond our finite mental capacity to extrapulate.

5. The sixth part of the human soul are the emotions (plural). Again there are two lobes for the emotions that correspondes to the two lobes of the mentality with the same corresponding interpretation of data. The left lobe responds or reacts to the information interpreted from empiricism or rationalism. And the right lobe of the emotions reponds or reacts to the information interpreted through extrapulation.

6. The seventh part of the human soul is the the subconsciousness. This where all the unresolved issues that we feared (played over and over in our thoughts) during our waking hours of the day - wind up. These are the issues that circulated in our stream of consciousness and we did not utilize any problem solving mechanism to resolve them. Now when sleep comes the mind seperates from the body in REM and we dream about this event. The event was worried about and feared and pondered over in anxiety so many times that neuropathways have now been transformed from thought pathways to memory pathwways.

7. The sixth part of the human soul is the often over powering NATURE to supercede our conscience resulting in (False Motivations) produced by Arrogance. When this happens the natural function of the soul is reversed. The flow of interpreted environmental stimuli from the idioplasma to the volition and mentality to the emotions and subconscience are reversed ; from order to disorder; from structured operation to chaos; from inner peace and tranquility to fear and irrationality producing anger, bitterness, vindictiveness, irritableness, implacabilty and jealousies which are then rationalized to psychologically compensate and become ones modus operendi and modus vivendi. Now one reacts to environmental stimuli without thought of consequences and responsibility of decisions and actions: NO INTEGRITY or sense of JUSTICE!. These negative mental attitudes which develop from various Psychological Systems of Adjustment ie. ( Anger, Rationalization, Sublimation etc.) are a detrimental effort to control a real or imagined environmental threat and developes into a sense of (pseudo) self esteem. In the mentality of such a person is the "I come first" - mentality which facilitates the development of a noncaring - depraved attitude toward others leading to: Corruption parlayed and developed from attitudes of Prejudices and Pettiness. If such irrationality and fear are prolonged these neuro-thought-pathways will form into memory-pathways and insanity or the inability to interpret ones environment properly often become permanent.

