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The REM sleep is where the mentality of the soul (the human mind) disconnects from the physical body as a form of protection...scientist call it sleep altered state of consciousness. Dreams are but one of many altered states of consciousness. During this period of REM sleep normal reflexes ie. the kicking when the knee is tapped with reflex hammer do not function. So that the movements and actions that we dream are not translated into physcial reactions of the body. The question often posed by the curious - if we die in our sleep during a dream or physical harm will we die physically or be physically injured in our bodies - the answer is obviously...NO! But some in the scientific world are seriously looking into this possiblity! Hypophysis - the Peneal gland (the third eye or seat of the soul) produces a chemical called 6-Methoxy-tetra-hydro-beta-carboline [6-MeOTHBC] an hallucinogenic that causes us to enter into a virtual world designed to assist us to physiologically and psychologically alleviate some stressor in our daily routine possibly caused by ( possibly sleep debt) aka - Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome - because of something that we failed to deal with in our stream of consciousness. So the subconscious mind now deals with the pressure during sleep. During this stage of sleep the brain gives off the same alph waves as it gives off when we are awake.

Scientist say that with this phenomenon, known as sleep paralysis, often the subject can not move, speak or cry for help. This phenomenon transcends all cultural and ethnic barriers and is identified by a diverse cultural folklore dependent upon which culture one is studying. However, today information is almost omnipresent and instantaneous. Movies, TV, Cable TV, Web TV, Internet TV, news broadcast, books, magazines, radio etc., can reasonably be argued as the source of our vivid imaginations. Here in the Western world sleep paralysis is not the term most people use when referring to there experiences. In order to explain what most are not aware of or don't understand - aliens, hauntings and out of body experiences are used as the explanations. However, as some scientist are quick to point out - what about the paranormal activities that take place in third world countries where the cyber media experience has very little influence. So the questions remains : Is the phenomenon known to us as sleep paralysis - a self preservation function of the idioplasma or an interpretation of paranormal activity? Or is it both phenomena; depending on what stimuli triggers the altered state?

If this is a true aspect of certain of the altered states of travel through the space-time continuum by thought possible? Is the entering another reality a matter of transmitting a certain EM frequency, that the neurotransmissions in the brain do. And if this is true are the frequencies associated with the synaptic transmission during a dream state sychronized with the frequency needed to enter another reality. Or does the transmission of the electrochemical signal enable our souls to look into other realities or dimensions via combination of electrical frequencies tuning our souls in on a specific frequency of alternate reality opening a window into the space time continnuum?

There is research underway by a brilliant British Doctor - Professor Peter Cochrane in the development of a microchip named the "Soul Catcher". The future is now!

Okay. Lets summarize. We have shown you our basis for the development of our weapon system the Sentinnel 2000. In our approach with our explanation we breifly reviewed basic brain function and neuo-anatomy. We also reviewed the Freudian Theory of Psychology along with other scientist' theories on the developement of dreams as an altered state of consciousness and the effects of sleep deprivation and other sleeping disorders on the human soul. We reviewed basic soul function and developed how the mind functions within the soul. Also we developed in our summary how the idioplasma functions - body and soul - as one unit. Then we went further to show how the mind (stream of consciousness) can disassociate from the body during a dream (altered) state of consciousness'. Our hypothesis for the Sentinnel 2000 then is a logical step from the aforementioned developments. The working hypothesis is being developed by Clyde Knight Jr.

