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Safer Beverage Consumption vs Aluminum Cans

Bacteria and viruses are viable outside of a host type (parasitic infestation) environment. Furthermore, there are growing concerns that this natural element (aluminum) may be linked to Alzheimers disease.

A recent report in New Scientist (12 Sep 1998) details the use of gold and silver compounds to kill cancer cells. (Susan Berners-Price and her team at Griffith University in Brisbane Australia, and Mark McKeage of the University of Auckland in New Zealand)

The positively charged gold and silver compounds can cross the mitochondrial membrane of a cell, allowing the compound to disrupt the mitochondria, the energy producing mechanism of the cell. Disruption of the mitochondria leads to rapid cell death. Aluminum compounds are already believed to damage neuron's.

The operation of the mitochondria was first described by Krebbs. They form the commonly known 'Citric Acid Cycle', used by all creatures that do not use photosynthesis for energy. The Citric Acid Cycle is used to metabolize sugars and oxygen into useful energy. To get an understanding of the effects of aluminum and how it and several other compounds disrupte the citric acid cycle of the mitochondria, The Journal of the American Medical Association-(JAMA) published its journal on the subject. There is also information listed in the Periodic table of Elemnents Aluminum(Al)Atomic #13.

Note: I.T.'s position is not to refute any of the Government's or any other Agencies' scientific findings, but to merely provide to the public at large an alternative and safer means of using this particular aluminum product. As far as studies are concerned, right now there seems to be no evidence of any side effects from using this aluminum product nor of the contaminants that are deposited on them....What does this mean to you the individual consumer??? It just may be more cost effective to maintain the status quo than to retool and revamp the aluminum can manufacturing plants to install this drinking device. But again this is an individual concern with political implications and well outside the scope for I.T.'s goal for this site.

