An Internet Study
- The Androgyne
"The Androgyne is the visual representation of Primordial perfection; wholeness; the unconditioned state; autonomy; paradise regained; the reunion of the primordial male-female forces; the union of heaven and earth, king and queen, the two becoming ONE, the all-mother and the all- father."
- Women's Life in Greece and Rome
"Because she bore a man's spirit under the appearance of a woman, they called her Androgyne."
- Qu'est-ce que l'androgynie?
"Le mot 'androgyne' est issu de deux racines grecs, 'andros' qui signifie 'homme' et 'gunê', 'femme'. Une personne qui peut être qualifiée d'androgyne est celle qui aurait des caractéristiques physiques des deux sexes."
- Native American Page
"In many traditional Native American cultures there existed a role for those people that were born with two Spirits, Male and Female."
- Berdache
"'Berdache' is
a eurocentric term primarily referencing a physical act, and is unlike many of the Native terms which generally refer to a combination of spiritual
qualities most often translated as 'he-she' or 'halfman-halfwoman'."
- Eugnostos the Blessed
"In the beginning, he decided to have his likeness become
a great power. Immediately, the principle (or beginning) of that Light appeared as
Immortal Androgynous Man. His male part is 'begotten , perfect mind'. And his female name is ,
'all-wise begettress Sophia' It is also said that she resembles her brother... She is uncontested truth ; ..."
- Ruminations on Zen's Cows: Part V, Androgyny in Spiritual Alchemy
"Let us, for the moment, suppose that the Oxherding pictures and the contest between human and wild bull in southwestern Europe have to do with a mysterious spiritual state called androgyny, or the union of opposites, or divine marriage. Before we can go further with this supposition, let’s consider this 'mysterious' spiritual state."
- Mode: Androgyny
"Understood in its broadest sense, androgyny signifies the One which contains the Two, namely both the male and the female. It is an archetype inherent in the human psyche. "
- Swinburne's Philosophy of Androgyny
"This ideal of the "perfect spiritual
hermaphrodite" can be seen, like Yeats's Byzantine spirits, as a mystical vision of the prelaspsarian harmony of soul which characterized man
before incarnation [birth], or as the asexual organicism to which he returns after death. . . . "
- Books on Gender and Ancient Spirituality
"...An excellent source filled with an immensity of information on
gender-variance in the remote past... "
- T.L. Long/"Julian and Medieval Gender"
"In ' . . . And Woman His Humanity': Female Imagery in the Religious Writing of the Later Middle Ages" (the fifth chapter of Fragmentation and Redemption), Bynum explores the female images of God used by women mystics, who she contends employed such imagery less to mark gender than to represent androgyny."
- What-U-Seek - SensiSurf (tm)
Beryl. Strengthens heart CTR for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty... Androgynous..."
- The Divine Androgyne: Images
"Labyrinth clothing is a collision of cultures and eras... With the androgyne in mind and the spirit to guide, we are aiming to replace limited images and views about clothing with a new
- Labyrinth Phassions and Costumes
"Oft werden sie als Zwitter bezeichnet. Menschen mit angeborener Intersexualität erfahren von Anfang an: Menschsein bedeutet ein Rollenverhalten von Mann ODER Frau anzunehmen."
- Nattiez, J.: Wagner Androgyne
"That Wagner conceived of himself creatively as both man and woman is central to an understanding of his life and art."
- MTO 2.1: McCreless, Review of Nattiez, Wagner Androgyne
- Chopin Studies 2
"The essays explore Chopin as classical composer, as salon composer, as modernist, as 'otherworldly', as androgyne, and define aspects of his musical language, including narrative
structures, progressive tendencies and functional ambiguity.
- Mills College Undergrad Population
"...I consider my gender to be: ___female ___male ___androgyne ___none..."
- [DISTANCE LEARNING: Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA]
"ANDROGYNE SYMBOLS IN WORLD RELIGIONS: Androgyny has been a primal symbol in world religions since the Stone Age. The image of divine male & divine female, conjoined as one being,
represents the perennial teaching of nonduality.
- Song to Thee Divine Androgyne
- The Feminine Soul
"'According to Gnostic teachings' the soul is a female (the Greek word for soul, psyche, is feminine). Originally she is a virgin, androgynous in
form, living in the presence of the heavenly Father.
- Androgyny in Christianity (Summary of Dissertation)
"...Androgyny according to seven authors: Chapter 1 Prologue: androgyny in the works of Gunning and Von Baader and the subject of this study;
Chapter 2 Androgyny according to Jacob Boehme: introduction; Chapter 3 Androgyny according to Jacob Boehme: man and woman in God and in the creation;
Chapter 4 Androgyny in John Scottus Eriugena; Chapter 5 Androgyny in Philo and its context;
Chapter 6 Androgyny in the Gospel of Thomas; Chapter 7 Androgyny in the Gospel of Philip...
- Jacob Boehme Resources
- Inclusive Language for God
- The Philosophy of Perfection
"During the eighteen million years since the awakening of
Manas, the modes of creativity and birth have shifted from the
androgyne state of the earlier human races to the present
separation of the sexes."
- De La Genèse à la Genèse
"Dieu vit ce qui était arrivé aux esprits déchus, et, dans sa Sagesse, Il réalisa qu'afin d'expérimenter pleinement la création, sans se rabaisser au
niveau de l'animal, les esprits avaient besoin d'un corps éthéré, bien à eux, un corps supérieur, qui leur permettrait de jouir des beautés du
cosmos, sans avoir recours aux autres formes matérielles. C'est ainsi, que, formant dans son Esprit Divin la pensée d'un corps parfait, à son
image, et doté de tous Ses attributs, Dieu créa l'homme androgyne."
- Astrologie - NetNadir - Les 10 Planetes
- Catalogue ELLUG: notice du livre L'androgyne romantique, du mythe au mythe littéraire
"Utilisant les méthodes durandiennes de la mythocritique et de la mythanalyse,
l'auteur cherche successivement : à identifier, à travers un large corpus mythologique, philosophique et ésotérique,
le mythe de l'androgyne et, en particulier, à dégager son scénario minimal; à comprendre les conditions de sa réactualisation à l'époque romantique;
- Le Couple
"Dieu créa donc l'homme à son image ; il le créa à l'image de Dieu, et il les créa mâle et femelle » (Genèse 1-27). En fait cette création angélique était
androgyne et ce n'est qu'après la révolte de l'ange, voir référence biblique, qu'il fut 'coupé' , homme et femme, et séparé de Dieu."
- Les Anges
"L'anagramme ou la cabbale de ce mot est GEN'AL, 'qui fait naître Dieu' (du moins la notion en l'Humain) ou 'naissance d'un dieu'.
Mettez la clef de la lettre 'I' symbolisant l'Esprit, vous obtenez : GEN I AL : L'Intelligence.
Mais sachez que l'intelligence humaine ne vaut rien si elle n'est liée au divin.
L'ANGE = L'AE + 'GN' : l'engendrement du Couple Androgyne, l'Adam-Eve primordial.
- Gender in Alchemy
" seems to me that the alchemical tradition, and particularly the androgyne, presents a model of true equality and union for men and women, and to
refine and give birth to this potential seems a proper challenge for the alchemists of today."
- Explorations into Self-Discovery Through Mythology, History and Science
"The androgyne is stalking through the land. Men feel its shadow... cease to cling to their harsh, cramped male roles and persuasions.... Women it awakens to neat, icily defined new spaces, to precisely coordinated planes, into which they start calmly picking their way..."
- Tables of Contents for Volume III of Parabola Magazine
- Sir Richard Francis Burton: "Terminal Essay"
"Plato (Symp.) is probably mystical when he accounts for such passions by there being in the beginning three species of humanity, men, women and men-women or androgynes."
- Lilit, Malkah ha-Shadim
"As Adam's 'other half' (literally), the whole Adam must include her. The androgynous/hermaphroditic Adam-Lilith in union was the original
form of humanity."
- Philosophical Research, Line Art From Rare Manuscripts
- Gays and Lesbians Encounter Gender Confusion!
"Androgynes are individuals who take on the characteristic of either 'both' or 'neither' genders."
- Numerology2
"Zero represents the Cosmic Egg, the primordial Androgyne---the Plenum. Zero as an empty circle depicts both the nothingness of death and yet the
totality of life contained within the circle."
- 16 - Star
- 18 - Sun
- 21 - World
"An androgynous female figure dances in a oval field surrounded by four heads. She has two faces that look in opposite directions, a golden
male face looking to our left and a silver female to our right;..."
- Sexual Personae
- Tantra
"In this way, re-born as a genuine Androgyne of the Secret Tradition -- magical child of SHIVA and SHAKTI -- the Individual Spirit will have access to the highest levels of Consciousness."
- Transgendered and Transsexual Glossary
"Androgyne 1. A person whose biological sex is not readily apparent, whether owing to chance or choice..."
- A Parent's Dilemma
"This is particularly so for young adults, although as most
progress toward adulthood they will adopt a firmer gender orientation leaving only a small proportion who permanently self-identify as
androgyne individuals..."
- About Our Transgendered Children
- Coming Out Christian
- Transgender Questions and Answers
"Within the community and my private practice it has been my observation that transvestites commonly remain the same, transsexuals may frequently recognize a new sexual orientation directly correlating to their primary gender identity, transgenderists can go either way, and androgynes remain the same."
- Transgenderism: Transgressing Gender Norms
- FTM [Female-to-Male] Writings - Words for Masculine Women
"ANDROGYNE: a person with physical traits of male and female;..."
- Transsexualism: Notes for Employers
"This document is intended to provide guidance to Managers and Employers of persons diagnosed with
- Transitions That Work
"Help for Employers with Transsexual Workers..."
- Goddess in India and Tibet: Glossary
"ANDROGYNE VS HERMAPHRODITE - The Oxford English Dictionary considers the two terms synonymous when referring to nature outside the
human realm. However, with respect to humankind, there are distinctions which can be made."
- Gender: Transgression and Transcendence
"Jonson, Shakespeare, and the Early Modern androgyne. This site provides a look at the figure of the hermaphrodite in Renaissance England, both as a 'social monster' and as an emblem of union--as a beastly spectacle of mutation and as a symbol of integration."
- Intersex Society of North America (ISNA)