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Welcome to the HECTOR BERLIOZ
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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Brief synopsis' of the most popular classical music compositions by
Louis-Hector Berlioz...
Born: French, La Cote-Saint-Andre, Isere 11 DEC 1803
Died: Paris, 8 MAR 1869
Writer, Composer of Operas, Orchestral Works, Choral Works
Pieces for Solo Voice and Orchestra

  • Berlioz 'Beatrice and Benedict' Overture

  • Berlioz 'Benvenuto Cellini' Overture

  • Berlioz 'The Corsair' Overture

  • Berlios 'Damnation of Faust

  • Berlioz Fantastic Symphony
    Passions, A Ball, Scene in the Country, March to the Scaffold, Witches' Sabbath. Berlioz first great work still remains his best known and most performed. FP at the Paris Conservatory on December 5th, 1830 on an all Berlioz program. It was planned in 1829 and composed between January and April of 1830. It was subtitled 'An Episode in the Life of An Artist' and is loosly based on his own life. He poured his efforts into the composition with intense passion inspired by his affection for actress Harriet Smithson. In time, after her fading popularity, he married her in 1833 but they broke up in 1841. As to the rumors of his being under the influence of opium during the writing of the piece, Berlioz said he was never an addict.

  • Berlioz Harold in Italy
    In many ways this is a program concerto for viola and orchestra. Commissioned by the 19th century virtuoso Nicollo Paganini. It is based on Byron's "Child Harold" depicting scenes like 'Harold In the Mountains', 'March of the Pilgrims', 'Mountaineers serenade to his Sweetheart' and 'Orgy of the Brigands'.

  • Berlioz King Lear Overture

    Berlioz Les Troyens

    Berlioz Nuit d'Ete

  • Berlioz The Roman Carnival Overture

  • Berlioz Requium

  • Berlioz Romeo and Juliet Overture, Op 17

  • Berlioz Royal Hunt and Storm from "The Trojans"

  • Berlioz Symphony Fantastique See Fantastic Symphony.
    FP at the Paris Conservatory in 1830 on an all Berlioz program. It was planned in 1829 and composed between January and April of 1830.

  • Berlioz Symphonic funebre and triumphale

  • Berlioz Te Deum
    Finished in 1849. It uses material dating from 1846 from unpublished fragments marked for two choruses and large orchestra. FP in Paris, 1855.

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