Teen Court Volunteer Suspension Notice Based upon Unsatisfactory Performance
Date: ______________________
To: _______________________
Department: _____________________
Dear: ___________________,
You received written notice of certain performance deficiencies on _____________,19___. At that time, you were given a warning that, unless your level of performance improved, further disciplinary action would be taken including possible suspension.
Since then, I have attempted to assist you in the following manner: ___________________
However, your performance continues to be unsatisfactory, in the following areas: _____________________________________________________________________
Commencing on ____________, 19___ and continuing through ___________, 19___, you are suspended from your duties, without compensation.
Although I shall attempt to assist you in remedying the above problems, I must inform you that any further disciplinary action taken may include the termination of your participation.
___________________________ _________________
Signature Date
I hereby acknowledge receipt of this warning:
___________________________ _________________
Volunteer Date
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