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Many Courts around the Country are attempting to locate funds

for the purpose of establishing or continuing a Teen Court Program

The National Teen Courts of America And Teen Clubs of America, Inc.

A Not-For-Profit Organization

is interested in establishing District Teen Court Program wherever appropriate

In addition, it is the intent of the

National Teen Courts of America And Teen Clubs of America, Inc.

to co-sponsor with other local organizations

that will assist in the operation of the District Teen Court Programs

The District Teen Court Programs are designed to be self-supporting

and operational without continued funding at tax payers' expense

Similar to the manner a defensive driving program operates without taxpayers assistance

All copyrighted documents and court orders are provided for the referring courts

at no cost and include instruction on their proper use

Referrals can began immediately on the day the documents are provided to the Courts

The documents are simple and easy to use and require less than 5 minutes of instruction

Any Court dealing with Juveniles

May request the establishment of a District Teen Court Program in its area

Questions that must be answered before the establishment of a District Teen Court Program include

1) How many cases will be referred on a weekly and monthly average basis?

2) If needed, will the referring court allow the use of its facilities on a Saturday to operate the District Teen Court Program

3) A District Teen Court operates efficiently with a minimum of twenty referral cases a month, and if the referring court cannot refer that many cases are there one or more nearby courts that will refer other cases as well?

District Teen Court Programs will be established on a first come first serve basis and it is the intent of the National Teen Courts of America And Teen Clubs of America, Inc. to make the District Teen Court Program available to a minimum of 100 cities before May, 1998.

Any Court interested in the establishment of a Certified and Classified District Teen Court Class I of the National Teen Courts of America And Teen Clubs of America, Inc., may write to

"District Teen Court Funding"

c/o P. O. Box 17513, San Antonio, Texas 78217-0513.