Records of the month:
Sleater-Kinney - The Hot Rock
Brandon Grimes
The Hot Rock isn't so much an atom bomb as it is a bevy of tiny
hand grenades, but it still blows you away.
Joe Henry - Fuse
Lane Hewitt:
Joe Henry succeeds in making an album almost as weird
as Trampoline while at the same
time, settling into a practically decadent groove.
Also in this issue ...
Elfin Goodness
Brandon: With A Dream In Sound, Elf Power joins the Elephant 6 elite.
Lane: Apple Venus Volume 1 contains some of the best songs
you'll hear all year.
Brandon: This album's so horrid I somehow managed to buy it twice.
Brandon: Motorhead did a song called "Bad Religion", and they
should be ashamed. Bad Religion also did a song called "Bad Religion".
An album-by-album overview of the Cali pop-punkers' long career.
Hey, recording boy ... you got something you want No Ugly Babies to review?
E-mail us. We're accepting submissions.
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