Yes. We accept all unsolicited submissions for review - and until that day when we're completely overwhelmed by your submissions, we'll review them all. Submissions for the next issue of No Ugly Babies should be in our hands by the 15th of the previous month in order to be reviewed for the next month's issue - however, due to the fact that we're just a two-man staff with jobs and whatnot (what, you think this 'zine sustains us?), we can't guarantee that it'll be reviewed for the following month - for instance, a submission received on the 10th of this month has a lot better chance of making it into the following issue than a CD or cassette received on the 15th. Plus, you have to take into account that we're bastards. And when you deal with bastards, you never know what you're in for.
We also accept naked girlie pics.
What genres of music do we accept? It's hard to categorize - your best bet would be to look at what we've already reviewed in the past (here are our archives) and make a decision from there.
What is our address? Use one of these two for any correspondence, submissions, etc.
Lane Hewitt
425 1/2 E. Kirkwood Ave. #2
Bloomington, IN 47408
(Lane also accepts naked girlie pics.)
Brandon Grimes
601 W. 5th St. #2
Bloomington, IN 47404
(Brandon doesn't have a problem with naked girlie pics, he supposes. On second thought, send them to Lane. Brandon will see them later anyway.)