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"Just Enjoy! ........................................"

new november 13th, 1997

FREE CANDY! As if you didn't get enough candy at Halloween, here's some more!
FREE KANGAROO KIDS FUN TOYS! Neat! Sounds exciting!
FREE LIP PENCIL! Great, but what am I going to do with it?
FREE BIRTHDAY GIFT FROM GEOFFREY THE TALKING GIRAFFE! If it's from Toys 'R Us I'm sure it's going to be something great...hopefully a $25 gift-certificate?
FREE DOGS AND CATS FOR YOUR COMPUTER! These crazy little creatures run rampant on your desktop until you discipline them to death...what fun!

new november 3rd, 1997

FREE HUNDREDS OF AUTOGRAPHED BOOKMARKS! Go check out this month's autographed bookmarks from eclectics (Last months were pretty good too!)
FREE PEN, MAGNET, OR BUMPER STICKER! Cant have too many of those! You have to fill out a survey to get 'em. Worth looking into!
FREE RIBBON SHREDDER! Not bad! About a half a year ago some other company was offering a ribbon shredder too, but I never got it...
a former bob's pick of the week. Ostri-Bob's Original Ostrich Meat Stix!

new october 28th, 1997

FREE A WHOLE BUNCH OF STUFF! Get stuff like a free key ring, a bak (whatever that is) & more!
FREE CAT LITTER! Great! I'll give it to my cat Blue!
FREE EARRINGS! Neat! Get a free pair just for requesting a catalog!
FREE PANTYHOSE! For our lady audience (or strange guys) sign up to be a Leggs consultant and get free pantyhose!
FREE STRESS BALL! For companies only (ya, sure!) Lie and make up a company & you got yourself a free stress ball!
FREE MOBIL SPEED PASS THING! Requires Credit Card info, but it's still free.

new october 18th, 1997

FREE GARFIELD STUFF! Get a whole bunch of stuff like stickers, a membership card, & a personalized letter! neat! You were supposed to buy a camera to get this great deal, but who's going to know?!
YET ANOTHER FREE $10 PHONE CARD! Not bad, but is there some catch were not seeing? Be sure not to sign up for any phone companies!
FREE ORGANIZER! If your like me, than chances are you'll need this!
FREE CA$H FOR READING YOUR E-MAIL! Sounds like it could be a pretty bad deal ( .25 for welcoming you to the club) & you dot get anything until you've reached $100.
FREE SHAVING STUFF! Once you fill out the registration just say your not a "Edge GEL" user & you'll get a free sample! not bad!
FREE TREE SEEDS! Neat! As if we didn't have enough trees in the backyard as it is!
a former bob's pick of the week. SUPER SLIPPERY VIRGIN PLASTIC BEDLINER!

new october 11th, 1997

FREE LIQUID AMINOS - THE MIRACLE WATER! I really don't think I'm going to try this stuff...some old guy invented this stuff & god knows what he did to it...
FREE CARD THAT MAKES YOU SMARTER! You get one card that is supposed to make you smart & a coupon for $2 off another one!
FREE KEYBOARD COVER! This clever little invention makes it so you can dump water on your keyboard & it wont even brake! Neat!
FREE SALT! Talk about exciting!
FREE VIDEO FOR COPYING OVER! Another stupid golf video that's only use is for copying over.
FREE CAMERA FILM! Sounds pretty good to me!
a former bob's pick of the week. FREE CAMPING FOOD!

new october 5th, 1997

FREE CANDLE! I'm going through a huge candle phase right now, & you have no idea how excited I was to see this!
FREE BIRTHDAY PRESENT! Get a neat little present for your birthday! My birthday is soon coming up on November 19th!

new september 27th, 1997

FREE LETTER FROM A GREAT GAL! Get a "free" letter from my favorite pal Penny-Paige for anyone who writes to her! Not bad!
FREE CASH FOR DOING SURVEYS! Sounds pretty good to me! They pay anywhere from $1 to $4!
FREE HOT & COLD TEA AND A WHOLE BUNCH OF MORE STUFF! Hey this is pretty cool! I love tea!
FREE DEBT SUCKS BUMPER STICKER! Hey that's pretty cool!
a former bob's pick of the week. FREE AUNT IDA'S COOKIES!

new september 20th, 1997

FREE VINYL STICKER! You get to choose from "No Smoking" & "No Soliciting" Not bad!
FREE LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT! You have to tell Bill your baby's name & when it was born & he'll send you a congratulations letter! I think I'm going to pretend I had a kid!

new september 14th, 1997

FREE GUITAR STRINGS! Not bad! I can use these!
FREE GUITAR PICK! Another Guitar thing! How cool!
FREE LOTS OF COOL STUFF! This is one of the coolest offers I've seen in awhile! You get to choose from a load of different things like a retractable pen, a matchbook condom, an auto litter bag, many different stickers, and a whole lot more! You cant miss this!
FREE MORE LOTS OF COOL STUFF This time it's music stuff! You get to choose from alot of stickers, a 7" record, cassettes, & more! Check it out!
a former bob's pick of the week. FREE BIRD GUARD SPIKES!

"Keep those Dirty Birds off your House!"

new september 7th, 1997

FREE BOOKMARK! Wow I even know how to make those!
FREE NEAT JAVA POSTER! Great for taking up space, but not too exciting...
FREE GLOBETROTTER POSTER! Another great poster!
FREE LIPS STICKERS! Why you'd want stickers with lips on them is beyond me, but they look interesting...
FREE $10 CALLING CARD! Cant have too many of these!
FREE PSYCHIC ADVICE! Similar to the one offered by Sara Frieder (That stupid psychic wont stop hounding me to buy her services...the only problem is it costs $200!) only this one is alot better & you can ask him anything! Sounds great!
FREE INCENSE! Even though you have to pay $1 & send it through main the offer was too cool to pass up!

send $1 postage and handling to:

Incense stick sample pack
mountain scents 637
pioneer ca 95666

a former bob's pick of the week. FREE CATFISH RECIPE BOOK!

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