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Ross O'Neal
The finest hands on training from a Master in the trade.
Graduate of the
Paris Institute of Specialty Painting and Decorating 
In one week learn to enhance your professional painting skills.
Boost your
EARNING POTENTIAL and broaden your market place while making your own sample boards of the hottest finishes on the market during the course.
Why is it the rage all of a sudden, it's been around for hundred's even thousand's of years, it isn't something new, broken color techniques or faux finishing, what ever the term you want to use. One thing for sure it is not a fad, that's here today and gone tomorrow, it is here to stay. We are returning to the arts, reentering a new period of renaissance. We are tired of plain walls, you see it in every magazine, don't be left behind cash in now with the finest training available.

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This site was created by O'Neal Coatings Inc. Artist and Gilders Studio
Copyright © 1998 O'Neal Coatings Inc. Artist and Gilders Studio
Created July 7, 1997
Last Updated
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