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Specializing in
Faux Finishes, Gilding, Murals, Restoration, Painting and Wall covering

Our Mission Statement

At O'Neal Coatings Inc. our vision is to be recognized by our customers as the finest, most customer focused contractor in the Delaware Valley and beyond delivering the finest quality craftsmanship and best value for your investment in Painting, Murals, Wall covering, Gilding, Decorative Faux Finishes and Restoration.

We believe:
T hat creating satisfied customers is the best way to achieve our vision. We are passionate in our mission to deliver beyond what is expected.

T hat our people are the most important part of our business and the primary source of ideas for improving our methods, quality, productivity, and service. Our success as a company is totally dependent on our people's success as professionals and individuals.

I n providing unparalleled quality and service to our customers by doing things right the first time and providing our customers with the most cost effective method available.

W e believe that growth and profits are an outgrowth of excellence in executing our mission. We will not grow at the sacrifice of our mission of executing excellence.

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This site was created by O'Neal Coatings Inc. Artist and Gilders Studio
Copyright © 1998 O'Neal Coatings Inc. Artist and Gilders Studio
Created July 7, 1997
Last Updated
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