Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference
February 11-15, 1999 University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
Towards the Next Millennium: Disaster Mental Health Learning from the Past and Planning for the Future
The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for presentation of research results in Disaster Mental Health Services (DMHS), advances in delivery of DMHS, discussion and sharing of information, ideas and plans, development of a DMHS research and service delivery network, presentation of continuing education training for DMHS professionals, training for newly recruited DMHS volunteers, and publication of program proceedings and papers for dissemination to DMHS professionals. Presentations will be limited to 30 minutes each and should include time for questions or discussion. Papers and poster sessions are equally welcomed.
_________________________________________________________________________ Major theme areas decided upon are:
PTSD, CISD and Debriefing
Children and Families in Disasters
Mass Casualty and Airline Disasters
Follow-up Counseling/Therapy for Victims and Workers
Terrorism and Disaster Mental Health Proposed Audience: This is a National Level Conference and the audience will include Disaster Mental Health Professionals and other interested Mental Health Professionals and Researchers and Trainers/Educators from throughout the country. Paper/Poster Session Submission: A cover sheet with the title of the proposed presentation, the name(s) and title(s) of presenter(s), the address, telephone number, FAX number, and E-mail address of the contact person. Indicate whether submission is for a paper or poster session. Authors are requested to submit an abstract of 50 words or less, suitable for the program, describing the content of the session. Papers for publication must be submitted camera-ready and conform to the following specifications: Times Roman, 10-point type font, single spacing with 12-point leading, two column format with 1/8 inch between columns using 81/2 by 11 inch paper with margins of one inch on the left and, 3/4 inch on the right, and 3/4 inch margins on the top and bottom. References in the text should follow APA style. Authors should submit three copies of their papers for peer review by September 1, 1998. After completion of the review,authors will be notified of acceptance by October 1, 1998. Mail to: George W. Doherty Refer questions concerning the conference to: Conference Chair 1-800-448-7801, ext 2 or (307) 766-2124 Disaster Mental Health Conference P.O. Box 786 Laramie, WY 82073-0786 For information about prominent presenters and conference format, visit the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference Web Site: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Conference sponsored by:
Disaster Mental Health Lead-Wyoming Red Cross, Behavioral Health Services-Ivinson Memorial Hospital, Laramie, WY, Wyoming Psychological Association, State of Wyoming Division of Behavioral Health- Department of Health, Department of Counselor Education-University of Wyoming, Wyoming Counseling Association, Wyoming Association of Social Workers, O'Dochartaigh Associates, Laramie, WY.
1. Background and reviews of literature and research in Disaster Mental Health Services, establishing the need for such services at disaster sites for both victims and disaster workers. 2. Presentations on the mental health needs and responses in different types of disaster settings with specific examples. These will include, but not be limited to: A. Mass Casualty Disasters B. Major Airline Disasters C. Widespread Major Disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes D. Local and/or regional disasters such as flash floods, tornadoes, winter storms, etc. E. Terrorist situations, e.g. bombings F. Individual or family disasters, e.g. house fires 3. Focus groups to share ideas and ways to effectively address identified mental health needs. 4. Presentations and Poster Sessions: A. How to innoculate against probable posttraumatic stress disorder. B. Role that DMHS professionals in private practice and others play in follow-up for disaster victims and workers. C. What to expect psychologically, emotionally and behaviorally following a disaster. D. How children are affected by disasters. E. Role of the local community Mental Health Center post-disaster. F. How to develop adequately trained Mental Health Teams to respond effectively and in a timely manner. G. How DMHS interacts and cooperates with other disaster relief functions. H. Role DMHS plays in meeting Mental Health needs during and post-disaster for disaster relief workers. I. How disasters affect poor, minorities, women, rural areas and others. J. Provisions needed to be made for non-English speaking disaster clients. K. Others.
CONFERENCE LINKS: Conference Outline Conference Cover Page Conference Supporters Conference Committee Conference Budget Conference Executive Summary